Tuesday 8 December 2015


I seem to have lost my feet in this photo!
One of the best things about being retired from paid employment is being able to volunteer and give something back to my local community where I've lived now for almost 35 years. When I first retired I spent 4 months at CAB (Citizens Advice Bureau) on their pilot scheme for telephone advice. The pilot was not successful so it was dropped, and as I didn't want to do the face to face thing I looked for something else to do. I did do some paid work for  about 12 months on and off; Home Carer, postal votes opening, poll clerk on election day and invigilation at the university I used to work for.

About 6 weeks ago I started at our local food bank run by the Trussell Trust. I volunteer in the warehouse where I've marked up the donations by use by date and made up food parcels for individuals, couples and families. It's wonderful to see how generous people are and of course the supermarkets donate regularly as do churches, schools and other organisations. It's only a few hours a week but I really enjoy it. I walk there and back so that's 45 minutes brisk walking in total - more exercise for me which is always good! Here's what I wore today:

The jeans, t shirt and kimono are charity shopped. The boots are from a Tesco's outlet and cost £4.00. I recently took them to be re heeled and was told it would £10.00! I'll just have to throw them away when the heels have had it. I don't want to live in a throw away society but when it costs more to repair than to replace you're forced into it - damn...

The necklace was a present from my daughter and the earrings are from Sainsbury's (again!) bought when they were 25% off.

My other volunteering started 4 weeks ago and I'm really loving it. Half a day at 'Save the Children' charity shop in town. The first two weeks we were short staffed so I stayed  in the shop; helping customers, taking in donations and trying to sort them and being on the till. For the past two weeks I've been out the back sorting donations, labelling, pricing and sometimes putting out in the shop. Honestly, its like Christmas every time you open a bag or box - you just don't know what you're going to find!

I have to say my least favourite things are men's clothes. On the whole they are so boring and dull..... I'm also a bit shocked at the tat some people donate - leggings with no crotch anyone? No, I'm not talking about sexy clothing here! That reminds me that earlier in the year several 'cash for clothes' shops sprung up. You took unwanted clothing items in - well I didn't - weighed them and got cash for them. They've disappeared now. Did you have them in your area? Are they still there? All a bit of mystery..

Anyhow, of course I haven't been coming home empty handed. We don't get staff discount and volunteering here is not helping my clothes buying habit at all, but what's a girl to do with all these lovely bargains? So far, I've bought:

Wool (!)
Pack of notelets
Plastic cereal container
Summer Palazzo pants (rescued from ragbag) for 50p
Brand new Robert Galbraith hardback book
Waistcoat ( featured here)

What will I get next week?

I'm off to link up with Patti's  Visbile Monday- at http://notdeadyetstyle.com/ 
I'm a bit late so I hope she doesn't mind!


  1. You're not late - you're just right! Love your thrifted boots, and I hope you enjoy them for a good while. I volunteer at a charity shop too, and often say, "Didn't these people have a trash bin at home?" : >


  2. The Trussell Trust are a fantastic charity, good for you!
    Lovely outfit, the kimono top and necklace are fantastic on you.
    £10 to get boots repaired? Is that the heel tips? They're £2.95 here - I use an independent cobbler not that well known chain.
    I love men's clothes. The sublime tailoring, the clever lining, distinguishing the era from the number of buttons. Crotchless leggings? No! I spent 10 years as a chazza volunteer and I still shudder at the dead dog we had donated. xxx


My final blog post

Hello and welcome!  It seems a long time since I last posted but as you know we went to Ireland for a month and I've been very busy sinc...