Monday, 5 September 2016

I'm back...older and wiser!

I got back on Sunday night at midnight after 5 weeks away. I had to get up for the school run on Monday morning and to volunteer at Save the Children. I so wanted to stay in bed. I didn't get my unpacking done until Monday afternoon.

I wore this outfit before I went away and these photos are from then. I wore it again today but with a different pair of trousers - white linen ones with the legs rolled up. The top came from the Save the Children shop and was £4.00. The top was just right just right for the very humid day it was today.

On the plane to Malaga with my two younger grandsons; Isaiah aged 11 and Amari aged 6. They fought like cat and dog the entire week we were in Spain....

My lovely daughter, Jessica. This was taken in Comares our nearest town - it was beautiful, with lots of Moorish influences.

This was the first time I'd been to Spain. It was too hot for me. I thought, because we were staying in the mountains, it would be cooler. It wasn't. I melted. I wilted. I'm hopeless in the heat. My brain goes to mush; my eyes hurt and water; I get the picture. I spend all the time seeking shade and haven't got the energy to do much. Next time we'll go in May or June and probably without the kids!

This was the villa where we stayed. There were 3 apartments and ours was down the steps to the right of the pool. Amari learnt to swim underwater and pick up things from the bottom of the pool. We spent a lot of time in the water...

Daughter driving up the mountain to the villa. It was like a corkscrew with the amount of bends; there was no barrier and the drop was hundreds, if not thousands of feet...I hate heights and had to close my eyes or shield them each time we went up or down the mountain. My daughter had never driven on the right hand side of the road before and she was brilliant - if a bit stressed by it! I can't drive on the right hand side. I get my left and right muddled up in my daily life and wouldn't trust myself with driving.

Our final day in Malaga  was spent partly at the shopping centre by special request of daughter. I bought some perfume - Aqua Allegoria 'Herba Fresca' by Guerlain. At least it was cool in the centre. I wanted to see the Pablo Picasso museum but the kids would have been bored so that will have to wait for another time.

Everything charity shopped except the shoes (and the child!) which were bought online several years ago. I've had to dump the shoes as they got very dirty and discoloured after a trip to the beach, where there was gravel and dust but no sand! The sunglasses; which were originally £79.00 and got for £1.00 in the Black Tom Street Jumble; were left behind by mistake in Malaga airport. I was gutted.

Lovely mural of Malaga harbour - we went there but I forgot to take photos - the heat of course - luckily this was at Malaga airport.

We came back on Friday 5th August and on Monday 8th August I was at Holyhead to catch the 2.30 am crossing to Dublin -  more of which in the next post.

See you soon!


  1. Well, it looks beautiful (that pool!) even if it was too hot! Welcome back! I love your grey tunic.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. A pool isn't much fun if it is hot as bathwater (funny how children don't seem to mind). How great to spend all that time with your family.

    I'm accustomed to driving on the right and even I would have worried about that road! Your daughter is brave.

    Welcome back.

  4. Yeah, August is definitely the wrong time to go anywhere but the coast in Spain. I occasionally meet people thinking of going to Seville in August and I'm all, "Noooo it's 45 degrees!" (And then they never expect the snow in winter either.) May, June and September are all lovely.

    (Don't drive in the older cities if you go back. Trust me on this one!)

  5. Oh no, I'm sorry you were defeated by the heat! You're family are absolutely gorgeous despite the arguing (just what you need when you're dripping with sweat!) Good to have you back! xxx

  6. I cannot do heat at all either so you have my sympathy. I'm looking forward to hearing about Ireland!

  7. Cor, Southern Spain in August. I'm amazed you managed to do anything. I'd have hidden inside until about 9pm. We went in October a few years ago and it was gorgeous. I'm a lightweight too, not built for heat. Your grandsons look so cute! Shame you can't turn the sound off! :) Serious respect to your daughter, who must have nerves of steel to go with her superior driving skills. I think I'd be getting PTSD over those roads!! Xxx

  8. Welocome back Veronica! We've missed your updates on walking and shopping. Malaga in the summer surely had to be crazyland. Too hot for me too. And kids don't mind that they argue all the time - it's normal for them. Poor you. Well done to your daughter with that driving. Scary stuff mountain driving. Look forward to the next installment x


My final blog post

Hello and welcome!  It seems a long time since I last posted but as you know we went to Ireland for a month and I've been very busy sinc...