Monday 11 January 2016

Not Buying it - Days 10 and 11

Day 10

Here I am wearing the £1.00  green and blue cardigan I couldn't resist (oh - the shame)! I paired it with green skinny jeans from a charity shop and a blue top which I bought in Co. Sligo in the summer for 2 euros.

The boots are another pair of my daughter's cast off's - they have cut out sides so I have to make sure I have  plain black socks on when I wear them!

My necklace is from a charity shop, the earrings are from - where else? Sainsbury's! The cuff with the big blue stone was bought on Saturday from the RSPCA shop for £1.99. I've bought quite a few bangles over the past few days. I realised I didn't have some colours in bangles/bracelets and also I don't know why, but some of my bangles - one of which I've had for about 20 years - no longer fit! I couldn't actually get my hand through some of the bangles without some serious discomfort.  Surely my hands cant' have grown? Or maybe it's the joints getting bigger?  Anyway, by the time I'd sorted through my collection of bracelets and bangles to see what fitted and what didn't; I didn't have too many left!  The perfect excuse to look in the charity shops to replace them - and I didn't buy any clothes even after visiting 4 charity shops between Friday/Saturday. Feeling very smug....

Day 11

I bought this necklace from US on line retailers Sheinside - I love the colours and it should go with lots of outfits. It was £4.00. The earrings were bought in a charity shop for 99p ages ago and its the first time I've worn them.

This top was bought about two or three years ago in a charity shop; the jeans are M & S and are charity shopped. The top is from Primarni and the boots are my daughter's cast off's. They are extremely comfortable and as I volunteer on Mondays from 9.30 until 1 pm I'm on my feet for hours and need comfortable footwear.

The bracelets are part of the recent haul of bangles and bracelets. These are coral coloured, with one which is hard to describe, but I think it's the colour of Jasper - a reddish/pinkish brown?

You may have noticed that I've added a 'What I'm Reading in 2016' list to the right hand side. I'm an avid reader and have been since the age of 4. From June 2007 I've kept a list of all the books I've read, and what is interesting that I read less now I'm retired! That doesn't make sense in a way because I have the time, but of course since I've retired I've discovered blogs and blogging  (still reading, I know but I don't record it) and rediscovered crocheting. You can't read and crochet at the same time - at least I can't - what a shame! 

When I worked, I read most lunch hours and if there were quiet periods and I could get away with it (!) I read, so I did quite a bit of reading at work. I hope to get my reading levels up again this year; I averaged between 120 - 150 books a year when I was at work and in 2015 I only managed 57. Did a lot of crocheting though!

Currently, I'm reading the Neapolitan novels of Elena Ferrante - a set of 4 novels set in Naples about two women who are best friends. I got the set as Christmas presents and I'm on Book 2 at the moment and thoroughly enjoying them.

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