Sunday 3 January 2016

New Year's Resolutions

I don't make New Year's resolutions. The last time I made one was New Year's Eve 2005/06 and that was to give up smoking. That was 10 years ago and I haven't smoked since then. Yes, I put on weight and I haven't really lost it - but hey, who cares? I'm healthy, exercise regularly and try to eat healthily although my downfall is sugar. I love chocolate and cake and biscuits and have to watch that I don't over indulge....

The necklace was 2.00 euros from an Irish charity shop in Donegal and the earrings, which are rather mediaeval looking I think, (I have a black pair as well) were bought from a charity shop for about £1.00 each about 3 or 4 years ago.

Everything  (bar the boots) I'm wearing is charity shopped. The skirt was on the £1.00 rail as was the grey long sleeved top. The cardigan I picked up on Tuesday last for £1.99 in the British Red Cross shop in town.
The watch, ring and bracelet are all charity shopped, too. The boots were bought on line.

As it's 10 years since my last New Year's resolution I think I might make one this year and that will be to try and see how long I can last not buying any more clothes from the charity shops. I have enough clothes,
I would think, to allow me to wear a different outfit everyday for 6 to 8 weeks. I try to operate a '1 in and 1 out' policy but I still have loads and loads of clothes - 38 stretchy tops being one example!

So, that's my aim and I shall keep you updated. I wish I could do a post everyday but I just wouldn't be able to manage that. I might manage a photo a day though - food for thought there. The downside is, when I do go to charity shops now (and I can't stay out of them); what do I buy? I'm not buying clothes; not buying any more wool, trying not to buy books as I've just about run out of shelf space - what's left?  I've more than enough jewellery, handbags, scarves and footwear. I have a few hats. I like bric-a-brac but there's a limit storage wise and I think I've reached it now. Can I actually go into charity shops and not buy anything at all? Watch this space!

I have edited this post as I have accepted my own challenge! Day 1 of 'Not Buying it' starts with this outfit which I wore on New Year's Day - 1st January 2016

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