Monday 4 January 2016

Not buying it! Days 2 & 3

 This is the second day of my New Year Challenge - to try and 'shop' my own wardrobe with out buying anything, clothes wise, from the charity shop. I reckon I can make about 6 - 8 weeks worth of outfits, wearing a different outfit each day. Maybe I can't, but I'm going to find out! My necklace is from a car boot sale some years ago and my earring are from Sainsbury's bought when they have 20 or 25% off.

My red brothel creepers/beetle crushers were £4.00 in a charity shop, brown skirt from £1.00 rail  in charity shop some months ago, M & S top the same. The cardigan is from Primarni and I bought it about 6 years ago!

So, this is the second outfit worn on 2nd January, 2016.

I think it will be quite a challenge as I'm used to supplementing my clothes with 'new' ones on a regular basis. As I won't be doing that any more will I will able to create a different outfit each day or will I have reuse some items to create a new look? I think it maybe the latter....

Day 3 - 3rd January 2016

I didn't get a chance to take a photo of what I wore on 3rd January 2016 but I can describe it to you - I wore the red tunic I've got on below with the same gilet (both from charity shops in Donegal) but I wore red leggings and black brothel creepers/beetle crushers with it instead.

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My final blog post

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