Tuesday 9 January 2024

A Stormy Start to 2024 and some seal pups!

A Happy New Year to you! 

My wish for the world in 2024 is peace and harmony for all. 

I didn't make any New Year's resolutions. I haven't since 2005/6 when I gave up smoking and never looked back. The time between Christmas and New Year: 'Twixtmas' is a funny time. Lots of the usual places aren't open; people are off from work; a lot of left overs (hopefully) get eaten and not very much gets done. That was the case in our house. We had leftovers on Boxing Day; I made soup from left over turkey on Wednesday. Cooked as usual for grandsons on Thursday and on Friday polished off the last of the leftovers. No mince pies left; Christmas pud all eaten. Quality Street and Celebrations (chocolates) distributed between grandsons and brothers so only a few left to finish off...

My eldest grandson and his girlfriend stayed with me for a couple of days after Christmas; I took them to Milton Keynes on Boxing Day where they shopped in the sales and had a meal. As they both had to return to work on Thursday I arranged to take them to Hitchin station on Wednesday to catch the train to London. Thanks to Storm Gerrit, havoc was wreaked on the country which affected the London to Bedford train route. I've never seen such a dark, wet, miserable day as Wednesday. It was the sort of the day where really one should just go back to bed with a good book and a plentiful supply of tea and stay there. If only...

This skirt and matching top is made of very fine alpaca wool and is very warm and cosy to wear. I found it at the Cat's Protection League on my first ever visit there several years back. I wore it with my long leather boots; an old retail buy and a pre-loved leather belt. Scarf (the alpaca top has a deep scoop neck) for warmth; pre-loved from Barnardo's.

Leather jacket by South via Vinted last year.
I wore minimum make up.

Tea Tasting - Day 17
'Irish Breakfast' - described as 'rich and full bodied' it was. 8/10.
I gave up with the day's suggestions...

I had some lovely presents for Christmas including
 a lot of scented soap. OH bought me a Body Shop set containing Body Scrub, Body Butter, Body Spray (what on earth is that?) and Shea Butter soap; as well as 3 other soaps. My daughter bought me 5 soaps; also including a Shea butter one from Body Shop. I don't like using shower gel and am always delighted to receive soap as a gift. This soap bonanza will last me until next Christmas, I'm sure.

Silky PJs complete with a matching eye mask from Secret Santa.

2 books from my daughter plus a CD called 'Pedestrian Verse' by Frightened Rabbit. I'm in to Scottish bands at the moment for some unknown reason. I was a big fan of Simple Minds and Big Country  in the 1980s...in 2023 I discovered and bought CDs by Ben Howard; Jose Gonzalez; Bear's Den, The War on Drugs, Volcano Choir, Wrest and Mokoomba.

Further Christmas presents included a hooded blanket for lounging on the sofa in and a handbag from middle grandson and his mum;  a lovely candle from youngest grandson. I shall take the hooded blanket to the caravan where it will get the most use! OH also bought me perfume (Aqua Allegoria 'Mandarin and Basil' by Guerlain) which didn't arrive until after the New Year and he gave me an Amazon voucher as well. I bought OH a fitness watch (his request) and a new DAB radio for work as his old one had broken. This was before his diagnosis of course and we'll have to see what happens on the work front for him. Meanwhile, he's been signed off sick for a couple of weeks. I also found him a rather spiffing jumper which I hope he'll wear. It has a diamond pattern and is quite colourful but as he's very conservative in his taste for clothes he tends to avoid pattern and colour...

Thursday's outfit. Pre-loved metallic pleather skirt by Next. Polo neck from Tu (Sainsbury's) retail, as were the boots; tank top by Zara, pre-loved.

All jewellery pre-loved except the earrings from Etsy.

I went swimming on Thursday morning and swam 45 laps. I didn't make it to the pool last Sunday; although I'd booked and paid for the session. It was 30 minutes earlier than usual and it was so dark when my alarm went off;  I went straight back to sleep. After my swim on Thursday and getting ready; OH and I took grandson to work and then went to Rushden hoping to have a rummage in their 4 charity shops. 2 weren't open and the other two aren't very interesting so we didn't bother. By then OH was needing the loo (he's on diuretics) so we went to Asda (we don't have one in Bedford) and picked up some of the food shopping there. I also found a bra and a pair of trousers in the sale and bought very much needed new cutlery; also on sale.

Tea Tasting - Day 18

'Pumping Pomegranate' - containing apple; hibiscus; rose hip; elderberry and pomegranate seed. This was a pleasant fruity tea and would have been good as an iced tea, too. 6/10.

OH and I started watching this Dutch thriller 'The Golden Hour' about a terrorist attack. Very gripping and it came recommended by my brother and Gail of 'Is this Mutton'? HERE

Tea Tasting - Day 19

'Sticky Date Delight' - I didn't get to taste this one; my daughter sampled it and said it was very good. 8/10. Described as 'Rich tastes of caramel;silky smooth toffee sauce and steaming sticky date' it certainly sounded good!

I wore this on Friday to do the weekly food shopping at Lidl and Sainsbury's. I bought some reduced Christmas crackers in Sainsbury's ready for next year but I didn't find any other bargains...I stopped at Barnardo's in Great Denham on the way to Lidl to pick up my navy blue gloves. I'd left them behind the last time I was there. I picked up a new 2024 calendar; another William Morris designs one. The calendars will be reduced in a couple of weeks but I was in need of one immediately; lots of appointments for OH for one thing.

Trousers bought from Asda on Thursday. When I have something new or 'new to me' I like to wear it quickly.  They're loose, ribbed trousers made of viscose. Pre-loved polo neck, red top and red boots. All jewellery pre-loved. I culled more earrings and beads. One of the display racks for my beads came away from the wall at one end; too many heavy beads, so OH re-screwed it into the wall for me. It was a further opportunity to get rid of more stuff I wasn't really wearing. I find pendants more appealing now but I will keep on wearing my beads as I have some lovely ones.

Just before Christmas I received a reminder from the DVLA (Driver and Vehicle Licencing Agency) about my driving licence. I'm 70 in March 2024 and once you reach 70 here in the UK you have to reapply for your driving licence every 3 years. I completed the form online which was simply making declarations that my health and eyesight didn't prevent me from driving safely. I was informed my new licence would take up to 14 days to arrive but it arrived in Friday morning's post! They reused the photo on my old driving licence which was taken in 2022; so I may be forever 68 on my driving licence photo...

After unpacking the shopping I then walked in to town to collect a Vinted parcel. When I returned home my best friend Ann and her husband Harvey had come round to visit so we had a lovely couple of hours sitting by the fire, having a drink and catching up.

Pre-loved polo neck from Zara and corduroy trousers; no label. Boots retail Christmas present 2022.

On Saturday after Christmas OH and I went for a 5 mile walk. It  was a walk I walk frequently; to Queen's Park; along the river to Great Denham,  to Biddenham across the old golf course and back home. We had a rest stop for OH half way round and it drizzled a lot of the way. I wore my new to me from Vinted coatigan with a crochet granny square pattern. I could crochet something like this and really should start up crocheting again. In fact, if I did make a New Year resolution it would be to do just that - get my crochet mojo back.

Pre-loved belt and all jewellery pre-loved.

I  caught up with blogs and blogging and started on my 130th book of 2023 after our walk. If you want see a comprehensive list of the books I read in 2023, just pop over to 'Pages' on the right side of the blog post page. I blame Elly Griffiths!

Tea Tasting  - Day 20

'Sleep Tight' - described as a 'lemon balm based tisane with lavender and rose petals'. I wasn't very keen on this but it wasn't horrible. 4/10.

I went swimming on Sunday morning; again at 8 am and this time I was able to get up in the dark. I swam the usual 45 laps then came home and had something to eat. Then it was on with the usual house cleaning whilst listening to my new 'Frightened Rabbit' CD.  I cooked roast chicken for Sunday dinner for both grandsons and us. 

Tea Tasting - Day 21

'New York Breakfast' - a 'black tea with cinnamon and vanilla' described as the 'taste of pancakes'. It was very nice and I'd buy it if I saw it on sale somewhere. 8/10. When I was in Lidl on Friday I found some 'Masala Chai' tea bags. They're lovely, but not one of Lidl's usual lines so it may be a while before I can buy them again. Meanwhile, I'm just enjoying them!

Hello 2024!

I woke up on Monday, New Year's Day with just 2 things to do. Go for a walk and go out to dinner with the family. OH and I went for a 6 mile walk in dry, cold weather. We walked to Bromham Bridge then along the footpath by the river into Biddenham and along the coffin path to St. James's Church. From there we walked through Biddenham village and back home. I'm making sure OH gets some exercise...

The river was still high. Those trees are actually in the river when they should be on the banks!

St. James Church, Biddenham. Parts of the church date back to the 11th century with additions included up to the 16th century. It's now a Grade 1 listed building.

I wore this outfit on Monday. Tu jeans; retail as were the boots. Pre-loved top by Next and cardigan found in a Burton on Trent charity shop. All jewellery pre-loved except earrings from Sainsbury's.

We went back to the 'Olive Tree' for the New Year's family meal walking through pouring rain there and back. The pouring rain continued on Tuesday along with strong winds combined into a storm named 'Storm Henk' by the Met Office. I had to retrieve my big heavy duty umbrella from the car as the small one wasn't able to cope with the wind and the rain. It was back to the food bank on Tuesday morning for me where I made up more kettle packs and re-stocked the kettle pack room. I then went for my first swim of 2024 and swam 46 laps; it was quite crowded in the slow lane so I moved over to the middle lane. I forgot to take outfit photos in the morning so here I am after swimming; minus make up plus glasses:

Everything pre-loved except boots retail from New Look.Tunic by New Look; top found in Barnardo's about 3 years ago. All jewellery pre-loved.

Tea Tasting - Day 22
Green Rose - a 'vibrant green tea blended with rose petals and tropical fruits'. I drank it before going to the food bank and it just confirms that I am NOT a green tea lover. 4/10.

We began watching this series at the weekend and finished it on Tuesday evening by binge watching the last 3 episodes! Highly recommended. I'd also listened to a fascinating podcast called 'The Gift' on BBC Sounds. Over a series of episodes the narrator follows the different stories of a range of individuals who either purchased or had purchased for them, DNA testing kits such 'Ancestry DNA' or '23 and Me'. In each case the outcomes were totally unexpected. I could certainly relate to that! The most recent podcast I'm listening to is 'A Very British Cult' (also on BBC Sounds) about Lighthouse or the Lighthouse International Group...I was flabbergasted by it.

Thankfully Storm Henk seemed to have abated by Wednesday when OH and I set off for Cambridge for a day of rummaging.

Everything pre-loved except the boots; my most recent boot acquisition bought locally. Dress by Boden; tank top by Debenhams and all jewellery pre-loved.

As well as visiting Burleigh Street where there were 8 charity shops we also visited Mill Road where there were 4 charity shops and 2 charity bookshops (RSPCA and Amnesty). I nearly always manage to find a couple of green Virago books for my collection here in these 2 bookshops; and today I found 5; only 1 of which was a duplicate. I also found 3 pairs of earrings; a pendant and a tunic. OH did really well, too. We stopped for coffee and Turkish borek to keep us going until dinner.

We didn't escape the weather entirely as it began to rain heavily as we made our way home and it rained solidly all the way back.

 In the evening we started watching a Channel 5 series about Malta; I want to know more about the country of my ancestors. Unfortunately, the programme was quite 'lite' in its coverage. I would have liked more  detailed history but that may yet come. The series had only begun after all. We then started watching 'The Tourist,' series 2 having very much enjoyed series 1. I also started my first book of 2024.

Thursday's outfit.

Everything pre-loved except the boots; retail. Wide legged cropped trousers by Phase Eight; polo neck by Whistles; label less tunic found yesterday in Cambridge and tucked in as if it was a jumper. All jewellery pre-loved.

 Rain continued all night and throughout much of Thursday. When I drove to Lidl in Kempston one direction and Sharnbrook in the other; the fields were so flooded I assumed the river Great Ouse had burst its banks. The water was next to the road itself. Under normal circumstances the river is at least 3 fields away from the road verges. The landscape was totally altered and almost unrecognisable. It was the same over much of the country with many people's homes and businesses flooded; animals left stranded and people's lives devastated. The schools were back after the Christmas break and the difference in the traffic was noticeable. Both grandsons came for dinner and it was back to basket ball practices and matches for middle grandson. I found driving him to basket ball practice on the slick, very black, wet roads quite difficult but I don't like driving in the dark very much anyway.

Friday's outfit. I wore the same Phase Eight trousers with a pre-loved Next sleeveless tunic over a pre-loved Uniqlo polo neck. All from my Barnardo's. Boots retail.

All jewellery pre-loved.

On Friday my daughter and I had decided to have a mother and daughter day out. The original plan was to go to London and for me to recce a walk, but with the flooding and the proposed tube strike at the weekend; we thought we'd postpone that idea and go somewhere closer to home. In the end we went for a rummage and a meal in Northampton; somewhere neither of us had been to for a while. I found a couple of small ceramic bowls in the charity shops but then we made the mistake of going into H&M; where we both bought something in the sale. We ate at 'Turtle Bay' which is a chain of Caribbean restaurants and my daughter was delighted with the amount of vegan dishes on offer. On the way home we stopped at middle grandson's house for tea and birthday cake; he was 19. He's the only one of my three grandsons I didn't see being born but it seems like only yesterday I held him in my arms for the first time. It was a bit of a coincidence us going to Northampton today as it's where his Dad will be moving to in a few months time; much closer than Norfolk! I expect I'll be posting more photos of Northampton in the future but meanwhile here's All Saint's Church in the centre of Northampton:

The current church was largely built after a fire and consecrated in 1680. Now a Grade I listed building.

And one of the narrowest pubs I've ever seen - on The Drapery in Northampton.

And yet another coincidence; I went to Norfolk! Not to see my son (we speak on the phone everyday) but on the unofficial Friday bus walk which took place this week on a Saturday. We went to Winterton on Sea to see the seal pups at the Horsey and Winterton Grey Seal Colony.. A freezing cold day with high winds and several downpours; one of which we were caught in but it was a magical day. We walked 7 miles mostly along the top of the sand dunes looking down onto the beach and hundreds of seals. There were also lots of seals of all sizes laying across the paths through the sand dunes and  in the marram grass. We'd be warned we might trip over the seals and we almost did on one or two occasions! 3616 seal pups had been born by the day we arrived.

This was our first encounter with a seal pup (below); if you look carefully through the grass you might see him/her. Their mothers feed them for about three weeks when their coats are still white and then they're left to fend for themselves. Eventually, after moulting their baby fur and replacing it with a waterproof coat; they'll make their way to the sea and find their own food. Meanwhile they wander all over the dunes and into the dunes beyond the ones that look over the beach. We saw some pups splashing in large pools here; created by the heavy rainfall we've been experiencing. The beach is roped off and no one is supposed to be on the beach while the pups are around. The parents can get very annoyed and there are also lots of (volunteer) seal wardens around...UPDATED to say that 'Countryfile' on BBC 1 featured the seals at Winterton on Sea and one of the wardens on Sunday 7th January.

Looking down onto the beach.

Their coats change colour gradually...

This is a holiday village in Winterton on Sea; built in an African style with colourful round huts. Inspired by a visit to Hermanus Bay in South Africa; the holiday village owner recreated the huts which are let to holiday makers.
We started the day with coffee in the cafe in the car park and ended it the same way. Fran drove three of us in her car but we shared petrol and parking. It was lovely to be driven and be a passenger for a change.

Tea Tasting - Day 23 (thought I'd forgotten didn't you?)

'Strawberries and cream' . I didn't read the label before I made the tea; it contained skimmed milk yoghurt. I drank it first thing on Saturday morning around 7 am before leaving for Fran's house by 7.30 am for Norfolk. It tasted okayish but I wouldn't want to drink it again. 3/10.

Sunday's outfit. I'd worn the same on Saturday but with more layers underneath. I added this pre-loved sleevless cardigan over the pre-loved H&M plaid trousers and pre-loved polo neck by New Look. Boots retail and present from daughter. All jewellery pre-loved; earrings found in Cambridge on Wednesday.

I went for a swim of 45 laps; then once we'd had breakfast and got ready OH and I went to the Wimpole Hall Estate which is in Cambridgeshire; for a walk. We walked in the grounds walking a total of 4 miles by the end; visited the secondhand bookshop where there was a sale of paperbacks. I found 2 further green Virago books for 30 pence each! We stopped and had tea and a slice of shortbread in the cafe before setting off for home. It was very chilly at 4 degrees and in the wind it was even colder. Glad to get home and light the fire!

You can read more about Wimpole Hall and the estate HERE

This beautifully carved fireplace surround was in the tea room at Wimpole Hall.

I've had a busy week this week. Cambridge on Wednesday, Northampton on Friday, Norfolk on Saturday and Cambridgeshire again on Sunday. I'll stay closer to home next week and do less.

Tea Tasting - Day 24 - the final one!

'Christmas Breakfast' a black tea with gingerbread, ginger and nutmeg. I found it very weak for a breakfast tea but it was palatable. 5/10. I've enjoyed tasting all the different teas but was sorry an Oolong tea wasn't included.

Monday's outfit.

Everything pre-loved except the dress which I picked up in the Matalan sale for a charity shop price whilst Christmas gift shopping. Boots; belt donated by daughter many years ago; polo by Next and jacket by M&S; all from Barnardo's. I bought this jacket last year, put it away and had completely forgotten about it. It has a lovely soft green plaid which can't be seen in these not very good photos. I took them quite late in the afternoon on Monday and the light had gone and left those strange shadows...

All jewellery pre-loved.

The charity shop was quiet today. The cold kept people home I'm sure. 4 degrees with sleety flurries. I took a cardigan with me to wear in the charity shop as it can take quite a while to warm up. When I got home OH and I did the housework we didn't do on Sunday. It was good to sit down after that and catch up with blogs and blogging and finally finish my first book of 2024. We finished watching 'The Tourist' and I finished listening to the podcast 'A Very British Cult'. We'll have to find something else to watch now and I need to find another pod cast to listen to. Not a problem as we're absolutely spoilt for choice. How lucky we are.

Back to the food bank on Tuesday morning where I made up kettle packs and put some toiletries away. There were lots to be put away but I ran out of time. I didn't have time to take an outfit photo either and completely forgot until later in the day when it was dark. I went for a swim after the food bank and did the usual 45 laps. No cooking tonight; we-re having fish and chips which I am looking forward to. OH is doing well and goes to see the consultant on Wednesday. He will drop into his workplace after the appointment and discuss his options with his boss; there may be changes afoot. Watch this space!


  1. Happy New Year and hope it is a good one for you & yours. On Scottish bands, have you listened to any Runrig music? Nice to hear you mention Burton on Trent, my original home town. Jan in Castle Gresley

    1. Happy New year, Jan, and thank you! Yes, I know of Runrig and have heard some of their music but not for ages. I must check them out...I have cousins in Burton-on-Trent.

  2. Happy New Year to you, OH and the family!
    I don’t usually make New Year’s resolutions either, but this year I vowed to be more positive. Unfortunately a work issue already put paid to that.
    The alpaca wool skirt and top look very cozy indeed, it would have been perfect for today’s freezing but sunny weather. Much better than those dark rainy days, though. It’s heartbreaking seeing all those floods as a result.
    My favourite of your outfits is the metallic pleather skirt with the polo neck and tank top worn on Thursday.
    The crocheted granny square coatigan is gorgeous too!
    I loved tagging along on your walks and days out, as usual. Horsey and Winterton Grey Seal Colony looks well worth a visit, and aren’t those African style round huts a cheerful sight! xxx
    Ann / Polyester Princess

    1. Hello Ann and thank you! I remembered reading you were having trouble with commenting on Blogger so that explains why you're 'Anonymous'. I don't seem to be able to add my new page for 'Books Read in 2024' - there's always something with Blogger isn't there? Very cold today but at least it's bright.

  3. Happy New Year, Vronni, OH, and the fam! World peace is always a good goal.

    Loving your outfits: the alpaca set, the pleather skirt, the crocheted coat and the stunning teal dress. I think I could crochet a coat like that too, but I really should get back to my leather illustrations!

    What a bunch of wild weather you've been having - sorry to hear of the floods! We're in the middle of gale-force winds, rain and threats of snow, plus temps dipping down to -9 this week. Brr, better break out the mink!

    I've enjoyed reading your tea reviews. I like green tea myself, but not the really fruity/sweet blends. I don't drink much black tea, but I do like Irish Breakfast for a nice strong cup.

    Lovely pics of your travels! Thank you for sharing them with us - the seal pups are so cute! We have tons of seals here (harbour seals mostly), but we don't see the babies.

    1. Thank you, Sheila! I'm a Black Tea girl through and through. I've never been up so close and personal with seal pups before; it was a lovely experience.

  4. Happy New Year! I love to get soap as a gift too.

    1. Thank you, Maeve! I buy a really nice sandalwood soap in our local international supermarket for about about 1.40. I think it originates from India.

  5. happy and healthy new year to you and OH and the whole family!!
    its a smart move to take OH on walks ..... and you really come around - england looks gorgeous in your photos.
    totally in love with the seal babies - are they cute or are they cute??!! :-D
    you´ve got some pretty pressies: the silky PJs are very chic and i almost can smell the soaps...... i don´t like shower gel too und use soap since ages.
    cool and chic outfits - dear vronni! fab alpaca set and the wide trousers look elegant.... i wish i were around when you culled some of your stylish beads ;-D

    1. Thank you, Beate. Yes, the seal pups were so adorable but they made it clear they didn't like our presence...sorry about the beads I should have thought of saving them for you - next time!

  6. Happy New Year to you!!! I am always amazed at all the stuff you fit into two weeks. I am quite jealous of all your fabulous soaps, I love soap as a gift.
    I hope your upcoming changes are ones you are both happy with. My partner recently "tried" retirement, it wasn't for him and has now returned to work. It is a big change for everyone, so good luck to you both.

    1. Happy New Year, Megan. Yes, soaps rock as far as I'm concerned. My partner finally committed to retiring in December 2024 ,but then this happened. I think he secretly would like to work until he drops but he has come to realise he can't do it anymore and needs to slow down. He had 12 weeks furlough in the pandemic and knows that there's plenty to do when one doesn't work. The time goes quicker anyway!

  7. Happy New Year, Vronni! I must say, you look utterly fabulous in red, I don't think you wear it often enough. The crochet cardi is really lovely as is the Cats Protection alpaca suit, very classy!
    Gorgeous soap gifts - I do love a fancy bar of soap. The PJs are very glam and I'm waiting for that William Morris calendar to get reduced .
    Wimpole Hall is amazingly grand, that fire surround looks very Anglo Indian to me. I'm wildly envious of you seeing seals, I've never seen one in real life! They remind me of cats.
    I've not seen season 2 of The Tourist yet. Is that the same lady who played Jamie Dornan's wife in The Fall?
    I loved Big Country and saw them live many times, I was gutted when Stuart Adamson died. Frightened Rabbit, and The War on Drugs are often played on 6Music and have played at End of the Road before, Ben Howard is so good live, beautiful voice, beautiful soul. I don't understand people who say that modern music is rubbish, I think listening to new stuff keeps you young.
    Hope you're staying warm! I'm glad to see that bac of the wind and rain. xxx

    1. Thank you, Vix. Yes, you're right about the fire surround it does look very Anglo Indian. I'll try and find out more about it. I love finding new music and so does OH although we don't have the same taste much of the time. No, the woman in 'The Tourist' is not the one who played his wife in 'The Fall' she's an Australian actress and is very good.

      It has been freaking freezing and I am dreading the bill at the end of January. I've been wearing more layers than an onion - as my dear mum would have said! Praying the rain stays away to give the ground a chance to drain/dry out.

  8. Wish you a Happy Year, dear Vronni!, Feliz Año!
    What a lovely post, you're always so busy and I love to read about your walks and activities and volunteering and lots of stuff you do!. And also love your comfy&cool outfits and fab style.
    Sorry to hear about those storms and floods!, the weather is becoming so difficult and worrying, we're waiting for rain here as last year was damn dry!.
    Love your maxi skirts ensembles, particularly when sleeveless cardis or waistcoats are layered over tops (if you have to wear layers for comfort, do it in style!, and you master at it!). You also rock in trousers, particularly fabulous in those wide legged ones and also fabulous boots!. Lovely in that yellow outfit you wore on Sunday!, such a beautiful colour!. And I totally agree with Vix about Red, it's a fab colour on you!
    Great news that OH is doing well, walking and taking time to think about some changes. Hope he's feeling better.
    And finally, those baby seals are adorable!, so cute!!

    1. Thank you, Monica. The seals were so cute but it was so cold I was glad when we got back in the car to come home!

      Happy New Year!

  9. Happy New Year! I'm glad ypu enjoyed The Golden Hour. Our latest one is Notre Dame on Netflix. Admiring lots of your outfits. The coral tank too and gold maxi is my favourite but I'd happily wear most of the others! How lovely to see the seals. I've never heard of the seal sanctuary xx

  10. Happy New Year! Love hearing about your lovely walks, despite the cold. I feel so envious that you got to visit the seals. I do enjoy seeing all your amazing thrifted outfits too. You look great.

    1. Hello Anonymous and thank you for commenting. I almost didn't go to see the seals - a very early start and a long, cold day but it was so worth it!

  11. Happy New Year to you! I have enjoyed your tea tasting and how wonderful to see the seal pups! What a lot of lovely soaps, I put bars inbetween our duvet sets so it smells lovely when put on the bed. I actually only wear body spray, I'm one of those unfortunate people who's skin Ph makes perfume smell weird, but it doesn't seem to do that with body spray thankfully. Good wishes to OH and fingers crossed for his appointment. xx

    1. Thank you, Gisela. I like the idea of putting the soaps between the duvet sets - do you take them out of the wrapper though? Thank you re the body spray; I couldn't work out if it was a deodorant or a perfume substitute.

  12. Belated happy new year! I never need to buy soap either, but as people get me the good stuff as gifts I'm happy with that. (Think of all the plastic bottles you haven't had to throw out over the years, too.)

    Those seals are so cute.

  13. "Your passion for this topic is evident, and it’s so inspiring!"

    Pawfect cat food


My final blog post

Hello and welcome!  It seems a long time since I last posted but as you know we went to Ireland for a month and I've been very busy sinc...