Saturday 21 October 2017

Off to Greece in the morning!

Yes. it's an early start tomorrow. Middle grandson and I are off to Corfu on a 6.25 am flight. We are both looking forward to it. Meanwhile this is what I got up to since my last post.

My trip to the new cinema to see 'Blade Runner 4049' was wonderful but oh the noise! I thought my ears would bleed; it was so incredibly loud. I had a headscarf on but at certain points in the film (fight scenes. chases) I literally put my fingers in my ears because of the loudness. Several other people commented on the loudness when we came out.

The seats were very comfortable but the price of seats ridiculous at £12.00 each. The film was a  dark, dystopian tale. I would like to see the original film having now seen the sequel. (Postscript; OH got the DVD and we watched it this week). The cinema is a Vue cinema and they show filmed concerts, ballets and theatre performances, so I can see more than just films in the future.

All jewellery charity shopped.

Everything charity shopped. The navy lace shirt from the Red Cross; 1.99, can't remember where I got the top from or the trousers. Shoes; 1.99 from Barnardo's.

Everything charity shopped.

I bought this dress by George (Asda in UK, Walmart in the US) in a charity shop in Killybegs, Donegal for 3.00 euros. Leggings M&S retail. Gold shoes; 99p in Barnardo's. Grey cardigan 1.99 in Red Cross, I think. It's one of the most useful items in my wardrobe.

I wore two silver necklaces both charity shopped; as is all the jewellery.

Everything charity shopped except the silver loafers from Lidl. Green trousers from 1.00 rail in the Red Cross.

Earrings from Sainsburys many years ago; all other jewellery charity shopped; the necklace was bought on one of my charity shop visits in Ireland this summer.

Saturday morning football - oh the joys! I've dropped off, picked up and stood in the freezing cold watching all three grandsons playing Saturday morning football games. for the past 17 years. Thank goodness it's not every Saturday I have to do it. Youngest grandson seems to be finding his knee tasty!

We went to visit my son on Saturday as well. It was a lovely day but it is getting dark so early in the evenings it makes the day seems so much shorter. Or is it just that time passes more quickly as you get older?

I look as if I have lost my feet in this photo but it's because I'm standing with one leg bent forward for the 'pose'. I wore my new (to me) black and grey Mary Jane's with this outfit but didn't realise, until my daughter commented on it, that my skirt is actually navy blue not black! I bought it from the 99p rail in one of the Barnardo's before the summer. I found out on my recent trip to the Barnardo's in Great Denham that they have got rid of their 99p rail - much gnashing of teeth from me!  They have also increased their prices. The M&S jacket came from a Kettering charity shop last year before Christmas; 3.99. The blue/yellow/brown patterned top was also charity shopped but I can't remember where...

This necklace is pretty special. I took a shine to it in the window of a Donegal boutique. OH bought it for me; bless him. All other jewellery is charity shopped except the earrings which were donated by my daughter.

I went out walking on Sunday morning and with my 7.3 mile walk it brought my weekly total to 21 miles for the week beginning 9th October. I had further boot problems though; see below.

 I also sewed up one side of my crochet blanket and have started on the other side. There's only the 100 hexagons to sew the ends in for and then sew together and make a border. Hopefully it will all be done by Christmas when I can post the four blankets off and start a new one. I love choosing what I'm going to make next. I'm very tempted by an African flower blanket. It has four changes of colour though and that means 8 ends to sew in per flower. If I make 100 flowers that's 800 ends to sew in plus the sewing together. Maybe I won't!

Image courtesy of Google images 

This was worn to the Food bank and library volunteering on Tuesday 17th. Everything
charity shopped. I bought Apricot tunic in the Cat's Protection League charity shop before the summer for about 3.99. I felt Tuesday was the first proper cold day since I returned to the UK on 2nd September. I needed the layers for warmth and I wore a denim jacket for outerwear. Blue top underneath by East; 99p rail somewhere; jeans charity shopped; as were the orange shoes (Oxfam, last year) and scarf.

All jewellery charity shopped.

I had to drop off several bags of clothing to the charity shop on Thursday. I swapped my summer wardrobe over to warmer clothes so I had a good sort out and got rid of quite a lot of stuff. It took me three hours to swap over with lots of trips up and down the loft ladder. I picked up this necklace for 1.99 in the Mercy in Action charity shop - well I had to have a look didn't I? Everything is charity shopped. Skirt, East; Red Cross shop 1.99; Laura Ashley cardigan same place same price; M&S top 1.00/99p rail somewhere. Tights 99p in a charity shop somewhere; I always buy coloured tights when I see them if they're cheap and my size. I can't remember exactly where I bough the shoes from but they had been reduced to 99p; in the Barnardo's in Ampthill, I think - they'd never been worn...

I bought these earrings in a shop in Bedford many years ago but all the other jewellery is charity shopped.

I haven't walked very much this week. It's the boots you see; or rather the lack of them. When the sole fell off my boot on my walk with Lynne I ordered a cheap pair online the same day. They arrived on Monday 9th - free delivery. I walked three times that week but on the last walk I felt a stone in the heel of the right boot. When I got home I found the heel had developed a split and a stone had worked its way in. I sent the boots back on Monday and had to rely on trainers for walking; mainly around and to and from town. I'm hoping to compensate the lack of walking by lots of swimming when I'm in Greece.

I bought this tunic in Donegal for 3.00 euros. The jeans were from the Cat's Protection League, 2.99. Brothel creepers/beetle crushers also charity shopped from a shop in Wellingborough. All jewellery charity shopped. The zip brooch was 20p from the independent charity shop in town!

Saturday 21st was the last day for the Red Cross shop. It's been in Bedford for 24 years and now the nearest Red Cross will be in Luton. I went in from 9 - 1 pm to help. It was a very sad occasion but the shop was doing a roaring trade - everything 50% off! I have been buying things all week from there as it would be silly not to snap up the bargains. My best purchase has to be this tapestry cape; it cost 2.99 with discount.

It was still in its dry cleaner's plastic.

This was Saturday's outfit. Everything is charity shopped except the boots which were donated by my daughter. I cannot remember where this jacket came from but I know it's handmade and I know I didn't pay very much for it. It may even have been the Red Cross - I have bought so much from them over the years. The dress was from 99p rail in Barnardo's in Ampthill.

All jewellery charity shopped except the earrings which I bought from an Etsy shop online.

It's pretty heavy this brooch so will only be suitable for coats and thick jackets...
I managed to buy a decent pair of walking boots in the Red Cross for 1.00 in the sale! They are a size too big, but a couple of pairs of insoles will do the trick. I got OH a lovely blue t shirt and the youngest grandson some jeans and a football top. I also picked up a sweet dog brooch (above) and a fountain pen; I do like to write with a fountain pen when I need to write letters or cards. Talking of which I got a beautiful card from the shop manager. There is a farewell get together with nibbles and drinks next week but I will be in Greece and will miss it.

I'll be back in a fortnight by which time I expect my Greek holiday will be but a distant memory...

A bientot!


  1. Veronica, you always look fabulous. I LOVE the cape that you bought. What bargain. It is very stylish and perfect for the Autumn. The African Flower Blanket is brilliant but all those ends! I hope that you have a fantastic time in Greece. It is getting to be such a dismal time of year here that a little sun sounds so tempting. Xx

    1. Kelly, you are so kind! I had a lovely time in Greece, thank you - sunnny and warm...

  2. I actually stopped going to the cinema because I couldn't stand the loudness. I really have a problem with that. So many lovely outfits! My favourite is the one with the Apricot tunic. And I am always amazed at the wonderful jewellery you find in the charity shops. I especially love the green necklace and the cute dog brooch. And that tapestry cape is gorgeous! Have an absolutely fantastic time in Corfu. xxx

    1. I'm hoping that film was a one off in terms of loudness but I'll find out on my next trip...

  3. Wow your crochet blanket is gorgeous you are so clever! I love the blue/green jacket in your last pictures what a beautiful fabric.

    Some cinemas are particularly bad for having the sound way too high, I've no idea what they think they are achieving.

    Have a wonderful holiday. x

    1. Why thank you Gisela but I haven't made it yet. I'm thinking about it and all those ends!

  4. We're going to see Blade runner Sunday-I hope I can hear myself think afterward-thanks for the warning!

    Wow, what a beautiful cape! You'll have something nice to remember the charity shop by.

    Have a wonderful visit to Corfu. I'll look forward to hearing about it when you return.

    1. I hoped you enjoyed the movie, Goody, and that you weren't deafened!

  5. Love the outfit choices and colours especially the first. And of course, I continue to be mesmerized by your trademark head scarves. Do you have beads in one?
    Now, your eyelashes; do you curl them or as you a very lucky natural curler? They are AMAZING!!
    Hugs, x.

    1. No beads on any of the scarves featured...

      Thank you, Mary;I have naturally curly eyelashes (and hair when it gets longer)but my left eyelashes get curled sometimes with the eyelash curler as I sleep mostly on that side and they get squished together!

  6. I LOVE all of the outfits,and you look so well I'm sure you have lost lots of weight and your skin is beautiful.

    1. Thank you, Polly!

      I haven't lost any weight at all; I stay the same weight around 11.5 stone; although I haven't weighed myself in ages. No need, I can always tell by my waistband as that is where most of the weight is...

  7. Have fun on your vacation! Wonderful outfits!

  8. Hope you have a wonderful holiday! You inspire me Veronica to see you take such care with your dressing even though you have so much else going on in your life. I just love to see you with those tied up scarves in your hair - it's so pretty on you!

    Anna x

    1. Thank you, Anna. I hope you're having a fab time in London!

  9. That tapestry cape was an absolute bargain!

    I hope you're having fun and warm weather in Corfu; as I type this the weather is miserable so make the most of the sun.

  10. Hope you enjoy your holiday!
    I always admire your bijouterie, and now I love the rack where you hang your earrings, such a brilliant idea!
    I like your tunic/dresses with leggins, you look really cool& comfy!, so stylish.
    And that blanket looks amazing!, lots of hard work!

    1. I also have two additional boxes of earrings, Monica, and a jewellery tree where I hang my poshest earrings!

  11. What a bargain that cape was! I'm looking forward to seeing you in it although I hope it won't be too soon, I'm enjoying these mild temperatures far too much!
    Have a wonderful time in Corfu! xxx

    1. Thank you, Vix! I may be wearing the cape this coming week...

  12. Love the Welsh tapestry cape and even better...the bargain price. Can't wait to see your crochet, I've been making a mandala this week, got to bust that cotton stash somehow.
    Hope you are having a wonderful time in Corfu with your grandson, will look forward to hearing about it. xxx

    1. I've seen some astoundingly beautiful mandalas, Fi, but again it's sewing in all those bloody ends. They would make a wonderful blanket, though.


My final blog post

Hello and welcome!  It seems a long time since I last posted but as you know we went to Ireland for a month and I've been very busy sinc...