Tuesday 10 October 2017

A change is as good as a rest...

Hello lovelies! How are you all? Autumn is most definitely here. I love autumn. I love how the trees change colour and I enjoy walking through scrunchy autumn leaves. I don't like the long dark evenings and the darker mornings, but like all of our seasons here in the UK there are pros and cons. I don't like winter very much at all. It goes on for too long!

I took this on a walk through the nearby village of Biddenham.

Here are some OOTD photos

I bought both the brown jeans (Ralph Lauren) and brown patterned blouse from the 1.00 rail in the Red Cross. The blouse is from the 1990s, I think. 

The green top is by Principles. Brogues from the Tesco outlet store. The necklace was a Christmas present some years ago.

I walked with my walking group on Wednesday 27th. We walked in Maulden Woods (6.3 miles) just off the A6 in Clophill and parked in the lay-by called 'Deadman's Hill. It's called this because in 1961 James Hanratty shot Michael Gregston and his lover, Valerie Storrie, here. Gregston died and Storrie was left paralysed. Hanratty was hung at Bedford Gaol in 1962 for the murder. Despite the grisly association it was a beautiful walk and was a crisp, sunny day.

This was Saturday 1st October's outfit. Brogues as above. Kimono one of the four bought in Ireland this summer in a charity shop in Donegal. Black top charity shopped; black jeans from Lidl.

Scarf and all jewellery charity shopped.

I also walked on Saturday with the group. We walked 6.5 miles around the village of Great Staughton in Cambridgeshire to Perry and Grafham Water and back. I spied this sign on a lovely old house and it made me laugh.

I had walked two shorter walks on Thursday and Friday (3.3 and 4.2 miles), just around the local area which brought my weekly total to 20 miles.

I wore the same jeans on Sunday with Anthology (not Anthroplogy as I first read it) tunic bought in a Donegal charity shop. Country Casuals jacket also charity shopped but can't remember where...brogues as before.

All jewellery charity shopped.

For a change I wore brown lipstick all week - did you notice? They say a change is as good as a rest!
I love my red lippy and have worn it since I was a teenager. Just to show you here's a picture of me aged 40 with a group of friends (that's my best friend Ann sitting next to me on the left) on a night out in 1994, wearing red lippy. I like this picture of me because my fingers look quite long and slim in it; I  actually have short stumpy fingers and now I have arthritis in them it doesn't help their appearance!

The Red Cross shop will be closing the weekend on 21st October.  They will have three days to clear the stock and then the Red Cross needs three weeks to restore the shop to its previous state. That means by the time you're reading this I will only have one more day there...I will miss it very much not only as a volunteer but also as a customer. However, I will enjoy the time it frees up.

Everything charity shopped. I bought the scarf on a Stevenage chazza rummage; the trousers are from the 1.00 rail at the Red Cross. They tie at the ankles but it's not very clear in the photo.  Country Casuals jacket as before. Yellow top charity shopped; can't remember where. Yellow shoes; Donegal charity shop. 

All jewellery charity shopped except earrings which are from Bedford Market. See what I mean by short, stumpy fingers?

I wore this on Tuesday 4th October to the food bank and library volunteering. The camouflage top (my first cold shoulder one; I'm always late to the party!) was bought at the Bedford Guild House the last time I was there. All the summer clothes were marked down to half price so I had to snap this up; reduced to 1.25! Leggings from M & S; brogues from Tesco but charity shopped. Headscarf charity shopped.

All jewellery charity shopped.

I'm taking my middle grandson away in half term. I've booked us 5 days in Corfu. I've never been to Greece before and it won't be too hot. There's a water park (grandson's top priority!) nearby and I'm looking forward to exploring the old town. I need to do more research about the area. Anyway, it means I've not put my summer wardrobe away yet although the weather is definitely cooler. I've selected almost all my outfits for the 4 nights 5 days holiday and will then switch it over on my return. I think I can manage another couple of weeks with summer clothing supplemented by jumpers, cardigans, leggings etc.

I didn't walk with the group on 5th October. I wanted to but I had to wait at my daughter's for the washing machine repairman to call. He came by 1.30 and was finished quickly so I went to see my best friend, Ann. It was a bit cool for what I was wearing; I would have been better off wearing a cardigan rather than this 1.00 rail kimono which I hadn't yet worn. No, it wasn't one of the four I bought in Donegal...

Everything is charity shopped except the shoes. The top was from the Red Cross 1.99; can't remember where I got the trousers from. I'm taking the white linen top (minus the tea stain!) to Greece with me to wear over loose trousers. I'll travel in white jeans, a top and a jean jacket and I'm bringing two maxi dresses; I'll wear one  with a cardigan and one with a light linen jacket. I'll  travel back in white jeans with a different top.

All jewellery charity shopped.

I walked by myself on Thursday (6.7) miles and on Friday 6th October I met a friend from the food bank and we went walking together. We walked a walk I had led for the Ramblers previously of 7.4 miles. We finished with tea and cake in the cafe in the park which is always a great way to finish a walk. It was a lovely sunny day and we both enjoyed ourselves. We've arranged to do it again in 3 weeks and next time Lynne will take me for a walk around Cardington.

The only downside to the walk was that on the last stretch of the walk the sole of my boot parted company from the upper! I though OH might be able to repair it for me but he said it was irreparable. I had no spare pair so went online and ordered a cheap pair which also had free delivery. I had planned to ask for new walking boots for Christmas so the cheap pair can become the spare pair. It's always a good idea to have two pairs because it can sometimes take ages for one pair of boots to dry out if they've got soaked.

Trousers and green top Primarni retail. Everything else charity shopped.

On Saturday 7th I realised it had been three weeks since I last went out for a rummage and as I'm busy next Saturday and away the weekend after it had to be 7th. I went to Newport Pagnell where I haven't been for some time. I did pretty well! I bought BNWT New Look black Chelsea boots for 6.00 - I love Chelsea boots. A warm, fringed beige and black patterned sleeveless kimono/cardigan for 3.00. I also bought a pair of tiny check brown trousers for 50p; a green necklace for 1.00 and yellow and black beads for 1.50.  I stopped in the Barnardo's in Ampthill  on the way back and bought the black and grey Mary Jane's above, (Clarks); a pink and silver identical pair and a sling back flat shoe. All for 1.99 each. Didn't I do well?

On Sunday I went walking through the nearby village of Biddenham. I walked 6.3 miles; my weekly total for last week was 20 miles. I aim to walk between 20 and 21 miles per week spread over a maximum of 3 to 4 days. So far, I'm achieving my weekly goal.

Whilst out walking I spotted these:

I think this is meant to be a peacock judging by the length of the (straw) tail.

This is clearly a fox.

I often see these additions to thatched roofs; I don't know what they're called or if they even have a special name, but the best I've ever seen are the dancing/boxing hares. See here.
It seems that you can buy the straw animal additions; I've asked Professor Google. And there I was thinking the thatcher made them! Maybe some do. I do know that thatching is one of those craft trades that is at risk of disappearing as there are few thatchers left and not many youngsters want  apprenticeships in the trade.

This what I wore today. Everything charity shopped. The trousers are off to the charity shop bag; they don't fit properly around the waist so I end up with a saggy crotch; nor do they fit around the lower leg either; yellow shirt from Dunne's Stores, charity shopped in Donegal as were the yellow shoes.
I've got a busy week ahead;  I volunteered on Monday and Tuesday; I'm walking on Wednesday and going out for a drink and a catch up with Ann in the evening. On Thursday evening I'm going to the cinema with OH to see 'Bladerunner'.  I haven't been to the cinema in years. We have a new cinema in town that's near enough to walk to and from. It opened up over the summer alongside some new (to Bedford) chain restaurants (Zizi's, Wagga Mamma's and  a Steak House) plus a Premier Inn all right by the river. I haven't been to the new area yet; I keep forgetting it's there!

All jewellery charity shopped.
Take care and as I'll be away in Corfu when my next post is due I'll post on the 21st instead...


  1. You are looking lovely. It is nice to see all the bright colours that you are wearing now that the days are turning a bit grey. Definitely colder here today. I love that 90's blouse and the black and white kimono. The cold shoulder top if fabulous. It looks great on and I love the orange beads and scarf. It looks gorgeous (and autumnal) with your brown lippy. That is such a lovely colour. Would you ever wear a coral/orange to match them? I think that would look great. The animals on the roofs are fab. I am sure that I have seen something similar close by (Sharnbrook??). I think that they are really cute. Have an absolutely fabulous time in Greece. Xx

    1. Kelly, thank you!

      I must have a drive around Sharnbrook and see what animals they have on their thatched roofs...

      I've tried orange/coral lipstick and it just didn't feel right to me.

      I'll do my best to have agreat time in Greece!

  2. So many great outfits here, Veronica! I love seeing the older pic of you - dang, you are and were a lovely lady! The red lippy totally suits you. The sign on the building made me laugh!

    1. Thank you!

      It was a beautiful house, Sheila I should have taken a photo of it.

  3. Yes I did notice your lippy, it looks fab, your skin tone suits a deep colour well. You look about twenty in that photo where you are forty, looks like you were drinking Pale Ale! I wouldn't have noticed your fingers then or now to be honest, we've all got bits we don't like, haven't we...half my body in my case! Have a fab time in Greece, you'll love it...lucky grandson. xx

    1. Thank you, Fi!

      No, not Pale Ale, Red Stripe - my favourite beer. Three cans of those and I was feeling nice and mellow...

  4. You're very lucky to be able to wear red and darker shades of lippy as they both suit your skin tone. Most women get stuck in a rut with a favourite shade, if not brand. I'm branching out with my colours too this summer and have enjoyed wearing a bubblegum pink for the first time in my life.
    My favourite items have to be that wonderful gold sparkly jacket which you accessorised like a pro with all those lovely yellow bangles and also the big camo top looks fabulous with those skinny leggings.
    Hope you have a wonderful holiday and that you get some good weather!
    Anna x

    1. Thank you, Anna.

      It's good to try something different now and then!

  5. I love that brown lippy on you. How fun seeing that photo from the 90's.

    As always, the outfits are magnificent. This time around, I'm most enchanted by those yellow beads and matching bangles,

    Have a wonderful time in Greece.

    1. Thank you, Goody.

      The jewellery collection continues...

  6. Kalimera!! Yay, Corfu! I'm sure you'll love it as much as we did. Whereabouts are you staying?
    You really suit those headscarves and the dark lippie.
    The gold jacket is fantastic on you.
    I can't believe that's you in the photo, I'd never have guessed.
    That's the second time I've seen that fox on the roof this week - I can't remember which TV show it was on, maybe the Antiques Road Trip or Roadshow? xxx

    1. I think it's called Kontalikos - it looks lovely and I'm so looking forward to it!

      I'm getting quite obsessed with the animals on roof thing; I'll have to do a recce of more local villages to see what they're displaying on their thatched roofs...

  7. I love Autumn too, and love all those pics of the little things which caught your eye when walking.
    So many cool outfits!, I like those kimonos, and the fab color combos and mixed prints, and all those beads!, you have a stunning collection! You rock your accessories!

    1. Thank you, Monica. Such a compliment coming from the Queen of accessories herself!


  8. That photo of you aged 40 - you look about 25! Did you wear fewer colours back then? Always looked good, though...

    That sign on the house made me laugh too.

    Dark mornings are horrible. I've given in and bought myself one of those alarm clocks that lights up gradually over the half-hour before the alarm; it's really good.

    1. Thank you, Mim.

      Yes, I think I dressed in more muted/classic colours back then. I've got more adventurous the older I've got.

      I like the sound of that alarm clock...

  9. I don't know how you manage to find such fantastic stuff and at such good prices. I have just spent the morning looking in the charity shops In Kettering (zilch) perhaps i'm not brave enough to try things on.Did try on a pair of black books (£14.99) but didn't fit.I love you in blue kimono. We have a thatched house like that near us too. And I also have short stumpy fingers.!!

    1. Us shorty stumpy fingered people must stick together, Polly!

      Sorry you didn't grab any bargains - I've lost two of my usual bargain places. My Red Cross shop is closing - (everything 1.99 and 1.00) and my favourite Barnardo's in Great Denham has stopped its 99p rail AND put all their prices up.

      They have a new manager from London and he's priced things at London prices! He'll learn...

  10. I love all your colourful outfits, and I'm especially in awe of your - mostly - charity shopped jewellery. That Country Casuals jacket is fabulous! Brown lippy suits you very well, but so does red! Oh, that photo! Like Vix, I hardly recognized you, with your mane of dark hair. You are looking much much younger than 40 there, but then again, you are still looking young for your age. The sign on that house made me laugh too, and I love the thatched roofs with the animals. Have a wonderful time in Corfu! xxx

    1. Thank you, Ann!

      I think I shall most certainly enjoy Corfu!

  11. Have a fantastic time in Corfu!

  12. I'm exactly like you, I love fall but I really dislike winter.

    You've done so well with your walking goals and cutting back on the thrifting.

    Love the old photo of you.

    Such a shame about the thatched roofs. They are so quaint.

    That sign on the house was hilarious! I need one of those, right next to one that says no soliciting! Ha!

    Have a wonderful trip!


  13. Interesting style I love your head bands. Great photos too. x Jacqui


Goodbye for now

  Hello again! Almost a week late, I know, but this will be my final post before we go to Ireland for the whole of September and I'll ha...