Friday 28 October 2016

Weekend visitor and a busy half term

I had a brilliant weekend but just to go back briefly to last week. My daughter made these delicious flapjack/granola things with slices of apple and they were delicious. She brought me more at the weekend so I was very happy. Lovely with a cup of tea.

I tried to retrace the same walk again last Thursday but although I got a bit further than I did last week I still can't fathom out the last bit and ended up walking by the roadside for the last mile and a half. I like a challenge so I'll be trying it for the third time next week. Wish me luck!

I wore this last Friday. The  navy paisley top is the one I bought last week - it wasn't too small.

Everything is charity shopped except the boots - donated by my daughter.

All jewellery charity shopped.

A bit of pattern mixing....
(Photos courtesy of middle grandson!)

One grandson was poorly last Friday and didn't go to school and the other one had a teacher training day so no school run for me. I had both boys all day so they were both here when Hilary arrived around 3 pm. It was lovely to see her.  We had so much to catch up on. I can't believe I didn't take any photos of us - what was I thinking?

We went out to eat on Friday night and had a delicious curry. It was a new Indian restaurant recommended by my next door neighbour - cheers Dave!

On Saturday we went on charity shop tour to Newport Pagnell, Ampthill and Kempston. We visited thirteen charity shops in total.   We stopped only for tea and cake. Hilary managed to buy each of her six grandchildren a little present each. I got a couple of books;  (£1.50), a pair of H & M trousers (£2.50) for next summer and a black, brown and white top (£1.00 rail). I also bought 3 bangles (£2.00) and a large wicker storage basket for £2.50. I thought it would go under my bed but it's too tall - damn it. That is a total of £9.50 and an overall total spend this week (my week runs from Sunday to Saturday) of £15.47 (12.97 on clothes) including Monday's spend of £5.97.

By the way, I said in my last post I'd never seen skinny cords - I take it back - I saw a pair in the Willen Hospice shop in Newport Pagnell. Too small for me, unfortunately.

We chilled out on Saturday evening and on Sunday morning did a 6 mile walk. Hilary left at lunch time as she dislikes driving in the dark. It was a lovely visit. She retires in December so we'll be able to spend more time together next year.

A bit more pattern mixing on Monday - Prince of Wales check and spots! I went to visit my son and was child minding so no Save the Children. Apart from Easter and summer holidays it's the first Monday I've missed.

Earrings charity shopped ages ago - it's the first time I've worn them.

Black kimono present from daughter a few Christmases ago. Boots from Next and a Christmas present from
daughter, as is the watch - also from Next about six years ago.

Everything else charity shopped. Hilary bought me a lovely silver bangle (below) in the RSPCA charity shop in Newport Pagnell; I'm wearing it in this photo along with the white disc bangle I bought a few weeks back.

I'm on a mission in the charity shops at the moment. My OH's company have allowed for the first time ever, employees' OHs to join in their Christmas jolly. We will be staying overnight at Luton Hoo, having a three course dinner and drinks all evening; followed by a full English breakfast the next day.

Image result for images of Luton Hoo

I'm looking for an evening dress as it is a 'White tie' function. I have some lovely Mary Portas trousers I was planning to wear (charity shopped £5.00) but feel an evening dress would be more appropriate. I have one suitable one in my wardrobe, but it's knee length, black lace and I really fancy a long dress. If I could find one with long sleeves that would be amazing but if not I have a bolero/shrug I can wear with a short sleeved or sleeveless one. So far, I haven't seen any long, desirable evening dresses in the chazzas but it's a bit early for the party wear to be on display. I definitely don't want a black dress but so far that's all I've come across...

Tuesday's outfit

Everything charity shopped - and yes it's another kimono!  It's from New Look and I bought it a few weeks back in the Red Cross £1.99.

There were only a few of us at the food bank on Tuesday so I stayed on a bit later. In the afternoon I went into town and bought some green skinny jeans for 50p from the Reuse Centre.  When I went to the British Red Cross I bought a pair of green cords (I've now got two pairs of cords!) for a £1.00 and fitted shirt for £1.99. Total spend £3.49. I wonder if I can stay under a fiver this week?

The navy blue top was from Store 21 sale last year and was £4.99.

I went walking with the Ramblers  on Wednesday to Tempsford and did 7 miles.  We walked along two rivers; the Ouse and the Ivel. The trees are particularly beautiful at this time of the year:

Everything charity shopped except the desert boots - online retail.

I love the neck on this waistcoat  - so simple but effective.

I bought this red jacket last winter at the RSPCA in Newport Pagnell for £5.00.

Middle grandson experimenting with different effects!

I went into town again on Wednesday afternoon and bought a pair of brown flared trousers for £1.00. I bought a checked jacket for a£1.00 in the 3:16 shop. £5.99 spent on clothes so far this week. Whilst doing the food shop on Friday I went into the Salvation Army charity shop and bought a cotton nightie with matching dressing gown for £2.99. I'll put it away for the summer but that's £8.98 in total so far.

On Thursday we went to London to see my ex mum-in-law. It was lovely to see her and we spent a pleasant few hours. My niece was also there and it was lovely to see her as well.

Green cords Red Cross £1.00, floral jacket pound rail somewhere last year. White top Next Red Cross £1.99. Boots Lidl.

All jewellery charity shopped.

OH and I are off for a rummage on Saturday  - we haven't decided where we are going yet Huntingdon or Cambridge but we'll have to decide soon. I'll be looking for an evening dress and will try to be restrained - I've already spent nearly a tenner already this week!

Have a lovely weekend everyone.



  1. What a lovely glimpse into your life (and clothes!). I'm constantly amazed by your great charity finds, Veronica! Love that red coat.

    Have a fabulous week!

  2. If you can't find an evening gown a beaded or sequined jacket with a satin or velvet maxi skirt can give a similar effect-and they're easier to find.

    Thirteen shops-my goodness that must be a record. I'm envious-I don't think we have thirteen shops to visit. That's so nice spending time with old friends.

    Your daughter's apple flapjack looks delicious. What is it about this time of year that makes oats so appealing?

    Those flared jeans are very nice-the length is perfect on you and they're just wide enough.
    Hope you have a wonderful week.

  3. Don't give up on that walk Veronica, you can do it! (That's from a person who ALWAYS gets lost!!) Your week sounds busy!
    Lovely to see Hilary and how wonderful about her retiring. I'm ready for mine and I'm not even 50 yet!
    Ooh, I love a bit of flapjack.
    How exciting about the big night out at Luton Hoo. That definitely calls for a dress. I think you're right to avoid black, everyone wears that and you can wear colour. I hope you find the perfect dress! Xxx

  4. I love to see you in the flared jeans and also the green cords Vronni - both really suit you and in both you look long and sleek too. I know that leggings are mega comfy, but I just thought I'd give you my feedback. The patterned kimono from NL is very sweet and so it the floral jacket as well. Good luck with your third attempt with the walk. And hey, I have to agree about the maxi - you can wear any colour, black is just to predictable.
    Have a lovely week x

  5. Those flapjacks look mighty tasty! Your daughter is a talented cook.
    The kimono tops really suit you. You got some super bargains this week, you're making me itch to get out and about this week, it feels like ages since we were last out hunting.
    Luton Hoo looks wonderful. I agree, you should avoid the black if you can, it's too predictable and you're far too cool a dresser to resort to something safe. If I find anything crazy, colourful and fabulous in a 16 I'll give you a shout. xxx

  6. Luton Hoo looks amazing. With your charity shopping skills, you're sure to find the sort of dress you want before the party rolls round.

    Save some flapjack for me!

  7. Those flapjack thingys look amazing!

    I'm loving your pussy bow blouse and that second funky kimono.

    Such a shame you guys don't have estate sales in England. I could imagine the amazing clothing and furniture that would be available from some of those old houses.

    You seem to be quite the thrifting pro : )

    Sending you some good thrift vibes for your white tie event. What is that saying, "When the event presents itself your outfit will appear." Or something like that ; )


  8. Thank you, Suzanne.

    I think I've found a dress...



Goodbye for now

  Hello again! Almost a week late, I know, but this will be my final post before we go to Ireland for the whole of September and I'll ha...