Wednesday 19 October 2016

Of pigs and pheasants...

I went walking on my own on Friday morning after dropping the grandchildren to school. I tried to retrace the route of the walk we did on Wednesday. I got lost (as usual!) but ended up walking 7 miles in total. I know where I went wrong - I walked the wrong way round the woods.  I disturbed lots of pheasants and patridges whilst I was out - they were flying out of the undergrowth by the dozen and the pheasants ran like crazy. Next time I'll have the route perfected and can add it to my list of local walks.

This is the Irish Blarney Mills woollen cardigan I bought from the Save the Children last week. It's dark grey with brown speckles and lovely and warm. I didn't need to wear a jacket with this on Friday. The trousers are also the ones I bought last week.

In fact everything is charity shopped and that's the bangle I bought last week, too. It's very simple; two white discs on a silver bangle. I bought the necklace from Marie Curie in Bedford.

I went for another walk on Saturday; only 4.5 miles but I had some interesting company!

I wished I'd put some apples in my rucksack to feed this beauty. Part of the walk I did takes me through the estate of Howbury Hall; home of the Polhill family. They have a herd of these lovely black pigs who are very curious and friendly.

 Howbury Hall, Bedford

Howbury House during the second world war when it was used as a hospital.

Saturday's outfit

Once again everything is charity shopped except the boots donated by my daughter and the earrings were part of a set -  a present from OH. Can you see I pinned a silver leaf brooch to my scarf to keep the knot in place? Unfortunately it didn't last as the scarf was made of slippery chiffon...

The red skinny jeans are from Laura Ashley, the top from River Island and the waistcoat from Gap.

 My Monbretia (Crocosomia) plant is dying off...

Here's mummy pig and three (possibly four - see the extreme left) of her babies. 

There's another walk we've done in the past to Ickwell (in Hertfordshire) where there are some lovely pink porkers and Vietnamese pot bellied pigs to see. I've also seen Llama's in a field on one of our walks but can't remember where it was now.

I bought these lovely Alstromerias in Lidl.

On Sunday OH took photos using my camera rather than the camera on my phone. I can't make them any larger as they spill over the margins but I can't see any difference in the quality - can you?

I went for the monochrome look to do the house work, cook dinner  and make a plum crumble. Everything is charity shopped except the brogues from Tesco sale.

I love the sleeves on this top but they do tend to soak up water when I'm washing up!

Although I have mastered the technology of taking photos on my camera; downloading them to my Chromebook and then on to my blog; it's easier and just as effective to use the phone camera. Who knew?

Monday's outfit

Top ; Save the Children some weeks ago £4.00 - it's by the White Stuff; wool cardigan/jacket Barnardo's last week £3.99 and leggings M&S but can't remember which charity shop...

Everything charity shopped except the boots - from Lidl a few weeks ago. Very comfortable...

I remembered to wear a brooch - bought from Save the Children some months ago for £1.00.
(Six year old grandson took the photos).

I had to go into the Red Cross charity shop to say hello to the Manageress - I do this every week - and ended up spending £5.97 on: three tops for me and I also bought a sweatshirt for my middle grandson in Save the Children for 75p. I think one of the tops might be a bit tight - but it's navy with a coloured paisley pattern so I hope not, but if it is my friend might like it.  Another top is long sleeved too but made of very light material; probably more suited to summer; the third item was a ginger coloured Zara cardigan. Total spend this week is £6.72. I have donated two 'going out' or dressy type dresses; one worn once and the other twice; plus a shrug that was too tight on the arms (again). So 3 items in and 3 items out...

I had quite a lazy day on Tuesday partly because I've got this bug that everyone seems to have. Middle grandson and his mum have had it; blocked and snotty nose with a cough that is particularly troublesome at night. I didn't go to the food bank on Tuesday as I didn't want to share my germs with everyone.

Everything charity shopped except the cardigan which I bough in a La Redoute sale about 7 years ago so I've had my money's worth!

I went to the library; ran a few errands in town; did some household chores and then got stuck into my latest book. It's by Dodie Smith (author of 'I Capture the Castle', 1001 Dalmations; among others) and I'm enjoying it. I do enjoy reading women authors of the 1930s and 1940s; many of whom have now been forgotten. I don't think Dodie Smith is one such author but she is really only known for the two books mentioned above.

I don't have many pairs of boot cut trousers left, maybe two or three pairs and this is the only cord pair I possess. I used to always wear cord trousers in the winter in all sorts of colours and I can't think why I stopped wearing them; maybe with the advent of skinny trousers. I've never seen skinny cords - have you?

These cords are from Primarni, the top is an unknown label but bought in the British Red Cross shop earlier this year for £1.99. Boots charity shopped.

Necklace charity shopped; earrings from Sainsburys.

I had my first cough free night on Tuesday night; slept really well and woke up too late to walk with the group  - so I set out on my own  on Wednesday morning and walked just over 7 miles. It was a bright, clear with a chilly wind and I had a brilliant walk. Saw more pheasants, a sparrowhawk and a buzzard as well as skylarks, meadow pipits, rooks, wood pigeons, blackbirds, blue tits, dunnocks, robins, great tits and gulls. I'm sure there  were even more species but the little buggers don't stay still long enough for me to get a good look at them!

This knitted dress is from Autograph at M&S and yet another £1.99 bargain from the Red Cross shop back in the Spring. Today is the first day I've worn it. I could have done with a warm cardigan over it as it got very cold later in the day.

All jewellery is charity shopped. I particularly like long silver necklaces because they go with everything! The watch is from Next and was a Christmas present about five years ago from my daughter.

Both tights and brothel creepers/beetle crushers were bought online.

On Thursday I'm going walking on my own and do the weekly food shopping. On Friday I'll go walking again and do the school run. My friend, Hilary, hopes to arrive about two in the afternoon, so we'll catch up, go out for a meal on Friday evening; some chazza shopping on Saturday and a walk on Sunday morning before Hilary departs for Devon. She is retiring at the end of December so we hope to see more of each other next year and she is definitely coming to stay with me in Ireland.

I've got both grandsons on Sunday night as it's half term next week - thank goodness -  a break from the school run and maybe a visit to London to see the ex mum-in-law...

Hope your week is going well and your weekend does, too.



  1. Wow, what a plethora of wondrous outfits, Veronica! I'm agog at all the things you find in charity shops there! Lovely jewelry, and that red scarf (slippery though it may be) is so pretty. Those pigs are huge! We see very little farm life around here in our wee city.

    I hope you have a great week, and that cold is getting gone!

  2. Oh, those piggies. Such funny beasts.

    Your grandson handles a camera pretty well for one so young. You'll have to train him to take all your outfit photos - and a career in fashion will beckon!

  3. Lovely piggies! I forgot to say before, to get goldfinches in your garden try sunflower hearts rather than niger seeds, they absolutely LOVE them!

  4. I adore piglings (as the Goans call them)! They're everywhere in Goa, we're forever trying to catch them.
    You've got a great blog photographer. You look gorgeous in greys and blues. xxx

  5. Adorable piggies, i'm sure they made lovely walking companions.

    Your grandson is an excellent photographer. At that age all the photos I took cut off people's heads-we have to guess at the identities in the family photo albums.

    You're right-I've never seen skinny cords-I wonder why not?

    A wonderful week of outfits. The Irish woolen cardigan is a real beauty. Danny was impressed by your bird sightings.

    1. Goody - guess what? Went charity shopping today with my best friend of 50 years and what did I spy? Skinny cords Not my size unfortunately....

  6. My main focus has to be the wonderful bit of pattern play with Saturday's outfit Vronni. Well done - this is fabulous! I love how you did this and the way everything was connected one way or another. Brilliant! I wore my brothel creepers that are pretty identical to yours - can't remember what I paired them with, maybe a dress. Anyway it'll turn up on the blog sometime.
    Enjoy your week x

  7. That cardi looks wonderfully cosy, perfect for this time of the year. I love that picture of Howbury House as a hospital; it reminds me of Foyle's War, which is always a good thing. You must feel so healthy with all that walking and fresh air. At this time of the year it always feels like a bit of an achievement to be outside. You're a very glamorous housewife! That outfit is good enough to go out for dinner, never mind wash the pots! Yes, cords used to be a wardrobe staple. Wonder what happened there? Xxxx


My final blog post

Hello and welcome!  It seems a long time since I last posted but as you know we went to Ireland for a month and I've been very busy sinc...