Monday 15 February 2016

Kimono weekend

This the kimono I bought last week and I wore it on Saturday to go and visit my son.

I had planned to wear this necklace (a recent purchase from the Salvation Army for £1.25) with the kimono but the bloody thing fell to pieces when I put it on and it's not repairable - damn!

The skinny jeans are from Primarni, the black draped top from La Redoute sale last year worn with black vest underneath from Lidl; black ankle boots from Next; Christmas present from daughter about 3 years ago.

Blue beads, bangles and earrings all charity shopped.  I look a bit serious here - was I thinking about whether my OH would remember it's Valentine's Day on Sunday or not?

Of course he did -  flowers and chocolates; bless him! Especially as I wasn't even going to be spending it with him....

Instead I spent Valentine's Day with my friend Natalie in Cambridge and her friends. We went out for lunch, drank a few glasses of wine and then went back to her house and drank more wine. It was lovely to meet everyone as we'd not met before and we all got on really well, We've planned to do it again in a few months time.

I was wearing another kimono type jacket bought from the RSPCA shop about a year ago. Black velvet loose trousers from M&S (Christmas voucher 3 years ago), top from charity shop, black boots Next. Necklace Primarni, earrings  and bangles charity shopped.

For reasons I can't disclose we all had to wear a hat. Natalie had bought about half a dozen different styles from E Bay and we could choose one each. This was mine; this isn't a very good photo - a selfie, but I'll feature the hat again, I'm sure.

I'm going to head out over to Patti's 'Visible Monday' on Not Dead Yet Style here there's a party going on!

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