Sunday 13 December 2015

Sunday routines

I suppose most of us live through our routines, after all it gives structure and meaning to our lives. Sunday is my most routine oriented day because it's the day I do the housework. I hate and loathe housework but it has to be done - at least once a week. Luckily, my OH does his share otherwise it might be a different story! 

He hoovers and cleans the bathroom and I dust, wipe and polish and mop. He also does the usual household DIY, the bin emptying, windows, garden , washes the clothes and mops the kitchen floor. I keep everywhere tidy (I'm a neat freak), clean the kitchen, do the household admin, wash all household linens, do the grocery shopping and shop for any other household items. We share the cooking; I hate cooking and he enjoys it but I do all the baking.  Whoever doesn't cook does the washing up. So, I think we have a pretty fair division of labour.

We also have all the family round for dinner on alternate Sundays so it can be pretty hectic! This is what I wore today to do the housework and cook the dinner:

Red skinny jeans bought this week for £2.99 in The Children's Society; grey striped top £1.00 rail bargain, hounds tooth checked cardigan £2.99 at Keech charity shop last year. The boots are from River Island and are my daughter's cast offs! The only size we share is our foot size and I frequently receive lovely shoes/boots/sandals which she no longer wants.

The necklace is from Primarni about 5 or 6 years ago and was about £2.50.  They used to do really nice pieces of jewellery, I think, but I haven't thought much of the more recent items.  The earrings are little red hearts and were 99p from Age Concern a few months back.

The other routine we have on a Sunday is to go for a nice long walk but we were too busy today to do it!

Saturday routine includes watching Scandi Noir on TV. At the moment 'The Bridge' has us gripped. Poor Saga, my heart goes out to her. She's a terrific actress, you can see every emotion crossing her face when confronted with something different - can't wait for next week's episodes.

Off to link up with Patti's Visible Monday
at Not Dead Yet Style - she's got fruitcake!


  1. Oh damn, I just typed a comment and it's disappeared - apologies if you get both of them!
    I love the red skinnies, you are really rocking them!
    Catching up on your previous posts - sorry, I am horribly behind with commenting. I am pleased to hear you are enjoying your volunteering, and I know just what you mean about the things some people donate... Beggars belief!
    Housework is my bete noir, I hate it and do as little as possible - we live in a state of barely contained chaos, but hey ho! xxx

  2. Seems like a very fair division of labour on the housework front. I wish I could get the same system going here. I love those red skinnies. They look fabulous paired with grey. The necklace is wonderful. I have a few from Primani too from the days when they were good. One is exactly the same as one I saw in M&S. They were so cheap and have lasted ages. Xx

  3. Loving the red skinnies and that fabulous necklace!
    Your domestic arrangements sound exactly like hours, a fair division of stuff nobody really wants to do.
    I haven't seen Saturday's The Bridge yet, I'm saving it for later. I adore Saga. I'm excited for Luther tomorrow! xxx

  4. Just discovered your blog! I've bookmarked it for future reading.

  5. It seems you and the OH have a very sensible division of labor, congrats to you both! Love the red skinnies. I must check out "The Bridge " - we always look for a good drama. xox



Goodbye for now

  Hello again! Almost a week late, I know, but this will be my final post before we go to Ireland for the whole of September and I'll ha...