Sunday 20 December 2015

Favourite Colours

Today was a very relaxed day - school holidays have begun! Normally, I take the two youngest grandsons to and from school on Mondays and Fridays and the youngest stays with me until one of his parents pick him up. If they've all been round for dinner on a Sunday or if one of the grand kids are staying (usually the youngest on a Sunday night) I'm very conscious about getting them to bed on time etc because of school in the morning. Not today! 

We didn't even bother with the housework today - we're saving it until Wednesday. We went for a 5 mile walk around Bedford and I wore my favourite colours green and purple.

The skinny jeans are from a charity shop and are originally from Primarni; the purple draped top is a £1.00 rail bargain from last week's charity shop hauls. The cardigan is about 5 years old and bought from 'La Redoute' sale. Its got my two favourite colours in it ; green and purple, plus mulberry and camel. Here's a back view:

Look at those chunky legs! The walking is to blame (and genes of course) but I do have short legs and arms.....

The boots are from the Tesco outlet and cost £4.00 - so comfortable!

I wore a brownish lipstick today for a change but I much prefer my red lippie. The necklace was 50p at a car boot sale and the earrings with a purple stone were 99p from the Salvation Army charity shop.

Youngest grandson was allowed to watch a DVD in bed tonight as there is no school tomorrow; I can hear him chortling away upstairs as I type. I've got to get up earlyish as its my last day at the charity shop before the Christmas break; going to visit my son on Tuesday and then the madness begins. I hope you all have a lovely peaceful Christmas  - I'll be posting again before the New Year.

Joining in with Patti's Visible Monday - this week there's egg nog! Last week's fruitcake was rather delicious...

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