Friday 17 March 2017

Birthday celebrations and a swap

Our birthday celebration trip to London was brilliant. It was a really pleasant day; warm with the occasional bit of sun.

Here is the wonderful bloggers scarf - birthday present from my daughter, and the leather jacket was a Christmas 2015 present from her; boots, Christmas present 2016 from OH; hat, Christmas present 2014 from eldest grandson;  black leggings M & S retail; dress from New Look, charity shopped in Cancer Research for 3.75 last week.

Silver necklace bought in Age UK, Sandy two Saturdays back.

Earrings and bangles charity shopped. Watch; Christmas 2102 present from daughter.

We started with a cup of tea in West Hampstead and a rummage, of course! It got warmer as the day went on and I discarded the hat and then the scarf...I had some birthday money from my brothers to spend but I was quite restrained. I bought a bottle of Orla Kiely perfume for £15.00 (retails between 35.00 - 47.00 on line; a bargain in my eyes) and a pair of sparkly tights for 2.75 in the West Hampstead charity shops. We then hopped on a bus and went to Golders Green. They had quite a few charity shops and I bought a yellow cardigan for 1.99 in Barnardo's. We didn't have time to check them all out as a couple were closed for the Sabbath, but we were also running out of time. We had to get back to Chelsea and meet up with brothers and nephews.

Should have taken more pictures but here's the West Hampstead fire station. (LCC stands for London County Council).

 I have a soft spot for West Hampstead, although I grew up in Paddington, as it's where my favourite and regular disco was ('The Purple Pussycat' - I kid you not!) and it was a favourite destination for me and my mum on our rummaging excursions until she moved to Kettering in 1999.

After leaving Golders Green we headed off for Sloane Square where I was able to go to the eldest grandson's restaurant - he works there - and say a brief hello. He was rushed off his feet the poor lad.

Two brothers, one daughter, two nephews; OH and me in Battersea waiting for our meal.

The return journey. Missing  - one nephew and one daughter who had things to do, places to go, people to see...

It was a lovely day and although we all had sore feet (the oldies) we're going to do it again before too long.

Sunday was housework and cooking dinner for the family. On Monday I was volunteering as usual in the Red Cross shop. Busy, busy, busy. I bought a bracelet and a short kimono top (see Tuesday's OOTD). I still had birthday money to spend so no guilt feelings about buying stuff...

Everything charity shopped except boots which I'm sure you recognise by now. The tunic was bought in a Donegal charity shop. All jewellery charity shopped. It was another nice day like Saturday; with a slightly chilly wind but at least it didn't rain.

I wasn't needed at the Food Bank on Tuesday. When there are too many volunteers in we can't get much done as we are in each other's way and have to queue at the weighing scales for ages. Everything is weighed in and out at the Food Bank. If you donated a single tin of beans it would be weighed in and recorded!

Top; Red Cross, 1.99, red top; 50p rail in a charity shop in Royston; jeans, charity shopped and red boots bought on line.

So, I had a free day to do exactly what I wanted - sort of. I had a hairdresser's appointment to keep, I was cooking dinner and I was picking up middle grandson from a football match, but in between I was free. I went to Barnardo's at Great Denham for a rummage (birthday money burning a hole in my pocket) and they still had their 99p rail. I bought a Jaeger checked jacket for 99p. I washed it and it came up fine. I might wear it on Saturday to a friend's 60th birthday meal in Luton - yes, I'm off gallivanting again at the weekend!

All jewellery charity shopped except earrings bought with 50th birthday money in Bath - my 'Bath earrings.' I've just realised that was 13 years ago but it feels like it was yesterday...

I also paid a visit to the 3:16 charity shop in town as I haven't been there for a bit. I bought a pair of jeans; a necklace and a ring. I had planned to start my next crochet blanket but got engrossed reading a play by Kate Atkinson called 'Abandonment'. Before I knew it it was time to pick the grandson up...

On both Wednesday and Thursday I went walking by myself. I walked 7 miles on Wednesday and 6 miles on Thursday. Wednesday was the most amazing day; 16 degrees, sunny and a beautiful blue sky.

This was at the beginning of the walk. I'm at the top of a field and the housing estate in the distance is where my daughter lives. Look at the sky!

I met Mr and Mrs. Mallard out for a stroll...

In fact, I met lots of people and as one elderly lady, astride her mobility scooter, said; "the sun brings everyone out".

 Over the two days of walking I saw and heard quite a lot of birds. It's one of the pleasures of walking for me - what birds and plants can I spot? I saw:

  • A Kestrel
  • A Red Kite
  • A Buzzard
  • Magpies
  • Rooks
  • Crows
  • Jackdaws
  • Wood Pigeons
  • Dunnocks
  • Sparrows
  • Great Tits
  • Blue Tits
  • Coal Tits
  • Pied Wagtails
  • Meadow Pipits
  • Blackbirds
  • Starlings
  • Goldfinch
  • Mallard
  • Moorhen
I also heard but didn't see:
  • Skylarks
  • A Woodpecker

Near the end of the walk. I was going to the left and across some fields but the path to the right leads down to my youngest grandson's school.

I babysat on Wednesday evening for my daughter who was playing in a netball match and just remembered to take a selfie:

Everything is charity shopped including the jewellery. The striped top is one of the 99p sale rail bargains from Barnardo's last week. It didn't fit as I expected; it was a bit baggy at the bottom but it will look alright over trousers or jeans. I wore it over a denim skirt.

I also paid a visit to Barnardo's and the RSPCA in Ampthill  on Wednesday afternoon as I hadn't been for a while. They still had their 99p rail, too - I wonder if it will be a permanent feature? I bought a brown cardigan - I don't have a short brown one, and a green tunic; in the RSPCA I bought a tunic off their 1.00 rail. I also bought four books for 1.00, two of which were books by Iain Sinclair that I haven't read, so I was well chuffed. I've spent all my birthday money so no more charity shopping until I get to Ireland!

The weather on Thursday was such a contrast to Wednesday. It was cold, grey and there was a sharp wind. I took this photo of Ravensden Church on my walk as it is so small but beautifully proportioned.

Everything charity shopped except boots; Christmas 2013 present from daughter, and leggings bought in a sale ages ago - can't remember where. The dress is from Next; I bought it in Barnardo's, Ampthill for 99p in the summer but it will be going in the charity shop bag. I don't like it. The waistcoat looks better over trousers or over a longer dress or skirt - see below.

I last wore this waistcoat in November 2015!

I had a clothing dilemma on Friday; I wanted to wear black and white again - why? I really don't know. Some days I think I want to wear purple today or black and white...I usually plan my outfit the night before and hang it up ready for the morning. I started out with leggings; realised the top was too short, so added the skirt instead. I had to wear a cardigan as it was a chilly day. I think the top is too long for the skirt so may have to try the top with trousers and if it's still not right back in the charity bag it goes. I shan't be wearing this outfit again at any rate!

Everything is charity shopped even the boots. The tunic is the one I bought in Barnardo's, Ampthill for 99p on Wednesday.

This week I've put in the charity shop bag: 3 tops, a pair of jeans; a skirt and a dress. At the weekend I've decided to go through my scarves to try and reduce them.

All jewellery charity shopped.

Finally, the post title says " and a swap". As you will already know I am a great fan of Persephone books see here and ask for them for birthday and Christmas presents. A few weeks back, Rosemary of  'Rosie's Ramblings' here was giving away some Persephone books and sent me 4. Unfortunately, I already had 3 of the 4, and although I've managed to pass on one of the duplicates I still have 2 left. Does anyone have some Persephone books they would like to get rid of or swap with me? The 2 duplicates (both highly recommended) are:

'Few Eggs and No Oranges' - Vere Hodgson
'Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day' - Winifred Watson.

I hope you all have a great weekend!

Friday 10 March 2017

A bit of a rummage

I have been doing a bit of rummaging this week...

I couldn't go walking last Friday as it rained heavily until 3 pm. I was so disappointed as I was looking forward to the Greensand Ridge walk, but it's no fun walking in the rain.

I bought these blue beads in the Red Cross last Monday. Earrings bought from Sainsbury's years ago. All other jewellery charity shopped.

Everything charity shopped except the boots - Christmas present 2015 from OH. The cardigan is from Monsoon and was 1.99 from the Red Cross. The trousers are by Roman and I think they were from Barnardo's in Ampthill. Can't remember where I bought this top; I've had it ages but it's a first time wear.

I went walking on Saturday with a different Rambler's group and did 6 miles in and around Sandy. I went early and had a browse around a couple of charity shops. I bought a silver necklace for £1.25.

Everything charity shopped. Dress from Red Cross; shirt from a £1.00 rail somewhere. Boots bought in St. Ives for 4.00. All jewellery charity shopped.

I bought these beads in my favourite charity shop in Killybegs, Co. Donegal for 2 euros. One of those bloody loops has escaped; I should cut them off but I like how they stop the garment falling off the hanger...I had to get rid of the checked shirt as, when I went to tug it down under the dress, my finger went through the material and ripped a big tear in it!

Monday's outfit. Everything charity shopped except boots - Christmas 2016 present from daughter. Youngest grandson took the photos so they're taken from a sitting down position! He won't be parted from his i pad that boy...

"Amari,  why don't you stand up and take the photo?"

I managed to find a replacement for my blue checked shirt in the Red Cross on Monday for 1.99.
There were so many donations to sort it was difficult to move round our sorting room - the Health and Safety people would have a field day in there. There was so much to get off the floor and into the storage room for steaming I didn't get a chance to sort the jewellery (which is my favourite thing to do) and there was a big box of it.

On Tuesday I was at the Guildhouse. It was a beautiful day and I'm sorry I didn't take advantage of the weather to go walking in the afternoon, but I'm trying to chill out when I've volunteered in the morning and catch up with blogs etc. Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays are my walking days and Monday and Tuesdays are for volunteering. That way, I have a rhythm and a routine to my week and having been used to the structure of a working week; I wanted to keep some sort of structure in my life when I retired.

Everything is charity shopped except the red desert boots bought online and the watch - a present in 2012 from daughter.

I bought this chunky blue necklace recently for £1.50 in the Salvation Army. It's next door to Lidl so I usually have a quick browse. I definitely have an addiction to costume jewellery! All the jewellery is charity shopped.

Rain again on Wednesday morning so no walking with the Ramblers.
Instead I went into town to return some of my library books and I picked up our train tickets to London. We're going to London on Saturday to meet up with my eldest brother and to celebrate my birthday which is on Thursday 9th. My youngest brother is coming with his son, my nephew, and his other son who lives in London is also coming; as well as my daughter and my OH; there'll be 7 of us altogether. My eldest brother has booked a pub restaurant in or near Battersea Park. My eldest grandson is working so he can't come but we will be popping into his restaurant to say hello and maybe have a drink there, too.

It's much cheaper to buy the train tickets from our tourist information centre. I bought a group save - 5 of us travelling from Bedford to St. Pancras with underground zones 1 - 6 included; for 13.85 each. The same 5 tickets without the underground zones was 70.00 online - 14.00 each.

I bought this pot from the donations box at the 3:16 charity shop.
I also had a pleasant hour or so rummaging whilst in town. I bought a lovely colourful dress for 3.75 in Cancer Research which I'm planning to wear on Saturday. I couldn't believe my eyes as I left the Cancer Research shop with my dress (and a silver necklace bought for 1.75), because across the road was yet another (new) charity shop - a Mercy in Action outlet store. And it was the grand opening day! We now have 13 charity shops in Bedford town centre/bus station area and 10 others scattered about - 23 in total!

 Of course I couldn't resist a peek in the new charity shop and had a glass of fizz and some cake (only a teeny tiny bit, unfortunately) as soon as I got in the door. Did I buy anything? I'm afraid I did. A tribal printed woollen waistcoat from the Sweater Shop for 1.50; a white linen tunic for summer, 1.00; a deep blue linen grand dad shirt for 2.00, and finally a book by Elizabeth Taylor (not the actress) which is not one I've seen in the Virago editions. It's an old hardback called 'A Wreath of Roses'.

Thursday was my birthday. I was 63. I still feel 18 inside although I'm a lot more savvy than I was at 18!

 Everything is charity shopped except the red desert boots - bought on line. The skirt is by East and was bought from the Guildhouse about a month ago for 4.00.

All jewellery charity shopped.

Someone who shall remain nameless let the wax from the candles drip onto the cake...
I had a lovely birthday.  And it was a beautiful day; a warm and sunny 15 C degrees. After I did the food shopping I went for a 7 mile walk, and when I got home I had a wonderful birthday cake and lots of lovely presents - an Amazon Fire stick; a floral DAB radio; perfume; chocolates;  a bottle of wine; some earrings; new pretty knickers (much needed!) a beautiful box; perfumes; a CD and a very special scarf printed with  bloggers including me - see below.

On Friday, I did another morning at the Red Cross shop as the manager is off sick and they needed more volunteers. I don't mind the odd extra shift now and again. The day flew by before I knew it and I managed to sort a lot of the jewellery and get it out on to the shop floor.

Top, jeans and jewellery charity shopped. Jacket bought in a sale at Beales (a local department store now taken over by the Co-op). Boots; Christmas 2016 present from daughter.

I bought the earrings this week on my Wednesday rummage; 1.49 from the Heart Foundation. All the jewellery including the watch is charity shopped.

That's been my week - how was yours?

Thursday 2 March 2017

Senior moments...

A bit of catching up to do on the blog as last week I posted about the story of my brother in two parts.

Spring is on its way! These buds were spotted on my next to last
Sunday walk of 8.5 miles. I also saw banks of snowdrops, crocuses, primroses and some tiny daffodils - all seen in wild places and not in people's gardens.

Here's a few of  the week before last week's outfits.

Everything charity shopped except the boots - Christmas 2016 present from daughter.

I wanted to show this necklace which I picked up at the Red Cross on Monday for £1.50. I also bought some bangles and a couple of books. All jewellery charity shopped.

Pink corduroy shirt bought from £1 rail in the Red Cross a few weeks back.

Everything is charity shopped except the brown boots - Christmas present 2015.

All jewellery charity shopped.

I walked Wednesday the week before last (6.2 miles) and on the Friday of the same week I walked 5.5 miles. A good week's walking for me; just on 20 miles which is what I want to do on a weekly basis. What else have I been up to?

I finished my blanket...

Thanks to Attic 24 here for the Granny Stripe pattern.

Last Thursday I paid a visit to Barnardo's in Great Denham - I know - but I couldn't resist a quick peek to see if they still had their sale rail. They did. I bought 5 tops at 1.00 each. A yellow tunic; a brown waistcoat, two striped tops and a floral top.

I paid a visit to the library last Saturday and got a pile of books - just what I don't need, more books to read, but I've been after a few of the titles for a while...

This was last Saturday's outfit. Everything charity shopped except the top which was from Store 21 sale.

I bought the waistcoat for £1.00 in the Red Cross two weeks ago. I think it's hand made as there are no labels. It has lovely embroidery on the pockets:

Boots were also from the Red Cross but I can't remember where I bought the jeans.

All jewellery charity shopped. I bought this unusual chain which I think looks very Art Deco in the Heart Foundation shop in Northampton.

Last Sunday I went out early for another walk and did 5 miles.
I've been asked to lead another walk for the Rambler's summer walks programme in May. I won't do a new route but reverse the route I used in 2016 when I led my first walk; it will be around 7 miles and hopefully we'll have decent weather...

Monday's outfit.

All jewellery charity shopped. I forgot to put my bangles on  - I was running slightly late.

This is the yellow tunic I bought last week in Barnardo's for 1.00. It's from H&M; the top is from Cotton Traders and was also charity shopped.

The tunic has pockets! Floral leggings, Store 21 sale and brown boots from Sainsbury's.

I know memory worsens as you get older. I've certainly noticed a change in mine. I sometimes can't remember the word for something - for example a while ago it took me to two days to think of the word for 'brioche'! I never forget faces but often forget names. I start out to do things but I get easily sidetracked by other things and don't always finish what I started.  But this weekend I realised I had had a major memory lapse. For the past five months I've been driving around without an MOT.

I'd got my car serviced in September and thought it had been MOT'd as well. It hadn't. I had to get to the nearest MOT place pretty sharpish on Monday; I can tell you. I'm just so lucky I didn't get gripped by the police; or even more serious have an accident. No MOT means invalid car insurance. Apparently, I should have had a text message reminder last September from the MOT centre but I didn't receive one. They've set one up now so I can't make this mistake again. Don't worry, I'm sure I haven't got dementia but am exhibiting typical memory changes as part of the ageing process...

I remembered to go to the food bank on Tuesday morning! I missed my last session because I had the lurgy and didn't want to share it. It was good to be back. It's quite a physical role in the warehouse; bending and stretching and lifting and weighing boxes of stuff. I always come home with a pleasant ache in my back that tells me I've been challenging my body.

I bought this dress on Monday at the Red Cross - a M&S navy blue sweater dress for 1.99. Everything is charity shopped including the striped tights which attracted a lot of comment. They're going to go in the charity shop bag because although they fit fine in the leg the pants part only comes just up to my hips and they roll down gradually...

All jewellery, including watch, is charity shopped.

I bought some lovely blue beads as well on Monday at the Red Cross and something for the OH.

On Wednesday I set out to walk with the group. I never made it. I was putting my faith in my sat nav to find the meeting point and it sent me through a village and around the houses. I knew it was wrong when it told me to turn into Clophill village. but I was thinking "maybe it's a shortcut" it soon became the apparent the sat nav didn't know what it was doing!  Oh well, at least it was the sat nav's fault and not me having a senior moment! By the time I found a safe space to park up and reset the destination point I would  have got there too late.   One thing I've learnt about my Rambler's group,  in the three years I've been a member, is that they leave punctually at 10 am. I came back home and went for a six mile walk by myself...

Here I am; hot and sweaty on the final leg...I was walking with poles so didn't have a free hand to carry my jacket in and so it stayed on.

This is what I'd stopped for. Two swans resting in a huge field. I don't know about you but up until about a  year ago I had only ever seen swans on water or near water; canal side, riverside, lakeside. Then one day en route to Kettering; I spotted a wedge (flock) of swans resting in a water logged field. I began to see more and more swans in fields away from water. I don't know if this has always happened but I've only noticed it recently.

I also spotted yellowhammers on my walk - brilliant flashes of bright yellow in and out of the hedgerows.

This was Thursday's outfit.

Everything charity shopped except the boots and blue tights - just seen. I bought the floral top which is by Wallis, from Barnardo's in Great Denham last week. I had my scarf on as I'd been out food shopping and forgot to take it off! All jewellery is charity shopped.

Later, I tried some different earrings and a necklace...

On Friday, I'm going for a walk with the group. I know how to get to the destination so won't be relying on the sat nav. It will be an 8 mile walk along the Greensand Ridge and I'm looking forward to it. I'll just need to add in a couple of miles walk on Saturday to reach my target of twenty miles this week.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend; the weather's been remarkably pleasant the last few days; is it going to last, I wonder?

Fine weather, flea markets and funerals.

Hello and welcome! Posting a day later than usual; if you want to know why - do read on... (Pre-hair cut of course!) Wednesday was a lovely ...