Tuesday 6 August 2024


Hello and welcome! 

We've had a heatwave for the past fortnight...well, the temperatures were just about right for this time of the year but there were some super hot days and I find anything beyond 26 degrees C a bit uncomfortable. Although it's been wonderful to have sunshine and beautiful light instead of gloom and greyness...

I spent Wednesday, when I last posted, walking the dog and running errands. OH made dinner. He probably cooks more than I do now he's retired. I hate cooking so I'm very happy. I usually cook on Thursdays and do most Sunday dinners unless we have a curry or a barbecue.

Another week of mostly dry and sunny weather continued. I bought this pre-loved dress from Barnardo's last year but only got to wear it once. I love it and it's so comfortable to wear. I suspect it's from India but don't know for sure; the label had been cut out. I wore it with the sandals I made into sliders; originally bought from Sainsbury's. I bought them last year and noticed the same sandals are now half price....grrrrr!

All jewellery pre-loved.

On Friday I walked with my (small) walking group. It was lovely to see everyone again and they were very pleased to see me, too! We walked in Weston Underwood in Buckinghamshire; a 5 mile walk. We walked there back in February and can you read about that walk and see the photos here HERE. I wore the same jeans as I wore then, but this time with a tee shirt and kimono over them rather than the 2 jumpers and a jacket that I did back in February! I forgot to take an outfit photo.

I didn't spot this farmhouse cottage on the last walk. To the right were the barns and outhouses and the silage bales were piled high but what a sweet little cottage.

This was the thatched wych gate outside the church of All Saints in Ravenstone.

View from Ravenstone Church.

This lovely building with topiary was called 'The Clockhouse' at the end  Weston Underwood High Street.

I drove to Stansted airport in the wee small hours of Saturday morning to collect my daughter and her partner who flew in from Morocco where they'd been on holiday. I'll gloss over the journey there only to say it was horrendous. The main motorway to the airport was completely closed off after a few junctions and I had to follow diversion signs in the dark for most of the way. I tried using the sat nav in the car but it didn't acknowledge the road closure and sent me back the way I came. I was late arriving at the airport but at least I made it and the return journey was problem free. It was only the southbound carriageway that was affected. To go back to the sat nav I'm stuck with the one I have in the car but on my phone I've switched to using the WAZE app. It is much more accurate than Google Maps and recognises road closures etc. 

Saturday was pretty hot so once again a cool dress was the answer. I bought this dress from Vinted during lock down when I first discovered the on line, second-hand shopping site. I wore sandals bought retail last summer which are very open and cool. All jewellery pre-loved; except the earrings which were a very old Sainsbury's buy.

On Saturday morning I walked the dog; taking her on a long cross country walk to Bromham bridge through to Great Denham; Biddenham and back to Bedford; well that was the plan. We got as far as Biddenham and Rain just flopped down and wouldn't or couldn't walk any further. I'd let her off the lead walking along the foot path leading to Biddenham and she had a  long run around which had clearly worn her out. We stopped for a rest and I called OH and asked him to come and fetch us; I didn't want to have to keep stopping and resting with her every five minutes - it was too hot for that! Another longer walk on Sunday morning this time to Milton Ernest; once again she was let off the lead and had a great run around. Milton Ernest is about 4 miles outside of Bedford; I drove there and she rested in the car on the way back.

In the afternoon we were meeting up with my brothers for Mark's birthday meal. Julian came up from London and we drove to the village of Harrington, Northants to the Tollemache Arms. I enjoyed my food but the others thought the food wasn't anything special; it was quite expensive for pub food. I can't see us wanting to return. We had a lovely afternoon all the same but as usual forgot to take photos.

I wore this pre-loved sale rail dress  to the meal.  It was probably found at Barnardo's when they had half price on the dresses sale a while back but I honestly can't remember. My sandals were also pre-loved but can't remember where I found them either; all jewellery pre-loved. The dress has no label and is a wrap dress. I used to love wrap dresses and had several in the past but I haven't owned one for a long time until I acquired this dress earlier in the year. I think I'll keep it as I'm very partial to black and white prints.

Monday and back to Barnardo's. We had a half price on all clothing sale on and I took advantage. I bought a brand new swimming costume; a Brakeburn jumpsuit and several shirts and tee shirts for OH, plus an Addidas waterproof jacket for him. 

It was a frustrating morning. I cleared the rail behind the counter which needed clothing items labelled and size cubes added and served customers. The smallish pile of donations bags when I started my shift had tripled by the time I left and I hadn't had time to even start on one of them.  I shouldn't complain; we're lucky to have so many donations.

It was a scorchingly hot day; temperatures climbing to over 30 degrees by the afternoon. I bought this dress in Willen Hospice in Newport Pagnell about 3 years ago. I've had to put in the donations bag as I noticed when I took it off a large tear at the bottom; I may have caught it on something whilst walking the dog. The dress is slightly too long so I wore my Timberland sandals which have a platform sole to give me a bit of extra height. I most definitely didn't need the pre-loved jacket. The brown pre-loved cross body bag with the striped handle by M&S was a find from a West Hampstead charity shop a few years ago.

I think I'll stick to indoor photos...

In the garden the Gaillardia has gone mad and I have blooming Nasturtiums. The Calendula seeds I planted are growing well and I hope they'll flower before long.

And the hibiscus tree burst into bloom. This is the thing I'm most proud of in my garden; as it started out as a little one foot high plant in a plastic pot from either Lidl or QD and cost 1.99; it's taller than me now!

It was even hotter on Tuesday.
 I'd been taking Rain out for walks around 8 pm in the evening when it had cooled down considerably from the day time temperatures. We were out early in the morning when it was also considerably cooler. I don't think either of us could have coped with walking far in the heat!

A welcome respite from the heat in the food bank warehouse on Tuesday morning. We made up Kettle packs, put toiletries away and helped with weighing out food parcels. 2 of the volunteers who make up the food parcels were on grandparent duty.  We had finished everything that needed doing by 11 am. Next week I'll be on my own as Tracey is away on holiday.

I think this jumpsuit was a Barnardo's find a few years back. It's very comfortable but not terribly flattering and as I found a new to me jumpsuit on Monday, I shall re-donate this one. It has no label but the elasticated waist and neck line make it very convenient when needing the loo....luckily the 'new to me' jumpsuit also has an elasticated waistband.

Pre-loved shoes by Hotter and all jewellery pre-loved. I changed into sliders when I got back from the food bank; closed-in shoes are just too much for my feet in the high temperatures.

I managed to wash and dry 2 lots of washing on Tuesday afternoon;  one of the best things about the high temperatures. I pegged out a fitted double bed sheet amongst some other bed linen and it was dry in 10 minutes!

Wednesday was the day we took Rain to the vet for her rabies injection. We're going to Ireland for the month of September and the injection has to be given a minimum of 21 days before travelling. My next door neighbour has a pet/house sitting business and I'd asked her advice about finding a good vet. The vet is in a village called Ickwell and it was a very positive experience. There's one more vet visit for a tapeworm tablet for Rain and to collect her travel certificate just a couple of days before we leave.

Another way to cope with the high temperatures was to wear linen and cotton. These linen trousers; pre-loved from somewhere, probably Barnardo's, are by H&M. I wore this pre-loved Falmer top and my retail Brakeburn sandals to keep my feet cool.

All jewellery pre-loved. The pendant was one of the several I bought in the job lot of costume jewellery from Vinted.

After walking Rain I went for 45 lap swim on Thursday morning. It was pretty crowded; I usually have only one or two other swimmers in the slow lane when I start at 8.30 but there were at least six this week. Probably because it's the school holidays.  I swam in the middle lane instead which was slightly less crowded. I met a fellow walker and walk leader as I was leaving the pool who reminded me about the upcoming London walk; King's Cross to Paddington along the canals. I'll ask my daughter or son to dog sit so I can go. OH has yet another reunion on the same day in London. My son came with me to do the weekly food shopping and after packing it all away; I went into town to get my eyebrows waxed and tinted. Youngest grandson had a month's break from basket ball which meant after dinner I didn't need to take him anywhere. Have electric scooter will travel...

The Friday walk was a train/bus walk from Ridgemont and walking 7 miles to Maulden. It was an early start and I opted to not go as the temperatures were set to continue to be 28 degrees plus. It was actually much cooler on Friday morning although still very humid. The sun came out mid-morning. I decided to wear my 'happy' dress bought in the Sainsbury's sale. The colours and pattern make me feel happy so I've named it...

Sandals retail from Monsoon and all jewellery pre-loved.

OH and I ran some errands on Friday afternoon involving buying dried dog food and a new bed for Rain who had ripped out the stuffing from her bed. I took the cover off the old one to wash it a few weeks ago and the zip broke in the washing machine; eventually the foam stuffing tore and Rain kept ripping it out until it was almost flat. There was a fleece covered pad as part of the old bed which we will take to Ireland with us and she can sleep on it in the car and at the caravan. Somehow, I can see her claiming one of the sofas in the caravan as a preferred sleeping place...we can't shut her out of the room with the sofas as it's all open plane with kitchen, dining and sitting areas.

I'm currently reading 'My Antonia' by Willa Cather; a Virago edition and then I have this new TBR to start. Once again my previous TBR pile contained yet another book I'd already read and forgotten I had. This time it was 'The Rules of Civility' by Amor Towles but I'll pass it on to cousin Marian. I have a pile of books accumulating for her and for my friend Hilary. I always try and bring them both a goodly pile of books when I visit.

No, I haven't had a tattoo! I don't want  one, either.

 On Monday, I'd spotted an unusual butterfly/moth in the garden and at some point on Tuesday the same one flew onto my foot! OH can be very speedy when he wants and he grabbed his phone and took a photo. This beautiful insect is a Jersey Tiger Moth. Originally only found in Jersey (one of the British Channel Islands for non UK readers) it has migrated to the South and South East of the mainland. The photo doesn't do it justice but when closed; its wings have a beautiful black and white abstract pattern like a work of art. Last year we had Cinnabar moths with big pink spots but I haven't come across one this year. Apparently, it's been a bad year for insects and bees. We've had reasonable numbers of bees in our garden I think; the flies and ants are as plentiful as always. A few weeks back when it was grey and damp I was interested to see copious amounts of slugs on my walks with Rain, particularly the black ones. It was a bumper year for slugs and snails.

On Saturday afternoon I took OH and Rain to the village of Westwood Underwood. I knew OH would like it and after a walk around with the dog we stopped at the pub for a cool drink. It was yet another hot and humid day but it started out quite cool.

There are lots of beautiful houses in Weston Underwood but we both admired the lovely herbaceous borders in this cottage next to the pub. The photos aren't very good I'm afraid.

White jeans from Primarni last year and sandals by Tu at Sainsbury's. Pre-loved tee shirt by Dunnes Stores and pre-loved linen shirt by Tu (I think) All jewellery pre-loved.

A lot cooler and very little sun on Sunday. I took Rain for another walk in Milton Ernest bright and early and was able to let her off the lead safely. She chased after rabbits but didn't catch any. Phew! I was chewing gum and felt something hard in my mouth; I'd pulled one of my dental fillings out. That will mean a trip to the dentist before we go away. I'd booked the ferries and overnight accommodation after our trip to the vet in the week. The overnight accommodation charges £20 per night for a dog; the ferry, surprisingly was free if the dog is in kennels. You're allowed to visit the dog in the kennels on board and take her/him on short walks. You could also leave the dog in the car but Rain isn't well behaved enough for that.

Everything pre-loved.
Leggings by F&F. Trainers by M&S. Tunic by Joules.

Of course we've been watching the Olympics. I like the gymnastics, swimming and diving and OH likes the track and field events. We also tried watching 'The Turkish Detective' but found the acting wooden. We'd watched and enjoyed 'The End of Summer' originally shown on BBC4 but we caught up with it on BBC iPlayer. 

The End of Summer - a Swedish mystery drama shown on BBC 4.

'All of the Sins' a Finnish police drama via 'Walter Presents' had a new third series available on More 4 so we began to watch that at the weekend.

Hot and humid on Monday and a busy day for me. It started with a walk at 7 am with Rain. Once I was ready and had breakfast I went to Barnardo's to do my Monday morning shift. I worked with the manager and it was good to see her. A new manager for the Great Denham shop had been appointed and I'll get to work with her when I return from Ireland.

I had the exact same experience at Barnardo's this Monday as I did last Monday. The donations started off as a small pile but had tripled by the time I left AND I didn't even get to start on any of the donated bags. Once again I tagged and put out on the shop floor all the donated items on the rail behind the counter. I also served customers; lots of customers. People were spending their money even though our half price clothing sale had finished. Lots of children's toys/games sold; the summer holidays are beginning to take their toll on parents and grandparents...

I bought this pre-loved Brakeburn jumpsuit in the half price clothing sale last week. Pre-loved metallic sandals by Dune bought on a rummage to Saffron Walden last year. All jewellery pre-loved except the earrings.

From my Barnardo's shift I went straight to the hairdresser's for a cut. 

From the hairdressers I picked my daughter up from her house. She and her partner had gone to the reggae festival in Milton Keynes on Sunday and she parked her car near our house. We have guest resident permits we can give to family and friends. Once I had dropped her at the car I then went to Lidl to pick up a few items. Home to do the weekly housework followed out by a second dog walk. OH made dinner using left over chicken from Sunday's dinner and once I'd washed up I spent the evening in blog land and reading the first book from my new TBR pile. I was glad to sit down at last...

Tuesday was very humid and warm after an overcast start. Whilst I was at the food bank we finally had a good downpour of rain. At least OH wouldn't need to water the garden today! I was busy at the food bank as I was on my own but I still finished 15 minutes early. I made up Kettle packs and put the toiletries away.

I wore my pre-loved and now quite old Adini top and matching skirt;  strangely I didn't find the pieces together but several months apart and in different charity shops. Top by Talbots; daughter donated Addidas trainers and belt (from the 90s!) and all jewellery pre-loved.

In the afternoon, OH and I went on a short trip to Olney and then Newport Pagnell (both in the next county of Buckinghamshire) to the butcher who sells dog bones. We had a quick rummage in both places; I bought a brooch and another book in Tom Thorne series by Mark Billingham. I'd just started book five in the series. In Newport Pagnell I was pleased to see the Keech Hospice shop which sells clothes and was closed down the last time we visited; had a notice in the window saying they'd be re-opening soon. They must have been having a refurbishment. We had a surprise in Olney where we saw s small group of walkers having a break in the car park and eating their lunch. This is another small breakaway group from the large group and they only walk on Tuesday mornings. They'd walked from the village of Turvey to Olney and unfortunately got caught in the downpour. A couple of the Tuesday walkers also walk with the Friday group. These 'splinter' walking groups developed during the lockdown in 2020 when people were finally able to go out in groups of six or 'bubbles'. That all seems like a long time ago now, thank goodness.

That's been my fortnight; how's yours been?


My final blog post

Hello and welcome!  It seems a long time since I last posted but as you know we went to Ireland for a month and I've been very busy sinc...