Tuesday 30 April 2024

It can't rain all the time...

 Hello from me and hello from Rain; aka Long Schnozzle and Scoobylicious!

The title of this post is taken from a quote by James Barr. The weather over the past 2 weeks had been mostly wet, windy, gloomy and above all, cold. The ground is still waterlogged in places but I'm hopeful better weather is on the way...

This was Wednesday's outfit. Top found recently in Barnardo's; trousers an old charity shop find somewhere. Boots retail. All jewellery pre-loved.

OH and I took Rain out for a country walk on Wednesday afternoon and on the way back decided to stop in Newport Pagnell for a quick rummage. Newport Pagnell has a total of 7 charity shops including one which sells only furniture, household goods, books and DVDs. We visited 3 shops in total; it's difficult looking around a charity shop with a dog who doesn't want to be there. Neither of us needed anything and it was more of an experiment than anything else. Rain was thoroughly spoilt in the 2 animal charity shops we went into with dog treats, and in the Wood Green charity shop they took her photo to post on their Facebook page. Willen Hospice allowed dogs, too.  I found 2 books about the countryside in there.

Prior to this trip I'd taken Rain to our local Sainsbury's Local around the corner from us and tied her up outside while I popped in for some bread. Within a few seconds of my entering the shop she had got the lead untied and followed me in. I had to take her outside and tie her up properly; unfortunately the shop is right beside an ATM and she jumped up to say hello to a woman who was using it. She's such a friendly dog; she loves people and other dogs. It takes an hour or more in the morning to do a circuit of the park as she has to say hello to everyone and every dog...

I wore this coatigan over the outfit when I went out. I found it in a charity shop in West Hampstead called 'All Aboard' a couple of years ago; scarf from my Barnardo's and the gloves were a charity shop new goods buy, Age Concern; I think, some years ago. I'd lost one glove by the end of the day. That's the 3 rd pair of my favourite gloves I've lost in the past month. I like to wear gloves when I take Rain out for her early morning walk as it was still quite chilly in the mornings and evenings. We were still lighting the fire in the evening.

I wish I could say this is the wisteria in our garden but it isn't. Our wisteria is 10 years old this year and has only ever had 1 flower on it; it has lots of fresh green leaves at the moment but nary a flower. The magnolia tree is flourishing, however.

As are the bleeding hearts.

We've planted sweet peas to grow up the trellises.

These red tulips on the left have fully bloomed but there are 2 more pots of tulips almost ready to bloom. This was Rain enjoying a rare sunny Thursday afternoon.

I went for a swim on Thursday morning having walked Rain for an hour. I made the mistake of eating my breakfast before I swam; usually I wait until I get home. I struggled to swim 40 laps so won't be doing that again! Once I was ready I set off to the farm shop for (more) coal and kindling; then to Lidl and Sainsbury's for the weekly food shop.

Although I like these trousers I have put them in the charity shop donations bag. They're too baggy around the middle. Found in my Barnardo's and by F&F; the top was also a recent acquisition there. The shirt underneath is an M&S men's shirt; I chopped the tail off so I could tuck it into things without making unsightly bulges...

Boots retail; New Look and all jewellery pre-loved.

Once I'd put the shopping away OH said he would cook dinner so I took Rain for her afternoon walk. On the way back from our walk we walked past some tennis courts where there appeared to be a doggy playtime going on. Rain was invited to join in with Rogue and Bella and had a marvellous time; boy, can she run fast! The other dog's owners were just young girls and they said they use the tennis courts when the little adjoining park has children in it. It's the same park I take Rain to for her late walk where I let her off the lead.

After dinner I took middle grandson to basket ball practice - yes, it's back again. In the evening OH and I watched the new BBC series of 'Blue Lights' which is set in Belfast. Rain likes to snuggle between OH and I on the sofa when we're watching TV and if I'm reading or using my lap top will also leave her bed and come and snuggle up beside me. I planned to keep her off the sofas when she first arrived but gave that up after a couple of days! However, she's not allowed in the bedrooms or on the beds and I'm strict about that.

The unofficial bus walk group were walking in Milton Keynes on Friday. I decided not to go. OH had to go for more blood tests at the hospital and I liked the idea of not having to rush around getting ready to leave on time for a walk start. Instead, I took Rain out for her usual morning walk and then had my breakfast; showered and got ready for the day.  We gave Rain a shower whilst I was in there and she wasn't very impressed by it. She did enjoy being dried off with the hairdryer, though. Our adventure for the day was to take Rain to the groomers to see if her nails needed cutting. They didn't so I went to B&M to stock up on some toiletries and also popped into the Day Care Hospice charity shop where I bought a light green linen summer dress. Then I spent the rest of the day, reading, blogging and catching up with blog land.

Everything pre-loved except boots bought online. Trousers by Phase Eight; top by M&Co; polo neck by M&S.

All jewellery pre-loved.

Saturday was quite a lazy day. I started the day by walking the dog which takes between 60 - 75 minutes every morning. OH's daughter had called me the previous day to say she was coming to Bedford for a party and would pop in and surprise her dad. I spent the rest of the day trying to keep OH at home whilst waiting for his daughter to arrive.  Meanwhile my friend Ann popped in to say hello; she was very wary of Rain as she's not an animal lover. When OH's daughter did finally ring the doorbell I sent OH to answer it, feigning busyness and what a lovely surprise it was for him!  After a cup of tea and a catch up; OH took his daughter back to the party and I took Rain for her second long walk of the day. I'm averaging 20 - 30,000 steps per day according to my Fitbit watch. Last Friday I walked almost 37,000 steps but I did go on a Ramblers walk and walk the dog 3 times that day...

I've worn a lot of blue this week; I don't know why. I wore this blue dress on Saturday as the red dress I'd planned to wear (a recent charity shop find) was too clingy; it went in the charity shop donations bag. I decided this dress was too flouncy for my taste so that also went into the donations bag. Dress was pre-loved and by Simply B; worn with black leggings and Next pre-loved boots and a pre-loved black polo underneath. The weather continued to be chilly so layers were still needed. I'll be so happy to put my winter clothing away and take down the lighter weight clothing from the loft, but can't see that happening anytime soon as the fortnight ahead's forecast is for 10 - 12 degrees on average. Not warm.

Me and Rain dancing...

All jewellery pre-loved.

We had the usual Sunday. I went swimming; having taken the dog for a walk in the morning. I stayed in dog walking clothes all day. I made dinner for everyone and in the evening we began watching the latest BBC4 International Crime Drama series 'Wisting' which is set in Norway.

I wore this to Barnardo's on Monday. It was still chilly so I needed layers and my thermal vests. I spent the morning processing donations and serving customers. We had to stop the donations as we had so many and hardly any space left to store them. Everything pre-loved; skirt by New Look; tank top by Zara, biker boots by Tu at Sainsbury's; also pre-loved.

The photo bomber strikes again!

All jewellery pre-loved.

Once I was home from the charity shop OH and I did the house cleaning and I then took Rain out for a walk and made it home before the rain came down. I keep having interesting conversations with fellow dog walkers; it's fascinating how many people foster dogs and how many have or have had rescue dogs. I do not like the poo bag business at all but it has to be done. I've learnt that some poo bags are more robust than others. I also try and vary our walks so we don't walk the same routes all the time. On Monday morning, for example, I found a path I didn't know existed.

Had a very busy morning at the food bank on Tuesday morning. Tracey and I made up about 15 Kettle Packs. The desired stock level is to have 30 crates of Kettle Packs made up and ready to go. Once that was done; we moved onto the toiletries and household cleaning items. In order to make room for the huge amount of baby nappies we have; we reorganised the baby room; moving the baby milk to a lower shelf and extending the nappy shelf to two - all nappies were put in size order. I enjoy this sort of task because it feeds my liking for order and organisation.

Rain is like my shadow. She follows me everywhere and keeps getting in the way of the photos...

Pre-loved skirt by Tu; pre-loved merino wool top and pre-loved green boots found quite recently but can't for the life of me remember where. I needed the warm top as it was windy and cold; in fact I added a green cardigan for extra warmth.

All jewellery pre-loved.

Once home I fancied making a Victoria sponge cake and whilst that was cooking; I cleaned out the fridge. Whilst searching for a jar of strawberry and champagne jam for the cake filling; the remnant of a Fortnum and Mason Christmas hamper OH received a while ago; it was then I realised a fridge clean was in order. A job I hate. I must say jam doesn't usually last that long in our house but neither of us particularly like strawberry jam. OH took Rain out for a long walk in the afternoon giving me a break from the walking. Yesterday for dinner OH had made chicken and pasta and for dinner on Tuesday we ate the left overs with cake for dessert.

I wore this outfit on Wednesday. I went into town to run some some errands which included looking for a soft toy for Rain to play with. She'd demolished 3 so far by taking the stuffing out. I found a soft toy in the 3:16 charity shop and in the 1.00 box, a plaid jacket for me.

Everything pre-loved. Top by M&S; jeans by John Rocha (I cut them down as they were too long and I'm too lazy to hem them) cardigan/kimono found in Burton-on-Trent charity shop. Boots were a present from my daughter.

All jewellery pre-loved. I had my eyebrows done whilst I was in town; they look a bit heavy here as I hadn't washed them. It's the first thing I do when I get home from having the eyebrows sorted is to wash the dye away so it's not so dark but this time I completely forgot. You're not supposed to wash the eyebrows for about 12 hours after they've been tinted (I have them tinted with henna) but I do. Always a rebel...

I started Thursday walking Rain and then I went for a swim. Once I was ready I set off to do the inevitable weekly food shop - Lidl, Sainsbury's and the farm shop. On my way out of Lidl having completed my shopping; I spied a veg box (take note, Vix!). Having been told previously my Lidl no longer did them I was very surprised;  however what was the point of putting it near the exit when you would only see it after you'd bought and paid for your shopping?

Same jeans as yesterday; pre-loved top by F&F and jacket found yesterday in the 3:16 charity shop. I wore boots from Tu at Sainsbury's; again an Xmas present from my daughter.

All jewellery pre-loved.

I'm glad to see the eyebrows have settled now.

I finally finished my previous TBR pile and started another one. I've now read 'Sleepyhead'; the first in the Tom Thorne series by Mark Billingham. I had to borrow it from the library. Last week when we went to the pet food store the shop next door had a charity book sale to raise funds for Age UK; where I found 5 books in this series and thought I need to start at the beginning...I treated myself to 'The Bee Sting' at the airport coming back from Ireland.

On Friday I joined the group for an official bus walk - yes, it was a walk from the Spring walking programme therefore 'official'. Interestingly, all of our usual Friday group turned up for the walk; plus one other person and one person's partner so we were 12 in total. We caught a bus to Turvey then walked to the villages of Carlton - Harrold - Odell - Sharnbrook where we caught the bus back to Bedford having walked 7.6 miles. I've walked these villages before but not all in one day. We stopped at Harrold Country Park for tea and cake.

In Sharnbrook I spied a Thatcher's signature I'd not seen before - a cat! The roof was freshly thatched so the cat was also new.

Photo courtesy of Google.

St. Peter's Parish church, Sharnbrook.  13th century; Grade 1 listed.

In the churchyard was this wonderful mausoleum belonging to the Magniac family who lived at Colworth Hall. I read the name as 'Maniac' at first! It must once have been very colourful as the beautiful tiled sections show.

On Saturday OH, Rain and I set off for an adventure in London. It was an adventure because we were travelling by train and underground and we had no idea how Rain would cope with it. It was the 41st London 'Unlock' walk and the only way we could participate was to take Rain with us. In the event she was very well behaved but she was very scared on the train and the tube and kept shaking. We did however, manage to tire her out walking a total of 11 miles! When she arrived home she simply crashed out on the sofa. 

The Unlock walk is organised as a non-denominational charity that supports urban churches with the opportunities and challenges in their areas. This year it was the London boroughs of Kensington and Chelsea, Hammersmith and Fulham that were visited; West London in other words and in particular North Kensington. Both OH and I grew up  in this part of London so we really enjoyed revisiting areas we first discovered as children and teenagers.

A total of 7 churches were visited. You leave a donation at each church and most churches offer refreshments. There were noticeably fewer people participating this year and I have no idea why.

The first church we passed but it wasn't one of the 7 taking part.

So many types of architecture to be seen in London; one of my favourites are these Victorian stucco houses.

What an incredible studio the room with the big window below would make. Perhaps it is.

Houses in Notting Hill.

The Museum of Brands on Lancaster Road, Notting Hill. Note how every brand is mis-spelt! The blue plaque points out this building was the original site of 'The Lighthouse' the first centre for people living with HIV and Aids and opened 35 years ago.

We visited the site of the Grenfell tower fire in 2017 where over 70 people lost their lives.

We walked through Westfield (the giant shopping centre) where we carried Rain between us down the escalator and when we went outside again we saw this:

Some interesting blue plaques.
Kelso Cochrane was a 32 year old, Antiguan born carpenter, and aspiring lawyer, living in Notting Hill at a time when racial tensions were high. He died after a racially motivated attack on Southam Street, Notting Hill on May 17th 1959. SOURCE

Rain's coat had arrived when we got home. It's fleece lined for warmth and waterproof; just what our recent spell of cold wet weather needs. There was an elastic bit that went round each of her rear legs but she found it uncomfortable; I cut it off and replaced it with a hook and eye fastener.

Sunday's outfit. All pre-loved except the black patent Chelsea boots bought retail; dress by Zara.

I was stiff from Saturday's 11 mile walk and didn't feel like swimming on Sunday morning; but of course I walked Rain for an hour in the morning and another hour and a bit after dinner...

The photo bomb queen strikes again!

I can only assume Rain is admiring her reflection...

Monday's outfit worn to Barnardo's. Everything pre-loved; except the boots. Dress by M&S. It was actually a lovely day (at last) on Monday; sunny, bright and warm in the sun.

All jewellery pre-loved. There weren't any paid staff to cover Great Denham on Monday so I went to the Kempston shop instead; there were 5 of us in; 2 paid staff and 3 volunteers. I processed donations all morning then came home and did the house cleaning followed by, yes, you've guessed it taking Rain for a walk. That's the rhythm of my days now; several daily dog walks interspersed with volunteering, walking with my group, swimming and the odd bit of rummaging.

I found this dress at the Kempston Barnardo's on Monday. The neck can be zipped up and turned into a polo or roll neck. Striped top by Massimo Dutti also found in Barnardo's a few years ago. Leggings pre-loved; boots as before. All jewellery pre-loved.

It was a beautiful day on Tuesday; warm and sunny all day and 19 degrees. At last...

Tracey and I worked hard on Tuesday at the food bank. We made up Kettle Packs and then unpacked and put away all the donated toiletries and household cleaning items. We sorted out, dated and organised the baby food; then moved on to sort out and organise the remaining baby items. The baby room is now organised and labelled so items can be seen at a glance.We finished by unpacking and putting away several large boxes of toiletry items. Once again a sense of satisfaction was the feeling I took home with me. 

I walked Rain in the afternoon walking 5 miles taking advantage of the lovely weather. My son was moving to Luton on Wednesday so I spent the rest of the day sorting out the stuff I've been accumulating for him. I'm spending Wednesday helping him move in and leaving OH in charge of Rain for the day. I'll see you on the other side!

Goodbye for now

  Hello again! Almost a week late, I know, but this will be my final post before we go to Ireland for the whole of September and I'll ha...