Tuesday 14 February 2023

Not stopping...and a lot of art


Here I am again. Thank you to everyone who sent me encouraging and just plain lovely comments. The support I received and the knowledge that there are people out there who look forward to my posts has made me want to continue. And as Sheila pointed out bloggers seem to have a need a record their lives and that is very true for me; particularly as I age. So onwards and upwards!

Wednesday, the first day of February was bright, sunny but very windy. I had the choice of walking with my Ramblers walking group in Rowney Warren; or recce'ing my own walk which will take place on 15th February. I decided to take advantage of the weather and do the recce. I combined two previous walks I'd led and set off from Milton Ernest Garden Centre (great starting point for a walk; free parking, loos and a cafe for afterwards) walking 7.6 miles towards Clapham, Thurleigh and back to Milton Ernest. 

The first day of February 2023 was also the day England saw the biggest spate of industrial action with 500,000 people out on strike; from seven different trade unions including nurses; teachers; train drivers; and civil servants. The fire fighters union had also announced they would be striking. I'm telling you it's like being back in the 1970s! 

The first of February was also St. Brigid's Day. My cousin Susan sent me St. Brigid's Day greetings from Ireland and told me both elderly aunts in the nursing home in Roscommon were not very well but nothing serious - thank goodness. When they're gone that's the last of my mother's generation gone...

I was going to wear a yellow and grey plaid dress by Vegas, but it was a little too roomy for me and I put it in the donations bag; choosing this dress, also by Vegas, instead. I needed to drop off the donations bag, it was full to the top. Everything except the boots pre-loved; the thermal leggings were an online retail buy a few years back when we had a very cold winter. The yellow suede jacket from New Look and the red pleather jacket were both Barnardo's finds. In the end I wore neither as my trip to see the exhibition after my walk didn't happen.

I was exhausted after the walk. There were a lot of bridleways;  and because they were designed for horses and riders, the horse's hooves churn up the ground. As we'd had some wet weather recently the ground was also muddy on some of the footpaths across the fields and in the woods, too. Consequently, a lot of the time I was walking with great difficulty; huge platforms of mud under each boot and it was like walking in lead shoes; hard to lift one foot in front of the other at times. I had to keep stopping to try and clear the mud off the boots to lighten my load; but when you want a decent stick there's never one around when you need it! I didn't have my rucksack with me unfortunately; I keep an old knife in it just for scraping mud off boots. It was a good walk all the same and in the spring, summer and autumn when the ground is drier; it's a lovely walk. I saw a couple of fields filled with lapwings who took off; flashing their pale coloured underbellies as soon as they saw me. Missed my binoculars; also in my rucksack. I saw several red kites; one in particular was constantly calling out; to its mate, perhaps? Or even a juvenile calling out to its parents.

I stopped at Aldi on the way home then had something to eat; put my feet up and had a short nap. That's how tired I was. The exhibition was on until April so I still had plenty of time to see it...I forgot a couple of things in Aldi so will have pop in again on Thursday...aargghhh! I'm always doing this and it drives me nuts. On the way back from Aldi I spotted a Sparrowhawk in a tree. I've seen it before but wasn't sure it was the same tree. I'll keep looking out for it again until the trees get their leaves back.

I spotted these snowdrops growing on a grass verge on my way back from Thursday morning's swim. They're winter flowers but because they bloom early in the year they always fill me with hope that Spring will soon be here...

(I think the photos have improved. A shout out to Vix  who suggested using the 'portrait' function on the camera).

I used to think the rings under my eyes were down to the swimming goggles leaving their imprint; they're not, I have eye bags especially under the right eye. Oh the joys of getting older...

Everything had been worn before on the blog and all were pre-loved items. I could call this an Irish outfit as the skirt by M&S was found in a Belfast charity shop; the multi-coloured jacket in a Co. Derry charity shop. Thursday was very mild so I got away with not wearing a coat. All jewellery pre-loved except the earrings bought years ago in Sainsbury's. 

I did the weekly food shop; going to Lidl and to Aldi for the things I'd forgotten on Wednesday. I also went to the farm shop for logs and kindling and had time for a quick look in the Castle Road charity shops. Still no table but I found a knitted striped tunic/dress. I'd cancelled my dental appointment as I knew it would be too much to fit in. They re-booked it for my birthday; also on a Thursday but at an earlier time. I picked up youngest grandson; who sadly was feeling very poorly. He obviously had a temperature and said he had a sore throat. I gave him some paracetamol and made him a honey and lemon drink to soothe his throat. Needless to say he didn't go to basketball practice but I took him home after his dinner; which he hardly touched - not like him at all. His close friends have both had a bug recently and he had clearly caught it.

We started watching this German crime drama 'Dark Rivers' on Tuesday. Another in the 'Walter Presents' international drama section;  it's available on All 4 and recommended. It's a bit quirky and with only four but extended episodes we'd have finished it by Friday evening. It seems a new 'Walter Presents' drama begins on Saturday evening and would then be available to stream so I expect we'll give that one a go.

Both Thursday and Friday were mild at 12 degrees but a slight breeze made it feel cooler. I gave the unofficial bus walk a miss deciding my body needed a rest. I'd been feeling very tired all week and think I need to slow down; I can't do as much as I used to and I need to act accordingly. Once I was up, showered, dressed and made up; I hung a wash out on the line hoping the breeze would dry it. I swept and washed the kitchen floor then sorted out my bangle collection which was something I'd meant to do for ages. I'd noticed I hadn't been wearing some bangles very much since the summer and decided to let them go. I did keep a few (about a half dozen) of my favourites back but I put most of my wooden painted bangles into a box and out on the front garden wall for people to help themselves. And they did - including the box!

This is the dress/tunic by Apricot I bought on Wednesday. I saw the exact dress online by Roman priced at £38.00; I paid 4.95. Washed and dried overnight. I like to wear my purchases as soon as I can to see if they're staying or going. This one stayed; I love stripes and I love green. I wore black M&S jeans and the faithful black polo neck. The long cardigan was another Irish charity shop find in the Donkey Sanctuary shop in Ballyboffy, Co. Donegal. It has since closed down; such a shame it was a bit of a treasure trove. All jewellery pre-loved; as were the boots which I'll tell you about shortly.

I thought I'd have a day at home on Friday; I don't do that very often but I always have to go out for something; and this time I needed more bird food supplies and some household stuff from B&M; and to drop off my donations bag. First, I stopped at the Daycare Hospice shop on London Road to drop off the donations and look for a table - and guess what? I found one. A small round gold coloured metal table that my Bose CD player can sit on in the living room. It had been in the dining room  but I like to listen to music when I'm using my laptop (there's no point when I'm reading as I don't hear it) and I usually sit in the living room. In the end I put the Bose on the sideboard and the lamp and a plant on the table.

 From the charity shop I went to B&M who didn't have what I needed; as I came out of their door the sole of my boot fell off. I'd bought these boots at the 3:16 Christian charity shop a while before Christmas and the first time I'd worn them the sole fell off. OH kindly glued it back on for me and this was only a second wearing of the boots. Not a good buy. They were put in the bin when I got home but I continued onto Home Bargains with one boot having a sole and the other having none! At least Home Bargains had most of what I needed. When I got home I took the washing off the line which was almost dry. I finished it off on the clothes horse in front of the fire in the evening.

I love the weekends. I (usually) don't have to be up and somewhere by a certain time. I can potter about doing chores here and there; get ready at my leisure and go out or stay in as I decide. I finished my book whilst eating my breakfast. It's this one. I'd resisted reading it for ages; the reviews weren't very good when it came out; anyway I find the hype around a lot of books unwarranted. However, my daughter recommended it to me and lent me her copy; which she had been lent by a work colleague, and as I trust her judgement I read it. It was a fun read and last week on my rummages I'd picked up the second in the series for my daughter; which she will pass on to me when she's read it. The retirement complex where the book is set sounded like the Wixhams Retirement village we saw on last Friday's unofficial bus walk; if you see what I mean.

When I haven't prepared an outfit ready to wear the night before I often resort to jeans. Easy and comfortable. These Next jeans  have been put in a new donations bag. They don't fit snugly enough around the bum and the rips let the cold in! They were pre-loved as was everything I wore, except the boots by New Look retail. Top by M&S and shirt underneath by Punt Roma. All jewellery also pre-loved.

This coat by M&S is not a winter weight but it wasn't a cold day on Saturday so I didn't bother with the beret either. Coat, gloves, scarf and bag all pre-loved. So where was I off to? Once I'd done yet another wash and hung it up; I decided to finally go and see the exhibition of modern art at the Cecil Higgins gallery and combine that trip with a few errands in town. I stopped at YMCA charity shop which I rarely visit as it is in a place in town where I don't often get to walk. Everything that was once there has gone; River Island; Debenhams; Beales; Waterstones (moved further along the same road); and Accessorize. The YMCA now occupies what was once River Island. I found a couple of books for Hilary and one for me and  a lovely plaid maxi dress by H&M; which I might wear to brother Julian's 70th birthday bash next week. I haven't quite made my mind up about what to wear; I'll be mulling that over for a while; there may be some trying on and taking off. At least I was down to a shortlist of two outfits ... 

I paid a visit to the Irish shop in town. Yes, we have an Irish shop in Bedford that sells all the Irish food brands like Tayto's crisps; Barry's tea and host of others. I go there for the home made soda or wheaten bread and as they only open on Wednesday and Saturdays it's often weeks, or even months between visits. I also went to Iceland and to QD to buy black sunflower seeds for the birds - neither B&M nor Home Bargains had any on Friday.

The exhibition of modern art at the Cecil Higgins Gallery in Bedford was a joint venture with the Ingram Collection:

I prefer modern art to most others and below is a selection of my favourites. I particularly like figurative art and there was plenty to see...
Sculptures by Elizabeth Frink, 1930-1993.

I discovered an artist new to me whose work I loved - William Roberts:

William Roberts 1895 - 1980
 'News' (1942)
The people in this artwork are anxiously reading the newspaper accounts from  WW2. The artwork above this one depicts Adam and Eve  in the Garden of Eden. The one below is called 'Saturday Night at the Local Baths' (1970).

One of my favourite artists, Edward Burra.(1905-1976) 'Hop pickers who've lost their mothers' (1924). I have 3 of his prints on my living room wall.

Another new to me artist; DOD PROCTER (1891-1972) The Golden Girl, about 1930

Edgar Ainsworth 1905-1975 'On the Platform' 1945 (pen and ink)

The Hop Pickers (1945) John Minton - 1917-1957

Edward Bawden. 1903-1989  'Lindsell Church' (1963)

Eric Ravilious. 1903-1942 'Rye Harbour' (1938)

I really enjoyed the exhibition. Next week I'll be viewing more art at 'The Guildhall' in London with cousin Marian. And on the subject of art here's the New Yorker 2016 cover print (on wood) I bought in West Hampstead. It's the smaller one below with the darker background. The other two cover prints were found in the 3:16 shop for 50 p each about 9 years ago; with one from 1960 and the other from 1976.

I treated myself to a bunch of Spring flowers from Lidl on Thursday.

I went for a 5 mile walk along the river towards Priory Marina on Sunday morning. We did the usual housework and OH cooked dinner. I made a dish with silken tofu but neither my daughter nor I liked it. Won't be buying that again! I also spent a while in the garden cutting back plants that should have been cut back before Christmas. There are lots of signs of new growth in the garden and OH and I were just waiting for a good day (and the time) to get out in the garden and give it some TLC. I watched the final episode of the final series of 'Happy Valley' on Sunday evening; in real time for a change. What a stonking good series but alas there will be no more...ever.

We started watching another 'Walter Presents' international crime drama series on Monday evening; this one from Sweden called 'Top Dog'.

Compelling Swedish drama from Walter Presents. A mysterious disappearance creates an unlikely team: ambitious attorney Emily, and Teddy, a paroled convict. How will the ad hoc
duo work together?

Monday's outfit. Dress by Cos; polo neck as before; cardigan by Next. All pre-loved including boots; tights and jewellery. The dress is olive green but looks more like brown in these photos. It was a very cold day at 1 degree to start with but warmed up to 9 degrees later in the day.

Woke up to the terrible news of a huge earthquake in Turkey and Syria. One feels so helpless in these situations and the only thing I can do is to send a donation to one of the charities assisting in the rescue mission; which I did. 

We had lots of donations (not of the monetary sort) at Barnardo's on Monday and were kept busy processing them all morning. I also went to the post office in the village of Bromham where I used to live; to do the banking. It was a day of finds at Barnardo's for me. I bought a set of dinner plates and as my daughter needed more plates I gave her my old ones. I found a couple of books; a knitted dress; a summer jumpsuit; and a red plaid blanket scarf. Some weeks go by with nothing of interest and then a day like today with lots of interesting things...I also found this which I wore to the food bank on Tuesday.

A hand knitted tabard. We are not supposed to accept hand knitted items (something to do with proof of fire retardant materials) and the same applies to items with no labels (people often cut out the label because they itch and irritate the skin; I know I do). This tabard also had pulled threads which would have meant it was destined for the ragbag anyway. I rescued it and put a donation in the donations box in exchange; pulled the threads through to the inside; washed and dried it and voila! I wore it with the Store 21 leggings and a pre-loved polo neck sweater underneath and red pre-loved boots. I think it would also look good over jeans. All jewellery pre-loved except the earrings which I bought online.

My first crocuses this year!
Spotted on my brisk 3 mile urban walk on Wednesday afternoon on a grass verge close to Bedford Park; which I circumnavigated and then walked through the surrounding streets to home.

I found this skirt in the Christian 3:16 charity shop a few years ago. I wore it with thermal leggings underneath; Diesel belt via my daughter; a pre-loved Whistles jumper; online retail cardigan and boots; pre-loved Viyella denim jacket. I ditched the jacket as it wasn't warm enough (more of a Spring outfit; Wednesday was 6 degrees) and stayed with the yellow cardigan. I even went for my walk wearing the cardigan with the addition of a scarf and gloves. I could also have worn my yellow suedette short jacket with it or the longer yellow suedette jacket. Spoilt for choice.

  Once I was up and ready I took my car to the the car wash; it was absolutely filthy and I felt ashamed of it. If I washed it myself, of course, I could save some money but living on a busy street with double yellow lines makes that impossible. It did look all shiny and new once washed. I went to Aldi to pick up some food items and then went to buy Julian a birthday present. No cooking as we had fish and chips for dinner. The fish and chip shop around the corner does very good haddock and chips. OH also has gravy and a battered sausage with his...

All jewellery pre-loved. The brooch came from the Heart Foundation shop some years back and I have a similar one in blue; also from the same place.

Sorry, don't know what happened to the camera here; it decided to bathe everything in blue on the left! I went for a swim and booked next week's swims whilst I was there. It's half term here next week so next Tuesday's swim will be from 12.30 to 1.30 pm instead of 2-3 pm. I hope I remember! This is the Zara knitted dress I bought on Monday from Barnardo's. It's an ochre colour and I wore it with brown camo leggings; brown boots from Tu - present from daughter and my long  yellow suedette jacket by F&F from the Castle Road junk shop.

Necklace and earrings pre-loved.

After getting ready I went to do the Lidl shopping and to the farm shop; with just enough time left to have a quick mooch around the Castle Road charity shops. Only 2 out of 3 shops were open; I found a couple of books. I picked youngest grandson up from school; sorted out the fire; lit it and made dinner after unpacking the shopping. After dinner I took the youngest grandson to basket ball practice. It was a relief to crash out on the sofa catch up with blog land and with 'Top Dog' which was turning out to be a very good series indeed.

On Friday I was off to London to see cousin Marian and for a long awaited visit to the Guildhall Art Gallery. I discovered its existence by chance reading something online. We had a great time. The last few days the weather had been cold but bright and sunny so I took a chance on wearing a jacket. Luckily, I stayed warm enough as long as I stayed on the move.  Everything except the boots was pre-loved. The boots were very comfortable; even after a day of pounding the London pavements. Jacket by New Look; top by Tu; tank top by Next; scarf, gloves and skirt with unknown label all from my Barnardo's. Bag from the Daycare Hospice shop. All jewellery and belt pre-loved.

Built between 1411 and 1440 by John Croxton, Guildhall was designed to reflect the power of  the city of London and its leaders. It was here that the ruling merchant class held court, fine-tuning the laws and regulations that established London's wealth.

Housed in a sort of square opposite the magnificent church of St. Lawrence, Jewry; the actual Guildhall is not open to the public but the art gallery is. The City of London is the original London and everything flowed outwards from it.  One of the exhibits in the gallery was the Agas map dating back to the 1500's (I forgot to take a photo) and it was fascinating to see how much London has changed; yet how much (such as the Guildhall) has remained. The map showed the original Roman Wall around the city; fragments of which can still be seen today - see below.

We couldn't read the text either!

Very close to the original London Wall was what remained of the Tower of St. Elsing Spital; founded as a hospital beside the street called London Wall in 1331 by a merchant (Mercer) called William Elsing. The foundation was intended as a refuge for blind beggars of both sexes, paralysed priests and, if space was still available, for beggars who wandered about the City.

The Guildhall art gallery was built in 1885 to house the City of London corporation's collection of artworks. The Victorian gallery was almost entirely destroyed by a severe air raid in May 1941. In 1985 the City decided to re-develop the site and build a new gallery at a lower level; where the exploratory archaeological dig discovered the remains of a Roman amphitheatre. The art gallery finally opened in 1999 after the excavations were complete. I remember the many news items about the amphitheatre find and it was a pleasure to see the actual remains for myself on this visit. Unfortunately, my photo didn't come out at all well as I should have set the camera to night vision. It was dark in the amphitheatre for obvious reasons but a what an atmospheric place.  You can find out more HERE.

We started our visit with a guided tour of several paintings including this one by Dante Gabriel Rossetti called 'La Ghirlandata. I'd never had a tour that included paintings and it was an excellent experience. Our guide was a volunteer and had undertaken a year of study to achieve the recognised certificate of an official City of London Guide; his enthusiasm and knowledge about the paintings was infectious. We spent quite a long time discussing a military painting which normally; I would glance at and move on, but he pointed out so much more within the painting and elaborated on it, too.

One of the original founders of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood; Rossetti painted 'The Garlanded Woman' in 1873. He used a model called Alexa Wilding for the main figure; the two women at the top of the painting were based on May Morris; William Morris's daughter. The frame was spectacular. I loved the four medallions which looked very Celtic in design. Apparently, this painting is the one that the gallery sells the most postcards of...

This painting was called 'London, 1975' I seem to recall but cannot remember who the artist was. Professor Google didn't help either...

I just loved this building; the way the light seems to beam up out of the basement and the hint of the cosy interior see through the front door. It's a depiction of a  hotel in Bayswater, but once again the artist's name escaped me. As befits a City of London art gallery the predominant theme is London and of the annual Lord Mayor's Parades. I didn't take any photos of those.

Camberwell Flats by Night. 1983. David Hepher (b1935)

One of the things I love about London is how ancient and old buildings live cheek by jowl with much newer buildings; as above in this artwork and in the photo of St. Elsing Spital's tower. I grew up very close to flats like these and can remember them being constructed; I also had friends who lived in this type of flat. What I love in this work is how the artist has produced the differing light through a range of windows and once again there's a glimpse of a cosy interior with a lampshade and a picture on the wall.

Greta Marks 1899 - 1990. London Wharves, 1972.  A collage of ceramic, glaze, wood, paint, grout, metal, plaster and plastic. 

I really enjoy pictures of harbours, wharves and water in general. I have a collection of such pictures; going up the stairs in my house and on the landing; about 7 in total and 2 further prints in the dining room so this really 'floated my boat' if you'll pardon such a terrible pun!

John Virtue (b1947)
Landscape 714. 2003-2004.

Painted in black, white and grey the light in this painting is amazing. That's St. Paul's Cathedral in the distance. One of the security guards told me it was his favourite painting in the whole collection. I can see why.

Allen David's Glass Fountain.

Trying to find the Guildhall from Moorgate tube station; we passed this wonderful glass sculpture in Aldermanbury Street. After returning to Marian's house in Hendon to pick up my car I then drove to visit my friend Bernie in Neasden and spent a few hours catching up with her. I returned home about 9 pm; cursing the lack of lighting in places on the MI motorway. I do not like driving in the dark very much, anymore. Never mind, once the clocks go forward we'll have longer and lighter evenings so it won't curtail my adventures as much.

I've been dithering about this dress for a while. Should I donate it or keep it? I always seem to wear orange with it.  On the plus side; it's made of a warm material. I tried it with a belt - no. Then with a jacket, but in the end I decided it was boring and it went into the donations bag. Everything was pre-loved; in the case of the M&S dress it was never loved so why did I buy it? Boots were a quite recent find; can't remember where or where I found the felted jacket which I've had for years. Polo neck underneath by F&F; another Barnardo's find. Tights by Snag and all jewellery pre-loved.

I wore this outfit on Saturday with the addition of walking boots and socks to walk with my daughter to and around Priory Marina. After a walk of 5.5 miles we stopped at the vegan cafe where my daughter had lunch and I had a pot of Earl Grey tea and a croissant. I then ran some errands in town; popped into the library to see if the first book in the Dr. Ruth Galloway series by Elly Griffiths was in - it wasn't. I want to read the series in order otherwise it offends my sense of continuity. I'd already accumulated several of the books in the series via visits to charity shops; but the first in the series continued to evade me. I will have to reserve it from the library. I did find a lovely lamp in the Keech Hospice shop on my way home; it was being returned by someone and I snapped it up.

My current read - second in the series

And this is my TBR (to be read) pile on the table next to my seat on the sofa; I bought 5 for 2.00 on Saturday from the Sally Army charity shop of which 4 are in this pile. The other is for Hilary who I'll be seeing near the end of this month and I try to bring her a pile of books every time I go to see her.

This week our Sunday was different to most. There was no Sunday dinner to be cooked for a start; although we did the usual housecleaning chores. I walked into to town in the morning to pick up my library reservation that hadn't actually arrived; of course I didn't know that until I went into the library! (I received an email on Monday morning saying it had now arrived) so another library trip to do. After OH and I had got ready off we set off for Covent Garden in London by train to go to brother Julian's 70th birthday bash. What a fabulous night we had. I drank too much wine and danced my socks off...

The birthday boy and OH.

Wearing H&M dress pre-loved from YMCA; pre-loved pleather jacket my Barnardo's; pre-loved boots as before and all jewellery pre-loved.

Me and the daughter.

Back to Barnardo's feeling somewhat the worse for wear on Monday morning. I'm not used to drinking...I spent the afternoon on the sofa and went to bed early. See you in a fortnight. Stay safe and warm!


  1. Yay! Glad you've not thrown the towel in and that you're still blogging and delighted that the portrait option worked for you, your photos are fab.
    So many things to comment on! Fabulous outfits as always especially the African waxed cotton maxi, the yellow moto jacket and the tartan dress you wore for Julian's birthday (sending him happy birthday wishes from both of us!)
    Lovely to see OH and your beautiful daughter.
    I enjoyed the Thursday Murder Club but absolutely loved The Man Who Died Twice, it had me crying with laughter at some points!
    Wasn't Happy Valley incredible? Sally Wainwright got the ending just right, didn't she?
    I loved accompanying you around the galleries. Fancy Alexa Wilding popping up in your post, too. I think our tastes are quite similar. One day you'll have to come to Walsall's New Art Gallery, I'm not biased, it's amazing!
    Have a fabulous week! xxx

    1. Thank you, Vix. I'm enjoying 'The Man Who Died Twice. I agree totally with the incredibleness of Happy Valley - a prefect ending!

  2. I'm so glad you decided to continue blogging. My main object is recording my life, but it's always a bonus to be able to share it with like-minded people and to receiving encouraging comments!
    So hearing you on the muddy walk and leaden boots, but I'm sure it will be a delightful walk once it is dry.
    Your photos have definitely improved, I'm glad Vix was able to help you out here.
    The modern art exhibition looks fantastic, I'm impressed there was a Käthe Kollwitz. The sculptures in Vladslo German Military Cemetery in Belgium's west country are by her, and there's a Käthe Kollwitz museum nearby as well.
    I loved joining you on your trip to London with Marian too.
    Some fabulous outfits again too! My particular favourites are the one built around the skirt from the Christian 3:16 charity shop and the one with the pre-loved H&M dress you wore to your brother's birthday bash. You're looking absolutely radiant in those photos! xxx

    1. Thank you, Ann. I love Kathe Kollwitz's work; I didn't know there was a museum dedicated to her. Another reason to visit Belgium. I've only driven through it many years ago.

  3. I too am very happy that you have decided to carry on blogging Vronni x

  4. Yay! I'm so glad you are going to keep blogging, Vronni! I love seeing your pics, and outfits, and I feel like I know your family! It does seem like comments have dropped (I used to get 10-12 per post, now 4-6 at most).

    Love your outfits, as always. I also sit on things that that are "okay" and often wonder why I bought them! Probably in a fit of retail therapy! Your plaid H&M dress is awesome!

    OMG, loved seeing the art and pics of London - I was last there in 2010 and love that city so much. You're right, the old juxtaposed with the new is so interesting. I remember seeing some of the old town when we were at the Globe Theatre.

    1. Thank you, Sheila. You must come back to England and we could have a big blogger meet up in London...

  5. your brother julien knows how to celebrate! and you´r looking gorgeous in the tartan dress and leather jacket!
    but all the other outfits are very chic too - my fav was the one you wore to london, love the plissé skirt and the yellow suede moto topped with the red tartan scarf.
    thanx for all the art! and for the interesting views of london.... i too love that very modern buildings stand next to the historic ones - in germany there is often a great fear to do so and it ends in bad fake historic buildings - sad.
    i´m glad you´r still blogging - you´r very inspiring.

    1. Thank you, Beate; you're very kind.

    2. As usual every one of your outfits were great. You certainly lead a jam packed life. Thank you for sharing. M

  6. Loved all your outfits and so envious you can go see art. I live in the middle of nowhere in Canada. Thanks for continuing to blog.

    1. Thank you, Marjorie!

      I believe you can see an awful lot of art online although I know it's not the same as seeing it in the flesh - so to speak. Try googling it and see what you come up with...

    2. I've seen Eric Ravillious online so am envious of that. When I was in your part of the world, I went to see every piece of art I could find. My surprise find was the Burghers of Calais at the Houses of Parliament. Loved Rodin and at that point had seen nothing in real life. I just about died of happiness and amazement.

  7. So glad you'll keep on blogging. I know all about muddy walks although your experience sounds even worse, when you have to keep scraping mud off the boots! Lovely pic of you and your daughter.
    Struggling a bit with Walter Presents at the moment. We couldn't get into Grow. We also tried The Wall: Retrace your steps, but have given that up after 3 episodes.
    Fave outfit is the dress with circles worn with yellow suede jacket.
    Enjoyed the art pics. I'm very keen on art exhibitions lately. Have booked fir the two immersive exhibitions, Van Gogh and Hockney xx

    1. Thank you, Gail! Enjoy your exhibitions; I've never been to an immersive one...

      We've been watching 'Sacha' set in Geneva and I highly recommend 'Top Dog'.

  8. Another eventful post...I especially like the artworks (and spent some time looking up artists I'd never heard of, so thanks for that).and of course the outfits...my favourites being the birthday celebration one, and the two pleated skirt outfits. My books to be read pile is in a large carrier bag that never seems to empty!

    1. Thank you, Erika. It's lovely when you discover new artists... I have the same problem with my TBR pile; it never gets any smaller!

  9. What a busy time for you
    And what an incredible post - amazing outfits and always great to hear how others chose to fill the days - the people and actions that matter
    When I was an undergrad twenty million years ago , I was lucky enough to read History of Art - I had a glorious three years and wrote my final dissertation on Eric Ravilious and the artists who were his contemporaries, including Bawden . Your pictures from your exhibits took me back - to days arguing with fellow undergrads that History of Art was just as valid a degree choice as Physics, or PPE or others that my college was better known for
    Happy days
    And a fantastic post
    Thank you for taking us with you on your adventures

    1. Thank you, Siobhan,
      I would have loved to have studied History of Art but did a Sociology and History degree as a mature student. My employers were paying for it so it had to be related to my job - which was nurse teaching at the time. I loved our discussions, too.

      Bedford is very lucky to have a have huge Edward Bawden collection. The Cecil Higgins Gallery commissioned him to design a tapestry for the tercentenary of John Bunyan; at a time when EB was broke. He left over 3,000 pieces of his art work to the Cecil Higgins and they have frequent exhibitions.

  10. "Hello from your St. Louis Fans! We enjoyed your writing and your photos so much! You are real fashion plate! Lovely. There are 11 of us reading your [bog] today, so tell the system that it is NOT just one reader! Love from us!"

    ~~~Kathryn here...the Ancients from the Senior Center are SO worried that you have not been able to get a true number of readers, so now they want to tell you that on a light day it is 8 of them and on a day like today, there are 11 all crowded around my computer. LOVE your ensembles...I agree with the gang that you are a real fashion star! Sorry I cannot make the "BOG" (Hee!) system accept us as anything other than ANONYMOUS. The gang cannot seem to get B-L-O-G in their heads..it is always the BOG! Ah well, we try! ~Cheers, Kathryn and the ancients

    1. Hello Kathryn and the ancients!

      Thank you so much for commenting again. So you all attend a Senior Centre where you get round Kathryn's computer and look at blogs or bogs even? That sounds like a very good way to enjoy yourselves and long may it continue. I must admit 11 must be a bit of a squash...

      Take care or as they say in Ireland 'mind yourselves' until next time!

  11. Hi Vronni! Just checking back after your comment. I posted about the Ashmolean Museum earlier in the week. Here's the link: https://vintagevixon.blogspot.com/2023/02/day-tripping-labyrinth-knossos-myth-and.html

  12. Fab full post Vronni. Outfits wise all stylish but particularly love the Zara knit dress. Also really like the H&M one that you don't love. The long maxi skirt with the geometric design reminds me of the ones my late Mom wore around the house in the 70s. Rgds, Lise

    1. Thank you, Lise. Your mum sounds like a very stylish woman!

  13. Lovely that you found that table that fits perfectly its new place. I understand that you don't need any music when reading, I become engrossed in a book!.
    I've read both books by Richard Osman and found them really entertaining, a fun read that I enjoyed a lot. Your pile of books looks appealing too!.
    Really interesting exhibition of modern art, so amazing drawings!.
    Looking particularly elegant in your Monday's outfit, love your jewellery and love that the dress looks comfy too!. And so amazing hand knitted piece, its texture is really cool!
    Love that beautiful skirt you wore with the yellow mustard cardi and beads, so fab colours and lots of possibilities.
    The Guildhall Art Gallery looks amazing too, I'd love to join you for a visit! (not this year, London is becoming too expensive!)
    Looking fabulous in your festive outfit, that plaid dress and red boots totally rock together. Gorgeous!

    1. Thank you, Monica. I'm sorry to hear London is getting too expensive does that mean you won't make it over this year? I hope not; it would be lovely to meet up and to take you around the Guildhall Art Gallery and the City.

  14. Thank you very much for this information! vegan restaurants I will do more research, I appreciate you letting me know.


My final blog post

Hello and welcome!  It seems a long time since I last posted but as you know we went to Ireland for a month and I've been very busy sinc...