Tuesday 31 January 2023

Thinking about stopping...


Hello again! Where did January go...?

When I left you back in the middle of January we had just entered into a very cold and icy weather spell. I never let the weather deter me from swimming though and went for the usual swim on Tuesday afternoon after finishing at the food bank in the morning. I was back to making up food parcels as one of my colleagues had gone to New Zealand to visit her daughter and would be away for about 5 weeks. Meanwhile the crates of toiletries and hygiene products continued to accumulate in the middle warehouse. Even if I'd had the time to sort it all out there was nowhere to put it...

Wednesday was cold at 4 degrees but very bright and sunny. I walked with my group from Deepdale in Potton close to  the Sandy Heath TV transmitter. This main local TV transmitter covers Beds; Cambs; Suffolk; Northants; North Herts and NW Essex. I'd never been so close to it before but it's always visible from any higher ground in Bedford; especially at night when it is distinguishable by several eerie red glowing lights. Our walk was 7 miles in length and took in the village of Everton and Gibraltar Farm where we visited the RAF Tempsford Memorial Barn. Set amid the remains of a secret WW2 airfield, this barn was preserved as a memorial to Allied agents who parachuted into Europe. You can read more about it HERE.

Remnants from Armistice Day 2022.

I spent much of the afternoon finishing my last Christmas gift book; 'Random Commentary' by Dorothy Whipple; a memoir of part of her adult life as a writer.  I was interested to see that she had lived in Mapperley in Nottingham and then moved to Barton Seagrave near Kettering; where my mum and brothers moved to from London in 1999. I lived in Mapperley from 1976 -1977; when I worked in a unit for children with learning disabilities based in Nottingham city hospital. I loved the people of Nottingham; a very friendly bunch of people. They called everyone 'duck'; said they were 'starved' when they were cold; called someone in a mood; 'mardy' and called a bread roll a 'cob'. I then moved onto reading the last of my Deborah Moggach books. I totted up the books I'd read in 2022 and found I had read 98 in total. I still don't understand how I read more books
 when I worked!

I went for my swim on Thursday morning and after eating a late breakfast I was getting ready to do the weekly shop when the phone rang. It was my hairdresser wondering where I was. I hadn't transferred the appointment to my new 2023 calendar and had of course forgotten all about it. Luckily she was able to fit me in for the following Thursday. This was Thursday's outfit. Skirt has been worn on the blog several times before; both skirt and jacket pre-loved. Pre-loved belt by Diesel. The green shirt from Zara was a belated Christmas present; chosen by me because I'd wanted a green shirt with a collar for absolutely ages. All jewellery pre-loved. Thursday is a hectically busy day for me and I collapsed onto the sofa at about 7.15 that evening having taken the youngest grandson to basket ball practice; gone to the farm shop for kindling; to Lidl and Aldi for groceries; unpacked and put the groceries away, sorted out the fire hung up a wash and made dinner. Next Thursday I'll have to squeeze in a hairdressers appointment as well...

It was an unofficial bus walk day on Friday. A small group of us met at Russell Park in Bedford and walked along the river to Great Denham. We walked right to end of Great Denham where there is a new cafe and stopped there for coffee and cake before walking back via Queen's Park and through town. I ran a few errands in town and by the time I got home I'd walked 8.75 miles. I spent the afternoon  in my walking gear with my feet up reading and doing blog stuff.

Saturday's outfit

Everything pre-loved except the boots. Skirt found in a West Drayton charity shop; jacket by Betty Barclay; pre-loved belt and polo neck from my Barnardo's. Both my earrings and necklace were found on my way back home from Friday's walk in 2 different charity shops and both were 1.00 each. I wore my fur coat; a scarf and gloves as it was an icy, foggy day to start with.

I think my necklace might be back to front!

My daughter and I had a day out in London on Saturday. By the time we arrived in London around midday; the sun was out and it was bright but still very cold. We went for a meal at the restaurant where my eldest grandson is one of the managers and what a delicious meal it was, too. It was lovely to see him. Before that we went to West Hampstead and Golders Green for a rummage. Between the two places there were 8 charity shops. I finally found a cross body bag at London prices but I was fed up of looking for one by then and paid the price willingly. I also bought a wooden print of a 2016 New Yorker cover to hang alongside the two I already had on the dining room wall. I found an interesting book in a bookshop along the way as well. Just before we made our way to the restaurant in Soho we went to Oxford Street (aka - hell on earth) where we went to Zara for my daughter and queued in the refund queue for 30 minutes - I kid you not. After that brain numbing and back aching experience we were so glad to get to the restaurant and sit down.

Mural in Carnaby Street - too much reflection, sorry...

Carnaby Street decorations

I realised I hadn't worn my jump suit for quite a while so with thick tights underneath I wore it to Barnardo's on Monday. I think I bought the jumpsuit at Barnardo's; boots from Tu; Christmas present from my daughter; polo neck under the jumpsuit by Tu; retail. All jewellery pre-loved. It was minus 2 degrees in the morning and it took ages to scrape the ice off my car. It didn't warm up much throughout the day.

The jumpsuit was a nightmare to get off for the loo; whoever designed it deserves to wear it for a week!

We were stocktaking until 11 am then I went to Kempston post office to do the banking. The morning flew by. I spent the afternoon making soup from Sunday's leftover chicken; doing a wash and catching up with blog land and 'Happy Valley'. I'm so frustrated I can't watch the whole series on i Player.

Both Monday and Tuesday were very cold. Each time I left home the temperature was minus 2 degrees and 4 degrees when I went home. I don't have the central heating on at home when I'm on my own as it's just horribly expensive and it seems daft to heat the whole house when I'm usually in one room. (I have turned off the radiators in a couple of the rooms to help save fuel, too). We have the heating on for an hour or so when we first get up and then I use an oil filled radiator to heat the living room. By the time OH gets in from work I have lit the fire and we stay in the one room all evening. Inspired by Beate HERE and Ann HERE I invested in a 'cherry pit pillow'. I heated it in the microwave to test it out initially which was fine; but then tried warming it on the top of the fuel burner; which heated it more but unfortunately I manage to scorch the cover leaving it on too long! It works very well, nevertheless, but doesn't retain heat as long as a hot water bottle. To keep me warm when I'm up I use the cherry pit pillow and in bed I use my hot water bottle. I find it's my hands that take the longest to get warm...

I wore this to the food bank but never took my coat or scarf off whilst I was there. I was still making up food parcels. Everything pre-loved. The trousers by Yessica (old C&A label) have been relegated to the donations bag as they don't fit well; polo neck by Primark; cardigan very old. Boots by Kickers; recent find from the Daycare Hospice shop. All jewellery pre-loved. Went for the usual mile swim in the afternoon and it was a no cooking day - we had fish and chips for dinner.

Apologies for the crap photos; I'm still experimenting with my phone camera. Unlike my previous one the selfies are coming out fine but not the others...

I wore this on Wednesday. I didn't walk with the group as the walk was too far away and would have entailed me leaving home around 8.30 am; when I might have got caught up in rush hour traffic. No, thank you. Once again it was cold but the frost which had been covering every available surface had been washed away. We had drizzle off and on throughout the day and the cold was the chilly, dank sort that you can feel seeping into your bones. I can't wait for the spring. Everything pre-loved except the leggings bought from a Store 21 sale years ago and the recently acquired New Look boots. Dress by Tu and polo neck by Isle. All jewellery pre-loved. 

I ran errands in the morning including a trip to Aldi where I forgot the very thing I went there for! Had a rummage in the Daycare Hospice shop near my hairdressers as I wouldn't have time on Thursday. I found a nice pair of navy cropped trousers by Phase Eight and a tank top. I went to a couple of shops looking for a side table but didn't find one. I wish I had bought the one I saw a few weeks ago in the Daycare Hospice shop but at the time I didn't realise I needed one...

Thursday was a lot warmer than the previous days. It may have been the rain but at one point during the day it was 9 degrees. Still needed layers; coats, scarves and gloves...

These are the cropped trousers and tank top bought on Wednesday. Worn with my Isle polo neck and boots from Tu; present from my daughter. All jewellery pre-loved. I didn't go for a swim as usual on Thursday. I'd overdone the heavy lifting on Tuesday at the food bank; lifting by myself instead of with a colleague and seemed to have pulled a muscle in my neck. I thought I should rest it and not over strain the muscles - so I did. I went to the hairdresser then home to get ready; off to the farm shop for coal and kindling. Then off to Lidl and to pick up youngest grandson from school. Home to cook dinner, hang up a wash and sort the fire out; then off to take grandson to basket ball practice after dinner.

Friday was unofficial bus walk day and 7 of us met at a garden centre and explored the 'new' village of Wixhams. The area was originally known as 'Wixhamtree;' which during WW2 was an ordnance depot. There were about 7 lakes and lots of children's playgrounds spotted; as well as a huge retirement village complex (they keep inviting me to open days!) a small shopping centre; 2 schools and a community centre so more like a small town, really. A station had been planned but no one knew when it would be completed as it was still under construction. It was an interesting walk of more than 5 miles and we finished with coffee and cake -  as always.

Everything I wore was pre-loved. Of course I walked in proper walking boots and socks; I have to otherwise the plantar fascisitis would flare up again. Trousers by New Look; boots as before; jumper by Tu and yellow suedette jacket was a find in the Castle Road junk shop whilst looking for a table...I still haven't found one. Jewellery pre-loved.

We started watching a new 'Walter Presents' Danish crime thriller 'Grow' on Thursday evening and continued with more episodes on Friday evening. The two brothers who are the main protagonists in the drama are brothers in real life and the series is highly recommended. So tense in places I forgot to breathe...

Boots retail as above;
Christmas present. Leggings also retail but old. Pre-loved dress bought from Vinted during lock down when the charity shops were closed. All jewellery pre-loved. OH and I went for a rummage to Wellingborough on Saturday after I'd walked to the big Sainsbury's for a few things I'd forgotten to buy on Thursday. I found a fur collar for 1.00 which will fill the neck gap of coats and jackets quite nicely...

Sunday was a strange sort of day. I spent most of the day in the car. I drove to Birmingham to pick up Priscilla and then drove to London to drop her at my mum-in-laws; then drove back to Bedford. Just in time for dinner cooked by OH and very welcome it was, too!

Back to Barnardo's on Monday where I did the banking and then processed donations all morning. I found a green tank top and summer weight tunic/dress which will be put away for the summer. I wore these trousers which were by M&S but unfortunately too large so will be re-donated; top by Laura Ashley and yellow suedette jacket by F&F; all pre-loved as was all the jewellery.

In the afternoon I walked into to town to get my eyebrows done and then walked to the Cecil Higgins  art gallery and museum to see this exhibition -  only to find out they close on Mondays. I shall go on Wednesday instead after I walk with either my group or the recce I need to do before I lead a walk on the 15th February...

If it's Tuesday it must be food bank day. We are really feeling my colleague's absence; the numbers of food parcels has increased but we have decreased. We worked really hard and we both stayed on a bit longer to complete one food parcel load to go out to one of the distribution centres. After I had to go to town to buy birthday cards for my son who'll be 43 next Monday - where did those years go? Then it was off for a swim x 48 laps; home to make some vegan coconut and raspberry slices for my daughter and to cook dinner.

Everything pre-loved except the boots. Dress by Tu; jumper underneath by Bon Marche (aagghhh!); leggings by M&S. All jewellery also pre-loved. I chilled out reading my latest and last book of January:

I've been thinking about giving up blogging. It's very time consuming and whilst I enjoy it very much I've noticed that just recently the number of views/visits of/to my blog have decreased considerably. Although I don't get a large number of comments that doesn't worry me; but the lack of views does. Roughly speaking the number of views decreased on my last post by about half and the most recent post has only had about a quarter of the usual amount of views. I shall think about it some more and make a decision one way or another and let you know in what I hope won't be my final post!


  1. I would miss you but understand! D

  2. Hi Vronni! I love your blog-I am a long-time reader but this is my first time commenting-please keep blogging!!! I am inspired by all that you do, and I love your writing and descriptions of your everyday life. Thank you for writing! Kathy in Maryland, USA

  3. Always look forward to your posts Vronni. It’s a little snap shot of your life. I would miss seeing your wonderful outfits if you stopped posting. Maybe just post when you feel like it? Sue, Melbourne, Australia (another PF sufferer)

  4. I enjoy reading about your charity shop finds and your daily adventures, even if I don’t comment. Thank you for sharing a little bit of your world. With appreciation, from California.

  5. Happy 1st Feb, Vronni! Mardy and cob are words commonly used here, too although us West Midlanders call people "cock" as opposed to the East Midlanders, "duck" - isn't language fascinating?
    Happy birthday to your son.
    Still biding our time for Happy Valley series 3 so we can binge watch the lot. Started "The Staircase" the thriller series based on a true life American crime with Colin Firth, Juliette Binoche and Toni Collette - gory but gripping so far!
    Loving all your outfits as usual although the jumpsuit, outfit with the Jessica trousers, the beige-y brown dress with the fancy sleeves and mustard coat and tartan trews might be my faves.
    I'm no expert on phones having only owned one for a fortnight but when you select "camera" on yours do you have a "portrait" setting? I've found it brilliant for outfit photos, blurring the background and focussing in on the subject
    The Suitcase sounds interesting, I'd pick that up for the cover alone.
    I suppose blogging is a pretty outdated concept these days. A few years ago I'd get up to 100 comments per post back in the days when almost everyone seemed to blog, at least with fewer comments I'm able to reply to all of them and, with so many bloggers jumping ship, I can whizz through my blog roll in no time. I'd miss you if you decided to give it up but you're such a busy woman I'd completely understand if you did. xxx

    1. Thank you, Vix. I expect blogging has become the FB of social media but I don't care! It seems to be a general problem the reduction in views and as I enjoy blogging and know I have regular readers it's enough to make me want to continue. It's my equivalent of keeping a diary and maybe when I'm old and decrepit I will enjoy going through my blog posts and remembering....

  6. If you do decide to stop blogging, can I just say thank you for all the outfit inspiration you have given me. M

  7. i really would miss you! your colourful posts and you lovely comments @moi.....
    looove the animal print plissé skirt with green!! and the other plissé skirt look too - and how gorgeous is the yellow coat, especially with the perfect matching sweater and necklace...
    i´m in awe like always what you manage to do in one single day! and then day after day. very impressive. compared to you i´m slow like a snail.
    stay warm and cosy! xxxx
    ps: thanks for the shout out - please be careful with the pillow, i guess it would burn well when to much heat is involved. maybe you can sandwich a ceramic tile between fuel burner and pillow?

    1. Thank you, Beate and thank for being such a stalwart commenter on my blog posts. I'm going to continue blogging as the drop in views seems to be a general issue; and it's encouragement enough to know I have a loyal band of regular readers.

      The scorching of the cherry pit pillow was my own stupid fault; I forgot I had left it on the stove until I could smell burning...it's ok though, it's keeping me warm as I type!

  8. I can understand about calling it quits. I am considering this as well. Love all these looks. I adore both of those printed midi skirts!


    1. Thank you Kathrine, I had replied previously but seem to have lost it - aahh Blogger! I suggested blogging less frequently which is what I started doing a few years back. I also popped over to your blog which I hadn't come across before...

  9. Nooo don't stop blogging! I love reading your posts. I sometimes think about giving up myself but blogging is a big part of my life.
    Enjoy the background and history about your walks.
    98 books is a lot. I have a target of 100 this year, but originally I'd set it for 60.
    My favourite outfit is the red Betty Barclay jacket and patterned skirt.
    Well give Grow ago. Have been looking for a new one. Enjoying Women at War (French) on Netflix xx

    1. Thank you, Gail! 'Grow' is brilliant.

      I'm carrying on with the blog. I was very touched by the comments I received and it's lovely to know you have a loyal band of readers who look forward to your blog posts!

  10. I have noticed a pretty steep drop in comments and views over the past few months (I thought it might have been due to me not responding to comments anymore). I hope you keep blogging, but purely selfish on my part, 'cause it makes me feel connected to my friends in the UK! I love the glimpse of your world, and seeing your beautiful outfits and hearing about your family. But do what you need to do, Vronni! Do we blog because of the views? Or because we feel the need to record our lives?

    Anyway, awesome outfits! Bin that evil jumpsuit!

    1. Thank you, Sheila! Yes, it's the need to record my life especially as I age that is going to keep me continuing with the blog. It was interesting to hear you've experienced a steep drop in comments; I'm less bothered about lack of comments. I read other blogs and don't comment but it was the lack of views that had me worried - not any more!

  11. I am one of those viewers that always looks forward to your posts but never comments. I would miss your very interesting posts if you stop blogging. I am always impressed and inspired by how much you pack into your days and I love learning about your life in the UK. It is very different from life here in California. Please know you are appreciated.

    1. Thank you so much! See my reply to Siobhan (the first comment).

  12. Thank you so much, Siobhan.

    I've had such a positive response and it seems I am not alone in the number of views declining so I am going to continue! It's lovely to know there are regular readers who look forward to my posts.

  13. Thank you, Carole, See my reply to Siobhan above.

  14. Thank you so much. It's not the comments - lovely as it always is to get them - but knowing that I have a band of regular readers has given me the encouragement to continue. The drop in views also seems to be an issue with other bloggers so I feel much better about it.

  15. Thank you so much - I must check and see about the Feedly thing. See my reply to Siobhan above.

  16. Like all the commentors before me, I would be sad if you stopped blogging, as I too love following your day-to-day account of your life, not to mention your wonderful outfits! So I was more than relieved to see your reply to Siobhan :-)
    I too have seen a decline in views, which doesn't bother me too much. I love having my regular readers and commentors like you, which is more than enough of an incentive to keep going for me.
    Hearing you on the jumpsuit - they always pose a bit of a loo problem, but some are truly impossible.
    My favourites this time are the leopard skirt with the green blouse, which I totally get why you needed to have it - and that gorgeous dress you bought from Vinted during lockdown.
    Truly impressed that you've read a whopping 98 books! xxx

    1. Thank you, Ann and thank you for being a regular reader and commenter!

  17. I enjoy reading your blog so much and am selfishly glad you’re continuing to write about your life here. Thank you from a long-time reader/first time commenter Sharon

    1. Hello Sharon and thank you so much for your comment and for following my blog.

  18. I am so happy that you have decided to continue blogging Vronni, I really look forward to your posts and enjoy reading them very much. You are such an inspiration, thank you x

    1. Thank you Elaine and thank you for following and commenting. Much appreciated.

  19. That is good news! Thank you, and I will try to comment in future - just so you know someone’s really there. And apologies for forgetting to give my name previously. Lots of forgetting going on here! Val

  20. Hello dear! We here in St. Louis, Missouri, USA do so love your blog! None of us have even a laptop computer, much less a smart phone, so we all get together and look at blogs together at the home of a younger friend who at least has an old computer we use. Now we worry that this means you only get notice of ONE viewer rather than the eight of us! So Sorry! We are sending this along even without a Google Account [whatever that is] to try to tell you that we are so happy you have decided to hang in there with your blog! It will also give you a wonderful visual journal to review when you get to be as old as we are! We enjoy you! We also love Vix! Right now we have the same issue...can only get together to see her blog when visiting our friend with a laptop, but we do indeed follow you both!

    1. Wow! Thank you so much for commenting and for following my blog. I'm so overwhelmed at the idea of 8 of you getting together to read my posts and Vix's (I'll be sure to let her know). I hope you all continue to read my blog and I'll picture you all huddled around your friend's laptop....

  21. I love your blog but never comment as I find no one responds to my messages. This is my first post to yours. I hope you don't quit. I will miss you and admiring your style. Thanks.

    1. Hello Marjorie and thank you for commenting. I try to reply to every comment I receive but I know a lot of bloggers don't. As you will have gathered by now I've decided to carry on blogging. It was good to know I have a loyal band of regular readers and now I've 'met' a few more of you!

    2. Just a thought, Marjorie, with Blogger a lot of comments end up in Spam - nothing to do with the blogger but with the platform Blogger. I've just checked my Spam folder and found several comments in there that I've taken out and responded to. Maybe this is what's happened when you've commented on others blogs?

  22. I'm a fairly newcomer to your blog. I marvel that you are so active, dress so carefully and well, and still have time to write about it . I do feel a little selfish in wanting you to continue, but am delighted you have decided to. Yay !! Anne from Massachusetts

    1. Hello Anne and thank you so much for commenting. It's lovely to think I have a band of regular readers and that I'm getting to meet more!

  23. I can;t help wondering if blogging will come back round again. It does take time I do find I post less these days because I never seem to find the time but I do enjoy reading them so I'm glad you are going to carry on.

  24. Please... don't stop blogging!
    Your regularly reader from Cologne, Susa

    1. Hello Susa! Thank you and see the very first comment in this thread and you'll see I'm carrying on...

  25. I'm sorry to hear that you're thinking on giving up blogging, but so glad that your regular readers are commenting!, lovely people all around the world!.
    Consider that the number of views sometimes change because of google issues!. And blogs are trendy again! ;D

    Lovely outfits and so many interesting walks and reads!, it's always entertaining to read your posts (even if sometimes it takes me ages to comment!).
    Love your new green shirt, totally understand you need one!, such a beautiful colour. And also love that colourful skirt (a favourite of mine!) you wore on Saturday.
    Lovely pics of Carnaby Street (ohh, I miss London!) and totally agree about Oxford St. (hell on earth, indeed!). And totally agree about jumpsuits too ;DD
    You look fab in your blue dress and leggings ensemble, and love your navy trousers (so elegant!) and that suedette yellow jacket, which looks really cool, particularly with matchy jumper!. And you know I have a weakness for those necklaces you style so brilliantly!. Lovely dress with yellow accents too, you rock yellow indeed!


    1. Thank you, Monica. It's lovely to think there are regular readers out there who look forward to reading my posts - lovely people all around the world - indeed!

  26. Vronni, so glad you will continue! Looking stylish as ever in this post. Rgds, Lise

  27. Erika
    I'm commenting belatedly and see that you have decided to continue, but just want to say that I always look out for your posts and can see how much work it must take to make them so full of intersting stuff!! You lead such a busy and varied life and your posts have a great mix of top class oufits and outings. It was only when you said you might stop blogging that I realised how much I'd miss your posts!

  28. I’m glad to hear that you will continue to blog, I very much enjoy reading about your interesting, productive and active life. I find you very real and inspiring. Thanks so much for all your efforts x

    1. Thank you for commenting and for following my blog!


My final blog post

Hello and welcome!  It seems a long time since I last posted but as you know we went to Ireland for a month and I've been very busy sinc...