Tuesday 7 January 2020

Christmas and welcome 2020!

Happy New Year to you and let's hope 2020 is a good year for us all!
The tunic challenge continues; but I warn you there is a lot of black and white...

Day 15 - Tunic Challenge

Leggings by M&S; Christmas present from my daughter last year; boots; Primarni retail. Lace tunic and heart shirt both from my Barnardo's.

I wore this to volunteer on the Monday before Christmas. There had been another 1.00 sale at the weekend and the rails were looking very empty in places so my job was to restock them as fast as I could...

All jewellery charity shopped.

Day 16 - Tunic Challenge

All jewellery charity shopped.

The last of the unfortunately, unrecyclable wrapping paper waiting to go up into the loft. Next year, I'm reverting to brown paper and ribbon and may try Vix's block print idea - see HERE

I seem to have no feet in the above photo! Leggings; retail sale ages ago. Tunic by Capri and cardigan both charity shopped but can't remember where. It was an asymmetric tunic with an interesting raised pattern that reminded me of the pattern that gets left when you've removed ivy off a wall. It's a very tenacious plant is ivy, and holds on to the surface very tightly. I say 'was' with regard to the tunic, as after taking the photos, I managed to splash bleach all along the front. It was relegated to cleaning cloths...I seem to have lots of blue tunics, so I won't miss it.

Day 17 - Tunic Challenge

This was my Christmas Day 1.00 outfit! Trousers by M&S and tunic top by Wallis; both 50p from my Barnardo's 50p sale. I think this top could pass as a tunic, don't you? In fact, I've finally worked out what constitutes a tunic. It's a top that's too short to be a dress but a bit too long to be a top. In that case I have more dresses than I thought...

I wore these lovely charity shopped 80s late 90s style shoes with my Christmas Day outfit; but after about an hour I took them off and put my slippers on. I'm just not used to walking in heels...

Earrings and necklaces; previous gifts from my lovely OH.

This was Christmas Day in our house - there were 10 of us...

Everything on my table is charity shopped. The glasses, the table cloth the table mats, napkin rings and the jugs and trays. The dinner plates were also charity shopped and the dessert dishes; but not the cutlery or crackers. Both bought in sales.  The candle was a gift from my brother Julian; but it's sitting in a small Christmas wreath that I charity shopped. The white tablecloth, which is folded down to fit this borrowed table, was a present from Mauritius from my Mauritian next door neighbour. The Christmas table mats in the foreground were sent to me by my Aunty Mary (Marian's mum) in the late 1970s from the States. I had a matching table runner but over the years it got lost so I only have the four tablemats left...

We had a great day; ate plenty, drank lots and played games. We did Secret Santa which cut down on the buying and the cost. Despite this my daughter still bought me 3 books from my wishlist; OH bought me 1 book, some slippers, some lovely soaps and an Ancestry DNA kit; of which more later...my Secret Santa gift was cash from my brother Mark and will be spent in the charity shops. My friend Ann bought me a lovely silver cuff  and I got perfume and chocolates from other family member. My youngest grandson bought me a beautiful big ball of wool in different shades of blue and green. He chose the present himself!
And on Christmas Day I made this surprising discovery in the garden - how odd. I think it may have been woken up by the mild weather...

Boxing Day at Marian's

On Boxing Day; or St. Stephen's Day/Mummer's Day as it's called in Ireland; we went to London and to Cousin Marian's. We had a lovely evening. OH made a curry out of the left over turkey and I took my rice cooker with us and cooked it there.  Julian met us there. We drank fab cocktails made from sloe gin, prosecco and elderflower cordial; they were delicious and each one had a blackberry in it. I drank quite a few it must be said, but OH was the designated driver so that was all good! I don't know what the cocktails were called as my cousin's daughter, who found the recipe on the internet, couldn't remember the name either!

Day 18 - Tunic Challenge

On Friday, as we were given a very generous gift voucher by OH's daughters we decided to combine a rummage in Rushden with a trip to Rushden Lakes; which is a newish shopping centre and has the store we wanted. I wore a brown leather charity shopped jacket; 9 euros in a Co. Dublin charity shop; charity shopped jeans, scarf and gloves.

All jewellery charity shopped except earrings; Sainsbury's. They used to do such good jewellery but the last year or so I haven't been impressed at all and haven't bought any from there.

Tunic by Desigual: charity shopped somewhere and boots; online retail.

We weren't able to find anything in the store as it had a very small home section; we could have gone to another branch in Milton Keynes, but I cannot abide shopping in Milton Keynes, so thought I'd look online instead. To me Milton Keynes shopping centre is like one of the 9 circles of hell in Dante's 'Inferno'. The Rushden rummage yielded 2 brooches and 2 pairs of earrings plus a maxi dress. I was looking out for 'His Dark Materials' book trilogy by Philip Pullman; having recently watched and enjoyed the TV series; but I didn't find any.

Day 19 - Tunic Challenge

All jewellery charity shopped.
I've spent an entire week without any walking or swimming. The swimming pool has reverted to holiday hours so they only do lane swimming at silly o clock in the morning; and I just haven't fancied a walk in this weather. I need to get back into a regime next week...

Can't remember where I got the trousers by F&F from or the striped tunic; top by Oasis. All charity shopped; boots included.

Day 20 - Tunic Challenge

Everything charity shopped except boots; a present.

All jewellery charity shopped.

I wore this to volunteer on Monday. There was a new volunteer in who does our stuff for ebay; I'd not met him before. We were inundated with donations and I spent all morning restocking the rather depleted rails. Found some bits for OH as men's clothing was reduced to 50p....

The period between Christmas and New Year is one that I enjoy. It's usually quite a lazy time - no work/volunteering,  less traffic on the roads, daily lie-ins, out of the usual routine etc. I am glad, though, when things go back to normal! OH really enjoys these lazy days, too. He had to return to work on Thursday, so we thought we'd venture to Cambridge for a really good rummage on New Year's Eve Day. I still had Christmas money left to spend after all...

Day 21 - Tunic Challenge

All jewellery charity shopped except the silver cuff - Christmas present from my friend Ann. I did some food shopping on Monday and visited the Castle Road charity shops on my way back. I bought this necklace there for 1.00; a brooch for 1.00 and a lovely summer dress for 4.99. It's been put away in my summer drawer...

Back to Tuesday's rummage in Cambridge. Everything is charity shopped except the boots which are from Primarni. The leggings by M&S were from  my Barnardo's; the lace top by Next from a 1.00 rail and the tunic with lace roses on the front was, I think, charity shopped in Donegal town.

Before we left for Cambridge I went back to my GP where I had my BP checked again having been taking the medication for almost a month. My BP was as the nurse stated 'perfect'!  I still have to continue with the medication, unfortunately. We caught the Park and Ride bus once we got to Cambridge; I was able to use my bus pass once again. I got lucky and found all three volumes of 'His Dark Materials' trilogy - I was delighted.  I also bought a H&M sleeveless yellow top for 3.00;  for summer wear mostly; but I could top it with a cardigan or jacket and wear it now. We started our rummage in Burleigh Street which has 10 charity shops - 3 were closed. We then walked to Mill Road which has 7 - 3 were shut; and on the way back to catch the Park and Ride bus on Regent Street found another 2. I bought a couple more books and that was it. I still have another five pounds left to spend!

My annual read this year was 81 books. I have a pile of books on my table that are TBRs (to be reads); they include my Christmas gift books, three library books I picked up on Tuesday morning, plus the Philip Pullman trilogy. I'm also awaiting three books yet to be delivered. That's my January and February reading sorted then!

On Thursday I was at the food bank in the morning. Oh my goodness the donations have come  in thick and fast and we are stacked to the roof. We have a chocolate mountain! People came in a constant stream this morning bringing donations with them.

Tunic Challenge - Day 22 (only 13 left to go!)

All jewellery charity shopped.

Tunic bought in Ireland in 2014; trousers by Laura Ashley charity shopped somewhere. Black kimono; present from daughter a few years ago and boots online retail. That's a Christmas tree musical box (charity shopped) on the floor; it had fallen out of the bag of Christmas stuff that had gone back up to the loft...

In the afternoon I went out for 6.6 mile walk through the Bedford streets. I just have to show you
 this house which is near to my grandson's school:

They do it for charity every year but I do wonder how much their electricity bill is!
It felt good to be getting back into my usual routine; I've missed walking and swimming.

I went for a rummage on Friday afternoon and did all the town charity shops - all 12 of them! I was looking for a black top to wear to a funeral next week and found 2; one in Keech for 1.50 by Frank Saul and one in the Mercy in Action shop by Mint Velvet for 2.00. I also purchased a new tunic (I've got rid of 3 since I started the challenge) for 3.50 in the Cancer Research shop, a spotted skirt in Mercy in Action for 2.00 and a greenish blue top by Toast for 5.00 in Oxfam. The handle on the bag I was using gave way while I was out; I've stitched it several times and it was just about holding on with two safety pins...I found a nice replacement in the 3:16 charity shop for 3.50. This was Friday's outfit:

Tunic Challenge - Day 23

This denim tunic by Free People was bought in the 3:16 charity shop back in September for 5.00. It had a lace at the front but I took it out. The plaid trousers were also charity shopped but can't remember where. Boots; online retail.

I had a sort out of my clothes when I got home and put 8 items in the charity shop bag. 5 items in bought today and 8 out...

All jewellery charity shopped.

I recce'd my walk on Saturday and caught the bus back. It was  6.7 miles and wasn't as muddy as I feared. The weather was bright and dry. I stopped for a quick drink at Felmersham bridge and the water level was almost back to normal - not like the last time I took photos of our river - the River Great Ouse.

Tunic Challenge - Day 24

All jewellery charity shopped.

I took these photos when it was dark outside so the light quality is not very good. Tunic by Store 21 bought on Friday's rummage; black charity shopped jeans. Boots; online retail.

I went walking on Sunday and walked nearly 9 miles. I saw what I thought was an amazing sight; 2 green parakeets in trees near youngest grandson's school! Now, I have seen parakeets in Hyde Park, Kensington Gardens and Kew Gardens all in London; and I know they've spread out from London into Kent and possibly Surrey; but I didn't realise they had come this far north of London. I contacted the RSPB and left a message. I tried in vain to get a decent photo...I was so excited by the sighting it made my day!

Back to Barnardo's on Monday. Busy, busy, busy. We've stopped donations for a few days as we had nowhere left to put them!  I wore a warm dress by M&S; charity shopped somewhere. My new to me plaid jacket charity shopped recently in Olney; I think. Floral tights and scarf also charity shopped.

Boots; online retail.

All jewellery charity shopped.

Tunic Challenge - Days 25 - 35

I am heartily sick of the tunic challenge and need to finish it. Here are 11 more tunics I've worn in the recent past on the blog - all charity shopped of course.

I started out with 39 tunics. Got rid of 3; relegated 2 to jumpers; bought one new to me (see above). By my calculations that is 35; yet I still have one final tunic to wear! At least 4 of the above tunics are ones I'd wear in the summer rather than the winter but it's still a lot of tunics whatever way you look at it! Note to self; DO NOT BUY ANY MORE TUNICS.

My next challenge is maxi skirts and dresses. I'm enjoying these challenges because it's making me wear almost everything I own. I shall do a skirt and top challenge after that; by which time it will be Easter and I'll be off to Ireland!

See you on the other side...


  1. I think my two favourites here are the black and white lace outfit and tha gorgeous one with the pink Laura Ashley trousers.
    You have so many lovely clothes. Our local charity shops don't have such a good selection, but we have a very small population.
    You obviously had a lovely time over Christmas, and the outfit was pretty good too! Love those wide leg trousers.
    JC x

    1. Thank you JayCee!

      You must include some charity shopping on your trips to the mainland...

  2. I'm boggled at the sheer volume of your clothes, Vronni! You have so many lovely things! I like challenges like this as well, as you really see what works and what doesn't - my "backwards hanger" trick is for the same reason, although doesn't work with my sweaters and folded things.

    Your Christmas table is splendid, and looks like you had a grand time with family and friends over the holidays (your silver cuff is amazing).

    1. I'm boggled too, Sheila, but I am thinning them out, I promise! I've been doing the backward hanger thing so I know what I've worn. It's very helpful.

  3. 35 tunics! I don't think I even own one. They look fantastic though and, like you say, your challenge is a great way of giving every one you own an outing so you can eliminate those that don't work for you.
    Great outfits, I particularly like the beads you wore on day 16, the black edge to edge jacket on day 22 and those red boots. I shall scour the chazzas for a pair of my own.
    Love your family Xmas photos - hello, Julian! The outfit you wore on the 25th makes you look about 6 foot tall!
    I've not read any Philip Pullman and that series didn't appeal what with talking animals and the like. Jon discovered all of the trilogy on separate shelves in the chazza clearance before Xmas so reorganised them and put them together - a week later they were still there.
    Have a fab week, it feels a bit warmer this morning - thank goodness! xxx

    1. Thank you, Vix.

      Jon sounds like me - I reorganise the bookshelves in the chazzas so things that should be together, are. I'm glad I'm not the only one...

      Mild today but dull; I believe we're in for some cold and snow!

  4. 35! and i know you own other clothing items too... ;-D
    but is´t it good to know finally what is in your wardrobe?
    i love all the outfits you created with the tunics - but especially the ones with tunics that have big scale patterns/details - this suits you so well!
    your family celebrations look cozy and fun! wish you all a wonderful 2020!

    1. Thank you, Beate!

      Would you believe I bought another tunic today for 1.00? I did get rid of one though so the numbers remain the same...


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Wow, that's a lot of tunics, Vronni. My favourites are the tunic with the lace roses, the next one worn with the red trousers and black kimono, and that new-to-you one by Store 21. As usual, I have been admiring your amazing jewellery, too. Your Christmas table looks very inviting and just goes to show you do not have to spend the earth: I love how everything was charity shopped. Looking forward to see how you get on with your maxi skirt/dress challenge! xxx

    1. Thank you, Ann. I'm still on a beret hunt though...

  7. I have to say you are looking exceptionally trim lately. Must be all your exercise.

    The Christmas cocktails sounded delicious.

    You are very determined and well organized with your challenges. I commend you. I don't think I could do this.

    I'm looking forward to your maxi skirts and dresses.

    Happy New Year!


    1. Thank and Happy New Year to you, Suzanne. I've been trying to cut down on the chocolates/biscuits/cake; with the exception of the festive period, of course!

  8. I take my hat off to all your tunics and what a great way to get the most out of your wardrobe, discover forgotten treasures and things that can go. I never read Phillip Pullman, I tried but could not get on with his style of writing. I did enjoy the TV series though.

    1. I've yet to read the trilogy, Gisela, I may not like it or the style of writing either! I'll keep an open mind though.


  9. Love the jewellery you have especially the bright red beads against the yellow. Re: the Dark Material triology - I've read the first one and oh dear, can I admit I found Lyra irritating! Not reading the other two. The television version of the first book though was majestic and wonderful.

    You're looking great - Happy 2020!

    1. Thank you, Penny.

      I didn't expect to like the TV series but I did, so I'll see how I go with the books...

  10. Some lovely tunics and fantastic styling. My eye was particularly taken with the colourful tunic by Desigual and the green, blue, black and white necklace. So far I have yet to get into my walking regime - although I did 6 miles on Saturday I haven't done much since!

    1. Thank you, Gail.

      Once you get started you'll wonder why you didn't do it sooner - and Spring is coming...!

  11. First, Happy New Year!
    I've enjoyed your Tunic challenge very much. I've never been much of a tunic wearer, but you've inspired me to have a look through what I own. My absolute favourite is the black and white with flowers one. The Desigual is also beautiful.

    I'm having a terrible time getting back into a routine. I'm getting in about 5 miles a day but it is hard getting back. I'm glad everyone is back to school and work-I need my alone time.

    Green woodpeckers! Now that's a great way to start the new year!

    1. Thank you, Goody.

      Yes, 'me' time is so important. 5 miles a day is pretty impressive!

      They were parakeets, Goody, not woodpeckers. Apparently they've been seen in bedford around the Marina for the past year...

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. woww, what a lot of tunics!, I don't know if they're actually too many, as you wear tunics frequently over leggings and they look fab on you. I do love your style!
    You rock your black&white outfits, I do love those Day 19 and next ones outfits, because of the mixed prints and interesting layering!. And you always pick fab accessories, your necklaces are so amazing!. I also love your Desigual tunic and it looks so chic with jeans and red boots!, such a brilliant ensemble!
    Lovely to see your Christmas table looking so beautiful!. Glad you've enjoyed such a lovely time with family and friends. Don't know the name of the cocktail but it sounds tasty!

    1. Thank you Monica!

      The cocktail was very tasty and now you know the recipe, too!

  14. Firstly, Happy New Year to you and OH I hope this year is a good one for you.

    You've done an amazing job with all your tunics. But oh those grey shoes, I think I'm in LOVE!!! They are the shoes I'm always searching for. I had a similar pair in the late 80s which I adored and wore to death but even they weren't as beautiful as your greys.
    But let's move on from the shoe envy. Day 18 was nicely edgy and that's got to be my fave out of all this gorgeousness you've shared with us today.
    Thanks for the inspo. Looking forward to your next challenge!
    Have a fab fortnight, a la perchoine, Mary x.

    1. Mary, thank you. And if the shoes would fit you I'll send them to you. I'm a 4 (37) and I suspect these shoes are 37.5 or 4 and a half as they slipped off as I walked...send me your address if you think they'd fit.

  15. Belated happy new year! It looks like you had a wonderful time with your beautiful family. What fab outfits. (I can't wear heels any more; I like to be comfy.)

    You read so much last year! Do you think you'll read as much in 2020?

    1. Thank you, Mim, and a Happy New Year to you, too!

      I hope to read more books this year - so many books and so little time...

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.


Goodbye for now

  Hello again! Almost a week late, I know, but this will be my final post before we go to Ireland for the whole of September and I'll ha...