Monday 6 May 2019

Ireland and after...

Have you had a great bank holiday weekend? Ours was nicely chilled out with nothing too strenuous to do but first to back track to my last post.

Hello again!

I'm afraid I got my beaches mixed up in my last post. Above is me on Rossnowlagh beach; the last beach outfit photo featured on the other post was me on Coral beach, St.John's Point. 

Everything I'm wearing in this photo is charity shopped except the leggings which are from by Tu at Sainsbury's. The orange boiled wool jacket is by Fenn, Wright and Manson: 8.00 from the Day Hospice shop in Kempston; the tunic is from the 1.00 rail in Keech in Great Denham; and I finally found a plain green shirt in the animal charity shop in Donegal on the 1 euro rail. All jewellery charity shopped. Headscarf present from a friend.

And talking of Donegal do you recognise this woman with Ben Fogle?

 I was in the SVP charity shop (St. Vincent De Paul) in Donegal and a woman was standing next to me at the counter. I had asked to look at an amber type necklace and the woman standing beside me began to tell me about a real amber necklace she bought from a charity shop for 2.00 many years ago. Her face looked so familiar and then the penny dropped.  Her name is Judith Hoad and she was featured in Ben Fogle's series 'Lives in the Wild'! I told her I recognised her from the series and she threw her hands up in mock horror! We had a great chat about lovely Donegal where she has lived for the past 25 years.

I was expecting to go to the food bank on Tuesday but youngest grandson had a Teacher Training Day, so I couldn't. This was Tuesday's outfit. Everything charity shopped. Trousers by Monsoon, 3:16 charity shop, 3.00; top by M&S 1.50; my Barnardo's; kimono jacket was from a Royston charity shop and about 3.00. The Mary Jane's are by Clarks but I can't remember where I got them - it was only last year!

All jewellery charity shopped, except this ceramic brooch, which I bought in Donegal. It was made by a Northern Irish artist in Co. Antrim. I try to buy at least one piece of artisan made jewellery every time I go to Ireland.

I walked with my group on Wednesday; it was the annual bluebell walk to see the bluebells in a couple of local woods in nearby Wootton and Kempston. We walked 7.5 miles and had pretty good weather; the promised rain held off until overnight.

I don't think they were as prolific as last year...

This lovely fellow was dressed to kill. 
Wearing a protective coat against the threatened downpours he looked extremely stylish - a horse fashionista, one might say! I believe the stripes on his protective coat are to confuse and keep the flies at bay...

In the afternoon I had a rummage in my Barnardo's as I had an appointment to attend on Thursday afternoon and had to leave promptly at 1 pm. I'd missed my Monday session at Barnardo's as it was a bank holiday, so I was going in on Thursday morning instead. I got lucky at Barnardo's on Wednesday's afternoon rummage and bought a pair of trousers for 2.00 and a tunic top for 3.00.

 Everything charity shopped. Denim jacket by Dorothy Perkins and bought about 5 years ago. Needless to say I can't remember where I bought it from! The skirt is by French Connection and was bought in the 3:16 charity shop for 3.00. Blue top by East from a 1.00 rail somewhere. Striped tights; birthday present from my daughter. Grey velvet brogues; Primark sale 5.00. Scarf as before.

All jewellery charity shopped. The earrings are a recent acquisition from a Donegal charity shop and cost 1 euro.

This is the skirt I bought with some of my Christmas money and the one I tried to return to M&S only to find it had been reduced to 2.69! I find it very hard to know what to wear with it. It needs to be something quite fitted as the skirt is made of thick material and is quite flared. I can only think of a red crossover top I have or a white blouse with black jacket which is quite formal. Any suggestions? Nothing tucked in -  think about my spare tyre...

These are the trousers I bought at Barnardo's for 2.00. White top 1.00 rail somewhere; jacket 1 euro in a Dublin charity shop. It's by Precis. Shoes from PJ Shoes retail in Kempston.

Scarf and jewellery charity shopped.

On Saturday I went to spend the day with my son and wore this. Heart top; Barnardo's 3.00. It's by Glamorous. Trousers by H&M; can't remember where or how much. Black lace top by Next 2.99 Red Cross and shoes by Zara 2.99; Barnardo's last summer.

All jewellery charity shopped.

Earrings from Sainsbury's.

The last week of April was a busy one for me. I did the school run on Monday but also took youngest grandson to our local hospital where he's starting a course of UV treatment for his eczema. By the time I dropped him off at school it was gone 11 so I volunteered at the charity shop from 12 until it was time to pick the grand kids up again from school at 3.30. I picked up an orange dress/tunic reduced to 1.50 whilst I was there. I also had eldest grandson and girlfriend staying for a few days as they waited to move into their new place...

 I managed a short town walk at the weekend and spotted another previously unseen blue plaque to this radio and music hall star. This was on De Pary's Avenue which makes 3 blue plaques on the one street!

This was Tuesday's outfit. Everything charity shopped. Trousers by Zara bought from the 1.00 rail in the 3:16 charity shop. Sleeveless top 1.00 rail somewhere. Yellow linen shirt by Wallis 3.99 at my Barnardo's. Scarf same place; 1.00. Shoes Donegal charity shop; 3 euros.

You may not notice anything different about these photos but there is! I took them myself. I found a tripod for a camera phone online and this is me experimenting...

It caught me just as I moved...

This was my very first attempt - no feet!

All jewellery charity shopped, except earrings which were a present.

I volunteered at the food bank after a three week break. It was good to be back. My friend Lynne who volunteers with me on a Tuesday was off to Peru the next day! Hasn't the world shrunk? When I was young the thought of anyone going to Peru for their holidays would have been as astonishing as men going to the moon...

On Wednesday, I decided I wanted a lie in and didn't make the group walk which was from the village of Northill. Instead I got up at my leisure and went for 7.5 mile walk from Sharnbrook to Felmersham to Radwell.

Here's a bit of Wisteria porn for you.
 The two below are from houses in Radwell. The smell was divine; I hadn't realised that Wisteria had such a heady scent.

These last three are all on the same street near where I live. I've renamed it Wisteria Avenue!

When I got home I went for a good old rummage in town. I only got as far as the bus station charity shops as I ran out of money! I always set myself a budget when I go rummaging and unless I see something so fabulous I have to buy it,  I stick to my cash budget. I bought a brand new wipe clean tablecloth for my table. Decorated with sheep (!) from Dunelm BNWT; retailing at £22.00 (it still had its price sticker on it) I paid £5.00! I bought a mug for 30 p which I used on Thursday, as I was poll clerking for local elections. Of course I bought some jewellery; 2 necklaces; I brooch and 1 pair of earrings. I bought a jacket for me from Debenham's Maine range from a 50p rail at the Independent charity shop; and a H&M hoodie for one of the grandsons from the same rail. Finally I bought some Uniqlo checked grey trousers for 2.00 in the 3:16 charity shop which is where I bought the tablecloth.

Here's Wednesday's outfit.
I'm still getting used to taking my own photos. These were taken using the selfie function on the phone camera. The ones above weren't; it was me trying to position my self in the right spot/angle and click. It was hit and miss as you can probably tell!

Everything charity shopped. Orange dress; 1.50 from my Barnardo's; it's by Asos. Jacket by M&S from a Kettering charity shop 4.00. Leggings 1.00 rail somewhere.
Clark's Mary Jane shoes; 10.00, Oxfam;Newport Pagnell.

All jewellery charity shopped.

I bought this necklace in the Hospice Boutique - I think...
 I wore the Uniqlo trousers the following day with a white top and an animal print jacket, as I was poll clerking for the local elections and needed to look 'professional'. The polling station was in a local school just across the road from where I live. It was such a long day. Up at 5 am; at the polling station by 6.30 am and we finished just before 11 pm. I was so shattered I couldn't be bothered taking photos!

Friday was busy. School run, hairdressers, food shopping, school run again then drove youngest grandson and his Dad home. I was glad to sit down in the evening and chill out with the TV and a book.

On Saturday OH and I went for a rummage to Emmaeus. It was bright and sunny but the wind was very cold and we had both rain and hailstone showers. I wore my M&S camel cape which was a present from OH years ago. I also wore my 'ruby slippers' 2 euros in a Navan, Co. Meath charity shop. My ankles were frozen!

Boden trousers part of a BOGOF deal at the 3:16 charity shop; 3.00. Jacket from the Red Cross; 1.99 and I think I bought this top in the Cat's Protection League and paid about a fiver for it.

All jewellery charity shopped.

I bought some jewellery and a few CDs in Emmaeus. This is a round up of the jewellery I've bought lately.

The pearl necklace was from Emmaeus and cost 1.00. The starfish brooch was 2.00 and the three strand necklace 1.50 from the Keech Hospice shop in town. The brown and gold beaded necklace was 1.00 from the Salvation Army.
The brooch was bought in Emmeaus for 1.00 and the bottom three bangles were also from there; 50 p each. The large floral bangle was a 1 euro Donegal purchase and the floral top bangle was 50 p in the Salvation Army. I can't resist a painted bangle!

We enjoyed the finale of 'Line of Duty' on Sunday evening and we have the whole series of 'Follow the Money' to catch up with.  I see Spiral will be returning to BBC4 soon - yay!! It's one of my favourite police dramas of all time. I  have only one of my birthday books left to read. I recently picked up a copy of a Mary Wesley book called 'An Imaginative Life' which I had never read before. It has spurred me on to reread all of Mary Wesley's books so I shall be hunting for them in the charity shops (I have one already) and filling in the gaps with the library. I'm also waiting for the latest Robert MacFarlane book 'Underland' to come through from the library reservations.

I haven't done the big swap over yet. I know a lot of you have already, but I'm a bit cautious and the weather isn't the warmest at the moment. I have put my winter coats and jackets away and taken the summer coats and jackets down, but that's as far as I've got. I'm still reluctant to put my boots into storage under my bed! Maybe by my next post the weather will have become more summer like. Here's hoping!


  1. As always, such a lovely long ramble of a post - I should have poured a cup of tea! Vronni, your photos along your walks are always so lovely - all that wisteria! The bluebells are out here too on Canada's west coast.

    I love your black and white outfit and hurrah for your new tripod (although I admit I chuckled at the close-ups of you leaning in). The angle is much better, and you look taller. Well done, you!

    1. The tripod is indeed a learning curve but I'm getting there slowly but surely...glad you enjoy my walks!

  2. Hi Vronni. Honestly there are so many lovely outfits on this post but the yellow one.... love it and the yellow jacket. I also thought your hair is looking particularly lovely and silvery. And yes, at Easter, I got out all my warm and hot weather gear which is now in my very full wardrobe as it also has all my winter clothes which I'm back to wearing! The bluebells look lovely. Have a great week xxx

    1. Thank you, Penny.

      Let's hope we see more summery weather soon!

  3. How lovely is that wisteria? I think I need to plant some here.
    Fab outfits, particularly the black and white one, so striking.
    That tricky skirt looks like it would be the perfect shape to wear with a hip length kurta (or a tunic with split sides) as it flares out nicely at the bottom. Colour-wise I'd lean towards teal or turquoise.
    We caught up the finale of both Line of Duty and Follow the Money last night - we were mentally exhausted by bedtime! xxx

    1. Thank you.

      If you do plant it, Vix, I hope you have better luck than us; 1 bloom in 6 years!

      Have 6 episodes of 'Follow the Money' to catch up with still.

    2. You have to be very patient with wisteria! Ours took so long to flower I was ready to give up but eventually it started with 3 flowers and over a few years more and more flowers and this year looks to be the best ever. Loved the photos of the wisteria covered houses, probably my favourite flower. The scent is also so lovely as you have discovered

    3. You have given me hope- may be next year? Thank you!

  4. I do love a bluebell wood - such magical places. I also love that French Connection skirt, (well swagged!), and that black and white pattern-mixed outfit is top notch! I shall henceforth keep my eyes peeled for painted bangles for you as I try to restrict myself to shell or plastics because storage issues.

    1. Bangles and storage issues...I have 7 baskets of bangles - oh the shame!

  5. I am constantly amazed by all your wonderful outfits - how do you manage to store them all?? I do love wisteria and wish that we had planted some here at home but we no longer have space for any. I shall have to admire everyone else's. We do have lots of bluebells though!

    1. I just adore wisteria and 6 years ago I bought a wisteria plant. We've had one bloom in 6 years so you see I suffer from wisteria envy!

      I have 3.5 hanging rails for all my clothes (I share one rail with OH). I put the out of season clothes in plastic bags into the loft and then repeat it when the season determines it. A pain but I have so many clothes it's the only way I can store them.

  6. I'm always amazed at the fabulous jewellery you manage to find. My favourite is the one from Hospice Boutique which you are wearing with the orange dress. I'm also loving the bunch of grapes brooch. As for your outfits, it's hard to choose a favourite, but the one with that gorgeous French connection skirt, and the black and white one, with its fabulous print mixing, caught my eye in particular. Well done on using the tripod, I'm sure you'll get the hang of it very soon. The wisteria porn is magnificent! xxx

    1. Thank you, Ann.

      I have wisteria envy and woodpile envy!

      Do you know I went to the explore the other half of the Bedford charity shops I didn't mange to do last week,and I went to 7 shops in total today and found 1 brooch! Just as well really as I'm running out of space for my jewellery...

  7. That wisteria looks lovely!

    You were quick to adjust to taking your own photo with a tripod. It is a valuable skill for a blogger : )

    I haven't switched over my wardrobe yet either. Our spring has been very cool. Today it is back to just above zero. Doesn't feel like spring at all really.

    I love those painted bracelets you found.


    1. Thank you, Suzanne. I'm really looking forward to my summer wear but I fear it may be June by the time I get to wear it!

  8. Hoorah for having a tripod! It will make taking photos much easier. (Not tempted to set it up and have a pose in front of the wisteria?)

    My pal Stevy always reckons bulky bottom means fitted top, and fitted bottom means poufy top, so if the M&S skirt is very flared it'd want something fairly fitted by her reckoning. I'd probably go for a vintage-style short-sleeved jumper, something that isn't long enough to get pulled outwards by the flare of the skirt.

    1. I agree with Stevy and am aiming to have a trying on session soon. I do not have a short sleeved jumper only long and sleeveless but I do have a range of tops...

      Hope you have had a good week.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. totally love the camel cape!
    and the wisterias are gorgeous - so england! :-D
    your colorful looks make me happy and you always have the coolest jewelry - and perfect makeup. beautiful!
    @red a-line skirt: would wear it with "oversized" tops/tunics/cardies - but i even do this with a dirndlskirt if the mood strikes me - i do not have any fear of frump ;-D

    1. I need a trying on session with that skirt but I never seem to find the time - thank you for suggestions and kind comments.

  11. Goodness me, what a massive post Veronica! So many fabulous outfits and such a lot of lovely jewellery too. I'm delighted to see that you're having fun with camera and tripod set up. My latest post was done with that way and I'm really pleased with it - I think it's just a matter of keeping on and you'll get better and better. Having said that, these are all pretty good for a learner. Love the black heart top and those patterned H&M trousers, probably my favourite ensemble of the lot. Have a great week x

    1. Yes, the tripod is quite easy really. I don't know why I waited so long - well I do actually. I thought at first to use my camera, but I stopped using the camera when I got a phone with a better camera spec than my camera! When I finally got round to trying it out the camera no longer worked. Then I saw a tripod advertised for mobile phone cameras and I went online and bought least O can take photos when I want to this way!


  12. Totally fabulous outfits and pics!. And well done trying a tripod, I'd have to do it too (there's not always a bench on hand to put my camera on).
    I love particularly your 'short over long' style, wearing a jacket over a tunic or dress, it's cool and flattering!. Love your layering and your fab bijouterie!.
    Love your pic on the beach wearing the orange jacket, love the horse all dressed up (mwhaha), love your pink&turquoise ensemble and the massive turquoise pendant, love your black and white outfit particularly and also love your orange dress and white maryjanes (I have some similar clarks'), and love you in your cape and 'ruby slippers'!. Every accessorizing is brilliant!

    And those Wisterias look amazing!
    (sorry to be commenting so late!)

    1. Monika, thank you very much!

      The tripod is quite easy to do just takes a little practice...

  13. Oh Vronni, those bluebell and wisteria!
    So excited to see you in a skirt, your first of spring? And it looks darling with the little Jean jacket.
    You look amazing in the black and white outfit, and absolutely stunning in the yellow ensemble. It must take so much time to put the pieces together for all your winning combos. And love all the recent jewellery outchases.
    Line of Duty was riveting but difficult to follow when 25% of the script must have been in acronyms. Follow the Money was thought provoking story and good for me to refresh my Danish. Hope you've caught up with everything now.
    Have a fabby weekend, x.

    1. No, Mary I wear skirts all year round; I'd just bought this one. Thank you.

      I'm with you on the acronyms in Line of Duty!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.


My final blog post

Hello and welcome!  It seems a long time since I last posted but as you know we went to Ireland for a month and I've been very busy sinc...