Wednesday 27 December 2017

A tah dah moment!

No, I'm not the tah dah moment

This is:
 Yes, here it is finally completed - the famous trapezoid hexagon blanket!

Thanks to the Make&Do Crew for the pattern
Eldest grandson has requested a blanket too, but one 'without any holes', so now I've started his. It's called 'Circles in a Square' in black, red, yellow, grey and orange. The pattern is from 'Just Be Crafty.' I've started with the black and red and I'm 'blocking' them as I go. I use a cheap kneeling/gardening pad and barbecue skewers to block the squares. Blocking keeps the shape of the squares even.

Some OOTDs I've been wearing over the past fortnight

The necklace and earrings are not a set - bought in different places at different times.

Everything charity shopped except the boots from Sainsbury's

Something's tickled my fancy here!
Dress; Forever 21, charity shopped about 5 years ago can't remember where. Crochet cardigan (not made by me!) 99p in the Barnardo's in Ampthill. All jewellery charity shopped.

I wore this outfit when I went to see my son on last Saturday. Everything charity shopped except the boots: online retail.

This is especially for Polly!

I wore maxi dresses two days in a row last Friday and Saturday. This one was also bought a few years back but I can't remember where. The 'riot of colour' cardigan is the one I bought at the Guild House for 2.25 when I popped in to say goodbye. The label is French and literally translated it says "is this silk"? I think it may have silk in it because it creases easily...All jewellery charity shopped bar the earrings which I bought from e bay for 99p.

Here's a close up of my boots.  I do love them but haven't worn them very much; the heel is a bit high so I save them for days when I'm not running around everywhere. The massive calf (!) is wearing German label tights from the Cat's Protection League. 2.25 - same price as my cardigan!

On Saturday night it was the last of BBC4's 'Witnesses': A Frozen Death. I have been truly gripped by this French series but I'm still slightly baffled by the ending..I see we have a new series of 'Spiral' starting soon so I'm happy to know my Saturday night viewing is well and truly sorted for the next couple of months! Talking of TV I've also enjoyed 'Howard's End' (oh, the costumes!) I got a free Kindle download of the book, having not read it.

I didn't walk on Sunday as I had planned because it rained all day. Not heavy but constant and the sky was leaden; everywhere was grey and gloomy.

Everything charity shopped. Tunic by Nomads; trousers by Soon (Matalan); the cardigan has an Italian label and was from the 99p rail in Barnardo's, Great Denham; the boots were bought on a rummage some years ago; in Stevenage I seem to recall.

Scarf charity shopped and all jewellery charity shopped except earrings from e bay 99p.

Those are just some of  my scarves you can see; I have an IKEA scarf hanger which is full of scarves; a hatbox stuffed full of scarves and under the bed another wicker hamper full of pashmina scarves.

I finished my Christmas present shopping on Monday and popped into the 3:16 charity shop. I bought three more necklaces; one at 35p; one at 1.00; and one at 1.50. They seem to have lots of nice jewellery in lately. I also bought a denim dress, a pink long sleeved top and a walking fleece top; all from the 1.00 box!

It was lovely to wake up on Tuesday morning and realise I didn't have to be anywhere. I don't need to be at the Food Bank until 9th January. I was rushing around, having spent two hours wrapping presents in the morning, to get to the library on Tuesday afternoon then I realised it was the school holidays and I don't volunteer in the school holidays! This was last Tuesday's OOTD.

Apologies for slightly blurry photo - youngest grandson was slacking again..
This the 1.00 denim dress I bought at the 3:16 charity shop. It's an M&S one. I think it would look good open as a long waistcoat over trousers and top. The striped top is by Matalan and was also charity shopped as were the boots and scarf.

All jewellery charity shopped.

I had errands to run in town and on the way I spied this in our local barber. I just had to go in and take a photo:

Yes, it's Santa waiting for - a shave? A beard trim? A haircut?

Since Wednesday 20th December the weather has become much milder. I was more than warm enough in my leather jacket and scarf going into town to get my eyebrows done and pick something up. Everything is charity shopped. Brown leather jacket bought in Lucan, Co. Dublin charity shop for 9 euros at Easter 2016. Scarf from the Red Cross shop.

Two of my favourite fabrics - lace and velvet. Can't remember where I got any of these items but I remember the top was 4.99. I'm wearing pink brothel creepers/beetle crushers that were 2.50 in the 3:16 charity shop a few years ago. The trousers are too long for me so later I put a big stretchy belt round the middle to stop the bottoms getting wet when I went out...

The necklace was bought in a Donegal charity shop for 2 euros; all other jewellery charity shopped except earrings.

There's been a wonderful series of BBC4 called 'The Art of Mexico' and coincidentally I came across this on Pinterest a while ago and kept meaning to include it in a post. The chair is covered in Frida Kahlo material. How fabulous is that?

Everything charity shopped except the black kimono - a present from my daughter. I think I bought these trousers on our trip to Kettering 2.99; some weeks back...the brothel creepers/beetle crushers were bought on our first ever rummage to Wellingborough about two years ago.

All jewellery charity shopped.

Pink top 1.00 box 3:16 charity shop. Skirt by East 1.99; Red Cross, cardigan no label but 1.99 Red Cross. Boots; Sainsburys retail.

All jewellery charity shopped except earrings which were donated by my daughter.

I should have gone to the hairdressers on Thursday the day of the Winter Solistice, but I got the sore throat/coughing bug that's going around and didn't feel up to it. I'll go after Christmas. Middle grandson has had the cough for a few weeks; eldest grandson has it. I had it and OH had it quite fact Christmas Day did not turn out as expected partly due to both OH and I being ill. I  don't know why I thought having a Bailey's and two very large Canadian Club and dry ginger ales before I had finished cooking the Christmas dinner, was a good idea. It was all a bit shambolic! I couldn't finish my dinner; threw up and had to lie down for half an hour! Then OH couldn't stay up any longer and went to bed in the middle of Doctor Who...I coughed all night and didn't sleep much. Despite all that we had fun but next year we're going out for dinner and I'll do an evening buffet. It will take organisation - you have book very early for Christmas Day but I will make it happen!

I had bought a new pair of trousers in Sainsbury's 50% off sale to wear on Christmas Day but with one thing and another didn't remember to take any photos.

Everything charity shopped. The cardigan came from the 1.00 rail in the Red Cross; I can't remember where the tunic came from I think the jeans were from the Red Cross 1.99. The boots definitely came from there, too.

Earrings were a Christmas present from OH.
Necklace charity shopped.

I took the youngest grandson to see Paddington 2 on Wednesday. We both really enjoyed it. Hugh Grant was great and very camp and a lot of other famous actors had cameo parts. Then I took middle grandson out to spend his Christmas and birthday money on a laptop. He's a teenager in the New Year. It only seems like five minutes since he came into our time does fly.

I wish you all a peaceful and joyous New Year and hope for better things for the world in 2018.


  1. Oh gosh, I'm sorry Christmas saw everyone sick-glad to hear you're doing better now.

    We have matching boots! I can't wear mine for long walks either as they're a bit stiff at the back zip, but they're so beautiful, who cares?

    Wishing you the best in the new year!

    1. I've had the boots for about 15 months Goody and only worn them three times!

      I'm better now thank you but OH is still feeling it...

  2. That is a bit of a bummer about being sick for Christmas. Alcohol does weaken the immune system.

    I also have those boots! Or darn close to it. Seems they were popular. Shame they couldn't make them with a slightly shorter heel and a bit more comfy. I mean we can fly to the moon but we can't make footwear that is comfortable?

    Wishing you and yours a wonderful New Years and much happiness in 2018.


    1. Yes, amen to comfortable footwear! I'll just have to bring the boots out then I know there's not much walking involved!

  3. Love you in those maxi dresses and you are as cute as a,button in that outfit with the yellow cardi. You colourful outfits are always a treat for my old eyes! But Vronni, please spill the beans on a couple of things, what do you use to get those amazing eyelashes and what memory trickery is at play when you remember what, where, when and how much for every item you wear?!!
    Wishing you and OH a very happy New Year and looking forward to seeing more of your wonderful outfits in 2018, hugs, x.

    1. Mary, I don't actually remember where I bought everything - I used to, but the memory is not so good as it used to be and I also buy/bought a lot...

      I am lucky to have naturally curly eyelashes although the right eyelashes are curlier than the left, so I sometimes curl the left eye but not the right. I don't buy expensive make up so my mascaras are usually L'Oreal, Maybelline or Max Factor; I tend to buy what's on offer. Currently I'm wearing Maybelline 'Colossal Go Extreme.

  4. Sorry to hear you were all poorly over Christmas, I hope everyone is better now.

    and I thought I had a lot of scarves!

    1. I've really had to curb my scarf habit, Gisela. So handy, so cheap, so cheerful!

  5. Your crochet is a triumph and the Frida chair is glorious. I've loved the Mexican series on BBC4, both the history of Mexican art and the crafty programme. Have you seen Murder on The Lake (French with English subtitles) over on Channel 4 yet? Well worth a watch.
    Some fab outfits - as always - packed with colour and wonderful costume jewellery.
    What a shame Xmas Day was a bit of a disaster. I'd definitely recommend eating out - no shopping, no washing up - perfection!
    Happy New Year to you and yours, Vronni! xxx

    1. Thank you, Vix. Yes, I've been meaning to check out 'Murder on the Lake'.

      Kelly knows where the Frida Kahlo material is from but I bet it costs an arm and a leg!

      Happy New Year!

  6. So sorry about you both being ill on Christmas day! But well done on finishing that glorious hexagon blanket. It looks fantastic with that yellow border. I'm loving the necklace you're wearing in your first photo, both maxi outfits and those booties are so stunning I'd be afraid of ruining them. I fully approve of the burnt orange tights, of course! Your collection of scarves is quite something and I also spied your rack of earrings, which somehow makes me feel less guilty about my brooches! Hope New Year's Eve and Day make up big time for the missed Christmas! xxx

    1. Thank you, Ann and Happy New Year to you!

      I saw a pin on Pinterest the other day and thought of you immediately. The person had used pictures frames of equal size but all different; backed them with some sort of material and pinned their brooch collection to them. The genius bit was they managed to get the frames to slide in and out like drawers in a chest of drawers!

  7. Thanks for the view of the cardigan it is very pretty, also those boots fantastic!!.I also had the same thought as The Pouting Pensioner how do you get such beautiful eyelashes.

    1. Thank you, Polly - see my reply to Pout re the eyelashes.

      Happy New Year!

  8. What an absolutely beautiful blanket and that is an inspired way to block your squares. Your outfits are lovely and that denim dress is gorgeous. Those boots are stunning. I am really sorry to hear about you and the family being a bit poorly over Christmas. Sore throats and this large that is doing the rounds are so not fun. I hope that you are feeling a lot better now. I am in awe of your earring collection. Wow, and what a good way to organise them. That chair is really nice. I think that it is covered in an Alexander Henry fabric called "Frida's Garden". They do quite a lot of Frida Kahlo-inspired fabrics. Xx

    1. Thank you, Kelly!

      I got the idea for blocking the squares from Pinterest. Such a useful resource and it's how I found lovely bloggers like yourself...

      I love how knowledgeable people in the blogosphere are; I now know what to buy if I ever wanted to buy the Frida material thanks to you...

  9. I hope you're getting over your bug now - being ill over Christmas is the pits.

    That blanket must be extra welcome given all the cold weather we've been having.

  10. I've just read your blog and realise you were much sicker (literally) than I was on Christmas Day - you poor thing! I was quite good on that day but t's subsequently in the 3rd week (!) with other cold symptoms on the mend I've got that post-viral fatigue thing. I've had it before and know it will go but at the mo' I'm just dragging myself around feeling and I think looking very unfit. Can I say you look lovely in your pics. Very good makeup and very much admire your accessorising and especially that first necklace.

    Can I just ask you a question - have I missed it and am I being dumb but while I've 'followed' you I don't get any alerts when you post so I don't get to see your blog posts regularly. I'd love to read them as you really do manage to get the most amazing bargains. All the very best for 2018! And get well soon x

    1. Yes, I think the OH has the post viral thing but I've recovered except for the runny nose and phlegmy cough...

      All the best to you and Mr. FS too, in 2018.

  11. Oops - no worries - I scrolled to the bottom and found an email subscription - so problem solved! Oh yes, and also that ending of Witnesses - umm. That ending with the motives of the man who kidnapped women etc etc were not fully explored and explained. I kind of got it but....

  12. I was waiting for you to say you'd found that fabulous chair in a charity shop for a fiver!

    1. Oh, I wish, Mary! It is fabulous isn't it?

      Happy New Year!

  13. Happy New Year, Veronica! I love all these fab outfits, especially that denim dress, and the velvet burnout top - great pieces. I love seeing your scarf storage and all those earrings hung on the wall - fantastic! Here's to 2018!

  14. Hi Veronica. You are definitely the queen of turbans and have inspired me to give it a try. I can't get over how good charity shops are in the UK! Happy New Year from bayou land. Judy

    1. Thank you, Judy!

      I started tying the scarf round my head because short hair can be very boring - it's difficult to ring the changes otherwise! It's also very useful for keep my ears warm when I'm out walking...


Goodbye for now

  Hello again! Almost a week late, I know, but this will be my final post before we go to Ireland for the whole of September and I'll ha...