Saturday 1 April 2017

Donegal is calling me...

Saturday was such a beautiful day. Warm, sunny but there was a chilly breeze at times. Spring is most definitely here with warmer weather forecast for this week.

OH and I had a rummage in Rushden and we also visited Emmaeus in Carlton on Saturday. Emmaeus is a charity for homeless people and is international in its scope. At Emmaeus they do furniture; household goods, electrical items, antiques and vintage items, bikes, garden equipment, clothes, shoes, bags. jewellery, craft materials, toys, books, DVDs, CDs and LPs. I bought a bangle and a ring, a small terrarium for plants, 2 succulent plants and a cafetiere for my daughter who's been after a small one for ages. I spent 6.50 in total.

This is how I started out. I soon discarded the scarf and gloves - too warm!

Everything except the handbag is charity shopped. Trousers from Monsoon; felted wool jacket by Paraphase; bought in the Donkey Sanctuary Charity shop in Ballyboffey in Donegal. Apart from the lovely embroidery on the jacket; it has golden bugle beads up near the neckline. It cost 10 euros, but I love this jacket and need to wear it more often. Boots from Red Cross shop winter 2015; for 1.99.

I was getting a bit of practice in with my selfie stick. I'm off to Donegal on the 4th April for two weeks and OH won't be out for the first 8 days I'm there, so I'll have to take my own OOTD photos!

The floral top is from the Red Cross 1.00 rail and the cardigan was bought in Barnardo's in Golders Green for 1.99.

Both scarves charity shopped; watch, necklace, ring and bangles charity shopped. Earrings; a present from my friend Natalie in Cambridge. See my nice, clean, shiny kitchen? 4.5 hours it took me on Friday; my arms were aching on Saturday.

In Rushden I bought a grey dress by East for 4.00 in the Salvation Army. I may not get any wear out of it now but it will be useful for next autumn and winter. East clothing is very expensive so I had to snap it up. I also bought a small wool picnic/lap blanket for 1.00; this will be taken to the caravan as it can be very chilly in the evenings. I also bought a lovely velvet patterned top in Cancer Research for 3.00. All in all a good day's rummaging. OH did well, too.

I got up early on Sunday and walked 6.8 miles. With Wednesday's 6.7 miles my total for this week was 13.5 miles - 6.5 miles short of my target of 20 miles.

Sunday afternoon was tea at the Swan Hotel in Bedford courtesy of my wonderful daughter. It was delicious and I was so stuffed at the end of it.

This is the African print skirt I bought at the 3:16 charity shop last week for 3.50. The top is by Cotton Traders and the jacket is by Country Casuals; both charity shopped at he Red Cross for 1.99.

Headscarf and all jewellery charity shopped. Boots; Christmas 2016 present from daughter.

On Monday there was no Red Cross volunteering. The manager had rung me on Friday to say there was a flood in the shop from a leak upstairs and that the shop would be closed until Wednesday. It felt really strange not going into the shop but I had errands to run in town so walked past the shop anyway. There were buckets everywhere catching the drips! There was also what looked like a 1970s maxi dress on the model in the window! I decided to go back on Wednesday and see if it was my size.

 I had plans to go for a walk in the afternoon but the weather was so horrible I didn't bother. Cold and windy and grey...

On Tuesday I was at the Food Bank and in the afternoon I walked 8.25 miles. It was a good day; sunny and warm but with a cold breeze and eventually the clouds got darker and it rained a little.

Everything charity shopped except the loafers bought on sale at Tesco's outlet shop about 3 years ago.

Earrings; a present from my friend Natalie. All other jewellery charity shopped.

On Wednesday afternoon I went back to the Red Cross; wouldn't you flipping know it they had sold the dress from the window! I bought a brown patterned tunic and a Planet summer jacket in bright orange as a consolation prize; both 1.99 each. In the morning I walked with the group from Great Denham; we walked 7 miles and it was a a very pleasant walk. As we finished back in Great Denham I had a quick browse in Barnardo's and bought a white linen shift dress and a pair of navy blue leather loafers - both 99p each.

It was such a gorgeous day on Thursday! It registered 21.5 degrees centigrade on my car barometer.  It felt like a summer's day so I dug a summer dress out of the chest where I store my summer clothes. I bought this dress which is by Studio from a 1.00/99p sale rail somewhere at the end of last summer when it was too late wear it, so this is its first outing.

The jacket was one of the first things I bought at the Guildhouse when I started there; it's linen and made by an Italian company. I paid 3.50 for it. I wore tights and a long slip underneath the dress and the boots were a Christmas 2016 present from my daughter.

Headscarf, bangles, necklace and watch all charity shopped. Earrings are from Jamaica and are made of copper in the shape of steel pans...present from OH.

On Friday I went on a bus walk with the Ramblers from Kempston via Wootton and Bromham. We walked 8.75 miles culminating with tea and cake at Bromham Mill. The best way to finish any walk I think!  The weather was fine. By the time I got home I had to go straight to collect the grandchildren from school so stayed in my walking gear. My walking total this week was 24 miles over 3 walks.

On Saturday I went to see my son and wore this:

Everything is charity shopped except the loafers which were bought from the Tesco outlet sale about three years ago.

Necklace was a present from my youngest Grandson's dad some years ago. All other jewellery charity shopped.

I shall spend Sunday packing for Ireland; I've had the car checked, got my euros and the ferry's been booked for ages. I shall be taking a break from blogging and when I get back my lovely cousin, Linda is coming to stay with me. It will be her first visit to England and guess what she wants to do? She wants to come charity shopping! That can be arranged with no difficulty...

I hope you all have a lovely Easter and if you don't celebrate Easter that you at least get a nice break. Take care everyone and see you on the other side!


  1. I love the Donkey Sanctuary embroidered jacket, gorgeous. Have a wonderful time in Ireland and a lovely Easter.

  2. What a beautiful skirt that is with the African print-the colours are so cheerful.

    The afternoon tea cakes are mostly familiar, but I don't think I know the buns on the bottom tier.

    I hope you have a pleasant visit to Ireland and that the weather behaves. A very happy Easter to you and your family.

    1. Thank you, Goody.

      The bottom tier are scones I ate 2 with clotted cream and jam that's why I was so stuffed!

  3. That African print skirt is divine. And so is that felted jacket. Although all of your outfits are gorgeous. And how lovely to have tea with your daughter. I hope you have a fantastic time in Ireland - and don't forget that selfie stick.

    1. Thank you Mel! I shall just go and get the selfie stick and put it in my bag for Ireland....

  4. Have a wonderful trip.Love the grey and white striped dress and grey linen jacket.You look fabulous.

  5. Love both your maxis and the felted coat is gorgeous. Well done on all that walking, I read yesterday that a third of the population doesn't even do 30 mins exercise a week. Shocking! I try to get to the gym at least once or walk or garden. Have a great time in Ireland and don't forget to take lots of photos for that van post you're going to do.
    Btw, I'll be washing mine for the first time next month, what do you use to do yours? xx

    1. Ha! Washing it never occurred to me! There's so much rain in Ireland it probably doesn't need any more water...I will ask neighbours though.

      Thank you for your kind comments Fi and have a lovely Easter.

  6. I love to see you in the striped maxi dress it makes you look so slim,which is the opposite of what we are told about wearing stripes going round (my old brain can't remember what's that called)

    1. Horizontal stripes as opposed to vertical stripes maybe?

      I think it's the cunning bit at the waist that gives me
      the appearance of actually having a waist. I haven't had one of those for a very long time!

    2. Horizontal stripes as opposed to vertical stripes maybe?

      I think it's the cunning bit at the waist that gives me
      the appearance of actually having a waist. I haven't had one of those for a very long time!

  7. Although you are looking fab in all of the outfits, my favourites are last Saturday's (even if it was too warm to start with) and last Sunday's. What a beautiful maxi skirt, and I love the yellow necklace. You did really well at the charity shops - much better than I did here in Belgium lately - but what a shame the dress from the window had gone. Have a wonderful time in Ireland! xxx

    1. Thank you, Ann!

      I've added you to my blog roll as I've enjoyed reading through your blog. What a magnificent brooch collection you have!

    2. Oh, thank you Veronica! I have added you to my blog roll too. xxx

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Have an awesome time in Ireland! I love the black jacket/coat with the embroidery, and that striped maxi is amazing on you! All that walking, and look at your killer figure, my dear!

  10. The waxed cotton maxi is wonderful, my fave outfit by far!
    Gorgeous photo of you and your beautiful girl, I must show you a photo of my stunning friend Claire one day, they could be sisters.
    Have a wonderful time in Donegal, hope the sun shines and you master the art of the selfie stick so we can see what you wore during your trip. xxx

    1. Thank you, Vix!

      They say everyone has a doppelganger!

  11. Your cousin will definitely get a masterclass in charity shopping if she's going with you. You've another splendid selection of outfits there; the embroidered jacket and African skirt are my favourite.

    Have fun in Donegal - a getaway sounds heavenly, and the weather's just turning nice in the south-western UK, so hopefully it's lovely in Ireland too.

    1. Thank you, Mim!

      Fingers crossed for the weather. I'll be happy if it stays dry...

  12. Wow! I LOVE that African print maxi! Your other striped maxi dress is great too.

    You are a thrifting pro.

    Have a lovely trip and Easter!

    I'm heading off to China next week and will also be taking a bit of a break so I can go and visit my husband. Yes, he is currently living in China : (


  13. I love to see you wear more head scarves Vronni as they really suit you. And you seem to do so well finding scarves on your rounds don't you? I like the sound of that huge charity shop where they stock everything under the sun, but golly didn't you show restraint there? Well done!

    Hope you have a wonderful time in Ireland and look forward to catching up with you when you return.

    Anna x

  14. Hello my dearest Veronica all the gorgeous different outfits, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
    We have to meet soon

  15. You really do have fantastic style! Loving the scarves in your hair and you rock a maxi! xx

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Goodbye for now

  Hello again! Almost a week late, I know, but this will be my final post before we go to Ireland for the whole of September and I'll ha...