Friday 24 March 2017

Just another week

It t was forecast to rain on Saturday so I got up early and walked 7 miles. It was quite warm, cloudy but with lots of patches of blue sky; although there was quite a strong breeze. It was a lovely walk; I saw a Kestrel again and this time I saw some yellow hammers/corn buntings as well. Every time I walked last week I saw the Kestrel. I think it's the same one because twice it flew out of the same copse. I'm so used to seeing Kestrels hovering over the roadside it's a bit of shock to see them in trees and flying over fields!

Everything charity shopped. The jeans are the ones from the 3:16 charity shop last week; 1.50 (half price sale),  top from Tu at Sainsbury's;  the necklace is from Mercy in Action outlet shop, 1.00. The boots are from Lidl last winter and the earrings are about 20 years old. If you think I'm looking a little different in this photo it's because I'm wearing a nude lipstick instead of my usual red lippy! I was saving that for Saturday evening as I was going out for a friend's 60th birthday meal in Luton.

Cushion bought in the Oxfam shop about 18 months ago.
I had errands to run in town on Saturday and I struck it lucky. I walked past the 'Reuse Shop' and they had a rather nice small chair in the window. It was perfect for my study so I bought it. The chair which used to be in the study was rather too large and it went on Freegle.  Last week I missed out on one on e bay because I forgot to check on it -  and it sold for £20 including delivery. My chair was £30 and it had just been reupholstered. Reuse is a charity shop and they have someone at this shop who reupholsters chairs and sofas and someone else who up cycles furniture. I have a floral covered footstool that I can put my feet up on (charity shopped, of course). I now have no excuse not to start my next crochet blanket!

All jewellery charity shopped.
This is what I wore on Saturday evening to my friend Cecilia's 60th birthday meal.  She and my best friend Ann went to school together in Luton and I got to know C when we used to go raving together in the early to mid 1990s. We had some brilliant times!

We had a lovely time on Saturday night although there was no music and no dancing. I saw a couple of people I hadn't seen for years, so it was great to catch up. It was such a shock for my friend as she was only expecting her immediate family...

These photos were taken when I returned from the birthday meal past midnight. I'm wearing my 99p Jaeger jacket; the skirt is from M&S but is very steam punkish (I thought) with the bustle at the back, it came from a charity shop in Kettering for 2.99. The black cross over top is one of the most  frequently worn and useful items in my wardrobe and is also M&S; charity shopped years ago.

This is Monday's outfit.  The top is for the charity shop bag as it doesn't fit properly around the bust. It says large but it's clearly not large enough! It's a shame because it's an Ossie Clark top; charity shopped but can't remember where. Everything is charity shopped except the leggings bought in a Store 21 sale.

Necklace gift from next door neighbour; earrings Sainsbury's.

The Red Cross shop was so full of bags of clothes waiting to be steamed and hung up that we didn't do much sorting on Monday - there was just no room! I did have a good sort of the jewellery and put new stuff out. I bought my daughter a lovely summer top off the pound rail - she liked it; thank goodness. I bought a green dress for myself for 1.99, and a a red  checked headscarf which I wore with Tuesday's outfit (below).

I was at the Guild House on Tuesday and was quite busy sorting stuff and pricing it and as usual I did a bit of a ironing. It's funny I hate ironing at home but I don't mind it at the Guild House; it's probably the fancy steam iron they have.

Asleep on my feet, here!
Everything is charity shopped except my daughter donated boots.

The waistcoat is the one I bought at the newest charity shop in town last Wednesday for 1.50; it was lovely and warm. The top is from Barnardo's 1.00 rail; trousers M&S, can't remember which charity shop; scarf; Red Cross on Monday.

All jewellery charity shopped except red ring; Sainsbury's and watch which was a Christmas present from my daughter about 6 years ago. I've had these earrings for about 20 years.

I went to the 3:16 charity shop to drop off some books and bought a maxi skirt with an African print for 3.50. It will be lovely for the summer but I may wear it this Sunday. My daughter is taking me out somewhere - to eat presumably. She sent me a message - ' Mum, on Sunday don't have any lunch and don't let Wes make you any dinner either; can you guess what we're doing? Lol'. It's Mother's Day on Sunday, of course. That's three weekends in a row I will have gone out somewhere - oh, the excitement!

On Wednesday morning I walked  6.6 miles with the group and I wished I hadn't! It was wet, cold and windy. I got soaked and was so cold that when I got in I put my PJs and dressing gown on. The afternoon was windy but sunny and dry -  wish it had been in the morning - it's called 'Sod's Law...'

The wind continued on Thursday but at least it was dry. I had lots of errands to run; I had my eyebrows done; I did the food shopping in Lidl and Sainsbury's; I also went to Aldi, two banks, the card shop, a gift shop and the dry cleaners. It was my best friend, Ann's, 60th birthday so I took her card and gift round to her. She was off to London to go out for a meal and see a show with her two daughters. I was glad to get home and put my feet up for a bit!

Everything charity shopped. The cords are by Primarni; the waistcoat is by Bench; bought it at Age UK in Bedford - which is no more. The top is by M&S. Everything is grey today - I just fancied some grey.

The earrings are from Sainsburys; the necklace is also a Primarni one but I bought it in a charity shop quite a few years ago. Bangles, watch and red ring charity shopped.

I bet you won't believe what I did on Friday. Walking - no. Charity shopping - no. Visited friends - no. I started at 9.30 am and finished at 3 pm (when I leave to pick the grandchildren up from school); cleaning my kitchen was what I did. It needed doing; I cleaned the cooker and the cooker hood, all the surfaces, tiles, appliances and the floor. It's time I begrudge but it has to be done. Oh well, that was Friday!

This is the green dress I bought at the Red Cross on Monday for 1.99. The kimono is also from there. Daughter donated boots; the green tights are also charity shopped.

All jewellery charity shopped except the earrings which are from Sainsbury's.

Oh and I are going out for a rummage tomorrow - haven't decided where yet but I'll let you know how we got on...

Have a fab weekend everyone!


  1. Phew I feel exhausted just reading about your week. I did a six mile walk on Tuesday and got a blister and aching back for my trouble. It was a lovely day though.
    My fave outfit of your week is the last one. The kimono jacket is lovely and looks really good with the green frock, I'm also loving your beads.
    Have a lovely time out with your daughter on Mothering Sunday. xx

    1. Thank you Fiona - I did have a lovely day out; it's all in my next post...

  2. Oh goodness, I love the combination of the bustle skirt with that jacket. Steampunk, punk, whatever it is, you've styles it magnificently.

    I do my cleaning on Friday also-that way the house is tidy for the weekend...well, at least for a couple hours until anyone gets home. I used to do the laundry on Monday, but that seemed like a depressing way to start the week, so I switched to Friday.

    Have a happy Mothering Sunday.

    1. This clean was what the TV programmes call a 'deep clean' I only do it about once a year. Next stop the bathroom...


  3. One of my friends has that bustle skirt in green tartan, when we found it out chazzing neither of us could believe it was from M&S! Yours looks wonderful on.
    That chair is fabulous, what a great price.
    Have a lovely day out and happy hunting! xxx

  4. I love the rusty red necklace you are wearing with the grey outfit.

    1. Thank you, Polly. It came from a charity shop in Ireland.

  5. I had that M&S skirt in black and blue! I still have a wonderful red and black pinstripe one with a huge bustle at the back.

    1. Vix's friend found a green tartan one! Trust me to find a plain black one...

  6. My dearest Veronica, of all the outfits I pick your warm smile, and that wonderful long black skirt, wowwwwwwwwwwwww.
    I adore you even if I don come often enough to tell you.

  7. How fun to have a skirt with a bustle! Too bad you couldn't "shake your bootie" to show it off more ; P

    I really love that last eclectic necklace.

    Sod's law. Ha ha!


    1. Yes I would loved to have shaken my bootie bustle!


  8. lovely outfits, I like particularly how you wear your waistcoats and fab bijouterie!, that last outfit is my favorite, love your beautiful necklace and cool jacket!!
    And you look fabulous in that steam-punkish skirt!, elegant with a twist!, lovely jacket too!

  9. Hello, I've often seen your name pop up in the comments of the blogs I'm following. I tried to comment before but had some problems, so hopefully it works out now. Fingers crossed. I'm loving your colourful, original outfits, and that last necklace it just fab! xxx

    1. Thank you so much!

      I'm sorry about you not being able to comment; my cousin in Ireland can't comment either and I don't know why. It's a Google or Blogger thing I suppose.

      Hope you come back for more visits...x

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Oh, I really love that bustle skirt Vronni! How fabulous and so unusual too. My other piece of note (aka envy) is the patterned Kimono which looks right up my street.

    I hope you enjoyed your Mother's Day outing. It's grand to be feted once in a while eh?

    Anna x

  12. You have such an eye for style Vronni - love that tweedy jacket - quite Vivienne Westwood! Best of all you've got a great way with accessories - just love those necklaces. Pennyx


Goodbye for now

  Hello again! Almost a week late, I know, but this will be my final post before we go to Ireland for the whole of September and I'll ha...