Saturday 21 January 2017

Not a New Year's Resolution

I have been getting on really well with my crochet blanket in browns, creams and beiges. I can get on with it if I'm watching TV and it will encourage me to watch more DVDs as I can crochet and watch a screen at the same time, but I can't crochet and read at the same time! I have DVDs I got for Christmas presents years ago that are still in their wrappers so I'm definitely going to make sure they get watched in 2017. It's not a New Year resolution though....

It was cold on Saturday but at least it was bright and sunny. I walked to Aldi and back again and into to town to pick up a parcel and walked 6.5 miles in total. If I manage to walk again on Sunday I'll have completed my thrice weekly walking plan for the first time this year. I want to try and do this this every week. It's not a New Year's resolution though just a plan I want to carry out...

On my walk I visited the Beds Garden Carers charity shop where they have a small clothing area upstairs. I bought 3 tops for 50p each; one is a white fitted shirt, another a brown and cream top - I lack brown tops  -and the last item was by Yasmin Le Bon and is a beautiful, white, embroidered sleeveless tunic. It's for my cousin Doirin in Ireland as I think she'll like it.

I bought this top the first time I ever visited the Bedford Guildhouse charity shop which was last year sometime; but I'd never got round to wearing it. It's by John Rocha and I liked the turquoise and yellow floral print. Jeans also charity shopped, as are the necklace and bangles. The earrings I bought in Topshop in 2002 and the watch was a 2012 Christmas present from daughter.

Boots from Lidl

Yellow cardigan online retail; 2015 Christmas present from OH.

Because this is a blog about (my) real life here's how I looked on Sunday. Same jeans as Saturday; no make up. T shirt charity shopped in Donegal 50 cents; cardigan M&S charity shopped; all jewellery charity shopped.

I suppose the New Year is a time for reflection on the old year gone out and I thought I'd share some of my thoughts with you about what I've learned since I started blogging. Please feel free to skip this part if you want...

Thoughts on Blogging in no particular order....

The blogging world of style/fashion/older style and fashion seems to be filled with incredibly kind, supportive and lovely bloggers most of whom have a terrific sense of humour.

I had no idea how time consuming blogging would be. Not only do you write and edit the blog, but there's the taking of photographs;  then the uploading of same. Then there's all those wonderful blogs to read and comment on. I doubt I could do this if I worked, so thank goodness I'm retired!

People like it when you respond to their comments on your blog.

Taking photographs wearing different outfits has taught me so much about what suits me; what works and what doesn't; what flatters and what doesn't. Sometimes I have a mental image of what an outfit will look like on - and it may look ok in the mirror - but a more objective perspective can be gained by looking at a photograph of me wearing it.

I've learned that my style and taste in clothes has changed as I've get older.  For example, I've learned to love orange and yellow; avoid mid calf length skirts/dresses and the importance of accessories.

 I've improved my layering skills and learned to try new things; OTK boots for example.

I spend too much money in the charity shops on clothes.

It's better to concentrate on quality rather quantity when charity shopping.

Invest in padded hangers. I buy them whenever I see them in charity shops at reasonable prices.

As I have  too many  a lot of clothes I've had to organise them so I can see what I have and therefore wear. I organise my clothes by type; blouses/shirts/tops together for example, then by colour. Occasionally, I find something I have no memory of buying and it's been in the wardrobe for ages hidden between things.

I button at least one button on shirts/blouses when I hang them up to prevent its fellow getting tangled up inside. This is particularly relevant as I have too much a lot  on my rails.

It doesn't matter how much storage space I have I will find clothes to fill it.

I usually plan next day's outfit just before I go to bed; although occasionally inspiration strikes sooner - see below. I hang everything up ready for the morning and sometimes I even get the ironing of the outfit done the same evening!

Sometimes an idea for an outfit pops into my mind, and as I can't rely on my memory I have now started to write them down. So far, I've managed to write down 9 outfit ideas since Saturday 14th January 2017; when I first thought to do this. This will be so useful on those occasions when I think "what the heck can I wear today"?

This is what I wore to the Red Cross shop on Monday. Everything is charity shopped except the boots which were bought with Christmas vouchers from Debenhams about three Christmases  ago.

Skirt; £1.00 rail Barnardo's Great Denham; scarf and lace top charity shopped; green cardigan by Benetton; charity shopped years ago.

Beads, bangles and watch; charity shopped. Earrings, Bedford market.

You may remember that I was trying to keep track of my spending in the charity shops and did it for the month of November. What I learned from this was that I spend far too much and I really want to cut down.

 I'm going to spend a weekend in Devon with my friend Hilary at the end of January and at Easter I'll be going to Ireland, so I have an incentive to save as much as I can for these two trips. My plan, therefore, is to a) spend only in the Red Cross charity shop or only on the £1.00 rails in any other charity shop; b) don't visit any charity shops on my free afternoons or for a day out - at least not till I get to Devon!

So today I put my plan into action (note it's not a New Year resolution). I bought a pair of green cords at the Red Cross shop for £1.00. I have a green pair already, but they're a little too short in the leg and have a miniscule hem so I can't let them down. It will be one pair of trousers in and one pair out. At the 3:16 shop which I pass on my way home I bought; a blue and white striped M &S shirt and an Old Navy blue and white pleated skirt for the summer. Both were a £1.00 each.

On Tuesday I was at the foodbank and went to town in the afternoon. On Wednesday, I walked with the group and we walked 6.5 miles from the village of Clophill to Haynes and back. After the walk we went for a meal to celebrate 20 years of Wednesday walking with the Ivel Valley Walkers. I've been walking for almost three years with this group.

This is what I changed into in the car after the walk. The top from New Look was one of the 50p tops I bought on Saturday in the Bedford Garden Carer's charity shop.

Long sleeved brown top F & F, charity shopped. Leggings; M & S, retail; boots Sainsbury's, retail.

All jewellery charity shopped.

On my way back from the meal I drove through Ampthill so I stopped off and had a look in Barnardo's. I was so proud of myself; I only spent £1.49 and bought a red pair of capri pants for the summer and a blue spotted top.

Photos by middle grandson
On Thursday I went out for lunch with my friend, Ann. We had a good catch up. It will be a year this Thursday since her husband had a stroke and she has been caring for him ever since. It was good for her to have a break from the house and usual routine.

Everything I'm wearing is charity shopped. Boots, leggings, tunic (M&S) and short sleeved cardigan.

All jewellery charity shopped except earrings; Sainsburys and watch bought with Christmas money from New Look.

Friday was busy. I took the children to school and the youngest grandson had an assembly which I stayed for. When that was over I went for a 6.5 mile walk. The weather was great; cold 2.5 degrees but very sunny and bright. When I came back I changed then went and did the food shopping (booooring). Picked up children from school then took youngest grandson and his dad home after 5. Then there was dinner to make and finally - chill time!

A selfie taken after the assembly - specially requested by grandson!

This is Friday's outfit. Everything charity shopped except boots from Lidl.

Knitted dress; Dorothy Perkins; probably the Red Cross; shirt unknown but charity shopped in the Red Cross. Wine coloured tights charity shopped somewhere...

All jewellery charity shopped except watch which was bought in New Look with Christmas money.

I went to see my son on Saturday and on Sunday I'm  hoping to go for a walk and recce my walk for the Ramblers.

Everything charity shopped except the OTK boots - on line retail and the watch, New Look and the necklace which was a Christmas present from one of my brothers about five years ago.

Skirt, M&S; top by Cavita bought in the Mercy in Action Charity shop in Olney last week. Jacket by Country Casuals and bought in the Red Cross for £1.99. Scarf; charity shopped.

Earrings and bangle charity shopped.


  1. What a lovely photo at the top to start the weekend-you are bringing the sunshine!

    Love the assembly selfie.

    I learned so much about what I should (and shouldn't ) wear from blogging. I always think I look ok looking in the mirror, but the camera does give another perspective. You've inspired me to try more trousers and large necklaces, something I've always assumed I was too short for.

    I really ought to pay attention to my spending better-you'll be a good role model.

    Have a super week.

  2. You must be a 'well cool' Nan/Gran/Grandma if your grandson requested a selfie, what a fun photo of you both. Loving the maxi outfit and envious of all your statement necklaces, I only ever seem to find delicate, dainty ones in local chazzas...not me at all!

  3. Goody,

    Thank you.

    You look fab in trousers!


    Thank you.

    I do visit a lot of charity shops so that's why I get lucky. I'm not visiting many at the moment and probably won't until I get back from Ireland after Easter. I'm tightening my purse strings!

  4. All your outfits look fab. Like you I find I am turning to orange and Yellow for my 70th last July my daughter treated me to see a colour consultant and was told I am Autumn so hence I now look for all the Autumn colours.Hope to go to Charity shops this week.

    1. Good luck, Polly!
      I hope you find some lovely bargains.


    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. All your outfits look fantastic, but I particularly liked the green cardi/scarf and plaid skirt - very classy looking! The charity shops in the UK are so much better than the ones here in Canada. On my yearly visits to England I take an empty suitcase to stock up. It is so inspiring to see our lovely one can look without spending a fortune!

  6. You have such a great eye for pieces, Veronica! I love the following: you in yellow, that long skirt (makes your waist look tiny), the scribble-pattern top, this last blazer. Fabulous, all of them. I enjoyed your "what I've learned from blogging" list - I'm going in my NINTH year blogging and it's all true, especially how much time it takes!

    Rock on, my dear! I would only add: don't be so hard on yourself for your spending. It's going to a good cause, and as long as it's not affecting your finances negatively it's okay to spend on our hobbies.

    Oh, and lastly, hee hee - I see someone taking the pictures in the mirror! Hello, Mister Veronica!

  7. You look amazing and are an inspiration to me however the time and energy you invest in charity shopping is something I just can't get my head around. I seem to have less time now I'm not working than I did before lol. Keep up the good work though I love your outfits and you give me ideas for using clothes I already own and have forgotten about.

  8. That blue and yellow outfit is so sunny, it makes me smile just to see it.

    I can knit and watch telly but not knit and read, so we're in the same boat there. I do like listening to things on the radio too.

  9. Love, love, LOVE the long green check skirt and the orangey fleck jacket in the last picture. You have such a great eye. I would never think of buying a jacket like that if I saw it but it's fab.

  10. Barbara*

    Thank you. There seem to be variations in the prices in thrift shops in the USA. Goody of 'Eat the Blog' seems to have really cheap ones where she lives in Omaha.


    Thank you and yes that's a good way to think about my overspending - it is going to a good cause

    I feel very honoured to think I've inspired someone! Thank you.
    I'm determined to spend less time (and money)charity shopping but have the occasional binge such as this weekend!

    Yes, I like listening to the radio, too. I've been a devoted fan of BBC Radio 4 since the early 1990s. It was called the 'Home Service' when I was growing up!

    I'm very fond of jackets but they're not really something you can wear everyday - I'm currently trying to resist a pink plaid one from my charity shop...

  11. I've liked to read your 'Thoughts on Blogging' and I agree with everything! it takes more time than expected, I've met some fabulous ladies (like you!), and I'm more conscious about my style now.
    I love (particularly) your first yellow outfit, it's beautiful!. And also love your plaid skirt, that's a stunning piece and the whole ensemble looks elegant and cool!. Lovely knitted tunic too, it fits you so nicely!. Obviously, I'm admiring all your necklaces and accessories, gorgeous!

  12. I liked reading about your blogging observations Vronni, and have to agree that it's more time consuming that it looks. Also, that it's nice if you give replies to your comments - it's just politeness I think.
    My favourite outfit of the week has to be the green maxi skirt and that lovely fitted cardigan. The whole thing looked so well fitting for your frame, very flattering and feminine too.
    Your charity shops are so cheap compared to the ones I find. It's a rare event to come across things for a pound never mind 50p - you're very lucky. Although if I only had to pay your sort of prices my closets would be in a terrible overflowing state!
    Have a great week x


Goodbye for now

  Hello again! Almost a week late, I know, but this will be my final post before we go to Ireland for the whole of September and I'll ha...