Friday 6 January 2017

Happy New Year and a week of pattern...

Happy to New Year to all of you. Thank you so much for  reading my blog and for all your lovely comments throughout the year. I so enjoy reading them and appreciate every single one.

I've started a new page for books read in 2017.
I left 2016 still reading Alan Bennett's 'Keeping On, Keeping On' (a Christmas present from OH). I'm almost at the end of it now - 700 odd pages!

The total number of books read in 2016 was 98. When I worked, I used to read on average between 120 and 150 books a year. I don't really understand how, if I'm not working three days a week, I manage to read less now. Could I possibly be busier now than I was when I worked? I have been keeping a record of books I've read since 2007 but it still doesn't stop me occasionally buying a book I already have...

Day 1 - Pattern Challenge
Everything charity shopped except boots - DDB

I bought this patterned shirt in Save the Children a few weeks back. It's by Punt Roma. The jeans are from Next and were 99p in the Barnardo's sale in Ampthill last week. The cardigan is from the Red Cross shop.
The earrings are little pansies and I bought them from Save the Children for 25p. Bangles and watch charity shopped.  Necklace present from OH Christmas 2015.

I went for 7.5 mile walk on Monday. It was chilly but sunny and I thoroughly enjoyed my walk around and through Bedford. It was also an opportunity to break in a pair of trainers my daughter donated to me. When you're pounding pavements; trainers can be a better option than walking boots

Day 2 - Pattern Challenge
Bangles, necklace and velvet flower brooch; charity shopped.

Another purple day on Tuesday - it was freezing!
 Purple patterned tunic by Nomads, charity shopped. Leggings, on line retail.

Purple velvet cardigan; one of the very few purchases I've ever made at TK Maxx and my favourite. Boots, Christmas present from OH and earrings were also a present from him bought in a street market in Oxford.

I've got my crocheting mojo kick going again in 2017. I started by sorting out my wool stash. I had quite a few odds and ends of chunky knitting wool, so I made an infinity scarf on Sunday night and on Monday night a head/ear warmer. The rest of the wool got donated to a charity shop. I should have taken a photo of the infinity scarf but I've given it away and can't. There's a picture below of me wearing the ear warmer...

I'm going to start on a blanket in browns, creams and beiges as I seem to have accumulated quite a lot of these colours. I buy almost all my wool at charity shops so you don't get to decide the colours available! I'm going to donate this blanket and any others that I do to 'Knit for Peace' here. I got this idea from Mim of the lovely blog; 'Crinoline Robot' here.

I have no idea why, when I take selfies on my phone camera, they're always fuzzy as if they've been taken with gauze over the camera lens. Apparently, they used to do this with ageing actresses back in the day... when OH takes photos using the same camera phone they don't have the fuzzy effect.

Before I forget I must show you a close up of my floral boots bought not long before Christmas. I've only worn them once so far, but am looking forward to wearing them more frequently:

Aren't they fab!

Day 3 - Pattern Challenge

The orange splattered patterned trousers came from the Barnardo's  sale rail in Ampthill last week - 49p! Crochet cardigan bought from the same place a few weeks previously for 99p.

Orange top charity shopped but can't remember where from. Boots DDB - daughter donated boots!

Rings, beads, earrings and bangles all charity shopped.

I went for my induction at the Red Cross shop on Wednesday afternoon. I had a great time and the team were very pleasant and welcoming. I bought a jumper and some bed linen - both £1.99 - while I was there. It's a much busier shop than Save the Children and I know I'll suffer from what I always do on Mondays and Tuesdays when I do my volunteering, and that is an aching back from standing for so long; on Wednesday I was on my feet for three and a half hours.

Day 4 - Pattern Challenge
Earrings bought in one of those shops that sell everything...mousetraps, sink unblocker, mats, pots and pans, coffee jugs, earrings...

I bought this jumper from the Red Cross shop on Wednesday. It's by Kaliko and of course it was £1.99.

Shirt by Next, charity shopped, black cords, Red Cross shop £1.00. Boots, Next - Christmas 2013; present from my daughter. You can just see my new grey watch bought with Christmas money from my brothers.

Bangles; charity shopped.

When I went to do the food shopping on Thursday afternoon I popped into the Salvation Army charity shop which is next door to Lidl. I bought a lovely bright green necklace, 99p; which I hope to wear with Friday's outfit. On the way back from Sainsbury's I went to the Barnardo's in Great Denham. I picked the wrong time to go because: a) the sale was over b) they were having a reorganisation of the shop floor and had loads of donations piled everywhere making much of the shop inaccessible. Not being the sort who gives up easily I found a purple cushion for my bed for 99p; a beret - brand new with tags from New Look for 49p; a mini hair fascinator for 49p and an ornamental tin heart for 49p - total spend £2.47 + 99p in the Salvation Army = £3.46.

It was my middle grandson's 12th birthday on Thursday. He loved his presents from me and enjoyed his birthday cake - chocolate with milk and white chocolate shavings on the top - from Lidl. It was lovely and light and not too sickly. It would have been too much of a rush to make him a cake as the chocolate cake I usually make for birthday cakes is always better if eaten on the same day. Here he is at home posing with his cake...

Happy birthday, Isaiah!

Day 5 - Pattern Challenge
On Friday I went walking with the group for the first time since the 14th December. It was a 6 mile walk and although it was a very cold morning we soon warmed up. Luckily, it was mostly road walking so no muddy boots. As we finished up in the town centre, I had some errands to run in town and of course I looked in a couple of charity shops. With my new 'highly selective' charity shopping hat on, I bought a bracelet for 49p in the Wood Green Animal Shelter shop; a striped linen top from Tu for £1.00 in the 3:16 shop and two colourful table runners for £1.50 - total spend today £2.99.

Had my hair cut on Friday.
This is probably one of my most favourite patterned items of clothing.  Patterned tunic by Pussycat, London bought from Cats Protection League charity shop. Yellow jumper worn underneath; charity shopped. Green leggings; Sainsburys retail as were the brown boots.

All jewellery except watch; charity shopped. This is the 99p necklace bought on Thursday. Youngest grandson took the photos today and didn't quite get the concept of a head and shoulders shot...

So here's a dodgy selfie instead!

Next week is my final challenge - spots, checks and stripes...


  1. Rock star boots!
    Happy Birthday Isaiah.

    I prefer trainers to hiking boots in most situations, even if they aren't completely waterproof. They do take some getting used to, but if you can wear them to work it might help your back too.

    Such wonderful patterns, colours and textures. I like the soft focus photos-they're mysterious.
    Happy New Year.

    1. Soft focus is right - they hide the wrinkles!

      I have always disliked trainers as footwear and I only wear them to walk in, Goody. I will therefore have to suffer for style because I just couldn't wear trainers with the clothes I wear. It would be like a recurring dream I used have as a child where I was in assembly and look down and see I only have my PJ top on and not the bottom....

  2. Fab floral footwear and gorgeous grandson...ok that's enough alliteration for one comment. Also like the Kaliko sweater and the super ear warmer. Never fear... I took a few blurry ones this week too! X

    1. Any idea why? Why they're blurry, I mean?

    2. I think it was not keeping the phone still whilst shooting in my case.

  3. Goodness , you do get some super bargains. It seems most of the charity shops in the UK are way cheaper than ours here in the U.S.
    Also your daughter is quite a whiz at buying you boots or passing some on to you.
    Your hair always looks so great, how often do you get it cut?

    1. Thank you, Jan!

      I get my hair cut every month and yes my daughter is brilliant at passing on and buying me boots - I wish we had more than foot size in common!

  4. Loving those embroidered boots and the green necklace in the last photo and the velvet coat....I could go on!!
    Happy birthday, Isaiah! xxx

  5. Wow I love your floral boots ! Where did you get them? ... your so lucky with your charity shops .... ours are so expensive. . Been to red cross today £8 for a scruffy asda dress... it's a order they sell anything! !!! Love your fashion and your jewellery xx

    1. Thank you!
      I think the trick, Alison, is to go out of your local area if the charity shops are too expensive. I'm lucky; I have the time and the means of transport to travel around the county where I live and beyond. I would hop on a bus or a train though and visit charity shops!

      I always check for sale rails and £1.00 rails and I'm learning to buy quality items rather than high street labels only...

  6. Yes your shops are much cheaper than ours in my area although I am not far from you.Tops at £5 most necklaces £3 coats are £10.

  7. Adorable floral booties and pretty jewelry. Seven miles?! Wow, you're in great shape. Not sure I could do that if my life depended on it.

    1. Once upon a time I thought 7 miles was a long distance to walk. It isn't - we can walk up to at least half of that just on a rummaging/shopping expedition!

  8. You are so lucky in the charity shops. I found nothing on my last trip and, like the commenters above, everything was vastly overpriced. Those embroidered boots are just beautiful and I love your purple ensemble. The slick velvet cardigan is gorgeous. Happy birthday to lovely, Isaiah! Xx

  9. Some fantastic items in these outfits - I love the yellow flower necklace, the velvet cardi and that last yellow tunic. I used to have a blouse by Kaliko that was very similarly coloured to your sweater!

  10. That is such a lovely idea for your knitting project. I'd never heard of them, but I love the idea. Before I go any further, happy birthday Isaiah! Growing up fast! I so admire your walking regime, so good for both physical and mental health. I need a kick up the backside. Which reminds me, those boots Veronica! They're a work of art! Have you always been stylish and interested in clothes I wonder? Xxx

  11. That purple velvet cardi is ace, I'm not surprised it's your favourite.

    And happy birthday to Isiah - isn't he a handsome young man? Looks like a grandson to be proud of.

    Thank you for the link :-) I'm knitting a cardigan for a friend right now - knitting in the sense that it was the wrong size so I had to rip it back to start again on bigger needles - but after that I want to do some more stuff for Knit For Peace. Like you say, it's a good stashbuster.

  12. Another lovely mix of topics this week Vronni - clothes, books, knitting, walking and the birthday boy! I really like the orange ensemble with the orange tee shirt - I think it's a colour that doesn't get enough coverage, but it suits your skin colouring.

    And at last we get to see your wonderful boots! Ebay, I seem to remember you saying. I hope you get as much pleasure out of yours as I do with mine.

    Last of all I want to say that I kind like your soft focus shots. I remember a friend of mine trying very hard to mimic this same effect with no success!

    Wishing you a wonderful week x

  13. Your hair cut looks fab.

    We bought the same booties!!! Ha ha! Great taste and all that ; P

    I can't wait to see how you style yours.


  14. Once more, I love your style and how you create comfy&cool outfits!. Love particularly those patterned trousers and crochet cardi. And those boots!!! they're stunning!
    Lovely tunic too, such a bright color and pattern! and your hairstyle looks cool!


Goodbye for now

  Hello again! Almost a week late, I know, but this will be my final post before we go to Ireland for the whole of September and I'll ha...