Friday 9 December 2016

A week of...cardigans

Purple and orange alstromerias this week to match my tunic below! The lilac ones are still looking fresh but are on the dining room table.

I finally finished 'Barkskins' by Annie Proulx. I really think it could have been 100 pages shorter and still been an engrossing read. It was an eulogy to the destruction of the forests in Canada, USA and elsewhere in the world; told through the story of two French settlers in Canada in the 17th century and the dynasties they founded. 

I managed to squeeze in 5.5 mile walk on Sunday morning but have only managed two shortish walks last week. I'd prefer to do three walks a week of at least 7 miles duration. I should be able to walk this Wednesday and Thursday and probably Sunday, so I might achieve my goal this week.

The clothes challenge this week is to wear a different cardigan everyday. Shouldn't be too difficult I own lots; in fact I nearly counted them all but chickened out because I'd end up feeling too guilty...

Monday's Outfit - Day One

I need a haircut. I'm having it cut on Friday and can't wait. All jewellery charity shopped.

I bought this tunic last week at The Red Cross shop for £1.99. It's TU by Sainsbury's and a lovely mix of purple, orange, cream, navy and turquoise. The rust coloured cardigan is by Hobbs and was also a £1.99 bargain from the Red Cross some weeks ago. I nearly wore a purple cardigan with bell sleeves instead but it just wasn't warm enough for a thin cardigan.

Purple leggings, online retail and boots by Sainsbury's.

I was so proud of myself on Monday and Tuesday for my minimum spending. On Monday, I left Save the Children with two headscarves and two small Christmas decorations - total spent £2.50. On Tuesday, after volunteering at the foodbank - we were so busy; so many donations - I had lots of errands to run in town. This is usually fatal for me because I have to look in the charity shops, but I was very good and only looked in 2. In the Red Cross I spent the princely sum of 80p on a padded hanger and in the 3: 16 charity shop, I managed to knock over one of their Christmas trees smashing several glass baubles in the process - oops! I spent a £1.00 in there on two velvet brooches at 50p each. £3.50 spent in total so far.

Tuesday's Outfit - Day 2

This cardigan came from Save the Children back in October and I last wore it here. It's from Blarney Mills in Ireland and was beautifully warm.  The brown jeans are a Red Cross bargain as was the top. Boots from Debenhams and were a Christmas present from OH.

It was foggy, damp and cold all day on Tuesday. It's always cold at the Foodbank because we keep the door open constantly so people know where to bring their donations; plus the volunteer driver is in and out with donations and dropping off food parcels to the distribution centres all day.

50p earrings and Elephant necklace bought in the Salvation Army last week. Bangles and watch also charity shopped.

As the weather seems to be improving from Wednesday I plan to go to Ampthill in the afternoon after my walk and check out their four charity shops.

I had a very good time  in the Ampthill charity shops even though one of the four was closed! Barnardos had a huge sale rail with everything 99p. Even though I said earlier I had lots of cardigans I have added another two to my collection - one of which I'm wearing below. The other has short sleeves and is green flecked - both 99p. I also bought a black summer dress from Italy; a brown M&S wool pencil skirt; a golden bronze asymmetric skirt from Next; a red top, a blue top; a purple and black shirt with big sleeves; a navy blue Boden jacket; red Clarks shoes;  and a ring   - all 99p. I bought OH a pairs of trousers for 99p, grandson a hoodie for £1.99 ; some bits and bobs for the house; £2.99 and a pair of tights for 49p. In the RSPCA shop I bought some household items at 3 for a £1.00 and  a neck pillow for £1.50. Total spend - £20.00.

Wednesday's outfit - Day 3

Crochet cardigan 99p at Barnardo's. Top; Phase Eight, Save the Children. Boots and skirt also charity shopped; boots from  Barnardo's, Great Denham some weeks back.

 Skirt; M and Co but can't remember which charity shop I got it from...

All jewellery charity shopped including the new orange/coral ring from Barnardo; 99p.

Eldest grandson is back for a few days; it's lovely to see him. He took these photos and somehow has managed to include his thumb in the middle photo!

Wednesday and Thursday were extremely mild days - such a contrast after Monday! I walked 7 miles on my own onThursday morning and having started off in the gloom, it brightened up but then clouded over again.

Thursday's outfit - Day 4 

This is the rather fabulous necklace OH bought me when we went rummaging in Kettering a couple of weekend ago. I bought these earrings in a local shop; they're silver and I've had them for at least 20 years. The cerise velvet brooch was 50p from the 3:16 charity shop on Tuesday.

Today I wore a purple velvet cardigan. It's one of the very few (3) things I've ever bought at TK Maxx and I've had it for about 8 years. The purple patterned top was one of the 99p purchases at Barnardo's on Wednesday. I meant to take a photo of me with just the top, as it has lovely pointy sleeves, but my photographer - middle grandson  - was eager to get on with the things 11 year olds like to do!

Headscarf and jeans charity shopped; boots donated by my daughter.

I know I've only posted four days worth of cardigans, but on Friday I have a manically busy day. Here how it's going to go; school run, hairdressers, funeral, school run, travel to Luton Hoo for OH's work do and stay overnight. So, I shall post again on Sunday with the fifth cardigan outfit and pictures of the 'do' outfit. As we are in Luton overnight we may have a rummage around the Luton charity shops on Saturday morning before heading home....



  1. you have a bunch of fab cardigans!, lovely colors and shapes, I like particularly that crochet cardi you've added to your collection recently!, and purple velvet!
    Love your style!

    1. I have been looking for a crochet cardigan for ages so I was very pleased to find this!

  2. Lovely Hobbs cardi and bargain of year perhaps, the cream crochet cardi. Your hair looks fab styled with a scarf, I checked out your link to Suzi's blog. Have been for a two hour walk myself this morning, it was lovely, not sure how many miles though, it was more of an amble than a power walk! Hope you have fun at the do and Luton's chazzas come up with the goods. x

    1. I have an app in my phone, which if I set tells me how many miles I've walked, what pace, how many calories I've used etc etc. As a general guide people usually walk about 3 miles per hour - my usual speed on my own is between 3.3 and 3.5 mph. Of course, it also depends on the terrain. Can't beat a good walk!

  3. Beautiful cardigans-and don't you look lovely in that rust colour! Have a wonderful time at the fancy Do. I'll be waiting to see all the photos.

    I'd steal that crochet cardigan off you in a second.

    1. I was well chuffed with it - I've been looking for one for ages; the ones I'd seen were always the wrong size!

  4. Beautiful flowers, and beautifulyou, my dear friend. I love you in every shot and cardigan, and I am so proud that you are my friend.
    Mil besos pretty face

  5. I LOVE that long cardigan!

    I'm annoyed as we now have a bit of snow and that has put an end to my daily walks. I suppose I will be walking on the treadmill from now until April.


    1. I've only walked on a treadmill once and hated it! But it beats not walking at all, I suppose. Snow until April - oh poor you!

  6. Hope the fancy do went brilliantly, looking forward to the outfit photos.
    Loving the first outfit the most.
    Just back from a bracing walk around the block to blast away last night's booze. Gone cold again here, boo! xxx

    1. You do surprise me Vix, I would have thought you have preferred the velvet cardigan.

      Nothing like a brisk walk to banish the booze blues and general blahness of too much alcohol.

      It's been a little chilly here but sunny - hooray!


Goodbye for now

  Hello again! Almost a week late, I know, but this will be my final post before we go to Ireland for the whole of September and I'll ha...