Friday 23 December 2016

A week of tunics

On Sunday, with the help of the grandsons, we got the tree out and decorated it and the living room. It's beginning to feel more like Christmas now. I must start wrapping the Christmas presents, but it's a job I absolutely hate. If I could afford to I would hire one of those people who do everything for you (pick up your dry cleaning, take your dog for a walk etc) and delegate that job to him or her!

Monday was my last day at Save the Children. We celebrated with mince pies. 

I couldn't leave without buying anything; after all I have been one of their best customers! I bought a Jaeger jacket in a chequered pattern with metallic threads - I now possess 4 sparkly items of clothing. I also bought a deep blue floral shirt/blouse and a ring for 50p. Total spend £7.50.

Day 1 - Tunic challenge

Everything charity shopped except boots which are from Primark. I bought the exact same pair for 99p in The Children's Society, but they were a size 3 and too small so I went to Primark and bought a pair in size 4. This is the second year I've been wearing these boots and they are still intact...

 I suppose this top isn't strictly a tunic but I wanted to wear it today - it's such a cheerful colour. It's from Dunne's Stores and I bought it in a charity shop in Donegal in the summer. It was last seen here with white jeans and a black leather jacket. Jeans, Next; can't remember where. I am very fond of this jacket; a £1.00  bargain from a charity shop in Wellingborough. Earrings, bangles, watch and ring all charity shopped.

The strategically placed hand in the photos is to cover a curry spill that incurred while eating my dinner; I washed it out but had a small wet patch!

Day 2 - Tunic challenge

It was a very cold day on Tuesday. I had three layers on top but I still felt cold.
There was so much donated at the foodbank we scarcely had room to move. As fast as we packed away donations more people came to the warehouse with donations. The generosity of people is truly humbling.

This tunic is by Quetzal of London. I bought it in the Spring and never got the opportunity to wear it until today. I can't remember which charity shop I got it from but it was more than likely the Red Cross. Black top, Primarni; leggings M&S, and boots charity shopped in the Reuse Centre last winter.

It probably would have been better to wear black long boots with this outfit but I have really gone off my black boots. Both pairs have been delegated to the charity shop bag along with another jacket and the jeans I bought on Saturday in the Red Cross. They were so low slung they just about covered my pubic bone! I thought I had sussed out the cut of the waists on jeans but this pair had me fooled.  Another reason to try things on in charity shops. So far this week; 2 items in and 4 items out - yes!!!

All jewellery charity except the earrings which were a present from my friend in Cambridge.

When I got back from the food bank on Tuesday I wrapped all my presents and put them under the tree. Apart from the food shopping (and I've bought all the Christmas extras, already) I'm ready. In fact all I really want to do is put my feet up, drink sherry and eat mince pies...

Day 3 - Tunic Challenge

It was a cold and miserable day on Wednesday and I didn't feel like walking across muddy fields with my walking group. I decided to walk in the afternoon when the weather was supposed to improve. I actually had quite a nice lazy day; I got up, had breakfast; got ready and did the photos for the blog. OH is off now until after Christmas and it's lovely having him around; not least because he can take the photos when I'm still 'fresh',  and not after a day where I'm crumpled, make up smudged and probably have stains down my front!

I cannot for the life of me remember where I bought this tunic. It's by QED London and is made of warm material; I definitely bought it in a charity shop.

Brown leggings, M&S retail, and OTK boots on line retail. The little grey cardigan was bought at Save the Children for £2.50 and is also by M&S. It's very handy for slipping over things for a bit of extra warmth...

I searched through the blog to see when I last wore this tunic but couldn't find it anywhere but I did find where I bought these beads: £2.50 in Oxfam, Newport Pagnell. All jewellery is charity shopped.

In the afternoon OH and I went to browse round some of the slightly out of the way charity shops around Bedford. Of course I bought stuff (but not as much as OH!). A BNWT kimono in  white, green and cobalt blue - this was £1.99 in Barnardo's in Great Denham and a green maxi skirt for a £1.00. They had a very good £1.00 rail sale but I was very strict with myself. Then we went on to Keech Hospice in Kempston where I bought a rather nice black maxi skirt for £3.50; along with a couple of books. £10.09 spent in total today and I didn't even get a walk in!

Day 4 - Tunic challenge

Thursday was more hectic than I anticipated. I did the food shopping in the morning and was supposed to have lunch with my friend but we decided to meet after Christmas instead. That gave me a free afternoon but once again I needed to go to town. The day was virtually gone by the time I got back...

This tunic from Tu at Sainsburys and was bought in the Red Cross shop. As was the Country Casuals (CC) jacket. Navy blue M&S leggings, also charity shopped but can't remember where.

OTK boots on line retail.

Necklace present from my lovely cousin Linda in Kerry. Earrings, Sainsburys; bangles charity shopped.

On Friday I'm going to visit my son and then I have Saturday free to do the housework and to chill and get in the festive spirit. I have everyone coming to me for Christmas Day except for my older brother in London who is having an Open House Christmas for friends. My dream is to go out for Christmas dinner one year... but you have to book as far ahead as the summer and none of us are ever organised enough to do it!

Day 5 - Tunic Challenge

See what I mean about crumpled! I wore this to visit my son on Friday and after a day of sitting about, eating and drinking and laughing you can see it in my clothes!

Everything charity shopped except the boots which I treated myself to recently via online retail. I must take a better picture of them in my next post. I have wanted a pair of floral boots forever...the tunic is Tu at Sainsbury's and was bought recently in the 3:16. charity shop for £1.75. It's linen and therefore creases easily especially after eight hours wear...

All jewellery charity shopped except watch - Christmas present from daughter about 3 years ago. I bought the necklace last week in Stony Stratford for £1.00.

As far as charity shopping has gone this week; I bought 5 items and got rid of 4 - oh well; you win some, you lose some!

I hope everyone has a peaceful and lovely Christmas. I'll see you all on the other side...



  1. Feet up, glass of sherry and mince pies sounds heavenly-I hope you get to do plenty of it at some point this weekend.

    I laughed at the strategically placed hand! I spill so much on myself I must look like a child. You know things are bad when you take off your bra and find half a meal in there!

    Love the tunics, and everything else. I hope you have a lovely Christmas and New Year. Best to you and your family.

  2. Morrisey once sung "I lost my bag in Newport Pagnell". I wonder if it was in the Oxfam you bought that fab tunic from?
    A great round up of tunics, they all look colourful and cool. Hooray for having a blog photographer around, I'm already looking forward to seeing your after -Xmas posts!
    Have a wonderful Xmas! xxx

  3. Fab supply of tunics Vronni, I really like the tribal looking one from QED, some of the pictures haven't loaded up on my screen for some reason though. I'd like a blog photographer for xmas! Fat chance. Enjoy the festivities!

    1. Blogger is being at a pain at the moment - it doesn't always publish my comments on other people's blogs; it just eats them...enjoy the festivities, too.


  4. I have to say what beautiful skin you have, how do you do it. I looked up the 3:16 verse,(God so loved the world. one) I thought you might show your Christmas tree, bet it looks good.!!1

    1. Thank you, Polly!

      I think it's a combination of good genes; not smoking (gave up 11 years ago) and staying out of the sun...

      I'll post a picture of the tree on my next post.

      Happy Xmas!

  5. Just to say that a couple of the images didn't load onto my screen either Vronni. However, your week of tunics was as interesting as all of it's previous features. My favourite has to be Tuesday's - it kind reminds me of Star Trek tunics, but is more stylish. Oh, and I also love the brown OTK boots.
    A lifetime of sun worshipping has come home to roost with me, but it's too late to remedy that I fear. Your skin is a testament to the care you've shown, so well done!
    Wishing you a very Happy Christmas x

    1. Thank you Anna - and a merry Christmas to you!

      I think the tunic is too short. It isn't hemmed and has a rough edge so I am assuming who ever took it to the charity shop cut the bottom off...I think it will be better worn over trousers!

  6. You always look so smart, it rather made me laugh to think of you all crumpled with the odd wet patch! :) I love the rose print Dunne's stores jacket and the silvery grey boots, they're a bit Barbarella if you ask me! I rather like the sex kitten tan suede ones too!!! Happy Christmas Veronica, hope you have a lovely time with OH and the family. xxx

  7. I absolutely love your OTK boots. They are such a beautiful colour and you always style them so well. I hope that you and the family had a very nice dinner and a lovely Christmas together. Xx

    1. Kelly, thank you it's lovely to hear from you and merry Christmas to you and yours!

  8. lovely tunics!, I like particularly those earthy tones ones with your OTK boots, you look gorgeous wearing them!
    (fabulous bijouterie, as usual!)


Goodbye for now

  Hello again! Almost a week late, I know, but this will be my final post before we go to Ireland for the whole of September and I'll ha...