Saturday 3 December 2016

A week of trousers...

I thought I would continue the clothes challenge by wearing a week of trousers. Not too challenging for me except it will be a week of trousers; not leggings, not jeans; not skinnies but actual trousers!

But first, let me show you number 6 of my dress challenge which I wore last Saturday. The previously mentioned black velvet swing dress. I don't think it looks too bad...OH liked it so it's a keeper at least for a while. I wore it on Saturday when we went out for a meal with my three brothers. A lovely time was had by all. Lots of laughs and reminiscences.

I popped into town on Saturday morning and looked in the Red Cross shop on my way home. I picked up a pair of black cords for £1.00. My charity shop spend for this past week is £19.

I can't remember where I bought this dress from but it was a charity shop. Tights charity shopped.

The necklace was bought in a junk shop for £1.00. All the jewellery is charity shopped.

Black leather boots donated by my daughter. That's three pairs of ankle boots she's passed on to me and I believe there's a beige pair wending its way as well...

On Monday I came home from Save the Children with a rusty orange top from Phase Eight for £4.00; a short sleeved M & S grey cardigan £2.00; t shirt for grandson 75p; a special cup and saucer for a Christmas present £2.50. I also bought a pair of earrings and a silver bangle for 50p each at Keech Hospice shop. Total spend £10.25. I have a very busy week this week and probably won't have anymore time to go to the charity shops so that might be the grand total for this week!

Monday's outfit - Day 1 Trouser Challenge

Tunic bought last Thursday for £2.99 in the Cat's Protection League and black cords bought on Saturday for £1.00 in British Red Cross. The top underneath the tunic is one of the £1.00 rail bargains I got on my charity shop trawl to Royston and Baldock some months back...

Black boots from Next; Christmas present from daughter some years ago.

All jewellery charity shopped.

Day 2 - Trouser challenge

I wore jeans for comfort on Tuesday as I travelled in the afternoon to Cambridge for an overnight stay. On Wednesday we went to Huntingdon for a pre inquest hearing so I had to dress a bit soberly - given the circumstances. I opted for navy with a bit of animal print for contrast.

Everything charity shopped except the boots which are from Lidl.

All jewellery charity shopped.

This was probably not the best week for a trouser challenge so I will have to extend it into the weekend to ensure at least 5 trouser outfits. On Thursday I walked 5.5 miles in the morning and then I donned a dress for a job interview in the afternoon. Yes, I applied for a job and gave my interview dress its christening. Now I've got to the interview stage I'm not actually sure I want the job!  The money would be so useful, through. If only I had my state pension as I'd planned...but then the government moved the goal posts and now I have to wait for another two years and ten months.

 I didn't get the job but I have to say I was relieved. I really don't want to to do any more paid work. I contributed for 45 years to the economy and tax system and I think that's enough.


Boots - donated by daughter. Dress, Lidl. Coat; David Emmanuel; charity shopped.

I would not like to have to dress like this every day!

All jewellery charity shopped.

I should have gone for a walk on Friday but it was such a grey, gloomy day I didn't fancy it. I should be able to walk on Sunday morning if I get up reasonably early. I hope the weather is brighter. I had errands to run in town and I walked to the Castle Road charity shops. I just cannot resist charity shops if I'm in the vicinity and neither could I resist buying anything. I spent £8.50 on accessories; scarves x 3, necklaces and a brooch. I''m supposed to be looking for long black boots....

I  also couldn't resist going into the Red Cross shop to say hello (it's on my way home) and of course I bought something - a multicoloured tunic and a book. For the first time in my life I got a discount of 20% in a charity shop; not because I'm such a good customer (!) but because they were offering 20% discount to all customers who have a Red Cross loyalty card - and I do!

I've read on other blogs where the thrift shops in the US and Canada routinely offer special discounts but this is definitely a first for me in the UK. Having decided to curb my spending - fat chance - my total spend this week is £20.75.

Friday's outfits - Trouser Challenge  3 and 4

A bit more colour today.

Everything charity shopped. Cords from Red Cross £1.00

I can't remember where I bought this green paisley top but it was a charity shop. It's home made and I love the  bits of yellow and blue in it. I have no idea how old it is and the material is a silky type - rayon maybe?

It was my Christmas meal with Save the Children volunteers on Friday evening. It was only around the corner from where I live so I was able to stagger round there in these heels which are about 3 inches high and the absolute maximum I can handle! The shoes (Twiggy at M&S) and the black velvet trousers (Debenhams) are both past Christmas voucher presents from OH. He gets one every year from his company and always passes it on to me!

This top was my mum's. It was a favourite of hers and I like it too; unfortunately the metallic thread in the sleeves irritated me and I kept scratching at my arms throughout the meal. I'll have to wear a long sleeved top under it next time. The silver bag was also my mum's but she gave it to me many years ago; long before she died.

All jewellery is charity shopped except the rings.

This velvet coat is by Boden and was charity shopped about 7 years ago. I've only worn it a few times and must wear it more often. I wore a huge purple velvet shawl over the coat for additional warmth - I hate to feel cold.

Saturday's outfit -  Trouser Challenge -Day 5

I went to see my son on Saturday and left him in time for grandson to get back and watch the Arsenal game. I have a houseful of football fanatics...

I like to wear bright colourful clothes but I also love black and white together. I bought these beads on Friday for £1.00 in the Children's Society. Earrings, bangles and watch charity shopped.

Top and trousers charity shopped.
Boots donated by daughter.

This long top was a Christmas present 14 years ago from my ex mum in law. It's 100% wool and a very useful item of clothing. I think it's among one of the few items in my wardrobe I've had for more 10 years and one that I still wear.

So what's next week challenge? I think I'll try a week of cardigans; I have so many this one should be a doddle... I'm off now to drink a large glass of Canadian Club, ice and Dry Ginger Ale and watch Modus. Fancy joining me?

Have a great week!


  1. Have enjoyed seeing your week's outfits, loving the jazzy tunic. Your wardrobe must be enormous?!

  2. What great outfits. I must say, your interview outfit isn't dull at all-it looks quite smart. That's terrible about changing the pension rules after the fact. You earned that money-how dare they?!

    I love that velvet Boden coat, and the snowflake tights are the best-I'd wear those all year.

    1. Yes, the pension changes were meant to start in 2020 but the coalition government in 2010 speeded up the changes in retirement ages/state pension entitlement and the changes took effect from 2015, I think. I now have to wait until I'm 65 and six months rather than receiving it when I was 60. There are 300,000 women affected and that doesn't include the rest of the population who have to wait until 67/68/69 and 70 is being discussed!

    2. I think I've got to wait till I'm 67, but at least I'm prepared for it - people in your age group really got caught out.

  3. Can't beat a bit of velvet - the dress and Boden coat are lovely, as is the colourful tunic. And you have an amazing collection of jewellery!
    The pension situation is dreadful, isn't it? People will be expected to work till they're 80 soon! xx

    1. Curtise! How lovely to hear from you.

      Yes, the pension situation is dire. I am lucky I have a reasonably good occupational pension after 31 years of service in the NHS and Education but I should have received my state pension at 60 - when I retired but have to wait until I.m 65 and 6 months before I get it - grrrr!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. F*ck the system! I'm so fed up with how the rich are getting richer and the rest of us are being bled dry. God knows how old I'll have to be before I get my pension.
    That embellished tunic is fab, I'm sure my mum had the same, the label was something like "Yem". The Boden coat is gorgeous, you shoul wear it more.
    I'd happily join you for Modus and a Canadian Club but I'll forfeit the cardi! xxx

    1. I'm loving Modus and know I shall bereft on a Saturday night when it's finished.

      I must check the label on my mum's tunic - it's in the wash at the moment.

  6. You really do give value for money with your posts Vronni - so many lovely outfits, too many to comment on. I love the butterfly tunic because it's so colourful, but then I totally adore you in your interview outfit and think it's far from dull - so classy! The evening outfit is gorgeous too with the Boden coat, what a find.
    Am having issues with my blog today and can't reply to my comments - blooming annoying!
    Have a lovely week x

    1. Blog issues suck! I hope you get yours sorted, Anna. Thank you for your very kind comments. I may be reprising the interview outfit for another funeral this week...

  7. You are the mistress of accessorizing! I love your looks, especially that silver piped top and the velvet jacket. Fabulous!

  8. All that velvet, I love it. That Boden coat was a real find. And black velvet dresses are the best for showing off really nice jewellery - which you've got loads of.

    Augh, pensions. I've been paying into my work scheme for years; I'm convinced there won't be a state one at all by the time I want to retire.

    1. Oh Mim, I hope not but they are talking about raising it to 70! Are they nuts?

      Could you email me your address again please; I seem to have lost the other email with it on; I've got some more patterns for you.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.


Goodbye for now

  Hello again! Almost a week late, I know, but this will be my final post before we go to Ireland for the whole of September and I'll ha...