Sunday 11 December 2016

A bit of a do and some cardigans...

I'll start at the beginning...
On Friday we attended the funeral of my lovely neighbour of 25 years. She had a white carriage and two white horses to take her to the church and her final resting place. I wanted to take a photo of the carriage and horses but it would have been disrespectful. RIP Cynthia. We will miss you.

This was my funeral outfit. Skirt, Phase Eight charity shopped, top M&S charity shopped.
Jacket and boots; both past Christmas presents from my daughter. Hat, Primark; past Christmas present from eldest grandson.

All jewellery charity shopped.

OH's outfit for the funeral - coat charity shopped in a Leather Lane charity shop in London - he sweet talked the volunteer to get it out of the window for him!

Then off we went to Luton Hoo. It was a bit of a rush in the end because of the traffic in Luton but the hotel was brilliant. The park, the hotel and golf complex is situated in, is enormous. We saw deer, pheasants, ducks and geese from the two french windows in our room. Forgot to take photos of it - what am I like?

Everything, except watch (present from daughter) and earrings (Sainsbury's), was charity shopped.
The bag was given to my mum who gave it to me.

I have to admit to being a little disappointed in my dress; it didn't fit as well as I thought - either that, or I have lost some of my tummy - highly unlikely; me and my tummy have been together a long time now...I wished I'd stuck to my e bay dress but it was too late.

We had a really nice evening. The food was lovely - except for my dessert which was too sweet and cloying, and I'm a woman with a sweet tooth! Anyway, it was great to meet OH's work colleagues who seemed a lovely bunch. There was booze a plenty; no Canadian Club unfortunately but I had Southern Comfort instead and few glasses of Prosecco - which I liked - much nicer than champagne. I didn't get drunk but OH did. We were both very giggley but luckily neither of us had a headache the next day.

Someone took this photo of us...

No rummaging for us in the Luton charity shops. OH managed to get some last minute tickets for the Arsenal v Stoke game on Saturday; we departed the hotel early so OH and middle grandson could get to London to the Emirates Stadium on time.

Did that stop me rummaging? Did it heck! I was very tired as I hadn't slept all that well; I only managed two charity shops in Kempston. I bought some bargain wool at 3 balls for a pound; then in the Hospice shop I bought a yellow and black dress with floaty sleeves for £4.50 from Wallis, and a necklace for £1.50. Add this further £7.00 spend to my current total spend of £23.50, and my absolute total spend this week is £30.50 - a record, I think!

I think this might be my Christmas day outfit...

I have to finish my Christmas present shopping this coming week; volunteer at the charity shop; walk with and have a Christmas meal with my walking group on Wednesday, so I doubt I'll do any more charity shopping. I need to cut back and a week's abstinence will do me good.

I've heard back from the Bedford Guildhouse and they would like me to sort and price the donations they receive for their charity shop, which only opens on Saturdays;  I feel well able to do this after the past fourteen months at Save the Children. I may start on Tuesday next.

Saturdays' outfit - Day 5, Cardigan challenge

Tunic, cardigan and top underneath tunic all charity shopped. Boots; present from daughter and black trousers; Lidl.

I had hoped to wear the green cardigan that I bought on Barnardo's 99p rail over this tunic, but it didn't look right - too boxy in shape. In the end I went with this red cardigan, but I also have a yellow cardigan I could wear with it and two different black ones. I can also wear it over shirts or blouses; I like items like this they can be made to be very versatile.

Earrings; Bedford market, red ring; Sainsbury's. Other jewellery charity shopped.

This week with buying so much stuff I have managed to get rid of two jackets; two tops; a pair of jeans; a shirt and a pair of boots. Seven items out but nine items of clothing in; something's not quite right there! Must do better.

Sunday's outfit - Day 6 Cardigan challenge

Cardigan, Next; trousers New Look; blue top; no label, boots, German made - everything charity shopped.

The earrings are from Sainsbury's.

Necklace £1.00 at Oxfam - months ago; this is the first time I've worn it.

I had a lovely 7 mile walk this morning; it started out chilly but bright and then the sun stayed out. It was fantastic walking weather but a bit muddy after all the rain. I saw three Goldfinches and a flock of what I think were Lapwings who winter here.

I'm thinking about a week of shirts for next week's challenge...


  1. You and your man did Cynthia proud, you both looked wonderful.
    The fancy do outfits were both splendid, too. You looked stunning despite your misgivings with the dress. We were chatting with friends - fellow vintage dealers - only last night about how rare it is to see a chap in a dinner jacket. I'm glad to see yours looking fine and dandy in his.
    Love the Wallis tunic and the Oxfam necklace.
    Have a fab week. xxx

    1. Thank you, Vix! The funny thing was OH was worried about finding a dinner suit in the chazzas in time - he did get one in Kettering, finally. But then, when he checked in his wardrobe he found another one that he bought at another charity shop a couple of years ago in West Hampstead! He now has two...


  2. You look lovely in your outfit, that silver jacket is just gorgeous. I love the yellow and black dress too, definite winner!

    1. Thank you, Gisela - yes the yellow and black dress jumped out at me and I had to have will power that's me!

  3. I agree with Vix, you look beautiful in your posh do outfit and OH is very dapper in his DJ. Also, great outfits for Cynthia's send off.

  4. I love seeing you and your very handsome husband all dolled up - you both look amazing! So sparkly! Great outfits, I really love those blue booties. I'm doing a sparkle week next week, if you feel like playing along!

    1. I'm quite enjoying a bit of sparkle as I get older, Sheila. I wonder why that is?

  5. Oh, what a dazzling couple - you in your sparkly outfit and OH in his suit. Excellent!! And you have some mighty fine outfits here as well. The butterfly sleeves on your Christmas outfit are gorgeous and I look forward to seeing this on you. Sounds like you're busy, but in the best possible way.

  6. You and your OH must be the best dressed couple in a room at any time-you both look fab! Your blue dress looks beautiful from here, and your hair is positively gorgeous.

    I walked out of a Goodwill yesterday empty handed-that might be a first.

    1. Well done you, Goody. I need to follow your example...

  7. Oooh, doesn't your OH look dapper? And I love your evening outfit, it looks really lovely.

    It's nice to know your neighbour had the send-off she wanted. Funerals are so hard.

    1. Thank you, Mim! We'll have to work out when to put the recycling bins out for ourselves now - we always followed Cynthia - and she never got it wrong!

  8. I'm sorry for your loss. On a lighter note, your style is very attractive. I'm enjoying your outfits.

  9. such an elegant couple!, you rock! (nice to meet Mr. OH, he was just a reflection on a mirror in your pictures!)
    Lovely outfits and lovely bijouterie (I always love your accessorizing!)

  10. Another lovely comprehensive post this week Veronica. I love the photo of you and your hubby - what a handsome couple you make! I thought your maxi dress and sparkly cardi looked mighty fine indeed. And you new top for Christmas day looks lovely too - what will you pair it with I wonder? Good luck with your week of abstinence!
    Anna x

    1. I thought yellow tights and the new black boots OH is getting me for Christmas and may be a black waistcoat(for warmth) with black and yellow jewellery. I'm sure I'll trail my sleeves in the gravy but hey ho!

  11. Would it be weird to say that your funeral outfit was fabulous? I really love the whole thing. Your neighbour must have been look down and smiling. The hat is great and you really suit it. OH looks lovely in this jacket. What a smart, handsome man. You look a very lovely couple together. Your outfit for the "do" was great. I love the sparkly jacket. Blue boots are gorgeous. Xx

    1. Hello Kelly, it's lovely to hear from you! You are very kind in your comments - thank you.

      Have you been freezing your bum off up there in bonny Scotland?


  12. Ooh, you must be the most stylish couple ever to have attended a funeral. What a pair of stunners. Love your chevron skirt and OHs posh coat. And his smile...and then you go and pull it out of the bag all over again for the doooo! Lovely. Yep, that's definitely a Xmas frock right there! Perfect. xxxx


Goodbye for now

  Hello again! Almost a week late, I know, but this will be my final post before we go to Ireland for the whole of September and I'll ha...