Sunday 6 November 2016

Woman in Red and some 50p bargains

First of all I would like to thank all of you who commented on my last post - my blog anniversary. Thank you for your lovely comments.

I managed to complete that elusive walk this week on the third attempt and a very nice walk it was too, but only 6 miles. However I've now added it to my repertoire of walks AND I found two books of Bedfordshire walks on my bookshelves in the study that I had completely forgotten about. Neither of them are recently published but between these and a good OS map I probably have another 20+ walks to try out...

Thursdays outfit..The red skirt in the photo above has been consigned to the charity shop bag as it was slightly too big on the hips. My ex mum in law gave it to me when we visited her in half term. Apart from the skirt everything else is charity shopped. Those are the navy blue boots bought in St.Ives.

I walked the elusive walk on Thursday and I saw a bull finch for the first time in my life - beautiful. I also saw a sparrowhawk fly up from the ground with its prey in its claws but I couldn't see exactly what it was. I must remember to wear my glasses when I go walking.

I'm  currently reading a book about birdwatchers; it seems to be a very male dominated world and I have discovered the difference between a bird watcher and a twitcher. I belong to neither category. Apparently, I'm a 'robin-stroker'... although I don't belong to the RSPB (Royal Society for Protection of Birds). I would classify myself as a bird lover but that's not one of the birding tribes. All these parallel worlds that exist side by side is fascinating.

The female has the same patterning but no rosy front.
Bullfinch image courtesy of Yahoo
How has my charity shop spending gone this week? Much, much better. I spent 2.25 on Monday at Save the Children on grandson's clothes; £8.50 on Tuesday on my boots and coatigan. On Thursday whilst at Lidl  I looked in the Salvation Army charity shop and spent £1.98 on a pair of earrings and a two egg cups! If I don't spend anything at the weekend - and I'm not planning to - my total spend for this week will have been £12.73. NB - I did spend - I popped into the Bedford Guild House charity shop on Saturday and bought a pair of earrings for £2.00; so spend this week is £14.73!

Friday's outfit

I've been to the hairdressers...

I've been wearing quite a lot of red this week... this top was 50p; one of the three 50p bargains I got some weeks ago on a charity shopping trip to Royston. Pesky bra straps just won't stay out of sight...

This time I've got a hanger loop hanging out! I've sacked the photographer - middle grandson. No, not really.

Talking of red tops; I bought a rather nice one with huge pleated sleeves from Save the Children some months back. I've had to put it in the charity shop bag as it didn't fit properly; not too big or small, it just didn't lay right at the back where there was a keyhole. It's such a shame because I was looking forward to wearing it for a blog post. I'm down to three red tops now two of which I've worn this week. The third one has a V neck.

Everything is charity shopped. Coatigan from Red Cross this week. Red desert boots bought online last year.

Saturday's outfit. Earrings E bay 99p. Necklace charity shopped recently but can't remember where...

Everything charity shopped except leggings which are from M&S. Boots bought this week from St. John's Hospice shop £6.50. Kimono from Peacocks; bought in charity shop about a year ago.

Black tunic/dress one of a pair of 50p bargain dresses I bought in Sandy some months ago. The other was a brand new with tags M&S dress. I've yet to wear as it would be good worn with long boots and this week is the first time this autumn/winter I've worn long boots.

I went out for a short walk on Sunday morning (5 miles) and saw one pigling! Don't know where the rest of them were. In fact, this one was sleeping but I woke him up sneaking up to him to take a photo. There was a strong wind and my ears were cold so I wore my woolly hat - 50p charity shop.

This beautiful object was found on the garden table. It's clearly a bird's nest and beautifully constructed out of feathers and some type of grass. I think it blew out of the wisteria which grows above where the table is. Not only are birds beautiful they are brilliant builders too!

This is my other 50p dress mentioned above from M&S. Yellow cardigan online retail. Boots bought this week in St.John's Hospice shop.

Can you see my 3 and a half foot nothing photographer in the mirror?

All jewellery charity shopped although the earrings are from Sainsburys.

I've had a lovely week and I hope you have too.



  1. Love that first red and blue outfit - great colours together. Your hair looks fabulous, and the red lipstick is perfect on you (really suits you). I adore the dress with the yellow cardi - you look smokin' hot! Happy week, my dear!

  2. Piglings!!! Loving that goldfinch and that fabulous nest. Nature really is amazing.
    I love that short skirt, black & white kimono outfit! It's totally fabulous, you look incredible. The vibrancy of that cardi is just the thing for brightening up a dull winter's day, too.
    We spent loads in the chazzas last week but that was stock and came out of the business account. Personally I bought a 20p hat, 50p necklace and four books - a grand total of £1.95! Loads of cash to spend on beer in Wetherspoons later! xxx

  3. It's nice to see your outfits for the week. That coatigan is quite marvelous!! No wonder you liked the long cardigans from my post---they do suit you perfectly!!
    But that yellow cardigan with the print dress is stunning!! I love it when an outfit just comes together so well---and this one did for you!!

  4. You've done well at the chazzas, so many pairs of great boots. I love a red outfit, it's my favourite colour and it suits you so well....those hanging ribbons are so annoying...I cut them out. Your yellow cardi is gorgeous, you really know how to put an outfit together.

  5. My dear Veronica, I love you in a dress the best, and that lovely floral cardigan is to die for, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    Do forgive me if I do not visit more often. You know I love you, right?
    Mil besos

  6. Veronica, join Instagram. it is easy, then we would be in contact all the time, hahahhahaha

  7. "Robin Stroker" is a new one to me! I don't think you could use that in Nebraska without someone thinking it sounded a bit naughty! It isn't quite as male-dominated where I'm at, and our local raptor rescue (for injured birds) is largely staffed by women. I don't understand the twitcher mentality-chasing around to spot a bird?!

    Beautiful outfits again this week. The cardigan in the first photo actually had me exclaim aloud, "Veronica got a pretty new cardigan."
    The long dress with the yellow cardigan is my absolute favourite-the colours are so great on you and the way the length of the dress and shorter cardi work together is so stylish.

  8. All your outfits are fab but I'm drooling over that vibrant dress and yellow cardi combo it looks just gorgeous. I don't know how you and a few of your commentators do so well buying from charity shops as I've mentioned I'm pretty hopeless I don't see anything lol

  9. Seems my comment was just eaten...

    Anyhow, I love that maxi dress!

    And that red lippy is all you.


  10. Hello Woman in red, you really suit it. Red, I mean and nobody rocks a kimono better than you do! Plus, I agree about the dress/yellow cardi ensemble; smoking!! I can see your miniature photographer! Start 'em young I say! :D I really like this tally thing you're doing. Do you spend what you think you do? I saw a dress in a shop window when I was picking up my car after its MOT. £6.25! But I think it's worth it. A bullfinch and a pigling? Move over David Attenborough, there's a new kid in town! Xxx

  11. Good red lippie in those photos with the red top - it all looks fab together.

    Is it safe to sneak up on a sleeping pig? They're big beaties, wouldn't want to annoy one!

  12. Vronni, this is my second attempt at commenting. I pressed preview last time and the blessed thing disappeared! Anyway, the main comment was about that lovely patterned dress paired with the yellow caridgan and how lovely you look in it. I'd gladly wear the whole lot too as the colours are fab. We get lots of twitchers here in October chasing all the poor little birds that have been blown off course en route to warmer climes I suppose. Am impressed that you've learnt all the right names for these bird-types. Love that crazy photo of the piglet, what fun!
    Have a great weekend x


Goodbye for now

  Hello again! Almost a week late, I know, but this will be my final post before we go to Ireland for the whole of September and I'll ha...