Friday 11 November 2016


Since I published this post the lovely Spy Girl aka Anne Bray here sent me this surprise sketch!
Thank you so much, Anne.

There have been rumours but it was finally confirmed on Monday that our lease at Save the Children will not be renewed in July 2017. The shop will cease to exist as they won't be looking for any other premises.

It's a real shame. Save the Children was one of the first charity shops in Bedford. I think it opened in the 1980s; there is a photo in the stock room of the charity's patron; Princess Anne, at the grand opening of the shop and the shop staff were all wearing 1980s style clothes. As our shop is in the town centre, like many other town centre businesses, the charity can't afford to renew the lease. Or to put it another way our shop doesn't generate enough income to make it worth their while renewing the lease. The high cost of town centre leases means the town  centre itself is about to lose a baker's and our outdoor clothing store has shut for the same reason, as did a dry cleaners, a pie shop, a cafe and a newsagent - to mention just a few.

I don't know how old this photo is. The shop to the left has opened as a hairdressers since.
Being in the town centre has another disadvantage and that is there is no where to park and drop off donations. I don't know about you but I do tend to accumulate one or two black bin bags of charity shop donations and then donate them, but of course it then needs to be a charity shop with parking nearby. The other nail in the coffin for my charity shop is the sheer competition from the other charity shops in the town centre; 10 others in total!

Monday's outfit
As you know I'm a regular visitor to the Red Cross shop (everything £1.99!) which is very close by and I'm friendly with the manager there. I've been asked previously if I'd volunteer there, so now I can say yes, but it will  probably be next year before I start.

 I fancied some purple on Monday; the cardigan is the top of a skirt suit that I bought in Ireland for 8 euros; I've yet to wear it as a suit and Monday's cold weather deterred me once again. Everything charity shopped except the boots which are from Lidl.

Necklace present from daughter and earrings from - where else? Sainsburys, about 6 years ago.

Was I good at Save the Children on Monday and not spend any money? No, I wasn't. In fact, I spent £8.75 in total - pension day on Tuesday so I felt a bit reckless - I bought 4 books at £1.00 each; a short sleeved chunky cardigan for £4.00 and jeans, 75p, for one of the grandsons.

It was such a cold day on Tuesday. At one point it went up to 10 degrees but for most of the day it stayed at 5 degrees.

Everything is charity shopped. Jeans from Primarni, shirt from M&S, tunic/dress is French but charity shopped. I also wore my new (to me) short sleeved cardigan over this lot but forgot to take a photo with it on. Boots bought in St.Ives/Huntingdon charity shop trawl.

Beads - why wear one necklace when you can wear two - charity shopped; as are the bangles and watch.

Earrings from Sainsburys

I have finally found something to wear to OHs Christmas work do. I didn't find it in a charity shop, unfortunately. I saw it online and bought it with very low expectations as it was pretty cheap for an evening dress. I thought it might look cheap and nasty or not fit properly. I was wrong on both counts; it fits well and I think it looks fine on. It's a rich cranberry red.

It is way too long for me, but my other best friend, who lives locally, is a professional dressmaker and is going to shorten it for me. I just have to take the shoes I'll be wearing to her house and try the dress and shoes on together. I shall look forward to posting photos of me all dressed up. I get about one or two occasions a year to get dressed up so I'm going to make the most of it!

On Wednesday I had a sick grandson to care for so I didn't go walking. It was a cold, wet and miserable day so I didn't really mind. I took advantage  of an extra person in the house to get some photos taken.

Everything charity shopped except the boots - Tesco outlet store two years ago.

I'm wearing the navy blue cardigan I bought at Save the Children on Monday, here. Including my camisole/vest, I have 4 top layers on! Bangles, necklace, turquoise ring and watch charity shopped.

Earrings 99p from E bay.

I managed to visit the new Barnardo's charity shop in Great Denham on Wednesday. I went a bit mad and could have gone even madder and bought another coat and a lovely spotted linen jacket.  I don't need another long coat and the jacket was so nice... but in the summer, I find, a jacket isn't necessary so it probably wouldn't have got worn. I hope I don't regret not buying the jacket...

I spent £20  in the end and this is what I got: 2 bath towels (brand new for 99p each - (I will be giving them to someone I know) and 2 tea towels; £3.00 in total. I  navy pea coat (River Island) £5.00, to replace a grey one I have and don't love -  from BHS - say no more! A green knitted dress/tunic from Dorothy Perkins £4.00; an Italian purple cardigan with gathered bell sleeves £3.00; a yellow patterned knee length skirt £3.00. Then as I had to go into town quickly, I went into the Red Cross shop to see if they wanted me as a volunteer in the future - yes! I celebrated by buying a black knitted dress from Wallis for £1.99. Now, I already have a dress similar to this but I noticed it had a little hole in the front. Whether it was there when I bought it or whether something has nibbled a hole in it I don't know.  I have worn it but didn't notice the hole!

Anyway, that was 5 items bought but I managed to get rid of 4 other items from my wardrobes into the charity shop bag; meaning only one extra item in my wardrobe. Total spend so far this week £28.75.

I had a flying visit from the eldest grandson. He arrived in the early hours of Wednesday. I did 4 machine loads of his washing (the washing machine where he lives is broken) fed and watered him and took him to the station on Thursday evening. It was lovely to see him even if it was a short visit!

This is the green knitted tunic dress I bought in Wednesday. I wore it with green leggings from Sainsburys, and a striped Primarni top underneath.

Boots, scarf, bangles and earrings charity shopped. These photos were taken in my daughter's kitchen.

I had to go to town on Friday and popped into a couple of charity shops. I ended up buying a necklace, a pair of earrings and some ear warmers (always useful when out walking) at a cost of £3.48. Total weekly spend £32.23

I walked 6 miles on Thursday and 6.5 on Friday and I hope to do a longer walk on Sunday. I'm off to see my son on Saturday and won't be anywhere near a charity shop so that's it for this week...

Enjoy your weekend everyone.



  1. You did much better at the chazzas this week than I did, you've some great outfits there. Love the yellow beads with navy and fab floral tunic. Who's your photographer? I live alone and that's why I rarely post pics of myself as it's a right old rigmarole setting up a tripod. Also wonder if you walk alone, or if you have a dog to accompany you. Sad news about your shop, no doubt it will be a Costa Coffee or Accessorize...but pleased you have managed to secure another volunteering post.

  2. Just love your style - you certainly have an eye for the Charity shop bargains!

  3. I'm glad to hear you have found another shop to volunteer at, what a shame about Save the Children closing. So many high streets are empty units these days or rows of Starbucks.

    I'm going through a bit of a purple phase myself at the moment, must be the time of year!

  4. I'm sorry to hear your shop is closing, but I'm glad you have another place to volunteer.

    That's great news you found a formal dress. Cranberry is such a beautiful colour for eveningwear-I'm sure you'll look stunning (you always do).

    You're a wonderful grandmother! I can't imagine mine doing my laundry, much less feeding me anything more complicated than toast and tea.

  5. So sorry to hear about the closure of the charity shop - but glad you'll volunteer elsewhere! Your buys are just amazing. Tbh, I'm trying to cut my buys down a bit for reasons you'll hear about soon. And you look stunning in your necklaces - love both the silver necklace and the bright yellow large beads. Your accessorising is just ace! Have a great weekend! Penny

  6. As one down closes another door opens and that's definitely the case with your charity shop volunteering. Sad that one's going but I'm glad you've found another.
    Love the navy tunic and the sunny yellow beads and that glimpse of your official photographer concentrating on his work!
    Have a fab weekend. Hope the weather picks up for tomorrow's walk, it's lousy here. xxx

  7. It's always sad to hear of shops closing down and charity shops have a tough time finding rent to match other retailers. Our towns are changing and I'm not sure if it's for the better. Glad to hear you'll be able to work in another shop locally though. My favourite outfit has to be the green dress and tights - again because I could see myself wear this too. Good for you to offer a laundry service for the grandchildren. I hope to get a chance to that one day if I'm ever a grandma. Have a lovely weekend Vronni x

  8. So many fantastic outfits here! And a pro photographer to lend a hand - all the better. (I hope he is well again.) And how fun - a night of glam to look forward to. Cranberry red will look perfect on you. It's great that your friend will help out with the hem. And I'm sad to hear of the closing of Save the Children, but that's balanced with knowing of the opportunities at the Red Cross shop. Have a great weekend!

  9. As Vix says, it seems that how it works, something ends and something begins. We are waiting to hear if we're going to be made redundant and I find myself excited with the idea of change.
    I seriously love the two necklaces. Double yellow. Yes, please. Especially with that lovely French grey tunic. Very classy.
    I'm really pleased you've got your posh do outfit sorted. I know you'll look amazing in it.
    I love these tales of your grandkids. You are clearly a very important part of their lives, which is wonderful. Bet they keep you young too!
    I'm so enjoying the tally! After being quite good all year, I seem to have gone a bit reckless in the chazzas lately, so it feels like you're a bit like my partner in crime this week!! :D xxx

  10. Wow, I'm darn envious that you have that many thrift shops nearby, although it is a shame to hear about one closing down.

    We've had several really great little consignment stores that haven't managed to make it and it always makes me sad. Especially when I see the fast fashion mega stores of full of people buying garbage that'll just end up in a thrift store in a few months.

    I LOVE that second outfit with the tunic, stripes shirt and yellow beads with the jeans. Great eclectic mix.


  11. I'm sorry to hear your shop is closing - given how many others you say are closing, it sounds as though rents in Bedford are too high for current trading conditions. I hope you are able to find a new volunteering spot.

    Ace sketch of you!

  12. sorry to hear that your shop is going to close, it's always sad that centre traditional shops close, but sometimes it's difficult!
    I love your comfy&cool style, your accessorizing and personal touches!. Lovely long tunics/dresses, lovely colors and ensembles!


Goodbye for now

  Hello again! Almost a week late, I know, but this will be my final post before we go to Ireland for the whole of September and I'll ha...