Friday 30 September 2016

Autumn's here....

Sunday's outfit

It was officially the start of autumn last Thursday with the Autumn Equinox. You can feel it in the temperature drop  in the evening and of course it's getting dark earlier. I've been wearing a camisole/vest under everything for the past week and on Sunday I put my open shoes/sandals away and got out the loafers and brogues. Not the boots - yet...

Trousers from Lidl a few months ago. Brogues from Tesco's sale. Top charity shopped in Northampton earlier this year.

Beads and bangles charity shopped. Earrings from Sainsburys.

I did manage to make the final walk of the walking festival last Friday and a very good one it was too. We walked about 7.5 miles from the village of Cople via Willington, Blunham and back to Cople. It was a lovely day again; warm and sunny with a nice breeze.

On Saturday I went to see my son and forgot, once again to take an OOTD photo. I have really got out of the habit of taking photos and need to get back into it or I'll have nothing to write about on the blog! Anyway, to return to clothes; the good thing about autumn dressing, I think, is that you can hang on to some of your summer clothes but by layering can begin to introduce warmer, winter wear. I find I get very bored with my winter clothes; because generally I wear them for about 6  to 7 months of the year, so I'm in no hurry to get the boots or coats out.

On Monday I made soup. This usually marks the beginning of autumn and the winter months for us; the return of soup to the weekly menu...chicken soup made from left over Sunday roast chicken and adapted from a Mrs. Beeton recipe for left over Christmas turkey. It's delicious and I usually add West Indian dumplings to it (which I don't like being hard and chewy) but the rest of the family do. I also make the same soup using lamb if we have roast lamb - which isn't that often as it's a scandalous price!

Once again I couldn't leave Save the Children on Monday without buying anything so I came home with a red plaid pencil skirt from Topshop £2.50 ; a blue floral t shirt from Tu (Sainsburys) £2.50, and a rather nice red top from River Island with big floaty sleeves; £2.50.  .

Look at the back!

It's very impractical. I can't imagine doing the washing up or even my eating my dinner wearing it, but I couldn't resist it! Not quite sure what I'll wear it with either but I'll find something. Probably the red plaid skirt would go..

I wore this on Wednesday after walking

Everything charity shopped except yellow loafers - Tesco outlet store. I bought the bangle on Tuesday at the Red Cross shop for 50p plus a pink, and a purple one!

 I also bought a black knitted M&S jacket for £1.99 whilst I was there.

Earrings bought in Topshop in London, March, 2002. I remember the date so well, because I'd gone with my colleague at the university, where I used to work to present our research to the Women's Equality Unit in the House of Commons. It was my treat to myself for a nerve wracking presentation.

I went walking with the group on Wednesday - another 7 mile walk in glorious weather from the village of Wilstead to Haynes and back using some not very well known permissive paths. There were some spectacular views over the Bedfordshire countryside and of course I didn't think to take a photo.

This was Thursdays outfit - only managed a selfie. Dress, beads and earrings charity shopped. Cardigan online retail. I wore yellow tights and red shoes with it but I have discarded the dress as it is not very flattering on and a bit too long. I tried to cut it to make it into a tunic but that didn't work either. C'est la vie!

This was Friday's outfit

 I bought the striped cardigan (Fenn, Wright, Mason) for £1.99 in the Red Cross shop

Everything is charity shopped except the necklace which was a present from my brother and the brogues from the Tesco sale in the Spring.

On Friday I finally succumbed and put my most of my summer clothes away and got out the winter stuff. Yet, today when I was out walking - the last day of September  - it was still warm enough to go without a jacket! It can't last - can it?

Hope you all have a lovely weekend.


  1. You are a pro shopper. And you look fantastic in all these finds. I look forward to seeing you in that jaw-dropping red top. Of course you had to have it - the sleeves! The start of autumn, it also means more hot food at my place too. And cozy wraps. I hope your warm spell lasts a bit longer though.

  2. Wow, lovely outfits Veronica. I particularly liked the one at the top of the post with the big beads - you look great!

  3. We are due some more warm weather apparently! I'm desperate to get back into my boots.

  4. You always have the most glorious outfits and have such a gift for putting things together. I really thought that blue was your colour but you are rocking the brown/cream. It is funny how we gravitate to those colours in the Autumn and loose all our bright summer plumage in the cold months. You wouldn't know what to do with the weather at the moment. We had flash flood here on Friday, frost this morning and now it is lovely and sunny. Speaking in the Commons sounds like a frightening experience but how fabulous to do so. Xx

  5. Well, you look stunning in that first photo Veronica! Fabulous figure, must be all that walking you do. I'm not one to rejoice at the onset of autumn. I'd like to wear a summer dress and flip flops all year round. That red top looks gorgeous with those sleeves and the back detail and I love the acid yello cardi too. It's hard to remember to take photos all the time! You do a good job! Xxx

  6. I cracked and put the heating on tonight. It's the Thin End of the Wedge. Soup will be next. I hear you on the boringness of winter wardrobes too. The summer was so erratic that I felt like I didn't wear enough of my summer frocks.

    That River Island top is amazing. What a bargain. I love the sleeves - also those big grey beads are gorgeous.

  7. Hurrah for that red top Veronica and yes, I'd be wearing it with the red tartan skirt. I also love that white and blue paisley cardi/jacket. Please keep me in mind if you ever tire of it, ok? Another great week of outfits and bargains. I'm pleased that you've done the changeover as we both know the warm weather just can't last!
    Have a brilliant week x

  8. I vote for a pair of gold spandex trousers with the top ;)
    Impractical clothes are always the best ones.

    I'm in awe of how you matched that necklace to the animal print top-they're perfect together.

    The dumplings sound intriguing. Mine always turn out hard and chewy anyway-wonder how I'd do with something intended to be that way?

    Hope you have a great week.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Snap! We've gone soup mad this past week! I'm not into any other aspect of this time of year though, the car boots are rubbish, the mornings are dark and the spiders are truly hideous.
    Loving the outfits. I think I bought the same River island blouse in a chazza last year but ending up donating it back, it was gorgeous but creased like a bastard! xxx

  11. I am intrigued by west Indian dumplings - I think a recipe post is called for. (I usually favour the fluffy suet sort in stews.)

    Your outfits are giving me shoe envy. You have great footwear - interesting but practical. (I can't be doing with shoes I can't walk in.)

  12. I'm loving every outfit, and loving your style and accessorizing!. And I like your impractical red top, those sleeves look amazing!.
    Autumn is quite warm here, and I'm still wearing sandals even if it's chilly!. I agree with you: Winter is long, so I prefer to wear my summer clothes as long as posible!

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  14. Very interesting styles! In the fall I love wearing my wool sweaters and coats. They are perfect for this time of year.


Goodbye for now

  Hello again! Almost a week late, I know, but this will be my final post before we go to Ireland for the whole of September and I'll ha...