Tuesday 18 April 2023

It's good to be home...

Hello again!

 All my Mother's Day flowers opened just in time for me to leave them behind...

Wednesday 29th March was yet again dull, miserable and wet. Not conducive to walking; so after getting ready and having a leisurely breakfast I set off to run errands. First, I went to M&S at the retail park to pick up my new knickers. I then went to Aldi and did the food shopping. I wouldn't be going to Lidl on Thursday as there was no point; we'd be away for two weeks in Ireland. I then went to B&M and Home Bargains to pick up various items we needed; some to take with us. The cost of living in Ireland is higher than it is in the UK and my family warned me to buy as much as I could in the UK where it's cheaper.

It occurred to me that other than jeans, I hadn't been wearing much in the way of trousers lately. I find I tend to go through phases; wearing mostly skirts; or mostly dresses; or mostly trousers. I opted to wear these warm, pre-loved trousers by New Look; worn over a Falmers shirt and a F&F top; both pre-loved and pre-loved boots; as was all the jewellery.

I popped into Barnardo's on my way back from M&S for a rummage as I wasn't there on Monday to have one. I bought a yellow White Stuff knee length dress and also stopped at the Cat's Protection League where I bought an ombre Warehouse maxi skirt. That was put away with the summer stuff but the yellow dress came with me to Ireland.   

I made dinner for OH on my return and we began watching a new BBC TV series; 'Blue Lights' which began on Monday night; set in Belfast and the story of three probationers in the Northern Ireland Police Service. Very good it was too. We'll carry on with 'The Blood Pact' series 2 when we get back from Ireland.

'Blue Lights' SOURCE
Woke up to sunshine on Thursday which was most welcome. After the usual 45 lap swim I walked home with the sun on my back. Later on in the afternoon when I collected youngest grandson from school; the temperature was 18 degrees! I went to the hairdressers and had time to walk into town and get my eyebrows done as well as have a quick look in the 3:16 charity shop.

I continued with the trousers theme for Thursday's outfit. Trousers pre-loved from Tu; top by F&F;  sleeveless yellow top by M&S; both pre-loved. Boots as before; all jewellery charity shopped.

Pre and post hairdressers...

Oh, my goodness what a horrible day Friday was. It rained more or less non stop. I had planned to walk in Cambridge with the unofficial bus walk group but the weather put me off. I did useful stuff instead like packing what I was taking to Ireland. I walked into town to the library to return a library book and walked along the river to the Castle Rd charity shops where I had a browse and bought more books. My TBR pile keeps growing taller:

Since I last showed you my TBR pile I added another John le Carre..
 I shall be reading from the bottom up when I get back from Ireland. 'The Clockmaker's Daughter' was for cousin Marian'. I have books galore in the mobile home, plus I take my Kindle with me so I'm never short of reading material. Interestingly, when we're away on holiday is the only time OH reads books. I know this is common to lots of people but I can't imagine a life where I didn't read regularly.

Everything pre-loved and worn before on the blog including all the jewellery...(except the boots; present from daughter).

We finished watching the final episode of 'Blue Lights' on Friday evening; what a brilliant series. I hope there's a series 2 to follow.

We set off for Birkenhead on Saturday morning arriving just before 3 pm. Once we'd dropped our stuff into the hotel room we set off to explore Birkenhead. We found a few charity shops in the nearby shopping centre. I bought a quilted jacket from Australia which was 4.00 and a long length pinafore dress from a 1.00 rail. We saw some interesting buildings in Birkenhead:

Originally a school.

Victorian gothic!

On the ferry to Belfast I spotted this woman wearing a wonderful Frida Kahlo print dress.

We had a great time in Ireland. There were a couple of days where it was warm(ish) and there was sunshine; quite a few where it rained all day and one day when we woke up to frost covered grass outside the caravan! We visited relatives; visited Co. Derry and walked the city walls.  It's good to have a change of routine and for OH it's a break from a pretty demanding job; we spent afternoons and evenings reading and I listened to quite a few Irish pod casts. There was no TV for us at all as our TV man who tunes the TV in for us had disappeared. His shop in the village was closed and he didn't answer his phone; very mysterious. We stayed over night with my cousin Liam and his wife , Martina in Mullaghmore, Co. Sligo. I didn't manage a sea swim at all but we went to Coral beach (our local beach) and walked to the lighthouse:

We went to Portnoo/Narin strand:

We walked to the end of the beach where there is a golf course up on the cliffs. Usually there are golfers around but on this day there weren't so we walked along side the golf course until we couldn't go any further; where OH is standing on the rocks above. The golf course is at the very end of the piece of land (below) jutting out into the Atlantic ocean - next stop America!

On our way back we found this poor little porpoise/dolphin skeleton on the beach:

After years of beach walks and beach combing; I keep a display of  finds on the mobile home mantelpiece. I'm usually on the look out for sea glass but it's hard to find...the fish and paper weights were charity shop finds not bounty from the sea!

We visited Sligo town where they have some lovely old shop fronts.

We went for a cliff walk at Bundoran, Co. Donegal where we tried to spot some sea birds but having left the binoculars in the mobile home and both of us needing glasses we didn't identify many!


We stayed overnight in Belfast and had time for a wander and a bit of a rummage around the city centre.

Some things that caught my eye in Belfast.

All in all I did very well on my Irish rummages buying a jacket; a coat; 2 dresses; 2 tank tops; a felt skirt; a bag; quite a few books and some jewellery. I also managed to read 7 books whilst we were in Ireland and OH managed 2.5!

After the eight hour ferry crossing we were very pleased to see Liverpool and some sun!

Unfortunately, whilst we were away my Aunty Joan (my dad's sister) who lived in Burton-on Trent, and who you may remember came to visit us last October with my cousin Andrew, passed away. She had terminal cancer so we knew she wouldn't be around for much longer and luckily it was a quick, painless and peaceful end. RIP Aunty Joan. In less than a month 3 of my aunts have died; one in her 90s; one in 80s and one in her 70s.

The rest of the weekend was spent unpacking; washing; doing the housework; food shopping and cooking Sunday dinner. We were very pleased to have brought back two sacks of turf to burn in the stove. Cousin Liam still cuts his own turf and donated some to us. Although the weather in the UK seemed to have warmed up since we left, the evenings are still a bit chilly. 

Pinafore dress bought in Scope, Birkenhead. Top underneath by M&S; pre-loved leggings; retail and boots from Emmaus. All jewellery pre-loved.

I can push these pointy bits in where they magically turn into pockets...

I wore this to Barnardo's on Monday where it was very busy all morning. There were mountains of donations to go through and only me and the manager there...

The garden had sprung into life. We had blooming tulips; wall flowers; pansies and geraniums. The euphorbia is showing small yellow buds and there are green shoots everywhere including in the pot where I planted the fritillary bulbs. I'm crossing my fingers...I bought some new fuchsias when I was shopping in Lidl on Sunday and OH planted them up.

Back to the food bank on Tuesday. We were fully staffed with volunteers and I made up crates of toiletries and cleaning products for 3 of our distribution centres; made up kettle packs and put donated toiletries and cleaning products away. The sun came out mid morning which was very welcome indeed. I stopped at Aldi on the way home to do the weekly Aldi shop and spent the rest of the afternoon preparing and cooking dinner early as I had poll clerk online training at 5 pm. We have local elections on 4th May and I'm acting as a poll clerk which is paid and not voluntary. The venue is just across the road from where I live so OH will make me dinner and deliver it on the day! 

This was Tuesday's OOTD.

This new to me dress was bought in the 3:16 charity shop before we left for Ireland. It's a little snug across the chest and actually looked better without the belt; I also think I wore the wrong type of top underneath and should have worn a camisole top - but as I've said many times before it's cold in the warehouse! Boots as before and all jewellery pre-loved.

I've an action packed week ahead; walking on Wednesday with the large walking group; swimming and shopping etc on Thursday; the unofficial bus walk on Friday; on Saturday it's the 40th annual 'Unlock Walk' of London's churches; this time in Thamesmead (more on that in my next post) and on Sunday I'll be swimming and cooking Sunday dinner for the whole family.
See you in a fortnight...



  1. you and OH had a gorgeous time in ireland it seems!
    wonderful beach views and you photographed interesting buildings while on your travel......
    impressive book pile! since 10 years or so i lost my reading mojo completely - and i was a book worm my whole life! - novels and stories bore me to dead since, don´t know why.......
    the pinafore dress with the pocket trick is cool and suits you very well - we used to sew dresses and skirts with this pockets style in the 80s when we were fashion forward teenagers :-D
    welcome back! xxxxxx

    1. Thank you!

      I'm so sorry you've lost your reading mojo, Beate but what about non-fiction books? I always have one on the go as well as novels and stories....

    2. i do read non-fiction books from time to time actually.... lately some about gardening and now i have one about traditionel southeast asian textiles a friend gave me.

    3. I thought so! I do enjoy non-fiction especially biographies, autobiographies, nature writing and travel writing...

  2. Welcome home. Love the blue plaid trousers and the pinafore dress though all your looks are amazing, I covet those two items. Glad you both had a lovely time in Ireland.

    1. Thank you, Marjorie. I wasn't too sure about the pinafore dress but at a pound I couldn't really go wrong and I do like it.

  3. Glad you had a nice visit to Ireland. It sounds like a relaxing time.
    So sorry about your aunt.

    1. Hello and thank you for commenting! Ireland was very relaxing...

  4. Hooray, you're back! Welcome home, Vronni! What a treat to see all these fun, colourful outfits (you look smashing in cobalt blue), but I'm so very thankful for all the pictures of your trip to Ireland. What a gorgeous place! That dolphin skeleton is cool. My book pile has about 20 books in it. Every so often I go through them all and rearrange them.

    1. Thank you, Sheila.

      I've begun to make a dent in my TBR pile but then I went and bought another one today....

  5. Fabulous pictures. Coral beach looks beautiful. I like how you capture detail on interesting buildings. We should always look up, otherwise we might miss a gargoyle! You are a rummage professional, able to spy great finds just popping into a shop in Birkenhead! Mine are few and far between. Finally Blue Lights - one of the best progs so far this year! We've just started Lost: Those Who Kill on the iPlayer. There have been 2 previous series, although they all have different stories. Xx

    1. Thank you, Gail. Yes absolutely loved Blue Lights and guess what they've commissioned a second series!
      I've always enjoyed looking at buildings and their architectural details since I was a child. On Sundays when I was at secondary school I would walk to Kensington Gardens/Hyde Park with a group of friends to admire the artwork for sale on the railings and wander around looking at the houses and the buildings...happy days!

  6. Welcome back Vronni! Lovely pics, wtr to outfits I love both with the striped arms. Rgds Lise xx

  7. Welcome back, Vronni! Loving the photos of you and your chap on the beach and those incredible Irish shop fronts. Birkenhead looks fascinating, our Industrial cities have the most incredible architecture. The Victorians left us a wonderful legacy.
    Fab outfits especially the pinafore dress with the tuck-in pockets, the shape is fabulous on you.
    Loved Blue Lights. Currently working our way through The Wire and absolutely loving it. Race Against the World tonight, can't wait!
    I've read the Le Carre books on your pile but none of the others. I'm whizzing though the thinner books on my too read pile and hoping to lose myself in the weightier Philippa Gregory's and Hilary Mantel (RIP) whilst basking in the sunshine - I live in hope.
    Sorry to hear about Auntie Joan.
    Have a fabulous week and fingers crossed the weather warms up, I'm fed up with this cold now! xxx

    1. Thank you, Vix.

      It looks like we'll have to wait a bit longer for the warmer weather...

  8. Welcome home Vronni!
    Your TBR pile is similar to mine, and I too couldn't imagine my life not reading. Jos never read much before he met me, but now he does, although almost always non-fiction.
    Loving those blue tartan New Look trousers and the pinafore dress found in Birkenhead.
    I loved tagging along on your travels. I wouldn't mind blowing the cobwebs away that beach. Poor little porpoise/dolphin, though, what a sad thing to have come across. Loving your beach combing display and Sligo town's old shop fronts.
    I was sorry to hear about your Auntie Joan.
    Have a great week, and let's keep our fingers crossed we finally get some real Spring weather! xxx

    1. Thank you, Ann!

      My daughter is off to Belgium next weekend - Brussels. It's a birthday weekend away for her partner and her. I've instructed her to bring me back waffles!

  9. Kathryn and the Ancients21 April 2023 at 20:09

    Greetings from the gang in St. Louis! Everyone is crowded around my ancient laptop and (im)patiently taking turns reading your blog and bellowing out picture descriptions for each other. We are all enjoying ourselves. Today we have eight of the Ancients, remnants of my late mother's sewing and crafting club at the senior home. She has been gone over a decade and I just keep inheriting new members as older ones leave us. The Senior Home staff are perpetually confused as to who belongs to whom in the group!
    So...comments about your lovely blog (which they insist on calling a BOG) are as always, positive...particularly for your ensemble choices. Suggestions are to write once a week...yikes! I have explained a bit about what it must take to keep a blog going, but the gang turns a deaf ear! And another, serious, comment...are you ever fearful when out walking on your own? Here in St. Louis, none of this bunch would walk anywhere on their own, and are often in some danger even when they walk as a group! They add...WE LOVE YOU! ~Cheers K and the gang

    1. Hello K and the ancients. So you inherited them, K? What a fabulous inheritance.

      Blogging is very time consuming and you know from my blog I am a pretty busy person so all I can manage without it becoming a chore is once a fortnight. Some bloggers post daily which I find astonishing!

      In answer to the question about walking on my own; no I have never felt fearful. The countryside is mostly empty and I might meet dog walkers; runners or cyclists and occasionally other walkers but after 8 years of walking on my own I am in no danger and hence am not fearful.
      Lots of love to you all,

  10. I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your aunts. It must be hard to lose so many people in such a short space of time.

    Those buildings are splendid – I do love a bit of Victorian gothic! And the ones in Ireland look really interesting too, with their historic shop fronts. It's surprising that the cost of living is higher in Ireland, given it's bad enough here.

    1. Thank you, Mim.

      The cost of living has always been higher in Ireland - their 1.00 shop is the 1.50 shop!


My final blog post

Hello and welcome!  It seems a long time since I last posted but as you know we went to Ireland for a month and I've been very busy sinc...