Tuesday 10 November 2020

5th year anniversary and a mini lockdown (I hope!)

Hello again - on the 3rd November it was my blogiversary; I 've been blogging for 5 years now. How the time has flown! I started out blogging weekly but changed to fortnightly as blogging can be very time consuming. I've made so many blogging friends and find the blogging community to be very supportive. It's great to find like minded people and read about their lives. Long may it continue!

This is what I wore for the foodbank last Tuesday. Jacket by John Rocha; my Barnardo's, skirt by Red Herring BNWT in Bury St. Edmunds last weekend; jumper 1.00 rail somewhere. I'm wearing red boots bought online retail; I rarely wear them as they're cheap and plasticky looking (one of the drawbacks of buying online - they looked fab in the photo!) but they are very comfortable and easy to get on and off.

Scarf and jewellery charity shopped.

After the foodbank I had to go into town to do some errands: when I had done that I went off for my pre-booked swim. I did 41 lengths but at the start I almost forgot I was wearing makeup; luckily I spotted it in the loo before I went in the pool. I have a swimming toiletries bag which is always packed and ready; I keep it in my swimming bag so I was able to use the wipes and clean the makeup off! I usually swim on a Friday but changed it to Tuesday in case I was doing something with the grandsons on Friday as it was still half term. The younger grandson had a busy half-term week; bowling, a visit to the London Dungeon to name just a couple of things. The middle grandson, almost 16, is harder to find things to do with; understandably few 15 years old want to be seen with their Nan...

On Wednesday I walked with the group in a local village called Turvey; we did a 6.5 mile loop around the village. The village houses are mostly made of limestone which can range from a pale grey to an almost sandy colour...

Took this view from the top of a hill

Everything is charity shopped from my Barnardo's; top, jacket and jeans . The jacket is by Zara. Boots bought online.

When I got back from the walk I changed into this outfit and set off for London; where I was picking up my ex sister-in-law. She was coming to stay with me for a while. I hadn't seen her for a long time as she had moved back to South Africa but was now back in the UK for good.

All jewellery and scarf charity shopped.

Thursday was my usual food shopping day; but this time I had some company! We also went to pick up coal from the farm shop in Sharnbrook. In the afternoon, I took Dawn my S-i-L, to a couple of our charity shops including Barnardo's. She found some great things and was very pleased with what she found. I started the day with a trip to the hairdresser...

On Friday, my daughter had booked for us to have afternoon tea in a hotel in Newport Pagnell.

Daughter and S-i-L.

The tea was delicious and we had lots left over which naturally came home with us...

It was a strangely mild day but I wasn't too hot despite wearing this wool dress by M&S; jacket by Honor Milburn. Boots bought online as before.

All jewellery charity shopped.

On Saturday after much stopping and starting; Boris announced we're set for another lockdown starting on 5th November up until 2nd December. The first thing I did was rebook my Friday swimming session to a Wednesday one - it will be the last one I do for four weeks. I shall miss this the most.  I plan to swim twice a week when this mini lockdown is over.  There is something about swimming which is completely different to when I'm walking. Of course, the activity and the medium is very different; but with walking I am thinking things through and sorting out stuff in my head; whereas with swimming I don't think about things very much, if at all. I seem to concentrate on what my body is doing; from my head to my feet and focus on getting from one end of the pool to the other; and how many more laps I have to do until I hit 40. I worked out this difference between my two major activities whilst walking!

We had a quiet weekend overall and I took Dawn into town with me to run a few errands and to familiarise her with the town and surrounding area. She will probably be  here with us throughout the latest lockdown.
 On Sunday, everyone came for dinner except middle grandson who was feeling very tired...

This was Monday's outfit worn to volunteer at Barnardo's. The shop will be closed from Thursday onwards. Trousers by M&S, BNWT bought last Monday at my Barnardo's. The top is a Primarni one bought for 1 euro in a Donegal charity shop. Boots bought at my Barnardo's, too.

All jewellery charity shopped.

Tuesday I was back at the foodbank. We won't be closing so I will still be volunteering on a Tuesday morning throughout this mini lockdown. In the afternoon I was supposed to be taking the youngest grandson to Addenbrookes Hospital in Cambridge; as he had an audiology appointment. They cancelled  the appointment that morning; but Dawn and I decided to go to Cambridge anyway for a rummage and a wander around. We visited the city centre; saw some of the colleges and visited Burleigh Street where there are 10 charity shops all very close together. I bought a handmade green woollen skirt and a couple of necklaces - well, I had to buy something -  the charity shops will be closed for the next month! Unfortunately the green skirt was too large on the hips and has gone into the charity shop donations bag...

I went for my final swim on Wednesday before the lockdown started. Did my 2k or 40 laps. After the swim we went into town to run some errands as many of the shops would be closed from Thursday. We went to Wilco for bird food and a new mop; my steam mop has given up and I thought I'd wait  until after lockdown to buy a replacement. The newly bought mop will be relegated to the bathroom mop once the new steam mop arrives. I returned one of my library books; the library will be closed again unfortunately. We also went to the butcher and to Superdrug and the Black Hair shop which sells black hair products and cosmetics and is always worth a look in. I'm forever looking for the perfect red lipstick. And talking of lipstick; I wear two colours of Essence lipsticks (by Wilco) regularly. I noticed in there they had a new range of Essence products which means the two I normally buy will be discontinued (aaargh!) but they had some of the old range in a reduced box. I was able to pick up one of each colour at the reduced price of 75p each!

This was Wednesday's outfit. Everything charity shopped. Skirt by M&S, jumper by Tu and shirt by F&F. The boots were also charity shopped but can't remember where...the tights are orange but don't look it in this photo.

All jewellery charity shopped except earrings bought in Debenhams sale last year.

It was a lovely bright sunny day on Wednesday - no rain, but it was chilly. OH said he had seen a gritter out on Tuesday evening so there might have been a frost expected. There was - I saw photos on IG!

All jewellery and headscarf charity shopped.

This was Thursday's outfit. The top is by M&S; it's made of wool and was a gift from my ex mum-in-law about 12 years ago. The trousers were charity shopped and the boots were online retail.

The last hurrah from the garden. The yellow chillies are very hot and to be used sparingly! The rose is having a resurgence after blooming earlier this year; I cut this one and there are two more buds waiting to flower.  One of the other roses is also reflowering. I still having fuchsias blooming, some begonias, a cyclamen and the unknown orange flower is still blooming well. The chillis have all now been used!

This is the Salvia Sebastian we bought in the reduced section at the plant shop at Anglesey Abbey. We went just before I went to Ireland and it's only just blooming...I bought the orange wooden plant holder at the charity where I buy the kindling from. They make them themselves out of salvaged wood.

I went for a 6 mile walk on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. My sister-in-law isn't a walker but we went on a stroll to our local park on Friday afternoon as she needed to get out for some fresh air.

I missed going into Barnardo's on Monday. I took grandson to school as usual; I made chicken soup and flapjacks and did two lots of whites washing. I've managed to draw up 2 family trees and only have 2 more to go. This was Monday's outfit; everything  is charity shopped. Trousers by M&S, jumper by F&F; look at those massive sleeves; it's a very impractical jumper but warm and toasty and mustard yellow! Green boots from River Island.

All jewellery charity shopped. I found a leather mini rucksack handbag in the loft on Monday when putting something away up there. It's from River Island and I think it was my daughter's from the late 1990s. It will be very useful when I go walking in Bedford and don't want to carry my normal big rucksack. Shopping my loft is almost as good as shopping my closet! The lamp in my dining room broke and I found one on eBay. I made an offer as I hate the bidding business.

The seller delivered it to me on Monday morning and I'm very pleased with it. On Monday too, it was announced that a vaccine may be available by the end of the month and that by next Spring it could be rolled out to everyone. If they have found a vaccine that's wonderful but so little is still known about how effective it might be. I think I shall be very cautious and do my research before I decide to have it.

At the food bankI had a busy morning unpacking crates and crates of toiletries. Then I sorted the baby food and finally marked up cereals and tins. This was what I wore. Everything charity shopped. Skirt by M&S as is the green cardigan. The top is by Next and the boots are from the Cat's Protection League.

All jewellery charity shopped.

In the afternoon; as it was such a bright, sunny day I took my sister-in-law for a drive around some of the local villages; and went to look at the two houses where we previously lived. She had come to stay with me at both of them in the past; and the whole thing was very nostalgic remembering the days out with our children. When I first came to live in Bedfordshire I lived in a house in the grounds of the hospital and that hospital and its grounds are now a luxury housing estate. 

That's what I've been up to - how about you?


  1. Happy Blogoversary!! Five years is something to be proud of! I am so glad to have "met" you and I love reading about what's going on in your life, your town, your country, and I adore your fabulous fashion sense. Here's to another five!

    Sorry to hear about the new lockdown, Vronni! We are having similar restrictions here, although not to the point of closing everything - it's more about not gathering in homes indoors, as our numbers are showing that's how much of it is spreading here, sadly.

    I love your pleated skirt in the first outfit - it's so pretty! All of your outfits are so fun. I really like that long buttoned top in the last outfit - I'd like to see it worn open with a pop of colour underneath - you look long and lean in that outfit!

    Your visit with your daughter looks like it was fun - yummy cakes! How funny that you found her leather backpack - it's definitely 90s, as I had one then too! Your insight about an activity that lets your mind wander vs. one that forces you to focus on your body, is really interesting! They have different benefits, but I can see how both are really important to our mental health.

    Have a good week, my dear!

    1. Thank you, Sheila,

      I always welcome your positive and supportive comments!


  2. I always admire your style but the outfit with the turquoise turba, tunic and jeans is a real head turner! It looks so up to the minute with the statement sleeves. Well done on our swimming - 40 laps!! I like swimming but seldom get the chance -I haven't had one swim this year because we didn't have a beach holiday. Those cakes look delicious. And haven't we been (mostly) fortunate with the weather so far this autumn?

    1. Thank you, Gail,

      Yes, I love those sleeves, too. A 5.00 find at my Barnardo's.

  3. Happy anniversary! You were lucky to get in your walks and swims before the new lockdown, and how lovely to have company staying with you.
    I love that mustard jumper, it's my favourite colour, but I agree that those sleeves look a little impractical.
    I too am cautiously optimistic about the vaccine but will not be rushing to have it until I could be sure it is safe!
    Take care xx

    1. Hello JayCee and thank you,

      Are you back blogging yet?


    2. Oh yes. I missed it so much that I restarted after about 6 weeks!
      Still the usual boring old everyday stuff though xx

  4. Happy Blogoversary, Vronni! I'm so happy that you started blogging and that we've met up in real life. Hopefully when life returns to normal we can do it again!
    How lovely to have Sandra staying with you and to squeeze in a swim before lockdown. Those chillis look fab and the eBay light was a great find. What a fab seller to deliver it, too.
    Loving the sleeve action with the mustard jumper and the Zara jacket. You look good in all colours but particularly that vibrant turquoise.
    I think, being in my early 50s, not being a key worker or have any health conditions I'm pretty low on the food chain when it comes to the vaccine. If getting one means I can travel freely again & go to festivals I'll risk growing a second head!
    Stay safe! xxx

    1. Thank you, Vix.

      I'd love to meet up again - please God we can do it late Spring or early summer; surely we will be back to normal by then!
      Take care

  5. Happy blogiversary, Vronni! You're 4 months ahead of me, as I'll be celebrating my 5th next March! Blogging can indeed by time-consuming, but totally worth it, I think. I met so many people, most of them virtually only, whom I now consider as friends. And it has been a life-saver for me in these uncertain times.
    It's always a treat for the eyes to see your wonderful outfits! That first one is a particular favourite - what a fabulous skirt - with the one you wore to London a close second.
    I'm glad to hear you managed to go for a walk with the group and it must be lovely to have your SIL to stay, and show her the sights, and the charity shops :-) That afternoon tea looks quite yummy!
    We're in lockdown too - although not as strict as the one in Spring - and it'll be at least until Mid December. People will probably say I'm a right Scrooge, but I secretly hope they won't re-open everything jut before X-mas, as I think it will all have been in vain then.
    We don't have a loft, but we do have a basement and an Aladdin's cave of a built-in cupboard, both of which I love shopping :-)
    I'm kind of skeptical about the vaccine too. If they've developed one, great, but I'd like to be sure that it's safe first. To be honest, I'm not too optimistic in that direction! Take care and stay safe, Vronni xxx

    1. Thank you, Ann,

      I always appreciate your positive comments and I'm so happy to have met so many wonderful people through blogging.

      I like the sound of the Aladdin's Cave built in wardrobe!

  6. congrats to 5 years of blogging!!!
    and to all the fabulous outfits - every single one is chic in its own way.
    love the last rose and how nice to have your own chillis! i would need a greenhouse to grow some with our climate......
    love your musings about walks versus swimming. i do not swim regularly, but when i´m walk - more hiking in my case - i´m totally focused on the landscape & beauty of nature, the path (very neccessary!) and my physis - and the head gets empty in a nice way :-D
    wish you a wonderful time with your SIL and more of such yummy teas with your beloved ones!

    1. Thank you so much, Beate!

      You're another reason I enjoy blogging...

  7. Happy Blogoversary, dear Vronny!, it has been a fab time reading your posts, and it has been so wonderful to meet you 'in person'. Blogging rocks (even if I agree that it's time consuming!).
    I'm sorry that you're in another (semi)lockdown, but hoping for the best!. Anyway, it's annoying that your usual swimming pool is closed, and charities! (aren't they an essential thing?). At least you can keep your walking activities. We're not allowed to be out of the city, so I'm missing going on an excursion every weekend or so.
    So cool that you enjoyed a fab tea time!, it looks really luxurious and yummy!
    Lovely outfits!, love your pleated skirt with those assymetrical floral motive and red accessories (I have a weakness for them!), love your massive sleeves jacket with jeans. Also love the yellow jumper with the impractical sleeves (so cool!) and the yellow trousers and cute top, very elegant.
    Looking fabulous in every outfit!

    1. Thank you so much, Monica!

      Hope we'll get to meet up again next year - I hope we will be back to some type of normality by then...

  8. Happy Blogiversary!
    Five years already? It sure goes quickly.
    I hope the lockdown goes quickly for you. It will be nice having you SIL for company.

    You have some of the best mustard yellow clothing. For some reason I never find anything in that shade.

    1. Thank you, Goody!

      The lockdown is very different this time...

  9. Wow those 5 years have gone so quickly, I love reading your blog and seeing all your outfits so here's to the next 5 years and the next!

  10. Happy blogoversary!

    You've been making the most of the time before lockdown, you've been really busy. I hope you're not going too stir-crazy now we're all stuck indoors again.

    I'll get the vaccine, if I'm able. My chest can be troublesome - had double pneumonia as a toddler - and I'm keen to avoid the 'rona.

  11. I am going a wee bit stir crazy but only 12 days to go...


Goodbye for now

  Hello again! Almost a week late, I know, but this will be my final post before we go to Ireland for the whole of September and I'll ha...