Monday 14 September 2020

Home from Ireland

Just a quickie...
Well, I'm back having had a wonderful time in Ireland. Writing this now it  all seems a long time ago; but before I left for Ireland I led my 8 mile walk on a Wednesday in July, a lovely sunny day. Everyone enjoyed the walk and we were full with five walkers and a leader = 6. I had to turn one person down as there were no spaces left on the walk. Now, apparently we can have up to 30 on a walk despite the rule of 6; as walking with the Ramblers is considered to be an 'outdoor physical activity' which of course it is!

I changed into this when I got back from the walk. Everything charity shopped. The skirt was an ebay buy during lockdown; BNWT from Jigsaw. The top is years old and the clogs are by Seasalt and bought in an Air Ambulance shop in Teignmouth.

All jewellery charity shopped.

I tried using the kitchen  to take photos but the photos still aren't right. It only happens in selfie mode. 
My friend Ann popped round in the afternoon with two more masks she made for me with the Irish flag on it! I was spoilt for choice with masks...

On Thursday I went to see my cousin in  London and her son-in-law had repaired my camera for me so I'll try using the camera rather than my phone to take photos and see if that makes a difference. UPDATE - camera still doesn't work... it was brilliant to see my cousin and all her family. Another beautiful sunny day so we sat in the garden eating homemade orange and chocolate cake and drinking tea. This was what I wore:

I picked this dress up at the Wood Green Animal Shelter in town when I was in during the week. Made  in India and only 3.00!

Sandals were charity shopped about 3 or 4 years ago but can't remember where; denim jacket by Next and it must be about 6 years old - also charity shopped.
All jewellery charity shopped.

 It was my first trip to London since my birthday in March. Marian lives close to the M1/A1 in London - luckily for us!

More bloomings from the garden. 
The Hibiscus tree (top) burst into flower. To left is a plant called 'Chameleon' but I don't know what the top right is in the collage; but the bottom left is a plant called Lantana; which as well as the pretty pink and orange flowers; the leaves have the most delicious citrus smell. You can see the Osteospermum  in the corner. I still haven't got round to painting the chair - a job for the weekend I think. Update; I still haven't done it...

Friday was shopping day and I wore my mask for the first time. I found it ok but  a bit hot. I went to Sainsbury's, Aldi and Iceland.

All jewellery charity shopped except earrings bought in Sainsburys a year or two ago.

Everything charity shopped. Trousers by Zara bought from my Barnardo's on Monday; top by Papaya and from my Barnardo's last year. Blue Mary Janes by Loretta and can't remember where I got them from. Middle Grandson came to stay for the weekend as he had no wifi at home whilst Mum was changing from one provider to another. That's a calamity in his eyes! There I was thinking he wants his Nan's company and it's just my wifi he's after!

On Saturday evening we were going out for our first restaurant meal since the lockdown started to celebrate brother Mark's 64th birthday. We went to the Thai restaurant close to where he lives as the food is always excellent and has never gone down in quality since we started to go there 21 years ago. Brother Julian came down from London, so we were a merry group but limited to 6 places...

It was a warm evening and I'd been on the wine so excuse the red face. Wearing  a spotted pinafore maxi dress by Zara over a white lace top by Next.
Mark, Tony and Julian on the right.

Jacket/Kimono Challenge - Day 23

I wore this during the day. Everything charity shopped. Dress by Tu, kimono by M&S and I again I can't remember where I charity shopped the can see my bag of shoes waiting to be put with the other bags to take to Ireland. The car is usually pretty packed! I have bare legs in this photo - the first this year!

All jewellery charity shopped.

On Monday I set off for Holyhead. It was a beautiful day and when I arrived at the Travel Lodge decided to go for a walk to the local beach at Trearddur Bay; unfortunately the photos I took were accidently deleted  except one; but I did remember to take a photo of my travel outfit before I left. I arrived safe and sound in Dublin having had to wear a mask for three and a half hours on the ferry. Needless to say when I got to Donegal it was raining!

Trearddur Bay, Holyhead, Wales.

This was my travel outfit. Everything charity shopped. The trousers by Next and from my Barnardo's. All jewellery charity shopped.

The first few days in Ireland were wet but mild. I had to restrict my movements for 14 days which meant I went out for exercise and shopping and stayed in the caravan the rest of the time.  I did a lot of reading! The first weekend there and for about ten days after that the weather was wonderful; warm and sunny. It's the first time in 6 years of staying in Ireland the weather was so pleasant. I spent a lot of time swimming in the sea; in fact during the six weeks I was in Ireland I swam in the sea 11 times. Here are some of the outfits I wore whilst I was there:

I bought this cardigan in the Donegal Animal Charity shop in the 1.00 euro sale.

I picked this dress up for 2 euros in Co. Derry where I went on my first day of freedom! I used it as a swimming dress; put my costume on underneath; swim, get dried and put on again plus cardi to drive back to the caravan.

I didn't really like this skirt so it got donated to the charity shop.

I bought this linen top when I was in Derry for 4.00 in a secondhand indoor market.

Got my hair cut by my cousin - as you can see these photos aren't in chronological order!

Bought this tunic in an Irish charity shop in 2014.

Everything charity shopped. Caravan wardrobe.


Everything charity shopped.

Everything charity shopped -  part of my caravan wardrobe.

Got rid of this skirt too. The top is by Adini and is part of my caravan wardrobe.

Trousers  by M&S and jacket by Precis; both bought in the 1.00 sale.

I wore my yellow shoes a lot.

I bought this jumpsuit ages ago in my Barnardos; but hadn't worn it. You can see how the weather changed in Ireland; I'm wearing ankle boots for the first time since late Spring.

You can see it was also cardigan weather:

I can't say the weather  in Ireland became awful after the good spell; but it was cloudy, windy with plenty of rain and it was strangely warm and mild. There were one or two chilly evenings where I took a hot water bottle to bed with me. I really missed OH; I am so used to him coming out; spending time with him and travelling back with him that I actually changed my booking and came home 4 days earlier than originally planned. Aaaah!

Having said that I really enjoyed my stay in Ireland and was pretty busy seeing my family; once my restricted 14 days were up. I spent time with my cousin and his wife in Mullaghmore, Co.Sligo where we walked the dogs a lot and I went for a swim there for the first time. Another cousin also came to stay whilst I was there; luckily she enjoys walking, too! I went to see my father's relatives in Co. Offaly and stayed overnight in a BB in Co. WestMeath.  I went to Co. Leitrim to visit my aunts and another cousin; and my cousin Richard's wife and children popped in for a quick visit which was a real bonus. Linda and Doirin stayed with me overnight in the caravan and my cousin Sinead and her husband John came and stayed overnight. Also at the end of my stay cousin Doirin and went to stay with cousin Linda in Co. Kerry for 3 days and we had a fab time.  I will post more pictures of our get togethers on my next post otherwise this one will go on forever!

I did a fair bit of walking in Ireland and found a few new walks. I just love the hedgerows in Ireland; they're always full of blooms when I'm there:

Covid 19 Ireland was very similar to the UK but even stricter. Their pubs could only serve alcohol if you had a meal; they will be opening 'wet' pubs on 21st September. Several counties underwent local lockdown for several weeks. The same set up as here for shops; mask wearing was compulsory; hand-sanitising stations; staff behind screens and wearing masks; contactless payments etc. 

The internet connection was particularly bad whilst I was in Ireland and I wasn't able to keep up with your blogs. The actual phone reception wasn't good either. Too many times I had to wander all over the caravan trying to find a 'good' spot and my calls were frequently disconnected. I  hope everyone is ok and I look forward to resuming reading and following your lives over the next few weeks. It's good to be back!


  1. Good to have you back! So glad your visit to Ireland went well. A change of scenery in this crazy year can do wonders. You're brave swimming in the sea (I'm always freezing so there's no way I'd even think about it). Those hedgerows are amazing-we don't have anything like that. Beautiful holiday outfits too.
    Looking forward to hearing more about your trip once you're settled back in.

    1. Thank you, Goody! I was able to access IG (most of the time) so have been loving the outfits you've been posting.

      Take Care

  2. Welcome home! you've been much missed.
    I bet that break has done you the power of good. I cannot wait to stay overnight somewhere different, a new bed, a different bathroom, a different view from the bedroom window.
    I love sea swimming - i bet it was cold, though!
    Loving that tiger print maxi dress, that lovely tiered block print (?) skirt from your caravan wardrobe, those Zara culottes, the Jigsaw skirt and the Tu dress & M&S kimono combo. So many fabulous choices.
    The flora looks wonderful, one advantage of crap weather.
    I bet catching up with all those blogs you've missed will be a marvellous diversion form all the doom, gloom and bloody Brexit news! xxx

    1. Oh that's so kind, Vix! i did miss my blogging friends I must say.

      I know exactly what you mean about a change of scenery; I hope you enjoys yours to the max!

      Take care and stay safe.

  3. So good to see you, Vronni! I missed you! It sounds like you had a grand time, even with your 2-week lockdown after you'd arrived. Nothing like a bunch of reading! Amazing to swim in the sea, too! It's far too cold to do that here, sadly (well, some people do, but not me!).

    I love your tiger dress too, and you look amazing in a short dress! Great gams, lady! That's one of my favourite outfits of yours - I just gobsmacked at seeing you in a short dress.

    Good luck catching up, and apologies in advance for the slew of posts from me, ha ha! Good to have you back. :)

    1. Thank you, Sheila; you are very kind.

      I have a few short dresses but tend to wear over leggings or jeans, mostly. If the good weather continues I might have to get my legs out more!!

      Take care and stay safe,

  4. Welcome back! Even though Ireland was on lockdown it must have been good to see all your family again, and those hedgerows do look gorgeous to walk beside. Are the orange flowers crocosmia?

    1. Hi Mim!

      Yes they're otherwise known as Crocosmia, I believe but Beate might disagree!

      It is such a wonderful sight to see the hedgerows full of flowers; and some also have Purple Loosestrife or Rosebay Willowherb in abundance as well as the Monbretia and Fuschia...

      Take care and stay safe,

  5. Hi Vronni, So nice to see you and your fabulous outfits. So many favourites for me this time; the tiger dress, the zara pants with yellow top, the short dress and kimono, the Precis jacket. As I have mentioned before, with Irish ancestry Ireland is somewhere I will visit in time. Lise

    1. Lise hello!

      I would say visit sooner if you can - when the weather is nice it's such a beautiful place. Fabulous scenery, wonderful people but of course I'm biased!

      Take care and stay safe

  6. Welcome back Vronni! It's good to see you posting your wonderful parade of outfits again. Glad to hear you enjoyed your stay in Ireland, in spite of restrictions and you missing OH, and that at least you did have a stretch of gorgeous weather. Before I forget, I think the flowers you don't remember the name of are Diascia! From your outfits, I particularly loved the Zara trousers with the yellow top, the spotty Zara maxi pinafore you wore for your meal out, which I'd love to see more of, the TU dress and kimono, accessorized by that stunning necklace, and the maxi skirt worn with white top and denim jacket. I love it that you have a caravan wardrobe! Those Irish hedgerows look particularly gorgeous! xxx

    1. Thank you, Ann.

      I was able to keep up IG so have been admiring your outfit posts all along.

      The caravan wardrobe has allowed me to off load excess clothes from here but I do replenish it and weed out no longer loved items - from time to time.

      Take care and stay safe

  7. vronni is back - yeaaahh!!!
    welcome back, dear!
    i´m glad you & your brothers had a nice gathering at the thai place! that is so precious in this days......
    ireland looks gorgeous with all the blooms - are they wild or planted?? but your own garden is wonderful too!
    and you wore some fab outfits - the 60s style with short blue dress, bold necklace and kimono jacket catched my eyes - and the tiger dress of cause!

    1. Hello Beate!

      It's hard to know about the Irish hedgerows. Both Montbretia (originally from South Africa) and Fuschia (originally from Central South America, Tahiti and New Zealand) must have started off as garden plants. It is intriguing how they formed hedgerows in the way they have in Ireland. To my knowledge they're not considered an invasive species in the way Japanese Knotweed, Himalayan Balsam and Rhododendron are. A mystery!

      Take care and stay safe

    2. it speaks for the milde climate in ireland - no frost obviously.... not my weather :-DDD

  8. Glad to see you are back safe and sound and that you enjoyed your Irish break with family.
    I love that "Indian" maxi dress, just gorgeous.
    Scrolling down through all your lovely outfits I was surprised to see you wearing an identical top to the one I am wearing now! How spooky... it is the grey scooped neck jersey top with button-back sleeves. I am actually wearing it with a white blouse in my recent IG post 😁 Great minds etc...!!

    1. Thank you, JayCee!

      Wow, that's a coincidence - especially as I bought this top in Ireland last year...

      Take care

  9. Sounds like you had a lovely time in Ireland. Even self isolating for 14 days sounded relaxing and chilled. I am very envious of your 11 dips in the sea. None for me this year, which is a first. The hedgerows on your walks look spectacular!

    1. The break really recharged my batteries, Gail.

      The sea swims were wonderful; wish I could carry on with them but we're between 80 and 90 miles from the sea...

      Take care

  10. I'm glad to hear you had such a wonderful time in Ireland, it sounds so relaxing.


Goodbye for now

  Hello again! Almost a week late, I know, but this will be my final post before we go to Ireland for the whole of September and I'll ha...