Monday 1 April 2019

Another birthday!

Hello again!

 I walked with my group again on Wednesday; we started from the marina in Bedford and had an urban walk  of 6.5 miles through different parts of Bedford. One of my fellow walkers, who has lived in the town for 50 years, wasn't aware of some of the paths we took! It was a totally windless day - such a contrast to the previous week.

This was Thursday's outfit. Everything charity shopped. The blue trousers were bought from the 3:16 charity shop last week in a BOGOF deal for 3.00. The top was a 1.00 rail bargain from Barnardo's. The white Mary Jane's were bought from Oxfam in Newport Pagnell for 10.00. All jewellery and the scarf were charity shopped. The beads are navy blue but look black in this photo!

I had a pretty busy day on Thursday. I went walking by myself in the morning; 7.5 miles; did the food shopping; delivered a couple of no longer used tables to grandson's mum; did a whites wash; cleaned out the wood burner and cooked dinner.

Middle grandson is very interested in politics and we watched with great interest the news that evening; the latest Brexit  revelations  - or should that be the 'couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery' fiasco?

Primroses in the wood...

My walk on Thursday was to recce the bus walk I'll be leading in June. When I'd recce'd it before it was too short at under 6 miles. I needed to make the start, which is from the village of Sharnbrook, a bit longer so it brought the walk up to over 6 miles. I'd tried three times to extend the start of the walk and I finally cracked it on Thursday. I found the right footpath just a a couple of hundred yards further on. My plan is to  recce the whole walk on Sunday right through to Pavenham village, which is where the walk ends and we catch the bus back to Bedford. OH will pick me up in Pavenham and take me to Sharnbrook where I'll pick up my car.  Hopefully it will be nearer to 7 miles now that I've managed to extend the start. Nearer the time I'll recce the whole thing again but this time catching the two buses.

This is an old windmill in Sharnbrook village built in 1880 and converted into a house. It has an observatory on top and next to it is a Huf house. 'Huf Haus is the world's leading firm in selling houses in the Bauhaus architectural tradition based on the German Fachwerk.' (Wikipedia). Each house can be constructed according to individual floor plans. I saw my first ever Huf House when it was featured on a British TV programme called 'Grand Designs'.

Friday's outfit. Everything charity shopped. Trousers 3:16 charity shop: 3.00, black Next top 1.00 rail; yellow linen shirt by Wallis; 4.00 bought from Barnardo's. The manager kept this for me as she said it was 'me' and I do like it but it's too small; I can't do it up. It doesn't matter, I just keep it open! Mary Jane's as before.

All jewellery charity shopped except earrings made by an artist in Donegal and bought for 18 euros.

On Friday I had a sorting out day. I had errands to run in town first and then got on with it. I made more shelf space on my non fiction bookshelves in my study by weeding out most of the academic textbooks I no longer need or use. I haven't done any teaching for more than five years so they're off to our local Oxfam bookshop. I also sorted a black plastic bag and a half of clothes for the charity shop. I reorganised the study while I was sorting out the books and went to pick up the children from school feeling I had achieved something. I do like a good sort out and now I have a bit more room on my bookshelves upstairs.

Saturday was OH's mum's 95th birthday. We set off for London soon after midday stopping at Marian's on the way to say hello and for me to introduce OH to her.

This was what I wore. Black swing coat; home made and bought at a car boot sale for 2.50. The brooch, which is of a bird of paradise was bought in a Baldock charity shop for 1.25. It was the first wearing of it.

Everything charity shopped except the black velvet trousers. These were from M&S and I bought them at the beginning of 2013, in the sale with an M&S voucher I got for Christmas. I wore them a month later to meet my brother Julian for the first time.

The jacket and matching vest are made of a crinkled material which is drip dry (hurrah!) and are by Chest -  I've never heard of them. I was in Barnardo's; Great Denham about a year ago and the manager was just putting them out on the shop floor; I snapped them up for 3.99. The headscarf was also bought there about two weeks ago.

All jewellery charity shopped, Beads; 3.00 from the Day Hospice boutique last week.

Now for some birthday party photos:

OH and his mum.

OH's daughter and her Grandma.

OH's grandchildren.
The boys are twins but so not identical! There are three sets of twins among OH's siblings...

Two of several birthday cakes...

There was singing and musical instrument playing and there may have been dancing but we had left by then - it was a truly wonderful day. Imagine being 95!

On Sunday I woke up to a beautifully sunny day so I decided to take advantage of the good weather and recce my bus walk in its entirety. OH picked me up at the other end  in the village of Pavenham. The walk will be about 7.3 miles in total but I walked 8.3 miles because I missed a foot path twice and had to retrace my steps.

A lot of the walk is by the  River Great Ouse. This is Felmersham church in the distance about 4 miles into the walk.

Felmersham Bridge built in 1818.

I love this house! Felmersham village.

On Monday I volunteered at Barnardo's. They had a sale on all the dresses 1.99 per dress so I bought two! A navy cotton one by John Rocha and a red tunic style one by Adini. You can't look a gift horse (or bargain) in the mouth - as the saying goes!

Everything charity shopped except leggings; 5.00 Forever 21 sale and boots online retail.
The pale blue top is a tunic by Ghost bought last week from Barnardo's. It's been on the rails for weeks and I thought I'd better grab it at 3.99. It's really a summer top but topped with a cardigan it was warm enough for a quite mild March day.

Scarf and jewellery charity shopped.

On Tuesday I was at the food bank and after I had finished I took my unwanted books to Oxfam and a bag of stuff to a charity shop. I had a quick rummage at the Castle Road charity shops and bought two necklaces for 99p each at the Children's Society. I then came home and spent a few hours sorting out my scarves. I started a new bag for the charity shop having decided to get rid of more than a dozen scarves. Now my head scarves are all together in one place, and I keep the square ones in a hat box on top of my cupboard just next to them. These are only my headscarves. I have 'normal' neck scarves on the coat hanger downstairs and two drawers in the hall table full of more folded up neck scarves. I have a box of Pashmina and Devore scarves under my head and a box of shorter 'tie round your neck only' scarves under the bed as well!

I used the old scarf hanger to hang my blue and red necklaces on and added three further hooks on the other side of the cupboard for my ever growing necklace collection. I shall go through my necklaces before I go to Ireland in April and bring a few more to leave there - yes, I've got more necklaces in Ireland but only a few!

I know. I have a problem...

Talking of necklaces (!) I went back to the Day Hospice Boutique on Wednesday after my walk and bought a necklace I had seen the last time I was there. It was still there I'm pleased to say! You can see it above just above the right grey boot.

I wanted a lie in on Wednesday morning. I've been waking up very early lately; often just before or just after 6 am. I get up at 6.30 am on Mondays and Fridays, when I do the school run and at 7.15 am on other days. So, rather than get up and join my walking group I decided to walk on my own. I set off at midday having done some jobs around the house and decided to walk from Milton Ernest and recce the walk I'll be leading in May. It's the reverse of the walk I led in February. It was a lovely walk of just over 7 miles; it wasn't cold and the sun ventured out near the end. I did see a lot of dead things, though. The remains of a female pheasant; an eviscerated rabbit and a desiccated rodent of some sort. Then I spotted these:

Spring lambs! And these:

Wild violets.

Nature is always balanced in the end.

I'm dumping this tunic; it's by Apricot but it's not the right length.  Can't remember where I got it from; possibly Ireland. At least you can see my lace effect leggings by M&S. Christmas present from daughter. Black boots by Next;  5.00 in the Salvation Army in Rushden.

All jewellery charity shopped.

Thursday's outfit.

Everything charity shopped except boots and leggings; online retail.

Tunic by Adini 1.99 from Barnardo's this week. M&S kimono charity shopped for 3.50 on a trip to Kettering earlier this year.

Only bangles and watch charity shopped. Necklace about 5 or 6 years old; Christmas present from daughter. Ring bought in Sainsburys and earrings were bought in Debenhams in the sale for 3.00 in January.

Friday's outfit. Dress by White Stuff and bought from Barnardo's; Great Denham for 3.99.
Orange shirt by Next; can't remember but probably 1.00 rail somewhere; boots present from daughter. Scarf also charity shopped.

All jewellery charity shopped except the earrings; Sainsbury's.

On Saturday I went to visit my son and in the evening my daughter took me out for a Mother's Day dinner. We went to a local Turkish restaurant where I had a vegetarian dish which was delicious.

All jewellery charity shopped except earrings; Sainsburys.

Everything charity shopped except brogues; Tesco outlet shop 5.00. I am breaking all the Fashion Police's rules here - I'm wearing navy blue and black together!! Shock, horror!!  Arrest me!
The navy skirt is by M&S and was bought in Oxfam, West Hampstead for 2.49. Jacket; 3:16 charity shop 1.00 rail; ruffled blouse by H&M; can't remember. Lace tights bought so long ago I can't remember but I think they're at least 10 years old.

This was my Mother's Day present. Homemade flapjacks (scrumptious) and a teeny tiny cactus in a pot. When we were in London for my birthday, I ventured into Urban Outfitters with my daughter and after 20 seconds was bored. I spotted some home ware and went to have a  look where I spied this tiny cacti. I didn't buy it because I thought it wouldn't survive the journey back to Bedford but my daughter bought it unbeknown to me!

Sunday's outfit
Brown's and greys.

I was feeling the neutrals at the weekend, it's good to ring the changes now and again. Tunic by Masai; can't remember which charity shop; cardigan by Jigsaw 1.00 rail 3:16 charity shop; leggings M&S retail; boots by Next 5.00; Salvation Army in Rushden.

All jewellery charity shopped except the earrings which were a present from OH soon after we first met almost 21 years ago. The necklace (3.50) is the one I went back to the Day Hospice Boutique for.

On Sunday I went out for a walk, The clocks had gone forward by one hour and I was bit time restricted, so I walked locally to Queens Park; along the river to Great Denham; through the golf course to Biddenham then along the by pass and back home. 6 miles in total. It was a windy but sunny day and I was really glad I ventured out. Sometimes it's so tempting just to stay in and lounge about...

We're off to Ireland at the weekend so I will be taking a
blogging break of about 3 weeks. There is only very poor WiFi at the mobile home park as you know; but when I can I will try and keep up with all of your blogs and comment.

I'm so looking forward to seeing Ireland again and dear old Ruby Super!


  1. Your MIL is a lucky lady-95 and surrounded by such a large, loving family. I laughed at your description of Brexit. We've been watching the votes here and it *almost* seems worse than our own politics. Would be too much to expect people we elect to actually represent us?!

    Your newest necklace was worth going back for-love the shape of it. Lace leggings! I do love your style.

    Have a wonderful trip to Ireland and a lovely Easter. I hope you get good weather. Will look forward to hearing all about it when you return.

    1. I can't believe that Brexit is such a farce. You couldn't make it up!

      I hope we get good weather in Ireland, too - it makes such a difference.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Happy Birthday to your partner's mum - what a life she's had and such a lovely family, too. OH's grandchildren and daughter are lovely, some great genes going on there!
    I love your Chest top and that wonderful swing coat, what a cool outfit (not that the other's aren't too!) I love that your velvet trousers have a story behind them, meeting Julian for the first time. That's the joy of keeping your clothes for years, their fabric becomes enmeshed with history.
    Fab Mothering Sunday gifts.
    Dead things! That's why I could never live in the countryside, it gives me the creeps. Nice to visit, admire lovely lambs and escape back to shops, pubs and busyness!
    You might have a huge collection of jewellery and scarves but they're neatly displayed and you can put your hand to anything you need - no problem with that! x

    1. Thank you, Vix.

      Yes, I'm very organised with all my accessories as the truth is I have to be otherwise I couldn't find anything!

  4. Happy birthday to your MIL, it was my mums on the 24th, she was 71, she is fab. I love how organised you are. I am slowly getting there. I just need to get rid of the horrid 70’s wardrobe doors and replace them with curtains as they do not go with my bedroom.

    1. Happy birthday to your mum!

      Good luck with your wardrobe curtains they sound a
      lovely idea!

  5. 95 years is a good innings! I bet your mother in law has seen a lot in her lifetime.

    I love seeing all your necklaces - big, bright necklaces and headwraps always make me think of you nowadays. It's not a problem, it's a signature look.

    Have fun in Ireland!

    1. Thank you, Mim.

      I like that - I have a signature look!

  6. OH's mom looks fabulous and her family looks adorable too! and your outfit was pretty elegant and cool!, love the velvet pants and the accessorizing!
    And you look fab in your tunics with leggins, you totally rock in them!, love all the prints and colors and accessories!, brilliant!.
    Totally admiring your scarves and necklaces collection, wowww, and they're well organised and displayed!. Do you know that now I pay more attention to necklaces when charity shopping because of your blog!? you're inspiring!

    1. Oh thank you, Monica, you are so kind. I'm so glad you're taking more notice of the necklaces; I don't know about Spain but here in England the charity shops have dozens and dozens of them.

  7. A very happy birthday to MIL and doesn't she have a lovely son and grandchildren :)

    Your outfits and the way you put things together never fail to appeal. Of course I love the yellow linen shirt but the others are just as good especially the brown swing coat and also like the navy and black outfit. MOH thinks I have far too many scarves and necklaces but actually you have many more! I like the way you store them. And I've also had a good sort out of books that'll go to the charity shop. I do love hearing all about your life. 'Till the next post xxx

    1. Thank you, Penny.

      It feels good to declutter and get rid of stuff doesn't it?

  8. You certainly have a wonderful selection of walking routes to choose from. I would love to do more walks from our front door but as there are no footpaths here and the road is pretty busy we usually end up driving to the start of our walks. My favourite outfit from this week is your fabulous blue and black skirt combination. So classy! Enjoy your break!

    1. Thank you, JayCee.

      I shall wave at you as our ferry sails past your island towards Dublin on Sunday...

  9. Happy birthday to OH's Mum! Doesn't she look absolutely brilliant for 95? My favourite outfit is the one you wore to her birthday. That swing coat is divine, and your headscarf and necklace match your fabulous jacket and matching vest brilliantly. Oh my, you've certainly been doing a lot of walking. And well done on sorting out your books, scarves and necklaces. What a fabulous collection you have! Have a brilliant time in Ireland! xxx

    1. Thank you, Ann.

      The reorganisation continues this week too - Spring must be the human equivalent of birds nesting - the urge to sort things and make some type of order...

  10. Happy 95th Birthday to OH's mum! Wow, what a long life!

    I love all your outfits, Vronni - you have such great taste and a good eye for accessorizing (I know, I always say that!). I thought I had a jewelry issue, but now I feel better about my own necklace collection (hee hee). Aren't other bloggers good for that?

    I love coming along on your walks and seeing all the sights. You may actually convince me to go back to the UK one day! We'll how things shake down with Brexit (been following that over this side of the pond too).

    Have a great time in Ireland, my dear!

    1. Thank you Sheila,

      Oh Brexit...what an absolute total disaster!

      It would be lovely if you came back to the UK - we could organise a blogger meetup!

  11. Dear Veronica, With such an action packed blog, I must say OH's mother's birthday party was a touching stand out. Along with your smashing outfit, OH and his whole family are an attractively charming group. That old windmill has got to be recycling at its finest. What a fun house! Courage, skill and strenght is required to organize your wardrobe, books and country walks. Well done! Wishing you fine weather during your Irish holiday. Judy

  12. Thank you, Judy!

    I did more reorganisation this week with my shoes and boots. It must be Spring or something in the air...

  13. I love the way that you can go walking in so many places. The scenery is so lovely. I'm living in suburbia (sigh) and it's just not the same. I am also fascinated at how you manage to find so many lovely clothes from charity shops,

    1. Thank you!

      I live in the centre of a town but I'm lucky to have the countryside on my doorstep.

      As for finding things in the charity shops; the town I live has many charity shops and I visit them regularly. Then I travel to different towns and always check out their charity shops. I try to be as discerning as possible when I'm in the charity shops buying only what I need or what I just love. That's why I have far too many clothes!

  14. Good lord that is quite a necklace collection and I don't feel half as bad about my scarves now! Have a wonderful time in Ireland. I look forward to reading all about it when you return.

    1. Thank you, Gisela.

      Yes, seeing other people's collections of items is always an eye opener! I have to stop buying necklaces and as for the 7 baskets of bangles...

  15. wow - 95! belated happy birthday to the sweet old lady!
    lacy leggings and tights - love that! your necklace and scarf collections are fascinating. so many fab items - would you like to open a shop near me ;-D
    do you have a trick for the head scarves to stay on place? even if i use bobby pins mine always start to wander around after a while.....
    have a nice trip to ireland! xxxx

  16. Ha! I think you're voicing what we're all thinking about Brexit! You looked stunning for your MIL's birthday, and didn't she, too! Great family photos.
    I loved your felon's outfit you chose for your Mother's Day treat!
    As usual, I feel exhausted after reading of all your walks and I'm feeling sad that you're going to be incommunicado for a few weeks. Missing you already, have a great relaxing time in Ireland.
    Hugs, Mary.


My final blog post

Hello and welcome!  It seems a long time since I last posted but as you know we went to Ireland for a month and I've been very busy sinc...