Sunday 1 July 2018

Pheww - what a scorcher!

Sorry about the title. I believe itwas a 'Sun' (British tabloid newspaper) headline some years ago. Knowing the 'Sun', the headline was probably repeated on Page 3 over a photo of a bare breasted woman in a scanty pair of knickers. I don't read the 'Sun', never have and never will.

The weather has been absolutely glorious. Beautiful cloudless blue skies. Hot sunshine all day. It hasn't been humid and so far I have coped even to the extent that I've been out walking in it. Unfortunately, I have been having problems with my knee.  It hurt particularly going up and down the stairs and I couldn't kneel or squat down without considerable pain. I went to the minor injuries clinic (it's quicker than waiting for a GP's appointment) and I had strained the medial collateral ligament and had inflammation of the meniscus - so there! A combination of age and over doing the walking.  Anti-inflammatory medication, elevation, ice packs and movement are the cure. It means my walking will have to reduce for a while; short walks instead of long ones. Sigh...

All jewellery charity shopped.
Is that a moth I spy up there?

Orange paisley tunic; 1.00 rail Barnardo's in Kempston. Trousers from Next; also charity shopped.

I didn't really need to wear this mac but it goes so well with my tunic!
Orange mac; charity shopped from Red Cross; 1.99. Flip flops from Primarni. I use flip flops as indoor slippers  in the summer...

I have finally finished my granny square blanket and am now a devotee of the JAYG method of joining the squares together.

Almost finished doing the border...

  Finished! It's one of the largest I've ever made but it's for my living room not my bed...

Flowers from the garden...

Pansies, violas and stocks. Small glass containers found in charity shops.

 Lilies from the garden.

I've also been doing a lot of reading. Inspired by Downton Abbey, I've read my way through 'The Cazalet Chronicle' by Elizabeth Jane Howard - all 5 volumes and now I'm stuck into 'The Balkan Trilogy' by Olivia Manning. All are highly recommended. I shall take 'A Dance to the Music of Time' by Anthony Powell - 4 volumes - to Ireland with me. I have lots of books in the caravan and of course I have my Kindle so I shall never run out of reading material. What a relief that is. Before I had a Kindle I always carried a book with me as I was terrified of being stuck somewhere with nothing to read. That's why I always carry a largish handbag - a habit that persists to this day. I use the Kindle mostly on holiday but it's always in my handbag just in case...

Black and White Trouser Outfit No.7

This is my second pair of black and white spotted palazzo pants. The first pair I bought new many years ago, in a local Bedford clothes shop but they frayed badly at the bottom. I bought a replacement pair in a charity shop but can't remember which one. These are by Jane Norman. I remember buying a bright blue shaggy Jane Norman jacket from Oxford Street in the 1960s....

Both the vest and jacket are from Next and charity shopped.

All jewellery charity shopped.

Green trousers charity shopped in Donegal charity shop for 3 euros; as well as the shoes. Top from M&S and tunic by H&M both charity shopped but can't remember where.

All jewellery charity shopped.

Necklace bought in RSPCA for 3.50 in Ampthill on a recent rummage with OH. Earrings; 1 euro in a St. Vincent De Paul charity shop in Co. Sligo.

I went to see my son last week and wore this as it was a baking hot day.

Necklace; 2 euros in a charity shop in Tralee, Co. Kerry and earrings from ebay; 99p.

Top 1.00 in Bedford Market.

Trousers and sandals charity shopped. Trousers from Next and sandals bought in RSPCA; Ampthill for 4.50 on a recent rummage with OH. The scarf, which I thought was charity shopped, was actually a present from my friend Natalie in Cambridge.

There's a story behind this dress (below) which was bought in the Tu sale (Sainsburys for 11.00. I've always saved my coppers and five pence pieces for the grandsons. The coins are put into three containers and when they had filled up a couple of months back I told the grandchildren to empty them and take the money. They didn't bother, so I did, and treated myself to this dress! The containers are filling up again nicely and the grandchildren get pocket money from me every month...

Three quarter leggings charity shopped and the sandals were bought in the Cats Protection League for 4.99 in Kempston.

All jewellery charity shopped.

Last Sunday OH and I went to a local car boot sale in a garden centre. It's a very small one but it starts at 10 am and it's not very far away so it's ideal for us. I bought these beads here for 1.00. Earrings Christmas present from OH; bangles and scarf charity shopped.

Everything charity shopped except the faithful Clarks sandals; retail.

Dropped waist dress 3.50 in the Marie Curie charity shop.

The medication for my knee made such a difference after one day - amazing -  so as well doing the food shopping I ventured down to the 3:16 charity shop for a rummage on Thursday. I spent 2.00 on 3 balls of wool... I'm thinking of my next crochet project for after I've finished my Willow pattern blanket which I'll do in Ireland.

I also went into town on Friday to look at an exhibition 'Celebrating Women of Bedfordshire' at the Cecil Higgins Art Gallery. It is just one of many exhibitions and events all over the country to celebrate the centenary of (some) women getting the vote in 1918.  It was a very interesting exhibition and I learnt a lot. I also went to find two further blue plaques people had told me about since I did my Blue Plaque Walk a few weeks back. I found both of them, eventually, and by the time I had done all this I had walked almost 5 miles and my knee was fine. Hurrah!

Everything charity shopped except the shoes which are from PJ Shoes in Kempston. Trousers: 1.00 rail as was the navy top which is from Next; M&S jacket; Red Cross 1.99.

All jewellery charity shopped.

All clothing charity shopped. Skirt M&S, can't remember. Top 1.00 rail somewhere. Shoes from PJ Shoes in Kempston.

All jewellery charity shopped.

I have just over a week to go before I set off Ireland.
This will be my last post for a while as you know the wifi is almost non-existent where I stay in Ireland, but I'll do my best to keep up with your blogs and comment when I can.

I wish you all a wonderful summer and who knows I may actually get some decent weather this time in Ireland!


  1. Have a great summer! I hope your knee improves quickly and I will look forward to hearing about Ireland when you're back. P.S. I adore each and every one of these outfits and your necklace collection continues to amaze and inspire me.

  2. It must be so frustrating having a bad knee, especially as you're about to go to Ireland - I hope you're still able to get in a good bit of walking while you're there.

    That blanket is amazing. I really like the colour combination. Then again, the way you combine colours in your clothes is fab, so why wouldn't it be the same in your blanket?

  3. I'm on holiday in the UK and what,a skorchio!
    Have to say my jaw dropped at you having difficulty doing knee bends right now ... I haven't squatted in 15 years!!! Hope your knee repairs itself soon.
    Well done with the blanket, it's precious.
    My fave outfit just has to be your profusion of real and red. Gorgeous.
    Happy holiday, I'll miss you.
    Higs x.

  4. Glad to hear your knee's on the mend, and that your holiday won't be spoiled because of it. Love the finished blanket and your outfits are gorgeous as usual, with the one you wore to go and see your son my favourite. I thoroughly enjoyed Elizabeth Jane Howard's 'The Cazalet Chronicles'. I was given one of the volumes (I think it was no. 2) by a friend, and was hooked, so I tracked them all down and read them one after the other. Have a fantastic holiday, and see you in September! xxx

  5. Look after that knee!
    Fabulous outfits, gorgeous crochet and fabulous flowers.
    Hoping you get loads of glorious sunshine in Ireland. I don't want this weather to stop! xxx

  6. Have a wonderful time in Ireland, Vronni! So glad that new medication worked out for you - can't imagine you without your long walks! Fabulous outfits as always, and I'm coveting the beautiful turquoise/silver earrings/necklace. Happy summer to you!

  7. Some lovely outfits with as usual, really gorgeous jewellery. The orange paisley tunic outfit and the blue jacket outfit are my favourites. You do take a good pic. Been trying out some charity shops on holiday (Suffolk) and they're quite mixed with some more expensive than others. Finding it nigh on impossible to find a cool linen dress so am still looking! Glad to hear your knee is better - knees are so tricky. And yes, the lack of the wifi on holiday. We experienced the same in Wales! Never mind we look forward to seeing the blog when you get back. Have a really lovely holiday away from it all xxx

  8. Fab crochet Vronni, I've hardly picked up my hook since I've been in France. Lovely outfits...especially the top one and the gingham frock. Have a restful time at the van and take care of your knee.xx

  9. That blanket is gorgeous! Have a fab time in Ireland and look after your knee. xx

  10. I have the same Clarks sandals - bought in the sale 9 years ago and still going strong!

  11. sorry to hear about your knee pain and problems for walking, wish you'll be ok asap! (please, take care of yourself!). I'm really late on my commenting so you're probably walking and feeling ok now!
    And I totally agree on that orange mac looking fabulous with your tunic, such a lovely outfit!!.
    I love your polka dot pants, love all the necklaces you wear (particularly the multicolored one with the fab tunic), love your gingham dress, love the turquoise outfit (fab pants and jacket!) and also love this last outfit, so summery and fresh in white!. You know, I love your style!!

  12. What a fab and mighty colourful post from you Vronni! I've been run off my feet lately but thought I ought to make time to catch up with some of my regulars and thank goodness I did cos your feature is a treat to behold! I love the orange paisley top and had to smile that you added your coat - I've just bought a new trench coat and can hardly wait for some wet weather so that I can wear it. Anyway, I'm glad that you meds are working and that you can get out walking again - it would surely drive you mad not being able to. Oh and I have to mention my other favourite outfit - the spotty palazzo pants that you mixed with that bold print top - hurrah for some wonderful pattern play, I love it!
    I know you'll be off in Ireland by now, but I just wanted to catch up with you before I lose touch completely. Hope you're having equally fab weather over there too!

    Anna x

  13. I am Anna and thank you for funding the time to comment.

  14. Hi, I have re-subscribed because I don't receive your blog by email however catching up with your happenings tonight was terrific. Your wardrobe is elegantly beautiful with such lovely rooms in the background. Summer book reading and going for amazing country walks sounds delightful. Ah, summertime! Judy

  15. Thank you, Judy! Something went wrong with Blogger about 4 to 6 months ago and nothing was the same after....

    I'm so lucky to have come back from Ireland and we still have summer! Love it.


Goodbye for now

  Hello again! Almost a week late, I know, but this will be my final post before we go to Ireland for the whole of September and I'll ha...