Thursday 26 April 2018

Taking a break

Hello to you all and I hope everyone is well in Blog land. I had a lovely time in Ireland but the weather was pretty lousy - what's new? I came back to chaos so have decided to have a break from blogging for a while. The kitchen is almost completed (after 4 weeks) and I have lots on, so thought that if I stopped blogging for a bit it would give me time to get things back on track. I have to admit to having lost my blogging mojo somewhat and horror of horrors I've hardly been near a charity shop since I returned!

I'll do my best to keep reading and commenting on your blogs so I keep up with everyone.
A bientot!


  1. Hi Vronni,
    Sorry to hear you had bad weather in Ireland, been very underwhelming here too apart from a few days last week. Hope you soon get up to speed with your tasks.... perhaps you'll find your blogging mojo along the way. Take care. Xxx

  2. Good to see you, Vronni! Not-blogging begets more not-blogging, I've found, which is why I do a little post every day. It keeps the motor running, so to speak.

    Not charity shopping?? What have you done with our Vronni! ;-P

  3. I hope the chaos recedes and you get get in some shopping time. Look forward to seeing you when things calm down.

  4. I do find it hard to get back into the blogging mood once I've been away for a while.

    Shame you didn't have decent weather while you were away, especially since you enjoy walking so much.

    Take care.

  5. Oh my dear Vronni, how I've missed you and it looks like I've got some more missing to come. But that's me being selfish and wanting some of your precious time. Sounds like you have a lot on your plate and of course you want to give yourself space to do it all. Hope you find your mojo when sorting through the chaos! Hugs, my friend, x.

  6. Oh, Vronni, we will miss you. I think you find the most amazing bargains and you always look lovely. These renovations can be quite stressful and hard work. Once the kitchen is done then hopefully you'll be back. We'll all look forward to hearing from you I'm sure. 'Till then x

  7. I will miss you and your wonderful posts, Vronni, but I do understand it can all be a bit time consuming, especially if you need to divert your time and attention elsewhere. I do hope you get your blogging mojo back, as well as some well deserved charity shopping time! What a shame the weather didn't cooperate on your holiday. If it's any consolation, I'm due to go on an extended weekend break tomorrow, and it looks like the weather is going to be cold and wet ... Oh well. Huge hug xxx

  8. I'm so sorry the weather didn't play nicely. Are you going abroad later in the year? After this long Winter I think we'll be flying off in search of a bit of sunshine before our next trip to India.
    It's hard to get back into blogging after a break and I can imagine it's pretty hard to focus with the workmen in.
    Hope you recover your mojo (and your charity shopping) very soon. It isn't the same without you. xxx

  9. It sounds like you've got a busy time ahead of you, so good luck with that Vronni. I can understand the need to take a break; you'll be able to focus all your attention on the organising that clearly needs to be done in the midst of your upheaval.
    I say don't worry too much about your blogging mojo. I think that once you're back on top of everything your interest will return.
    Life is hectic for all of us - I'm constantly juggling all of my priorities and still can't find time to visit all the blogs I want to.
    We'll miss you, so hurry back soon!

    Anna x

  10. Sorry to hear you won't be blogging shall miss you Hope you come back soon. I shall keep looking for you in those Kettering Charity shops!!!.

  11. I'm sorry to hear the weather was miserable, I fear it was just taunting us with that heat last week, it's freezing here today. I hope you house is less chaotic soon and you find your blogging and charity shop shopping mojo again soon. xx

  12. Sorry to hear that the weather in Ireland was terrible. I suppose that it is even wetter than over here. Least the weather is making up for it now. I hope that all you house renovations are coming along nicely and that all is good with you. See you on the other side! Xx


Goodbye for now

  Hello again! Almost a week late, I know, but this will be my final post before we go to Ireland for the whole of September and I'll ha...