Thursday 11 January 2018

Happy New Year 2018!

Happy New Year, everyone!
I know the New Year is eleven days old already and I'm a bit late...

All jewellery charity shopped.

I didn't mention in my previous post the lovely Christmas presents I received this year.  Three Persephone books from my wish list and 3 CDs (I know, I'm so last century, but I like to be able to have my music in solid form not in cyberspace or in/on a computer chip!) Three types of perfume; two, some of my all time favourites and one that's new to me. I went from having no slippers to two new pairs; both of which are greatly appreciated. A new bra and pants set. Some earrings; a pearl necklace with matching large pearl earrings. A map holder and an ear warmer; both for when I'm out walking.  A paperweight and a fabulous bookmark. A bracelet. A gift voucher. Some thick woollen tights. Some Ferrerro Rocher and the biggest bar of chocolate I've ever seen...thank you so much!

On Friday before New Year's Day OH and I went to Cambridge for a rummage. It's been ages since we had been to Cambridge and we were going a bit stir crazy as we hadn't been out for a few days. I'd gone out on Thursday for a short 4.8 mile walk as I needed to start getting back into a walking routine after a only walking once a week for the past three weeks.

I thought I'd give the Welsh Tapestry cape an outing to Cambridge . I bought it at the Red Cross in their closing down sale with 50% off  - 2.49. It was nice and warm and two women complimented me on it when I was out and about in Cambridge. I bought the bag at Barnardo's for 4.99 a few months ago. I find it hard to resist a sparkly, sequinned bag; it reminds me of my hippy days! Everything is charity shopped except the boots; present from daughter, Christmas 2016.

I'd been to the hairdressers first thing on Friday morning; I was badly in need of a hair cut.
Purple velvet trousers 1.00 rail somewhere. Apricot tunic; can't remember. Brown lace top can't remember either...can you see more scarves peeking out at the end of the cupboard? They're hanging on an Ikea scarf hanger thingy...

Necklace -  present from OH; earrings from Sainsbury's; bangles and ring charity shopped.

I bought one garment; a checked shirt dress for 4.29 in the Children's Society. I bought 8 balls of wool in the same colour for 4.00 in Sense. I also bought two rings; one in the RSPCA for 1.25 - a pink one; and a silver one for 75p in the Heart Foundation and in Scope I bought a bangle for 50p. In the Oxfam shop I bought a tray for 20p - I love it!

My favourite shop amongst the Cambridge charity shops is the Salvation Army shop in Mill Road but it wasn't open. The Romsey Hospice shop wasn't open either and the YMCA had disappeared, but we managed to get to 11 charity shops in total!

On Saturday i went to see my son and this is what I wore. The trousers were bought in the Sainsbury's sale at 50% off; the boots were a Christmas present from my daughter the Christmas before last. Everything else is charity shopped. The shirt is by F&F and was from the 1.00 rail at the Red Cross; the tunic was bought a couple of years ago; I haven't worn it very much really. It was 2.99 from Age UK in Ampthill.

On New Year's Eve I was baby sitting and saw the New Year in with OH, a glass of Canadian Club and ginger ale and 'Hootenanny' on the TV. The one thing I like to do each New Year's Eve is count up how many books I've read. I started recording what books I read in about 2006; I used to record them on a spread sheet; yes, I am anally retentive, I know. Now, I just record the books read on a list and they are part of this blog, too, but on a separate page. This year I managed to read 92!

This was New Year's Day outfit, The dress is from Primarni - bought with a Christmas gift voucher, Boots present from daughter. Tights, scarf and jewellery  (except earrings) all charity shopped.

It's not obvious in this photo but the tights are plaid.

Earrings a present from OH bought in Oxford market on a birthday trip to Oxford a few years ago. Necklace bought in Derry charity shop in the summer.

I took the youngest grandson swimming on Tuesday and got back into my walking routine on Wednesday with a 6.7 mile walk to St.Owen's Church in Bromham and back. It was flippin windy! I had errands to run in town when I got back and I couldn't do my usual shortcut through the flats near the bus station as the wind lifted my poncho off me and blew it away - and I nearly got blown over along with it! I went the longer way round in the end...

Everything charity shopped. The grey checked dress was bought in Cambridge last week for 4.99. I'll be able to wear it as a dress as well, with boots and tights or even sandals in the warmer weather. The grey cardigan was from the Red Cross shop for 1.99 as were the jeans.  The top underneath the dress was from the 99p rail in Barnardo's. Grey boots also charity shopped.

Yellow necklace present from OH last year. Yellow earrings, and bangles charity shopped.

Had a little rummage in Ampthill on Thursday. I only went to Barnardo's and bought a few things from the 99p rail; a red summer skirt by M&S, a purple patterned long sleeved top by Wallis, a sleeveless coral floral top by Betty Barclay and a brand new white cardigan with black spots by Tu. I also bought some coral and blue beads also for 99p and a few bits for the grandsons. On the way back I stopped at the Cat's Protection League - fast becoming one of my favourite shops; just think I didn't know of its existence until last year! I bought a most unusual, foreign label coat for 7.00 which on a tall person would be floor length, but on me there's at least a foot of excess material. I'm going ask my highly skilled needle woman friend, Ann, to shorten it for me and when she does I'll show it to you. It's blue with a zip but has a fitted shape, and the bottom half can be removed leaving just a very short jacket which I won't be doing as it sits on top of my fat tummy...

Ooops! Charlie's dead...(For Non UK readers that means in London parlance 'your slip or petticoat is showing')

Everything charity shopped except the boots - present from daughter December 2016. I'm wearing the 'Riot of colour' cardigan bought recently from the Bedford Guild House for 2.25. The green dress was from the Red Cross 1.99. I can't remember where I got the tights from but they were charity shopped and a few months later I found a second identical pair. They are very warm and cosy.

Necklace bought in Tralee, Co. Kerry charity shop last summer. All other jewellery also charity shopped.

Shirt and tunic charity shopped. Jeans; Lidl, boots present from daughter 2015.

Scarf charity shopped.

All jewellery charity shopped.

It was middle grandson's birthday last Friday - he's 13 - a teenager! I made him a chocolate birthday cake and on Saturday I took him out to spend his birthday money and to have dinner at the new steak restaurant in the new quarter in Bedford. I also spent a couple of sessions helping him to ride his bike. He hasn't ridden a bike since he was 5 and that one had stabilisers so he needed a lot of practice. He managed 13 laps of the car park on Saturday. On Sunday we went out for walk cum bike ride from Priory Country Park to the Danish camp in Willington; 5.7 miles. He can now truly ride his bike after that!

Dress by East; it has a full slip underneath; charity shopped but can't remember where, possibly 99p rail  in Barnardo's in Ampthill last year. Kimono by New Look; also charity shopped somewhere. OTK boots online retail.

All jewellery charity shopped.

Tuesday was back to the normal
volunteering routine. Food bank in the morning and the library in the afternoon. We were totally inundated with donations at the food bank; it will take days to clear it all.

Everything is charity shopped except the OTK boots online retail. Skirt; 1.99 Red Cross; sleeveless top Great Plains; Save the Children 3.99. Can't remember where I got the white lace top from but it was a charity shop somewhere. I don't like the green top on so it's been allocated to the charity shop bag....

All jewellery charity shopped. This was taken in the evening so I'm flushed and shiny...I don't think I'm shiny like this in reality but it's the reflection of the light and the flash from the camera. You can tell I don't do anything to my photos! What you see is what you get.

I walked again on Wednesday by myself as it was raining in the morning when the group usually walks. It was surprisingly mild after the very cold weather we've been having and very welcome, too. Not even a breeze. I did 6 miles.

On Thursday I went to St. Neots for a little rummage. It was damp, misty, chilly and very grey. I bought two brooches and 7 pairs of earrings in the charity shops but no clothes! I had to have an earring cull to accommodate the new pairs but that is something I do regularly. I've also managed to fill another black plastic bag with items for the charity shop.

I went for a monochrome look despite the grey weather.  I'll wear colour tomorrow if the grey weather continues. I bought the trousers from The Children's Society; they're by F & F and were 2.99. I've had the cardigan for quite a while also charity shopped as is the Next lace top, but I don't remember where I got it from.

The boots were donated by my daughter about 3 years ago and this is the last wear I'll get out of them as the sole has split on one. It wouldn't be worth re heeling and resoling them as it would cost more than they originally did. Things come to an end don't they? 

All jewellery charity shopped. The earrings were ones bought in St. Neots from Scope where I spent 3.50 on four pair of earrings.

My crochet blanket is going well; so far I've made 30 squares - only 70 to go! I'd better get cracking as eldest grandson is moving out in a couple of weeks and he'll want his blanket....


  1. Happy New Year! You are looking fab. What lovely outfits. I am very taken by your monochrome one, it looks a bit Mod, and by that lovely dress from East. I did like there but the one in Glasgow shut down. The orange necklace looks superb with it. Your tapestry cape is a thing of beauty. That was an amazing find and I bet that it is lovely and warm. Just the things for this grey, miserable weather. We would call it "dreich" back home. Do you know that I had never heard the saying about your petticoat showing before. It is great. I wonder how it came about? Best birthday wishes to your grandson and have a lovely week! Xx

    1. Thank you, Kelly! I knew the word 'dreich' and hasn't it been dreich lately? Although, I have seen several cherry trees in blossom already!

      I do like East clothes but OMG the prices...

  2. Happy New Year to you!
    I love seeing your posts because it is like flipping through the pages of a fashion glossy filled with my favourite clothes, accessories, and model. Your OH has excellent taste in necklaces. The purple/bluish one is magnificent.

    Happy birthday to your grandson. I have a teen now as well-ought to be interesting! There's so few opportunities for children to ride bikes now-Danny hasn't used his in years and I wonder if he can still ride either?
    I enjoyed those outfits so much, I'm going to have another look. I'm starting to think I need a cape ion my wardrobe ;)

    1. Goody, you are too kind! Thank you.

      Yes, teenagers - mine were horrible quite frankly but they've turned out alright. The middle grandson is very quiet and reserved so far although that may change! We're hoping he'll be able to ride his bike to school - on the pavement though, not on the road. Eldest grandson went to same school and rode his bike to school from the age of 9/10.

  3. Lovely outfits and stellar accessorizing as always, Veronica! I'm quite taken with your cape, but I've been burnt by capes like that in the past - I need to carry my bag cross-body, and I don't like how it looks so lumpy underneath, and capes don't work with a bag carried on top. *sigh* I shall just have to live vicariously through you! Happy New Year to you, my dear!

    I love that tray, very 60s-looking, isn't it?

    I'm so impressed by your 92 (!!) books this year. That's incredible. Well done!

    1. Thank you Sheila!

      Yes, I can see your dilemma re the cape; I expect it might make you look pregnant with a bag lumped underneath!

  4. I had to look up where the phrase "Charlie's dead" came from. This is what I found...
    "Female royalists after the English Civil War thought it would be a fitting tribute to their fallen king — Charles I had just been beheaded — to dip their petticoats in his blood. Somehow this was a widespread enough practice to generate its own slang."

    Right then!

    I adore that cute tray you picked up and your black and white outfit really caught my eye. All houndstooth? I love it.

    Happy New Year!


    1. Well, thank you, Suzanne, for your research. Sometimes I forget about Google... it is so interesting to think that the phrase has been around for so many hundreds of years!

  5. And a Happy New Year to you! Wow! You have such a great taste in jewellery - and a very good eye for colour. Love the outfits and think you're quite a role model. Cambridge sounds fun - must go there this year!

    1. Thank you, Penny!

      Cambridge is such an interesting city with incredible architecture. The charity shop hot spots are Mill Road and Burleigh St; both within easy walking distance of each other.

  6. A Happy New Year to you too! Your Welsh wool cape is fabulous, no wonder you were complimented on it. I live in hope of ever finding such a great piece! You've got the most wonderful collection of necklaces too. I'd heard the phrase Charlie's dead before and was intrigued as to where it came from. Reading Suzanne's comment, the explanation is rather gruesome, isn't it? I'm impressed by how many books you managed to read. Although I'm a voracious reader, I just can't seem to find the time lately, and it takes me ages to finish a book. Must definitely do something about that! xxx

    1. Thank you, Ann. I've been shopping regularly in charity shops since 1991 and this is the first time I've seen a Welsh wool cape! They are clearly not easy to come by but if I ever see another one I'll gladly pick it up for you.

      I found I was reading less because of the blogging and all that entails; that's why I only blog fortnightly now. I also always try and read in bed before I go to sleep even if I've been reading in the day!

  7. Happy New Year to you too!
    Lovely outfits, as usual, I like your welsh cape, and all the fabulous layering you've worn, brilliant!
    I do love those bolero jackets over dresses and tunics, you rock in them!!. And that checked grey dress looks lovely and that last monochrome outfit is really cool!, I love how your accessorizing enhances every outfit!

    1. Thank you, Monica! I think I have found my 'fashion/style equation' which is to wear three items together e.g. trousers/tunic/cardigan or skirt/top/jacket, plus accessories of course!

  8. Happy New Year!
    What amazing outfits & finds in the chazzas.
    Those chunky statement necklaces are fab!

  9. Happy New Year Vronni.
    You look wonderful in your Welsh tapestry cape, really, it suits you so well and I bet it's v. toasty, seriously that had to be the bargain of the year? Also loving that statement necklace with your b/w outfit.
    I'm ashamed to say I didn't do much reading at all last year. On holiday I was crocheting like a demon to get my blanket finished so I could leave it at the van and recently I've been watching too many French dramas on my tablet in bed. Currently catching up with Spiral/Engrenages.
    I wouldn't mind a slice of grandson's birthday cake...looks delicious. Hope the crochet is coming along. xxx

    1. Holidays? Crocheting? Watching French dramas? No wonder you haven't had time to read! Spiral is absolutely brilliant; I look forward to Saturday evenings.

      The crochet is coming along; I'm now on the yellow and black squares so only have grey squares x 20 and more red squares x 20 to do....

  10. Happy new year and what a start you have got off too with all these amazing outfits!
    The Welsh Tapestry cape looks fabulous on you.

  11. Some lovely outfits again. I saw your comment about the Bardot top on the Pouting Pensioner's blog, you will have to look for one in a charity shop!!.

    1. Thank you, Polly! I wish I could find a Bardot top in the chazzas....

  12. So many lovely outfits once again Vronni, but my faves have to be the black tunic with the uneven hem, the riot of colours cardi and surprisingly enough the monochrome ensemble which looks super smart, oh and I do love the yellow necklace too! You lead such a busy life and yet you managed to read over 900 books last year - oh you do put me to shame!

    Have a great week,
    Anna x

    1. Thank you, Anna! You typed 900 books (above) which would take me approx 9 years to read! One of the reasons I decided to blog less was to be able to read more because blogging takes up a lot of time...

  13. Very nice post.really I apperciate your blog.Thanks for sharing.keep sharing more blogs.


  14. Oops, I missed this post! I hope your new year is going well - though the weather hasn't improved any. Like you I prefer having my music on CD; I'm never convinced the big companies won't end up taking the digital sort away again. (I'm the same with books.)

    You are inspiring my holiday shopping - I laid all my clothes out and decided one particular shirt needs a particular sort of necklace, and I thought, "Ronni would get one from a charity shop; that's the thing to do!"


Goodbye for now

  Hello again! Almost a week late, I know, but this will be my final post before we go to Ireland for the whole of September and I'll ha...