Tuesday 13 June 2017

Normal system resumes...

I'm always very pleased to be able to earn a little extra money but I'm also so grateful to return to my lovely 'retired' life.  Because of being a poll clerk at the general election I had to do the food shopping on Friday instead of last Thursday. There were several errands to run in town and of course there was the school run. I still found time to visit the 3:16 charity shop though, and picked up this little lacy cardigan in the 1.00 basket. The last time I had a rummage in the 1.00 box here I found a Ted Baker skirt and top for my daughter!

Everything is charity shopped except the shoes - local retail outlet.  The patterned tunic is from Debenhams and is a stalwart of my summer wardrobe since I bought it about four years ago.
Photos courtesy of youngest grandson.
I  recently bought the blue necklace in the Red Cross shop and the white jeans. I've had the earrings for many years; the silver and turquoise cuff was bought for 2.50 in the RSPCA shop in Bedford.

In the 3:16 shop I also bought 3 colourful (pink, blue and yellow) painted bangles for 50p each and a nice Marcasite brooch for 1.00. I wore it on this jacket when I was running my errands but it was too warm on Friday really for a jacket.

Saturday was a lovely day with a clear blue sky, very warm and a good breeze. I had a leisurely stroll around town to do more errands and spent the afternoon in the garden reading and sewing the ends of the blanket in.

All jewellery charity shopped. I'm wearing two of the bangles I bought on Friday.

Everything charity shopped. The tunic is by H&M and was a 1.00 rail bargain somewhere; the white lace top the same and I can't remember where I bought the harem pants from but it was a charity shop. I have a similar pair I bought from Bedford market years ago for £5.00 but with a different pattern and set of colours.

The  gold sequinned shoes were brand new and picked up at Barnardo's in Great Denham for 99p!

I spent the rest of the afternoon at my best friend Ann's house. We hadn't seen each other since the 60th birthday party in March and it was good to catch up. We're going to have a day out together next Thursday. Ann is a carer for her husband who had a stroke 18 months ago and it will be a good break for her.

I had just washed my hair and it wasn't quite dry. When it is dry I use Argan oil on it which gives it a shine...

On Sunday I went out early for a walk and walked 7 miles. I came back and did the usual Sunday housework and cooked Sunday dinner.

Necklace present from OH; earrings, Bedford market and all other jewellery charity shopped.

Everything is charity shopped. The top was from a 1.00 rail at the Red Cross; the grey embroidered skirt from Barnardo's in Ampthill - it's by The White Stuff and was 2.99; the gold slip on shoes were 99p at Barnardo's in Great Denham.

On Monday I volunteered at the Red Cross. I rescued a Monsoon pleated skirt from the rag bag...

On Tuesday I was at the Guild House in the morning and did an extra shift in the afternoon at the Red Cross. I'm going to be in Ireland for two months so felt I should offer to do extra to make up for my long absence...

I was on my feet from ten in the morning until nearly five so I was in need of a good sit down when I got home! I wore my floral trousers bought from Age UK in Stevenage; blue t shirt charity shopped somewhere a few years ago; cardigan from La Redoute sale about six years ago. It was the very first thing I ever bought at La Redoute.
I must have been looking at a bird...

Pink Mary Jane's charity shopped.


  1. That lacy cardigan was a great find. I love rummaging the € 1 bins here, and I'm always amazed at what can be found. I love that patterned tunic too, no wonder it's a stalwart of your summer wardrobe. I'm also loving that yellow flower necklace, which is very summery. I might make use of your argan oil tip for my hair, which is often in need of some shine. No wonder you needed a sit down after being on your feet all day. It's different from walking, isn't it, and I'm very bad at it. I'll be in Wales end of this week, so have a great time in Ireland. Two months, eh! xxx

    1. I expect you are on the way to Wales now - hope the wonderful summer weather we have been having lasts for your holiday!


  2. I've been curious about argan oil but hesitant to try it as it derives from a nut. I know it would be out of the question for Danny but my nut allergy is limited only to cashews and pistachios. I see so many people with beautiful hair like yours and argan oil turns out to be the magic ingredient. Maybe I'll pop a couple antihistamines and give it a go :)

    Oooh, that blue necklace is spectacular. I just love the way you work layers without looking bundled-up. I can't do it, but you have a real talent for it.

    Your plants are looking good-you have such nice pots for them.

    1. Thank you, Goody.

      Yes, I highly recommend Argan oil. My hairdresser introduced me to it about five years ago and ever since I stopped dyeing my hair (December 2014) I've used it.

  3. Oooh...you daughter is one lucky gal! I'm very jealous of a Ted Baker find...and not one but two!


  4. I use argan oil conditioner on my hair and it's so nice! Very silky.

    Love all your bargains! Wow, stuff is rarely that cheap here (Canadian $ are about double your prices).

    Take care of yourself, Veronica - sounds like a very busy schedule before your trip! I'm looking forward to pictures of Ireland!

    1. Yes, we are pretty spoilt here for reasonably priced charity shops. When we do find an expensive one we can't stop tutting and saying in shocked voices - 'have you seen the cost of this'?

  5. Two months?! How wonderful!
    I can't resist a rummage in a bargain bin (or even a bin!) Love the print of your first top and that lovely yellow necklace. Those flares are super funky, too!
    What a gorgeous day you've had for your walking today. It's been lovely here. The gin and tonic is calling! xxx

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. A whole week of fabulous weather - in June! Although they do call it 'flaming June' - it's certainly lived up to its name this week.

      The walking is a bit of a dilemma in this heat. The choices are get up really early - before 7 am is preferable and go walking; or wait until the evening when it has cooled down a bit. Not always possible given my commitments...


  6. Two months at your van, what bliss. The longest I'll manage this year is three weeks.
    Fancy cooking a Sunday dinner after a seven mile hike...I'd have collapsed on the sofa and dialled out for a takeaway! Loving the marcasite brooch, yellow H&M tunic and statement necklace in your last photo. What great weather we're having for walking. Xx

    1. I know how lucky I am, Fi. I had to go for it as it makes the cost of the site fees uneconomical if we don't use the van more. The T&C's don't allow it to be let out; though I don't think I'd let it out anyway other than to friends and family.


  7. Two months at your van, what bliss. The longest I'll manage this year is three weeks.
    Fancy cooking a Sunday dinner after a seven mile hike...I'd have collapsed on the sofa and dialled out for a takeaway! Loving the marcasite brooch, yellow H&M tunic and statement necklace in your last photo. What great weather we're having for walking. Xx

  8. lovely outfits, comfy and elegant! and you know I always love all your bracelets and necklaces, and your cute shoes too, those golden slip-ons look really fab and so versatile!
    I'm admiring your purchases!
    Love particularly your mauve and floral last outfit, such a great color combo! Gorgeous!
    Wish you a nice holiday!

  9. Gorgeous colours and combos, as always, Vronni. I particularly like the yellow top and skirt, so pretty, as are you! Two months in Ireland sounds perfect but how does a busy lady like you manage to unwind for two whole months, away from all your voluntary work?!

    1. That's easy, Mary, I keep busy!

      I walk, visit family, family visit me; I read, crochet, go sightseeing and charity shopping and before I know it it's time to come back....

  10. What absolutely lovely outfits. I love the lace top and white jeans and that pink necklace from the Guildhall. The yellow necklace from the OH is gorgeous. He has good taste. Hasn't the weather been ridiculously hot? I don't know how you manage to walk so far in this heat. I am melting. Very best to you & yours. Xx

  11. Two months in Ireland sounds perfect but how does a busy lady like you manage to unwind for two whole months, away from all your voluntary work?!



Goodbye for now

  Hello again! Almost a week late, I know, but this will be my final post before we go to Ireland for the whole of September and I'll ha...