Tuesday 9 May 2017

Green gloves and a blogger meet up!

I'll get to the green gloves in a bit...

On Wednesday I led a Ramblers walk of 7 miles. It was a chilly, overcast day and we were cold at the start but soon warmed up. Everyone enjoyed the walk including me! It was the same walk that I did the first time I ever led a walk back in May 2016, but I reversed it and added on a short bit to the end. I've now led 3 walks for the Ramblers and want to find a new walk to lead for the Autumn programme.

Trousers are from the Tesco outlet shop, boots present from daughter this Christmas. Every thing else is charity shopped.

I went for a rummage on Thursday afternoon after the food shopping. I went to the Kempston charity shops as I hadn't been for a while. I got quite a few summer items for the grandsons and for myself some green earrings 75p; a white top 1.00; and finally an animal print blouse in brown; 2.49 in the Keech Hospice shop. A yellow  scoop neck top for 2.99 in the Cat's Protection League and last but not least, a turquoise bracelet and ring; 1.00 each from the Day Hospice shop. I didn't bother going to the Barnardo's shop as I was chazza'ed out by then.

I wonder if any of you know what this tree is? I saw it whilst collecting the youngest grandson from school - it's just around the corner and I thought it was so striking. Please let me know what it is as I haven't a clue!

I bought this necklace in a charity shop in Derry for 2.50. Top and shirt also charity shopped.

On Friday, I went walking by myself and it was a brilliant walk. The weather was pleasant; bright but windy. I saw my first swallows of the year and you know what that means don't you? It means summer's here! At last. Thank the Lord and pass the gravy. I'm sick of overcast skies and wind and cold...

Jeans from the 1.00 rail at Barnardo's Great Denham bought on a rummage with Linda; man's shirt £1.00 box Keech; cardigan 1.99 Red Cross shop. Boots; DDB.

All jewellery charity shopped.

Top by Wallis; charity shopped, Country Casuals jacket; charity shopped. Trousers; La Redoute sale and black brogues; Tesco outlet.

It was no longer summer on Saturday, in fact it was overcast and cold again.  But despite the weather I went to Rushden for a blogger meet up. It's the first one for me and it was with the very lovely Kelly of the Mother of Reinvention blog HERE.  Kelly's blog states she is a:

Plus-Sized Sewing Scientist with a Love of Corsets, Kittens & Cake! Vintage Seamstress, Novice Knitter and All-Round Crafty Type.

 It was a pleasure to meet Kelly.  She had moved to Rushden five weeks previously for a new job and luckily really likes her new town and neighbourhood. It was so nice to meet another blogger and I felt I had known Kelly for ages already through reading her blog

We started with a cup of tea and a chat and then went rummaging! We had a fab time and started by visiting the most excellent Salvation Army charity shop where Kelly's friend, Bill, joined us. Kelly found some lovely material - she loves to sew. She also found some great square plates with matching bowls, some cookie cutters and a cute pottery butter dish. I found some earrings for 50p, a lace skirt for 3.50, some wool for 50p and a boring, but useful, tupperware dish; also 50p. We went on to visit 4 other charity shops where I bought a large cake tin and that was it. Then in true blogger fashion we all decamped to Wetherspoons for a drink and some lunch!

Kelly and I plan to meet up again and next time we'll go to Kettering or Northampton - both good places for charity shopping.

I bought these beads at the Red Cross shop last Monday. Earrings from Sainsbury's; bangles and ring charity shopped.

On Sunday OH and I went to a car boot sale at Lidlington. We got there at about 11 am; we don't like early starts... I bought a lovely handmade vintage coat for £2.00 which I am so delighted with. I still have to steam it and then I'll post a photo.

We're off to a reunion of OH's ex battalion at the weekend - Barnsley here we come! I don't know Yorkshire very well at all so I'm curious to see what Barnsley and its environs look like. We might squeeze in a quick rummage. Anyway, I may wear the coat with a knee length dress; I'm still thinking about it.

Monday was volunteering at the Red Cross. By the time this photo was taken at about 8.30 in the evening my linen trousers were baggy at the knee and very creased - I'd just been on my hands and knees washing the kitchen floor!

Everything charity shopped except the shoes which are from a local shoe outlet called PJ shoes in Kempston.

Of course I couldn't leave the Red Cross without buying something...
I bought some books; some elbow length emerald green gloves; some brand new grey Mary Jane's with a little heel and a top. I don't know where on earth I might wear the green gloves but an occasion might present itself - who knows? It's always as well to be prepared!

Aren't they fabulous?

I went completely mad on Friday and swapped my winter wardrobe to my summer wardrobe; I'm now thinking I was a bit premature. It was cold on Saturday when I met up with Kelly - I was cold the whole day. Then Sunday was very pleasant but Monday was cold, grey and windy. Luckily, I only pack away the thickest of cardigans so I still have a few warm  ones in the wardrobe. Just as well as one was needed on Monday.

Tuesday was a warmer day but still cloudy and grey. I had a busy day running errands here, there and everywhere. My blanket is about half way done:

I want to have it finished by the time I next go to Ireland so I can start a new one whilst I'm there.

I went to town today without a jacket or coat and was warm in this outfit. Everything is charity shopped. Skirt is by Phase Eight; top by M&S, sea green cardigan; Per Una at M&S. Mary Jane's charity shopped in Ely almost a year ago.

All jewellery charity shopped. The ring was bought on my rummage in Kempston last Thursday and the necklace is from the Red Cross shop last Monday. Earrings are from Sainsbury's and have to be at least 7 or 8 years old...

I still haven't got round to steaming the coat but here it is:

This is the button detail on the sleeve. I love it. I think I might wear it on Saturday evening to the reunion - what do you think?


  1. Thank the lord and pass the gravy! Ha ha, haven't heard that one before. Pleased to hear you enjoyed your bloggers meet up and nabbed yourself a few bargains in the process.
    I haven't swapped my winter wardrobe over yet, even in France there was a cold wind. Your blanket's looking great, I'm just about to start one for the van, I was a bit cold at night. I cleaned the van with household stuff too, the Aldi cleaner was for metal tourers I think and didn't cut the mustard. I love your outfits Veronica, you are always so well groomed and I especially like your gold ensemble. I wish I'd seen that blue ring first! Yes wear the coat! xxx

    1. Thank you, Fiona!

      Surely you've changed over now with today's beautiful weather?


  2. How cool to meet up with a fellow blogger, and even better that she was just like her blogging! So much fun! I adore your wonderful green gloves, and that black coat is just gorgeous! I have no idea what that tree is, but it reminds me a bit of "California lavender". I don't think it is, but just makes me think of it. It's lovely.

    1. Thank you, Sheila and yes the meet up was such fun!

  3. Arrrg, Blogger ate my comment!

    Shorter version:
    I love those scarf-print trousers in the top photo, and the necklaces you've shown us this week are beautiful. The blogger meet-up sounds like fun and I'm quite envious as no one lives near me.

    Those gloves would go nicely with your beautiful new coat. I have no idea what the tree is, but it certainly is beautiful.

    1. Thank you, Goody.

      It was just lucky that Kelly moved to the South east as she was originally way up north in Scotland!

  4. Hurrah for your first bloggers meet up! So we've both got our first one under our belts now. I totally love that gold jacket, in fact the entire gold and mustard outfit looks gorgeous Veronica.

    The green gloves are totally fantastic and surely worth having because one never knows...

    Anna x

    1. The thing is, Anna I'd have to be pretty brave to wear the green gloves as I have very 'jiggley' arms...


  5. Aren't blogger meet-ups fun?

    I must say I love your gold blazer, yellow pants and floral top. What a fab outfit!

    The killer are those long green gloves though!!! WOW!!! You simply must put together an outfit with them and then go out to high tea somewhere.


    1. They remind me of Audrey Hepburn, for some reason, Suzanne!

  6. I will start with the green gloves: they are beyond fabulous. They really deserve a special outing! The coat is fabulous too, and I'd love to see you wearing the steamed version ... Yes, definitely, you should wear it next weekend, unless the weather suddenly decides it's in a summer mood! My favourite outfit is the one you wore for meeting up with Kelly. I'm in love with those wonderful beads. You do seem to find the most wonderful necklaces, Veronica. Isn't it fun looking like a million dollars in charity shopped outfits? xxx

  7. The Tesco trousers are a bit wonderful aren't they? Can not believe they're supermarket!
    I really need a charity shopping trip. Tricky to fit in between work and parenting. Some new shops have opened in a nearby high street and I need to check them out (reasonably affluent area + shops that don't overcharge on policy = whole family re wardrobed in cut price brands, vintage and so forth!).

    1. Yes, go for it Perdita!

      We have a Tesco clothes outlet attached to our largest branch which has some good bargains; I think the trousers were only £5.00.

  8. The gloves and coat are absolutely wonderful. What great finds. Please do wear that coat to your reunion and take loads of photos!
    I'm glad to hear that you and Kelly met up and did all the traditional blogger things, charity shopping and boozing in 'Spoons! I'm dying to meet the pair of you, I hope we can before too long!
    Hasn't the weather been awful? When the sun's out it's too windy to do anything and the rest of the time it's been so grey and cold and depressing.
    You've certainly dressed well this week. Love the yellow ensemble and the blue Red Cross necklace!
    Have a fabulous weekend! xxx

    1. Thank you, Vix - it would be great to meet up. Perhaps we could have a big blogger meet up/convention somewhere really central like Leicester??

      The weather has truly been shite but today has been wonderful!


  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. I Have got all my summer skirts out, and have taken them to dry cleaners to be shortened, have to fetch them today now I'm a bit worried I'v gone too short for a 5!2" 70year old !! You are looking good in all your outfits.

    1. Thank you, Polly. i'm sure your skirts will be fine but if they are too short you could wear leggings or footless tights underneath...

    2. OK as long as its not too hot.!!!!

  11. Oh, this weather flip-flopping is terrible on our closets. Congrats on leading another successful walk with your group. How satisfying! Your gold jacket outfit really grabs the eye, probably it's the sparkle, and your vintage coat, do wear it! It's stunning. Blogger meetups are the best and I'm glad your first one went so well. Have a great week.

    1. Thank you, Mel.

      That is a perfect description - flip flopping weather! Today was lovely but I don't believe it will last,,,

  12. Heh, perhaps you should tell OH he needs to take you somewhere swanky so the gloves can get an outing. They are a fabulous colour.

    That coat definitely deserves to be shown off, it's a great find.

  13. Hasn't the weather been mad? It got so cold at the weekend and we had frost again this week.
    I join everyone above in the glove love, they are fabulous. Still love your gold jacket.

    1. Thank you, Gisela. I still love the gold jacket, too!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Hi Veronica, So sorry that it has taken me this long to comment. I just have to say how lovely it was to finally meet you in person. You are just as stylish and gorgeous as your blog photos and I had the best fun. It really did feel like I had known you for years. I am really looking forward to the next time.
    Those gloves are an absolutely glorious, glamorous green. I second that you need the OH to take you somewhere swish. I love the coat and hope that you took it for an outing. Hope that the reunion was fun. Xx

    1. Oh, thank you Kelly!

      The reunion was fun but I haven't taken the coat out yet and the green gloves are begging to go out somewhere but I don't know where yet...


  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Is it tamarisk? There's a lot of them in gardens around here and they always catch my eye - but I'm not very good on names, so don't take my word for it! I do admire your optimism that you'll find an occasion to wear those fabulous gloves! My social life simply isn't that glam! They are gorgeous.

    1. Mary, I believe you are right! It is a tamarisk tree; thank you! I've since seen several more - they are very striking and tropical looking. I may be confusing them with tamarind trees but I'd associate it with much warmer climes than ours...

      I am an optimist Mary; I'll find somewhere to wear those gloves too even if it's shopping in Lidl!

  18. I'd commented previously but I must have pressed the wrong button, no changes there then!
    I'd wanted to say that these are such lovely outfits and beautiful colour mixes. I particularly like the green and floral mix.
    Now, your headscarf. a look I love as it frames your pretty face a treat. When I have tried this it's always ridden up my head - do you anchor yours with grips? And do you use a special knot? So intrigued to know because you rock this look!

  19. Im pretty sure the tree is a wisteria tree, Sorry this is soo late but I just read this post as Im going through some of your older posts for inspiration. I love your style and your mixing. Lee Anne Sydney Ausralia


Goodbye for now

  Hello again! Almost a week late, I know, but this will be my final post before we go to Ireland for the whole of September and I'll ha...