Monday 22 May 2017

A yellow jacket and some strange weather

Jewellery charity shopped
I had a busy week last week. I volunteered on Monday as usual and on Tuesday I was at the Guild House. They had had a pamper evening previously and raised a good amount of money; some of which was from goods from the charity shop, but what a mess was left behind...

I left  the Guild House with three items; I had sworn I wasn't going to buy anymore stuff with my holidays not far off, but I can't resist a bargain. I bought a lovely bright yellow jacket (above); a summer dressing gown which I'll take and leave at the caravan and a pair of summer trousers. That's it now; I need to tighten my purse strings...

Wednesday's outfit

All the jewellery is charity shopped except watch; Christmas present, and earrings; present from OH bought on a trip to Oxford.

Everything charity shopped except slip on shoes - Primarni. 

 I was invigilating all day on Wednesday in the large gym of the university where I used to work. Two two hour exams and you have be there 30 minutes before the exam start time to get the room ready. There's a lot walking involved in invigilating; you spend most of the time on your feet. Patrolling  the aisles to make sure there's no funny business going on; fetching more exam scripts for those who write a lot (!), escorting students to the loo. I probably clock up miles but as I have to turn my phone off I'll never know how many... It rained heavily for most of the day and by the afternoon the roof of the gym began to leak - luckily not on any students' heads!

I stayed at the campus for lunch and met a few of my ex colleagues which was nice. I invigilated again on Thursday morning and I'm doing two days next week as well.

Friday's outfit

On Friday I did the school run, went to the hairdressers, and organised a cake for OH's birthday which was also on Friday. We went out in the evening with two of my three brothers (Julian is on tour at the moment) to Corby to a Portuguese restaurant to celebrate. We had a really enjoyable evening.

Everything is charity shopped but I can't remember where...I think the kimono is from the Red Cross; the trousers are from F&F and the white top is by Next; all in their second summer of wear. The weather was wet and dull on Friday all day. Where the heck has the summer gone?

All jewellery charity shopped and the boots are daughter donated. As it got chillier toward the evening on Friday I took these thin cotton trousers off and replaced them with jeans - and socks!

On Saturday I went to see my son. Luckily the weather had improved and the drive there was great but coming back we had torrential rain and hailstones!

Everything is charity shopped; the yellow jacket is from M&S and I got it at the Guild House last Tuesday. Jeans; can't remember and the spotted top was charity shopped last summer, but again I can't remember where...

White lace slip-ons; Primarni. All jewellery charity shopped.

I forgot to say in my last post that I received an email from someone at T.M. Lewin (who are a firm of shirt makers). They had seen that I'd acknowledged wearing their shirt on one of my blog posts and wanted to know if I would add a link to their company. I declined on the grounds this is my personal blog and I'm not giving anyone free advertising! They also mentioned something about wedding dresses; oh dear, they certainly asked the wrong person!

On Monday it was back to  volunteer at the Red Cross. I was so proud of myself - I left with one headscarf priced £1.50.! What a beautiful day it turned out to be. Hot and sunny. The first truly hot sunny day I've experienced this year.

Everything charity shopped except the red shoes - PJ Shoes in Kemspton.

Kimono from New Look and jeans are from Monsoon; both 1.99 at the Red Cross last year. The jeans are a purpley blue and they match the purple flower in the kimono perfectly. The floral top underneath the kimono is from a charity shop in Donegal and cost 50 cents.

All jewellery charity shopped.

I believe the rest of this week is going to be very pleasant so I'm planning to walk every day for the next few days, as I didn't get any walking done last week. I always miss walking when I don't do it for a while.

I know it is definitely summer now because the swifts have arrived; screaming high up in the sky over the street where I live. To me that is the sound of summer.


  1. I do like you in yellow, it really looks good on you.
    Lots of fab outfits, again. Those mahoosive beads in the last outfit are fabulous.
    The weather has been very strange. It's warmed up a bit today but hardly what could be described as hot. It better improve for a week on Thursday, I hate camping when i have to sleep in all my clothes.
    I had a similar email from a well known high street chain asking me to post a link to their website as I wearing something of theirs. My reply was similar to yours. Cheeky sods. xxxx

    1. They are cheeky indeed! I hope it's warmed up in Walsall by now!


  2. Invigilating is called, "Proctoring" here-another case of speaking the same language, and not.

    You look so great in yellow, it would have been a crime passing on that jacket. I really like your fringed kimono, and those lovely red jeans. Your hair is looking beautiful-someday you must tell us what you use to keep it so sparkling looking.

    Have a great week.

    1. Thanks you, Goody

      'Proctoring' sounds a bit medical to me. But it's good to know - everyday's a school day!

      Re my hair - I always use a few drop of Argan oil rubbed into my hands and then onto my hair. Our local cheap toiletry shops and Poundland sell it for 1.00 a small bottle. I've also bought it from the internet in slightly larger and slightly more expensive bottles.

  3. Good for you, for helping invigilate - keep those kids honest! I love the yellow jacket, the fringed kimono. All great looks. I get all kinds of "include our links" contacts. Screw 'em all.

  4. Happy birthday to your OH! And good on you for declining to link to tht company. I'd definitely do the same. Love your first outfit, especially the kimono, and the yellow jacket is a fab find. We've been having some strange weather too, but it's been summer for the last couple of days. We should get in some walking too, as we are out of practice, and the Pembrokeshire coast path is beckoning ... xxx

    1. I'm getting very excited for you; I do hope the lovely weather we have been having lasts until your holiday. xx

  5. While I remember I just wanted to say that I totally loved those blue plazzo pants from last week - right up my street! And as for this week, well the star of the show has to be that mustard coloured jacket. Good ol' M&S - it looks great quality.

    Our weather is all over the place currently. Today we had fog meaning no flights in or out of the islands. Hey ho, such are the joys of island life eh?

    Have a lovely week x

    1. Yes, it's funny about M & S clothes. I rarely see anything in their shops I like; yet as soon as I pick up something I like in a charity shop, 7 times out of 10 it's by M&S - only a lot cheaper...

  6. Yay...summer has arrived in Sussex, today anyway, what it'll be like tomorrow is anyone's guess. I suppose I'd better unpack my summer wardrobe at long last? Love your kimono top and yellow jacket. What a bloody cheek TM Lewin have, they can afford to advertise themselves, good for you, I'd have told them the same. Hope you get lots of walking in this week. xxx

  7. I love that bright yellow jacket! Lately I've been seeing so much sunny yellow and it is so pretty.

    I totally agree you should not advertise for free. I mean do they let you shop their store for free? Ridiculous.


    1. Thank you Suzanne!

      I used to hate yellow - can you believe it?


  8. Looking gorgeous as always, Vronni. I love the yellow and how you styled it. The colour really suits you. What a busy week you've had. Hope you have been enjoying today's fantastic weather!

    1. Thank you!

      My weeks are nearly always busy. I don't know how I found the time to work!

  9. so fabulous yellow jacket, I love it with the polka dot top and some beads. I think you look gorgeous!. I'm also in love with your kimonos, all of them are amazing!
    We're having the most strange weather here too, so it looks like summer even if we're still in May! 30ºC!!

    1. Thank you Monica!

      This strange weather is very unsettling...


  10. Hello Veronica, I saw you over on Mary's blog and had to pop over and see your posts. I have to say I love these looks on you but the yellow jacket look with white jeggings is my favourite of them all. The yellow so suits you. I can't help but raid good old British Heart foundation. I take a bag in and always come out with a bargain.

    1. Thank you, Anna.

      I just love the charity shops and can't resist a peek - which leads to me spotting a bargain which means I buy it which means I have too many clothes!

      I shall visit your blog soon.

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Goodbye for now

  Hello again! Almost a week late, I know, but this will be my final post before we go to Ireland for the whole of September and I'll ha...