Sunday 19 February 2017

Half term and some more pattern!

I managed to get out for a walk on Sunday, but I just did road and street walking - 6 miles. It was bitterly cold and very damp.

I was in a monochrome mood on Sunday - I'm sure it's the weather. Everything is charity shopped except the brogues which were bought from a Tesco outlet store about 2 years ago, and the black jeans from Lidl. I had to put a cardigan over the tunic for extra warmth. This short sleeved M&S cardigan has proved very useful. It reminds me that I saw a navy blue short, short sleeved cardigan on Saturday, in Cancer Research for £1.00 and I didn't buy it! What on earth was I thinking?

All jewellery charity shopped, too.

It was half term this week. I do enjoy the break from the school run. I still went into the Red Cross on Monday. I picked up a blue homemade waistcoat from the Ragbag and will probably wear that on Friday when I go to see my son. It was a really cold day but it was bright and sunny; my spirits were immediately lifted by the sunshine. Unfortunately, I still had the lurgy.

 This is the tunic I bought on Saturday - it's by Influence and it's made of knitted material, so it's warm. Jeans; Next, also charity  shopped  on Saturday. Boots: DDB.

I added the trusty short sleeved cardi for added warmth.

Earrings, Bedford market; turquoise ring, Sainsbury's; all other jewellery, charity shopped.

I didn't go to the food bank on Tuesday; I didn't think it was fair to spread my germs to everyone. It was okay yesterday in the Red Cross as I was the only person at the back of the shop.

I went for a 6.6 mile walk on Tuesday instead. I retraced the walk I led last Wednesday but in reverse. It turned out to be a lovely day and the wild life and birds were abundant. I disturbed a Muntjac deer drinking at a stream. I also disturbed a buzzard and 4 pheasants; all of whom flew off in a panic making very annoyed noises. I saw a sparrowhawk;  dunnocks, meadow pipits, blackbirds, chaffinches, blue tits, wood pigeons, a wren and several gulls, rooks and crows in a field - splashing about in the huge puddles left by all the rain we've had.

Look what my Valentine bought me! I'm so lucky to have such a good man...

On Wednesday I felt really rough and decided to chill out. I only went out to pick up the grandchildren both of whom were staying on Wednesday night.

Everything is charity shopped. The skirt is from M and Co; boots from Tesco; jacket from Next. It's a bit like my Country Casuals mustard jacket - it goes with lots of things. I used to wear it a lot when I was teaching; I've had it about 7 or 8 years.

This necklace was bought on Saturday in Age UK Northampton,  for £1.99. Earrings from Sainsbury's and bangles, watch and ring charity shopped.

I went to see my son on Friday. Everything charity shopped except boots and earrings - both from Sainsbury's.

The black maxi dress is by Item, which is a part of Tesco's; I think. I can't remember where I bought this dress. The long jacket is by Primarni and I bought it in the Barnardo's in Great Denham for £1.99. I love the colours. I have lightweight green trousers and a similar coloured green top that will look fab with this jacket when the weather gets warmer!.

My necklace, rings and bangles are all charity shopped.

I've been playing a lot of Monopoly with the grandsons this half term. They have both beaten me. The youngest grandson gets really excited with all the money  - even if if he has to give me rent and I give him change! We are playing the adult version so the idea of millions is quite intoxicating...

It was my eldest brother's birthday on Monday; he's 13 months older than me but we only met him in 2013! I will write a post about how he found us - we didn't know of his existence until February 2013. So, my three brothers, my OH and I went out to celebrate Julian's birthday on Saturday.

Only my jacket and jewellery is charity shopped. The jacket, which is a favourite of mine, was bought on the £1.00 rail in Wellingborough Age UK.

The white top was bought in the La Redoute sale in 2015 and the trousers were bought this year in the sale. I nearly always buy something in the La Redoute sale. I also bought a coat  in the same sale this year - see below. The boots were DDB.

We had a lovely Thai meal, caught up with each other's news and had lots of laughs - all in all a really good night. My birthday is next and I've proposed we go to London for the day. Julian lives in London and always travels to us for birthday celebrations so it would make a change for him and us.

I'll keep you posted!


  1. Love your recent necklace purchase... so striking, and glad to hear that you are feeling better and received goodies on Valentine's Day. Wow, can't wait to hear about how your brother was discovered, I am fascinated by those programmes on families, Who Do You Think You Are & Long Lost Family etc.
    Impressed as ever with your walking. I did about 4 miles yesterday but stopped en route for a gut buster full English. Not really the idea! xx

    1. Thank you, Fiona.

      Any walking is good Fiona; you deserved the breakfast!
      I'm working on the brother post now...

  2. I love your turquoise jewelry and the new redoute top.Looking good Vronni!I would love to walk around England....a deep ancestral call!

    1. Thank you, Jennifer.

      Although I've lived in Bedford for 36 years I've only really discovered it properly since I've been walking: which is the past three years!

  3. I really like your blog. Beautiful styling.

  4. Loving the M&Co skirt, the Primarni top and the Influence tunic.
    You were brave for going out walking last Sunday, we were trading in London and it was bloomin' freezing - even inside the hall.
    You were spoilt on Valentine's've got a good 'un there! xxx

    1. Thank you, Vix!

      That must be a downside to your trading activities - cold or too hot venues.

      I hope you got spoilt on Valentine's Day.

  5. Oh no, the lurgy is still lingering? It sounds like a nasty lingerer.

    I love your turquoise necklace and bangle - it's so bold, but works so well against the strong pattern of your top.

    I am intrigued by the tale of your brother. It's lucky you all found each other.

  6. Can't wait for the story of how your brother found you!

    1. Thank you, Jan!

      Hope to post about my brother in the next couple of days.

  7. That sounds like an interesting story! Looking forward to it.

    Love that long floral coat - you always pick really interesting pieces with lots of good detail. Love that orange-tones skirt as well. Happy week to you, my dear!

  8. I really like the floral tunic Vronni and how you styled it too. The jacket and orange patterned skirt looks great on you and I can understand why you've had that jacket for so long. It's a perfect fit and looks like it will go with lots of separates.
    We're all sitting here now with bated breath waiting to hear about your family reunion after all of those years - do tell!
    Have a lovely week x

  9. I love seeing all your outfits, you are so good at putting things together. The Primani jacket is an absolute winner.

  10. What lovely outfits. I love your flowery tunic and that turquoise necklace is stunning. You have great tastes in jackets, especially the Primaini one and the one from La Redoute. I love the colours in the Primani one and that green necklace looks amazing with it. Hubby looks like a keeper. :D Sorry to hear that you have had a large. Everywhere is decimated by it up here at the moment. Cold weather is not helping. Hope Spring comes soon. Xx


Goodbye for now

  Hello again! Almost a week late, I know, but this will be my final post before we go to Ireland for the whole of September and I'll ha...