Friday 13 January 2017

A week of spots, stripes and checks...

This could probably be called Day 6 of the pattern challenge! I wore this on Saturday.

Everything is charity shopped except the floral boots which were bought on line and the earrings; bought by OH in an Oxford street market.
The cardigan is by Next; the jeans by Laura Ashley and the top is by a Spanish company; I can't remember where I bought any of them but all have been bought since I started blogging in  November, 2015.

I do love these boots but the heel is a little higher than usual so I can't wear them for too long. I went out on Saturday afternoon to look for a chest of drawers for my spare bedroom and after a couple of hours my feet were killing me!

Necklace charity shopped in Donegal, I think.

I had a look around a couple of charity shops whilst looking for a chest of drawers and I bought a sleeveless green knitted top by Great Plains for £3.00 in Keech as it was green and will be useful to wear over shirts/blouses.  A checked man's shirt for £1.00. I also bought some more padded hangers for £1.00; a leather brooch for 25p; a chinese looking purse type thing which I've used to put all my crochet hooks in for 49p; and a couple of brandy glasses. Total spend £5.94.

I had both grandchildren on Saturday evening and on Sunday we went to visit my son.

Day 1 - Spots, stripes and checks challenge

 I wanted to try yellow with red - yes, I like it!
Everything is charity shopped except the boots - Christmas 2016 gift from OH.

Plaid skirt, Topshop; bought from Save the Children; jumper by Mc and Co and camisole; charity shopped but can't remember where. Tights: on line. All jewellery except watch charity shopped.

Day 2 - Spots, stripes and checks challenge

Youngest grandson took the photos so they're not as good as OHs. Spotted shirt; Phase Eight. Skirt M&S; jumper, unknown - all charity shopped.

Boots; Sainsburys. Christmas 2016 present from OH. All jewellery charity shopped, including the spotted bangle.

Watch, New Look bought with Christmas money.
I started at the Red Cross shop on Monday. It's very busy and there are more staff and volunteers. I think I'm going to really enjoy myself.  I bought a pair of claret coloured cord trousers as I gave my claret coloured leather and ponte knit leggings away. I got staff discount (20%) and they cost me 80p!

On Tuesday, I thought I'd be starting at the Guildhouse. I arrived at 1pm as agreed but only had an hour's induction as they have yet to send off for references. All being well I'll be starting on the 24th...

Day 3 - Spots, Checks and Stripes Challenge
It may not be immediately apparent but this green top is very finely striped. It's by Tu at Sainsbury's and bought in the 3:16 Charity shop for £1.00. Necklace bought in the Salvation Army for 99p last week while doing the Lidl shopping.

The cardigan is from Barnardo's in Ampthill and was 99p. Total cost of outfit £2.99!

Green cords £1.00 Red Cross shop. All jewellery charity shopped except watch. Boots - DDB.

Day 4 - Spots, Checks and Stripes Challenge
On Wednesday I went walking with the group. We walked in Biggleswade and did 6.5 miles. The wind was very cold and stung my cheeks; I wore a hat which kept me nice and warm. I put on a striped shirt with a black V neck jumper and black pleated skirt when I got home - and  forgot to get photos done - dohh! I'm blaming the crocheting; once I start I'm like a woman possessed and forget everything else!

So, as I missed yesterday's outfit post I've done two for the price of one - stripes and checks!
All jewellery charity shopped.
Linen striped shirt, crumpled as linen does, M & S, charity shopped, check cardigan (F & F at Tesco); charity shopped. Black jeans; Lidl.
Black boots; Christmas 2014 present from my daughter.

Day 5 - Spots, Stripes and Checks Challenge

I bought these earrings on Thursday on a rummage in the village of Olney. They're real silver and were £3.00 in Age Concern. The necklace was charity shopped as were the bangles. I also bought a rather nice ginger coloured top with lace insets at Mercy in Action in Olney. It was £4.50 which is a bit pricey for me but I liked it so much. I hope it looks good on.

I stopped at Barnardo's, Great Denham on the way home from Olney; I sort of wish I hadn't because I spent £6.99 on a beautiful grey linen coat. It will be lovely for the summer...

These cords were £1.00 from Red Cross shop on Monday. I bought them because I thought I had given away my similar coloured leather and ponte knit leggings - I hadn't - I found them in my cupboard where I'd recently decanted all my trousers...

It was really cold on Friday; hence the fur gilet from M & S; charity shopped in Donegal in the summer. We had snowfall but it was washed away by the rain. It felt too cold to go out for a walk so I'm hoping to go walking at the weekend instead. No grandchildren until Sunday night!

The checked shirt was bought last Saturday in Keech, Kempston for £1.00. It's by Red Herring. The boots were a Christmas 2016 present from my daughter. They have a gold trim at the toe and heel and were from New Look.

Not sure what the weekend has in store weather wise only that it's going to be cold. I've got my crocheting to get on with; I've started a new Persephone book 'The Godwits Fly' by Robin Hyde and the heating will be on so I don't care!

Wrap up warm wherever you are!


  1. Great outfits again this week Veronica. I rather like that Spanish top at the start of the post...very unusual. Yellow goes great with the tartan skirt, I'd try it with mine but yellow looks shite on me unless I've a tan. By the way when are you planning your next trip to your mobile home? I've booked my flights for May, hoping it will be warm enough! Perhaps I should start crocheting a blanket just in case...what have you got on the go? Enjoy those QS and stay warm. x

  2. Thank you, Fiona.

    I'm hoping to get to the mobile home at Easter. I've started to look at the ferry crossings and prices... I'm also hoping my cousin will come back with me - she's never been to England and it would be lovely if she could come and stay for a while.


  3. I don't know if it would help, but when I've had boots in that style that hurt, it is from sliding forward at the ball of my foot. A cobbler can make inexpensive inserts that keep you from sliding, and allows your foot to relax rather than gripping on for dear life. They're such great boots, it is a shame they cause you pain.

    Love, love, love that houndstooth check cardigan. The gigantic amber-like necklace is such a wonderful statement piece too. Yellow and red look great together the way you've styled it.

    Six miles in the cold is quite an accomplishment. I'm afraid it is all indoor workouts for me until spring (I detest treadmills...feel like a hamster!) but I'm not as tough as you ;) Really, I'd turn back at the first sign of wind on my face.

    We're under a storm watch-an inch of ice, power outages, snow-the whole bit. You've reminded me I have crochet thread and hooks that are being neglected. I don't make anything fancier than dishcloths though.

    Have a great week, and stay warm. I hope the bad weather misses you.

    1. Thanks for the tip Goody but I'm just hoping I was breaking them in! I can't wear heels for very long and as for walking in them for long; definitely not - I know my limitations!

  4. Those floral boots are fantastic. Perhaps some gel insoles would help?

    You really do know how to mix separates! Everything works with everything else but nothing ever looks boring. It's like a superpower.

    1. Mim, you are so kind, thank you! Goody suggested something similar re the boots so I will check it out.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Absolutely gorgeous outfits this week. I love the yellow and red combo and your lovely polka dot blouse. You always look so very well put together. I would second the gel insoles. They don't stop it being sore but they will last a bit longer. Also, one thing I tried was trainer insoles in my boots and they have made them much comfier. They are far too beautiful to languish unworn. Xx

  7. Kellie, thank you - insoles of one sort or another seems to be the way forward!


  8. I love your cool&comfy style, and also love your casual ensembles and your elegance to accessorize!. You rock!
    I like particularly your tartan skirt and that beautiful houndstooth cardi!. Fab color combos!

  9. Oh what a lot of lovely patterns you've show this time Vronni! I must admit to being very biased in favour of the Topshop tartan skirt. It was clever to pair it with yellow - I wouldn't have thought of that colour at all, but it really works.
    Of course, I totally love your flowery boots and hope you get as much joy out of them as I do from mine. The other boots with the gold tips look rather fab too.
    I've just started reading The Goldfinch which was recommended on Instagram and I'm having to pace myself otherwise it's all I would do. I just love a good book!
    Have a great weekend x

  10. Thank you, Anna!

    I have 'The Goldfinch' on my Kindle but haven't read it yet...



Goodbye for now

  Hello again! Almost a week late, I know, but this will be my final post before we go to Ireland for the whole of September and I'll ha...