Friday 18 November 2016

A week of skirts...

I had a lovely time with my son last Saturday and a chill out day on Sunday.

Bought this necklace a few weeks months ago in a charity shop, of course!

Everything is charity shopped except boots bought online last year.

Sunday's outfit.
Everything above is charity shopped except boots donated by my daughter. She's given me another pair - black suede with gold doo dahs. I must try and wear them soon! The beads are the ones I bought for £1.49 last week.

 I didn't go walking on Sunday although it was a beautiful day and just right for walking. I'd had a busy week and I find I don't have the same energy levels that I used to so I decided to potter about at home and I didn't even bother with make up. 

 I've also decided that I will stick to just volunteering on Monday and Tuesday and walk Weds, Thurs, and Friday mornings and only do weekend walks if I really want to or if the weather is especially good. This means that I have Tuesday afternoons and Wednesday afternoons free. I do the weekly shop on a Thursday afternoon. Monday and Friday afternoons are limited by the school run and childminding. I'm as busy now I'm retired as I was when I worked - and for the last five years of my working life I only worked three days a week!

Monday's outfit. Day 1 of skirts.

 Goody of  'Eat the Blog' here is doing a week of jumpsuits so I thought I'd see if I could manage a whole week of wearing skirts instead of wearing trousers/jeans/leggings which are my usual go to clothing items. I also thought that I'd concentrate on short (ish) skirts and exclude maxis - which I wear quite often.

Everything charity shopped except the cardigan which was bought online as a present from OH.

I bought this skirt last week in Barnardo's, Great Denham. It's one of those skirts that I'll struggle to find things to go with. I have a yellow blouse, but it's too long; if I tucked it in and wore a jumper, preferably short sleeved, over it it might work. I suppose white would work as well. The thing is I tend to like and buy tops that are hip length to cover the troublesome middle area -  and they just don't go with this length skirt.

I had a free day on Tuesday. I haven't heard back from the Bedford Guildhouse although I had hoped to start there today.

Tuesday's outfit - Day 2 of skirts. I felt like wearing some orange...

These are my orange beads x 2 - again!

Everything charity shopped except the boots and earrings which are from Sainsburys.
The skirt is from the Red Cross shop and I bought it months ago. I bought the blue watch on my charity shopping trip on Tuesday.

I seem to have changed my charity shopping modus operandi. I'm going less frequently but spending more. I should think it will all balance out over the year but spending up to and over £20.00 on a trip is hard to get used to. I usually have a maximum limit of £5.00 for a charity shop item - only to be exceeded if it's especially good/different/unusual/ irresistible! I spent £19.24 in total on Tuesday in two charity shops. I went to Rushden which is about 12 miles away from Bedford. This is what I bought:

  •  A deep blue lace maxi party dress - with short sleeves - £3.75
  • A tunic in an oyster colour £5.00. 
  • A Next scarf - 99p
  • Towel and pillow case - £1.50
  • A watch - £1.00
  • A necklace - 50p
  • Earrings - £1.00
  • A  small notebook and a knitting pattern - 50p
  • 5 books £3.95
  • 4 place mats - 99p

I now have a dilemma. The deep blue maxi dress I bought on Tuesday would be fine for OH's work do but it has short sleeves. I'd need a bolero or a stole to wear over it. I could probably find one or the other in a charity shop but I'd need to get my skates on as the do is 4 weeks away. I could (hopefully) return the cranberry bought on line  dress and get a refund. I am unlikely to wear this dress again whereas I am likely to wear the deep blue dress again. I wouldn't have to have the cranberry dress altered....decisions, decisions!

I went walking on Wednesday by myself and did 7 miles. I walked the route I'll take when I lead another Rambler's walk in January 2017. It's amazing how different the same route looks in different seasons and it's also a good idea to check that the footpaths are kept clear and passable. Sometimes walks have to be changed or cancelled because formerly passable footpaths have become so overgrown. It's usually the landowner's responsibility to keep the footpaths clear as many receive a payment from the local council to do so. The Ramblers, too, take responsibility for keeping footpaths, signs etc clear and organise path clearing teams on a regular basis.

Wednesday's outfit - Day 3 of skirts

Everything I'm wearing is charity shopped. I had taken my watch off as the strap had begun to irritate me.

I don't know where I bought this skirt from but it was bought recently. The top is from the Red Cross shop. The boots are the weirdest colour, a sort of greyish brown - taupe maybe? They're Italian leather boots and bought for £2.50 from the Re Use centre last winter.

I bought this necklace on Tuesday for 50p at the Salvation Army charity shop in Rushden.

On Thursday the weather conspired against walking. It was cold, wet and very windy! I will walk on Sunday morning instead - weather permitting.

Thursday's skirt - Day 4

Earrings bought last week in the Salvation Army, Bedford.

Grey patterned skirt from Age UK - now sadly gone from Bedford. Everything is charity shopped except the jumper which was donated by my daughter - a gift which was too big for her.

Friday's skirt - Day 5

I went walking by myself today. It was cold and sunny. I tried to walk the route I walked on Wednesday but in reverse. Of course, I got lost and so I walked 8 miles as I had to retrace my steps.  I'm very good at getting lost! I didn't see this  tree in its lovely colours on my walk but near my grandson's school. It's slowly losing its leaves...

Everything is charity shopped except the boots and earrings which are from Sainsburys. I don't think I've posted a photo of me wearing this plaid skirt before. It's from Principles and I bought it last winter. I'm not mad about it so I think it will be off to the charity shop bag...I might try it on with my navy blue ankle boots and see if it looks any better. I don't think I'd ever wear it with shoes.

This jumper/sweater is 100% cashmere which might explain why it's so creased. My jumpers don't normally crease. I paid about £3.00 for this but can't remember where. I also have a navy blue v neck cashmere jumper  (also charity shopped) which I haven't yet worn. I wonder if that will crease, too? I hope not.

I've enjoyed the challenge of wearing a skirt everyday. I've still got about three or four other (shortish) skirts that I could have worn but I have featured them on the blog before.  As I like a challenge I've decided to have a week of wearing dresses next week and I'm quite looking forward to it.

I've got to Friday with only one charity shop trip but OH has just informed me we are going to Kettering charity shopping on Saturday! I'll try to be good. I can look for a bolero or shrug to go with my charity shopped party dress.

I'm just coming to the end of Jonathan Franzen's, 'Freedom' and have thoroughly enjoyed it. It's quite a tome  at 706 pages, and my next read is equally weighty; Annie Proulx's latest novel:
 'Barkskins,'  at 713 pages. It's a reservation from the library so I need to get started on it soon...

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend and wrap up warm!


  1. I can't decide which outfit I like best, but if pushed I'd say the black and yellow ensemble. Great statement jewellery...and what bargains! Went for a walk myself this week, down what used to be the Crawley to East Grinstead railway line. It fell victim to the Beeching cuts in a haven for wildlife, dog walkers and cyclists. Hope you hear from the Guildhouse soon.

  2. What a great idea to have a challenge to only wear skirts for the week! It's funny how we get into a habit of reaching for jeans otherwise!!
    All of your outfits are seriously wonderful---very stylish, yet perfect for any age group!
    And I'm so happy to see you wearing OTK boots!! Aren't they just the cat's meow? I've been loving mine to death, and can't wait to get yet another pair!

    1. Yes - I love my OTK boots, too - suggested to me by Anna of Anna's island Style.

  3. I'm glad to hear I inspired you to have some fun with a week of skirts. The yellow animal print is incredibly pretty, but I like the one from Principles as well. Actually, I like it all! Can't wait to see a week of dresses.

    I hope you find a shrug/stole to use with the blue dress.

    Can you do the weekly shop on your child minding days? If you get them used to it you can get THEM to do your shopping later on when they start driving ;)

    Looking forward to next week. Hope you have a wonderful week.

    1. Love your forward planning, Goody! And guess what I found a bolero jacket today...


  4. Really enjoyed reading your blog.Love your stylishness and restrained self indulgence, all in a good cause.Exactly how l shop, how can you go wrong?Would you consider writing a small bio on the sideline maybe?Also love the picture of your interesting wellrounded life.More please!

    1. Hello Jennifer and welcome!

      That's a good idea to write a bio and I will certainly do it - thank you.

  5. What a fab round-up of outfits. I love the cardi in the second photo and the necklace you're wearing with it, the over the knee boots and both spotty tops. The animal print skirt is super groovy, I'd wear it with red.
    I'm thrilled that you found a suitable dress secondhand. Get the other one sent back and use the money for a shrug/pashmina.
    Good luck charity shopping and fingers crossed the weather is kind on Sunday for walking.
    Its frosty but sunny this morning, I'm off to tackle the leaves! xxx

    1. I like that idea of wearing the skirt with red, Vix - next time!

  6. I love all of your outfits you are very stylish. I really need to pull my socks up I've looked like a bag lady for most of this week. I know what you mean about being busy since retiring. I've been retired for just over a year now and don't even have time to post about my first retirement year this is mainly due to childminding my grandkids and tripping off every two minutes lol.

    1. I think it's wonderful that we're still busy despite not being in paid work. Grandchildren do take up a lot of time but it's so worth spending time with them as they seem to grow up in the blink of an eye!

  7. I should make myself do this I never wear skirts any more! I absolutely love the first leopard print skirt!

    1. It's good to leave one's comfort zone sometimes! How about a skirt challenge?

  8. I have been charity shopping in Rushden today,but had to pay £2 each for paperbacks in The Heart Foundation.Also didn't find anything as nice as you.

    1. Hi Polly!

      I'm afraid I won't pay £2.00 for a book in a charity shop. It would have to be one I wanted really, really badly.

      I was in Kettering today looking at the chazzas. In one shop they had books 3 for £1.00; in another shop they were 50p each and in one shop 10p each!

  9. Well, I always think of you as a trouser lady, but guess what? You look really really elegant in a skirt. My favourites are the yellow and black outfit (great necklace) and the black and white. Very classy. But hey, look at those kinky boots! Saucy! Not sure why the cashmere is creasing. I have a couple of jumpers and they don't. Good luck in Kettering. My sis and i had a day out there a few months back. Good chazzas. Xxx

    1. My mum moved to Kettering from London in 1999 and my two younger brothers both live there.

      It's weird about creasing cashmere jumper isn't it?


  10. You look awesome in skirts, Veronica! I love all these looks, especially the polka dot top sweater one. You look amazing in all these autumnal colours. Have a fabulous week, my dear!

  11. Wow!
    I especially love the large prints but all these outfits are gorgeous.
    I really like the oversize cheetah print paired with the brilliant yellow over black.
    The orange really looks amazing on you too!

  12. Hurrah for a week of skirts! What a good idea Veronica and don't you look fab. I'm really keen on yellow and orange as you may know, but I did like the black pleated one, and also the crazy flounced one too. I can't believe how many pairs of leather boots you've found and all at such bargain prices. I look forward to seeing a week of dresses next. Good luck with your dilemma re your posh frock crisis - I certainly wouldn't be able to advise you on that. Am pleased to hear that you're going to award yourself some time off from walking. You seem to be so blooming busy, that a bit of time at the weekend to chill would be well deserved.
    Have a good week x

  13. I see lots of bloggers with good boots, but you are definitely in the top few... I think I'd have to nominate you Best Modern Boots and Vix Best Vintage Boots, because it'd be impossible to choose one over the other.

  14. such an interesting challenge! and you look gorgeous wearing skirts (you have some fabulous boots too!)
    I love particularly that orange ensemble, with the lovely printed skirt and big orange beads! you always wear the best accessories!


Goodbye for now

  Hello again! Almost a week late, I know, but this will be my final post before we go to Ireland for the whole of September and I'll ha...