Friday 7 October 2016

A week in the life of....

Saturday's outfit

I bought the cardigan last Thursday in the 3:16 charity shop for £1.00 - it's from good old M&S. Navy with a yellow trim and white embroidery - what's not to like? I also bought a grey, cable knit, roll neck jumper for £1.00 as well. It's the sort of jumper that needs something underneath; a shirt or long sleeved t shirt.

Everything is charity shopped except loafers; Tesco sale and earrings from Sainsburys.

I wanted to change my living room around on Saturday. Unfortunately, the Virgin cable from the TV only allows the TV to be in one of two places so I couldn't change the sofa to where I wanted it to go. In the end I moved the TV onto the chest and put it at an angle. It no longer seems to dominate the room - thank goodness.

I went out for a walk on Sunday morning quite earlyish as I thought we'd have rain later on. We didn't. I tried a different route and enjoyed it very much; I'll walk it again in the week and try and extend it a little. And take some photos. It was 5.5 miles and I'd like to make it 7 at least. My aim is to build up a resource of at least a dozen 6 - 8 mile walks that I can do easily and quickly. This one will be number 4. By quickly, I mean in about 2.5 hours.

Two of my brothers came over for dinner on Sunday to celebrate what would have been my mum's 84th birthday. OH made curry goat and I made an apple cake for dessert. They both went down well. My 11 year old grandson went swimming with a friend on Sunday - the first time he's ever been swimming without an accompanying adult. How quickly they grow up. He had a great time and jumped off the top board 5 times! So he says...

I don't think children today have enough freedom. My children were lucky; they grew up playing in fields and streams and running free in the countryside. I ran free in London as a child. I took my two younger brothers to school by myself from the age of 7. I was allowed  to travel on buses, alone, from the age of 10. When my mum was at work during the school holidays; I was left in charge of my brothers from the age of 9.  No harm ever came to us. We'd probably be on the at risk register today if that happened!

Monday's outfit. I've worn my first pair of tights since Spring and I cracked and got one pair of boots down out of the loft...I also had the heating on for a hour....

Everything charity shopped. I bought the pinafore dress for 49p in Sandy a couple of weeks back and the top with the big sleeves came from the Red Cross shop (everything £1.99) in the late Spring. I love the mix of colours in the top; its got every colour you can think of  - and I love the sleeves.

Earrings; Sainsburys and the beads were a present from my youngest grandson's dad.

I popped into the 3:16 shop on my way home from volunteering on Monday and bought this lovely necklace: for £2.50

It's three different colours of metal interspersed with diamonds...

On Tuesday after a morning of lifting and bending at the food bank filling up the food parcels with tins and packets; I decided to take advantage of the lovely sunny weather. I went walking by myself.  I walked 6.5 miles through the streets, through a wood and a park and back through streets to home. A  lovely warm and sunny day.

Wednesday's outfit

I walked on Wednesday  with the Ramblers - from Broom! Yes, that's the name of the village. We walked 7 miles. Another lovely bright day but with a cold wind...

Do you like my pink brothel creepers? £1.50 in the 3:16 charity shop at the end of this Spring. First opportunity to wear them today - very comfortable. Everything is charity shopped. The t shirt is from Tu at Sainsburys and bought from Save the Children last week for £2.00. I can't remember where the shirt and trousers are from.

Earrings and necklace charity shopped.

On Thursday I went to visit my friend in Cambridge. I should have got up early and gone for a walk as I have both grandchildren this weekend and won't get another chance, but I got up early and made my friend a coffee cake instead. We went out for lunch. She's doing well considering she has lost her son but she's a very brave and strong woman. She enjoyed the cake.

Everything charity shopped. The blouse was bought in a Donegal charity shop. The waistcoat is from Zara. The boots came from a charity shop in Newport Pagnell and I can't remember where I got my checked flared trousers from.

All the jewellery is charity shopped, too. This is the necklace I bought on Tuesday.

I went to the hairdresser on Friday. All jewellery charity shopped.

Everything charity shopped. I bought the trousers at the end of last winter and hadn't worn them before.

The top was one of the 50p bargains I got when I went to Royston some weeks ago. Red brothel creepers/beetle crushers bought in a Wellingborough charity shop last winter.

I'm going to have a busy weekend with the boys - I hope you all have a lovely weekend!


  1. Veronica you look lovely. I am especially enamoured of your brother creepers. The red ones are fantastic. Sounds like you have been really doing a lot of walking. It is love getting out in the outdoors at this time of year. I wish that it was still as safe for children to be out and about on their own these days as it was when we were younger. No just the weirdos but all the traffic. Glad to hear that your friend is coping. Have a fabulous weekend! Xx

    1. Yes, I know everyone is obsessed with paedophiles but it's the traffic that's the biggest danger, Kelly. When I was small it was a rare sight to see a car in our street and we used to skip in the road for hours.

      Thank you for your comments you are very kind.


    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I second Kelly, you do look fabulous! i love the pinafore with the big sleeved blouse underneath and how wonderful you look in yellow and red. the turquoise beads and the new necklace are fab, too. I've seen a few pairs of brothel creepers appear in the chazzas of late but they're always wee sizes...grrr!
    Glad that your friend's doing well. I bet your grandson felt ever so grown up going out with his friend.
    Have a fab weekend. xxx

  3. Am I missing something...they're called, "Brothel Creepers?" I mean, why creep about, just pay-up and...well, never mind...

    You are right about children not being given enough freedom. Our library insists you be 15 to use it unattended (and 18 to check out Macbeth because it is "Too violent"-I couldn't make that up). The YMCA lets children use it alone from the age of 8 which seems much more in line with what I'd expect. They meet up with friends and play basketball, etc. I was glad Danny spent the first 9 years on a farm and was able to play without constant supervision. We never see neighbourhood children playing, and it is heartbreaking.

    Your outfits are wonderful-I particularly love the blue and with cardigan worn with the yellow beads. You always look so pulled together, even to go walking.

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  4. I love the pinafore and huge sleeved top, they look fab together.

  5. I see we're having a brothel creepers moment or two Veronica? Lovely! Ive got mine at the ready. I love the yellow and blue combo at the start- I think it really suits your colouring.
    Childhood memories are so different to these of now aren't they? We never thought that anything terrible might happen when we were out alone. And it rarely did. Times change eh?
    Have a great weekend x

  6. Love the pinafore plus giant sleeves! That's bringing a bit of colour into Autumn. With that and curry goat, your post feels fairly summery, which is nice.

    It's such a shame it's not as easy for kids to play outside as it used to be. Hopefully my nephew will be able to potter around when he visits mum on the farm.

  7. Oh yes, the pinafore with big sleeves is a hit. All those lovely colours.
    Apple cake is a bit of a theme in our house at the moment too. Your friend is to be admired just so long as she feels she can let it all out if she needs to.
    Yes, as kids we were wild and free too and it was great. The world is such a different place now, and the parenting of yesteryear was so different to how things are now.
    All your walking slightly fills me with envy. It's so good for the soul to be outside watching the change of seasons... xxx

  8. Great photos and lovely finds! I absolutely love charity shops. Warm greetings from Montreal, Canada. :)

    1. Hi Linda

      Nice to hear from you!

      Whatever did we do before charity shops arrived?

      Have a lovely week :)

  9. Well there you are doing your best disco move with the bell sleeves. I absolutely love that look. I agree with you about kids and freedom. It makes me very sad to see little children restricted as they are. We ran around like crazy. It was probably dangerous but it made us very resourceful.


Goodbye for now

  Hello again! Almost a week late, I know, but this will be my final post before we go to Ireland for the whole of September and I'll ha...