Thursday 22 September 2016

Three brooches and some walking

I'm echoing Miss Magpie (here) again this week. She's been buying brooches and so have I!

I had a lovely walk at the weekend. I went out on Sunday for the last of the Bedfordshire Walking Festival walks to explore Mowsbury Hill Fort and then on for an 8 mile walk. I rarely get out for organised walks at the weekend because of family commitments so it made a nice change.

This was Saturday's outfit. 
I bought these green cuffed cotton trousers in Donegal for one euro.

I I thought I'd better wear them on Saturday as it looked like the summer was on its way out. It was chilly and wet and I was tempted to put the heating on - but I resisted it. Just as well, Sunday was a lovely day - warm and sunny.

That box you can see in the photo above is full of Lego. All three grandsons loved Lego and my middle grandson was completely obsessed with it for years. What's in this box is some of his old collection and now the youngest has got the Lego bug. 

It's great until you tread on a tiny bit in your bare feet  - ouch! I'm also, once again, constantly rescuing tiny bits of Lego from the floors and placing them carefully to one side. Oh, the hours I've spent in the past searching high and low for a Lego person's head/weapon/foot or a vehicle's wheel/light/gun...

Everything charity shopped. By this photo I finally realised my beads had fallen into my cleavage in the previous photos - oh well...

On Monday we went out for a meal to celebrate my daughter's 38th birthday. We had a lovely evening and two of my brothers came. It was Caribbean food and everyone agreed that the curry goat was not as good as OH's. A compliment indeed.  I had a shrimp curry, rice and peas and Guinness bread and butter pudding. I couldn't eat all of the pudding so brought it home and ate it for breakfast the next day!

Once again we forgot to take photos but I didn't mind. What I'd planned to wear didn't happen as after washing and ironing the harem pants I bought last week; I realised the elasticated waist had gone completely and there wasn't time to repair it or even iron anything else. I had to grab stuff that didn't need ironing - patterned leggings and a pink Ossie Clark top I bought in Save the Children last week for £4.50.

This is what I bought at Save the Children this week:

Three brooches at £1.00 each. I love them all and have vowed to wear more brooches. I've built up quite a collection now.

A marcasite pendant and chain £1.00. I also bought a bottle of Tuberose perfume by Zara which smells rather nice, for £1.50...

Wednesday's outfit.

Everything charity shopped. Next top; Next navy patent and suede loafers. Denim skirt; make unknown.

Silver pendant and chain - charity shop in Donegal two euros. Earrings; Sainsburys.

On Tuesday I was at the food bank and on Wednesday I walked 8.25 miles with the group, from the village of Everton via Sutton to Potton and back again to Everton. It was a lovely day; warm and sunny with a little breeze. Perfect walking weather.

On the way back home I stopped in the nearby town of Sandy and checked out the charity shops. I bought a BNWT M&S dress that originally sold for £39.99 - for 49p! I also bought a pinafore dress in a wool type material for 49p; a new rucksack to wear over one shoulder for £2.49 and a cute little box with drawer for £1.99. All these were bought at the Wood Green Animal Shelter shop. In Sue Ryder I bought a John Rocha top in the sale for £1.50.

I washed and ironed the top and wore it on Thursday with a maxi skirt from Phase Eight bought in a Donegal charity shop for two euros.

Shoes local retail outlet

Earrings Sainsburys, bangles and necklace charity shopped.

I had to go to the doctor's on Thursday to have my blood pressure checked. According to the nurse I have the blood pressure of a "young girl". I couldn't think of anything "young" I'd like more!

On Friday I'm doing a bus walk. We'll catch the bus to Cople from Bedford then walk back to Bedford which is about 7 miles. I hope the weather's good!

I hope your week has been to good to you.


  1. Welcome to the brooch buyers club! I'm especially loving the galleon, I'd have snapped that one up too.

    Those green jeans look fab on you.

  2. Yay, I can see all the pictures! I love the bright green pants (not so sure about the cuff detail, but why not), and those brooches! That fish skeleton one and the ship are stunning!

  3. Some fab outfits and lots of marvelous vintage jewellery there, the ship especially!
    What a shame about the harem pants. Is your Ossie Clark the modern label or did you strike vintage gold in the chazzas?
    Glad to hear that your daughter's 38th birthday was fun. Sounds like your man is an excellent catch if his cooking is better than restaurant standard. xxx

  4. Blow it! Just lost the whole comment by previewing it. Here goes again - I'm not in the least bit surprised to hear that you have the blood pressure of a youngster what with all that walking you do. The favourite outfit for me is the tee shirt and denim skirt - this length really suits you and I'd say let's have more of that as it works so well with your height/proportions. And last of all, I love the ship brooch and wonder if you too are working your way up to creating a broochpile jacket. Wishing you a wonderful weekend Veronica x

  5. You found an Ossie Clark?! Picture me jealous (but happy for you of course).
    We need to have a blogland brooch-festival as everyone has such interesting pieces. I'm such a nosy one-always love to see what's hiding in people's collections.

    Happy Birthday to your daughter.

  6. Your daughter's birthday sounds like a lovely occasion. I'm impressed with OH's culinary skills. I don't eat meat but I love really tasty food. Bread and butter pudding for breakfast sounds like heaven! That marcasite necklace is so beautiful and such an incredible bargain. Well done on the blood pressure young lady!! It must be all that walking you do. Xxxx

  7. Brooches are ace, they liven up any outfit. You've found some nice ones there. And you really do find amazing chazza bargains - I don't think my local ones ever have anything for 49p.

  8. It is always fun to stop by and see what pretty clothes and jewelry that you have picked up. I love the brooches. When you wrote about your bead necklace that was inside your blouse in the first couple of pictures, and then you realized it and had it outside of your blouse, I had to chuckle because I had noticed it inside the blouse and thought that maybe that was a new style of wearing longer bead necklaces, I had actually seen a long bead necklace somewhere else this week being worn that way, but can't remember where. I guess the other person with their necklace inside their top must not have noticed it. If you wouldn't have told us about what happened with yours I would have thought it was a new trend starting.

    I imagine that your walking jaunts have kept your blood pressure numbers like a young girl's. I don't know if it is the walking, or what, but you have a lovely complexion.

    1. Hi Susie and welcome!

      Thanks for reading my blog. I will be checking yours out too.

      Imagine setting a fashion trend - even if it was for beads inside clothes rather than out!

      Re my complexion I think its good genes (lucky me) and a good skincare routine since I was 14...

      Have a great weekend

  9. I love your brooches, so nice that you're creating a little collection!. Love your green pants, and fab bijouterie (I always comment same things!). I like particularly your maxi skirt and beautiful red necklace!

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Goodbye for now

  Hello again! Almost a week late, I know, but this will be my final post before we go to Ireland for the whole of September and I'll ha...