Sunday 29 May 2016

T'was the week before half -term...

It's been a strange week this week. I haven't done much walking; only two days and both times only 4.5 miles. I did one of the walks with my daughter, which is always enjoyable; and next week is half term week, so we're going to do a long walk in London. Transport for London (TfL) has loads on their website here. I just need to choose one!  I'm so used to walking about 3 times a week minimum and doing reasonable distances; that when I don't I feel a bit discombobulated! When we do go to London to walk we'll meet up with the oldest grandson - I have missed him.

I volunteered on Monday and on Tuesday did my final  invigilation. On Wednesday I had planned to go to London for the day, but a good friend needed some support and practical help; I took her to see her oldest son who is currently in a coma in hospital. She lives in Cambridge and the hospital is in Huntingdon.

 Her mobility is impaired at the moment as she recently had an operation and still has an open wound.  She needed a wheelchair, so I pushed her in the chair from the car park to the unit and back again. It was very sad to see her son in this state and no one knows what the future holds for him at this present time. It came out of the blue. None of us know what might happen tomorrow and it's why we have to make the most of the time we have and show our love and appreciation for the people in our lives.

On a happier note, our friend, who had a stroke back in February is making excellent progress. He's getting up and down the stairs and around using a tripod. He's having all the necessary interventions and will hopefully be back home soon.

This was Thursday's outfit. The weather is so weird that I'm never sure what to wear. It seems to be chilly in the mornings and usually warm and sunny in the afternoon, so a cardigan of some description is always needed. I've packed all my heavier cardigans away for the summer so have mostly lightweight ones at the moment.

I look at least 8 months pregnant from this angle - but I blame the top!

This is one of the tops I bought last weekend in Ely. The cardigan is an old one from a La Redoute sale. I love the colour - it's a sort of washed out blackcurrant and I knew it would be a good match for this top. Purple leggings bought on line; loafers charity shopped.

It was  so chilly on Thursday morning, I wore this velvet coat from Boden into town with a scarf - both charity shopped. I like this coat but this is only the second time I've worn it and I've had it for years! I'm trying to stop having 'going out' clothes (such as this coat) because I rarely go out anywhere dressy; it's pointless keeping clothes for 'best'. I love the colour of this coat; it's almost the same as the cardigan. I also love velvet - so tactile!

All jewellery charity shopped.

I visited a few charity shops in the week and bought a pair of beige (yes, I'm afraid so!) snakeskin type print trousers, (2.99) white cuffed trousers  (3.99) - perfect for holiday; spotty top (1.49) below and a pair of loose, black trousers for 99p.

Saturday's outfit. Everything charity shopped except earrings which were from Sainsbury's about 8 years ago. The spotty top was from the new charity shop in town; Wood Green Animal Shelter.

I took the youngest grandson to the audiology clinic on Thursday. He was born with Microtia so only has hearing in one ear, but he's doing fine. On Friday I went to the hairdressers and for short walk of about 4.5 miles. My daughter and I walked on Saturday, in glorious sunshine for a 4.5 mile walk.

On Sunday I went to visit my son and everyone came for dinner. Again it was chilly when we left about midday but by the time we returned at 5 pm it was warm and sunny.

Top: Monsoon, charity shopped, trousers bought with voucher from Tesco -  so almost free; coat: David Emmanuel, charity shopped. Yellow loafers; old, Tesco outlet store.

Earrings, necklace, watch and bangles all charity shopped. Middle grandson took the photos, so this one is a bit blurry.

I'm looking forward to next week - half term. No school run so a couple of lie-ins instead!  Probably going to a car boot sale on Bank Holiday. I'll be going to the food bank on Tuesday;  I've missed about 3 weeks because of the invigilation. Two trips to London - one to see ex mum-in-law and one for a long walk and visit youngest grandson at the restaurant where he works.

I'm  on the last of the Monica Dicken's books and need to decide what to read next.
I've got a new Anne Cleeves (she writes the books the 'Vera' and 'Shetland' TV series are based on). I've got Angela Thirkell's autobiography; Emma Tennant's reminiscences of her affair with Ted Hughes in 'Burnt Diaries;' or a new Kindle download about the Orkney Islands called 'The Outrun'. Spoilt for choice I am!

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