Saturday 12 March 2016

Birthday weekend

Yes, the fun continues...

Off out for dinner with my OH and brothers on Friday evening. We went to Kettering to an Asian restaurant.

Everything except watch, boots and earrings is charity shopped. The black and white check Zara trousers were my latest acquisition last Monday at British Red Cross,, £1.99 .

Orange top Next; charity shopped; black jacket; David Emmanuel, charity shopped.

The restaurant in Kettering is one we've been to several times before and the food is delicious. I had Goan fish curry. It's probably the closest I'll get to Goa! For dessert I had a fabulous mango and coconut ice cream creation...

On Saturday I went to visit my son and I wore my new OTK boots, my lovely daughter bought me for my birthday.

Everything charity shopped except boots, leggings and leather jacket. Tunic; Age UK sale rail £1.49, waistcoat/sleeveless jacket; The Children's Society.

I love the boots. I love the colour and they are so comfortable.

Necklace RSPCA and earrings Salvation Army.

It's been a great week and tomorrow OH and I are out walking in the morning. Everyone is coming for dinner so that's a brilliant way to end the week,

I hope you all have had a lovely weekend.

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